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From July 26 to 30,the 11th Panchen Erdeni Choskyi Gyalpo paid a visit to Chengde in Hebei Province for his religion activities. He respectively visited the Summer Resort,Puning Monastery, Anyuan Monastery,Xumi Fushou Monastery,and Putuo Zongsheng Monastery and paid his homage to Buddha keeping in those monasteries.In Puning Monastery(Monastery of universal peace),  相似文献   

From July 26 to 30,the 11th Panchen Erdeni Choskyi Gyalpo paid a visit to Chengde in Hebei Province for his religion activities. He respectively visited the Summer Resort,Puning Monastery, Anyuan Monastery,Xumi Fushou Monastery,and Putuo Zongsheng Monastery and paid his homage to Buddha keeping in those monasteries.In Puning Monastery(Monastery of universal peace),  相似文献   

Editor‘s Note: In the fall of 2004, this reporter paid a visit to the Tashilhungpo Monastery where the 11th Panchen Erdeni studies Buddhism and saw how he studied, debated with others on Buddhist doctrines and gave blessing touches to worshippers. The ll th Panchen Erdeni often visited farmers and scenic spots in the area. We are going to cover his life in different issues.  相似文献   

SkiesinLhasaareblue.But,skiesinLhasaseemedtobeblueragainstthebackdropofday,the11thPanchenErdeni,whohadbeenpracticingBuddhismforthreeyearsrunning,returnedtoLhasa.GreetinghiminhispalaceXoilingdorjePhrodrangwereNPCVice-ChairmanPagbalhaGelegNamgyaiandleadersoftheTibetAutonomousRegion.Lamaswiththesevenmajormonasteriesinthecity,includingtheJokhang,Zhaibung,SeraandGandain,aswellasBuddhistfollow-erswentworshippingtheLivingBuddha.ThellthPanchenErdeni,whowasonlyloyearsold,gavethemb1essingtou…  相似文献   

At7 in the morning, we went to see the 11th Panchen Erdeni at his resident palace in Xigaze. The building was brightly lit. "He is taking a shower," said the monk who opened the door for us. Half an hour later, we found him. Dressed neatly, he was kowtowing to the statue of Sakyamuni, founder of Buddhism. Following this, he started to recite surras: Sutra of Paying Sacrifices and Laud to Master Zongkapa. Both laud Master  相似文献   

On December 8,2000, thefifth anniversary of theenthronement of the 11thPanchen Erdeni, I visitedhim. Rising from his seat coufteously,the young Buddhist master extendedhis right hand to shake mine, saying"Ni Hao" (Chinese for "How do youdo?")Wow! His hand was tough andpowerful! He is no longer a boy. Hehas grown up, but is thin like a growing bamboo. We had a good chat, concentrating on his five-year study ofBuddhist doctrines, which is a topic ofextreme interest to the Chinese publicand…  相似文献   

At 18:30 on the evening of June 15, horns were blown as the 11th Panchen Erdeni stepped out of the Sunlight Hall of the Tashilhungpo Monastery in Xigaze into the Dorgyia Courtyard, where he was seated on the throne prepared for him.When all of the 500-odd monks present had taken their own seats, the young Buddhist master led them to recite the Sutra of Tara and eight other sutras.The sutra recitation lasted about 90 minutes. The young master, seated on his throne from beginning to end, never stumbled while the monks recited with closed eyes and lowered heads, obvi-  相似文献   

Ithasbeen10yearssincethe10thPanchenErdenidiedofsuddenheartattackonJanuary28,1989inTibet.ThestupawasbuiltwithaCentralGovernmentallocationamountingto60millionyuan.BeforehisdeparturefromBeliing,manyofhisfriendsadvisedhimtopostponetheconsecrationonthegroundsthatTibetwasenduringafreezingwinter.Butthemasterrefused.sayingthatthetimingwassetaccordingbydivination.DuringhisstayinTibet,themasterworkedtirelessly.Hehelddiscussionswithlocalresidentsandlamas,inspectedurbanandruralareas,andblessedmanyfoll…  相似文献   

WEISEROnJune1,1998(theseventhdayofthefourthTibetanmonth),the11thPanchenErdeniunderwentTantricAbhisekaconsecrationintheXihuang...  相似文献   

Talkingaboutthesuddendemiseofthe1OthPanchenErdeniinTibet1Oyearsago.everyoneImetexpressedtheirsorrowbysay-ingItwasfartooearly.Indeed,the1OthPanchenErdeniwasagreatmasterreveredbyall.MyfirstmeetingwithhimtookplaceinLanzhouinApril1951,whenIwasworkingintheEthnicGroupOfficeoftheCPCGansuProvincialUnitedFrontWorkDepartment.HewasonhiswaytoBeijingtopaytributetotheCentralGovernmentandassistinthenegotiationswiththelocalgov-ernmentofTibetonmattersconcern-ingthepeacefulliberationofTibet.Heimpr…  相似文献   

In the 11th month of the 45th year of the reign of Qing Dynasty Emperor Qianlong (1781), he gave the 6th Panchen Erdeni a painting of a Saba tree complete with a Chi- nese text when the latter came to Beijing to celebrate the imperial birthday. The ink-water painting, 204 cm wide and 90 cm long, bears words written in the Chinese, Tibetan, Manchurian and Mongolian languages. Each of the four sections ends with a seal text meaning Qianlong in corresponding language. Also stamped on the painting are four seal texts of the emperor, such as the one meaning "Treasure of the Emperor in His Advanced Age."  相似文献   

he10thPanchenErdenihasbeengonefromusforeightsharpyears.HissmilesandwhathedidfortheTibetansaresofreshinmymindthatImisshimverymuch.IfirstmettheBuddhistmasterinthelate-197oswhenChina,havingexperi-encedthe1o-yearordealduringthechaoticculturalrevolution,wasb…  相似文献   

In 1645, Gushri Khan (leader of the Mongol Hoshod which ruled UTsang) revered Lobsang Qoigyi Gyaincain (the fourth-generation disciple of Zongkapa, the 16th abbot of Tashilhungpo Monastery in Xigaze), as the Panchen Bokedo (Bokedo being a Mongolian word meaning wise and heroic person), and decided that the Xigaze area be put under the rule of the Tashilhungpo Monastery. This is the source of the title of Panchen.  相似文献   

班禅返藏问题,不仅是十世班禅自己的问题,也是和平解放西藏、实现国家统一和民族团结的一大核心问题。他首先争取中共中央对自己地位的承认,提出解决班禅问题的方案和意见;接着在和平解放西藏的谈判中使班禅问题的解决在协议中规定下来。十七条协议签订后,他又采取积极措施使书面规定得到具体实现,顺利返藏。班禅问题得以解决的根本原因是中国共产党维护国家统一和民族团结的决心与正确的方针、步骤,十世班禅也作出了积极的努力和贡献。  相似文献   

中国台湾佛光山文教基金会和美国西来大学于2001年1月8日至10日,在台北市国际会议中心联合主办“2001年人间佛教学术研讨会”。本次会议收到海峡两岸与美国、日本学者的佛教学术论文,会议讨论的内容涵盖历史、哲学、心理、管理、信息等方面。本文就提交会议的论文做一扼要的综述。  相似文献   

世界遗产地是备受广大游客欢迎的旅游目的地。旅游业的发展非常重要,尤其在发展中国家。可持续旅游能为这些国家提供就业、有助于保护传统习俗和减少贫困。但是,目前许多世界遗产地缺乏资源、经验和受过良好培训的工作人员,从而缺乏妥善管理旅游业从而长期保护世界遗产价值的能力。几篇文章或从中国遗产整体,或结合不同遗产地的情况,对遗产保护与可持续旅游进行了深入的探讨,为遗产地的旅游管理提供一些经验。  相似文献   

The 8th Cooperative Work Forum on Ancient Ti-betan Documents was held by the offices for the col-lation of the ancient Tibetan documents in the TibetAutonomous Region,Qinghai Province,GansuProvince,Sichuan Province,Yunnan Province andBeijing from the 22nd to the 25th of October,2002.The forum was hosted by China's Tibetology ResearchCenter.During the forum,the Center also held anexhibition of the achievements of ancient Tibetandocuments made by the above-mentioned six offices.The ancient documents and classics of the differ-  相似文献   

On September 1st,1987,the 10th Panchen Lama decided to found the Senior Tibetan Buddhism College of China at the Yellow Temple in  相似文献   

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