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对于古代的自由,贡斯当曾在《古代人的自由与现代人的自由》一书进行了深刻地考察,认为古代的自由是"集体性自由"[1]。这一观点只是停留在静态的层面上进行考察,古希腊的自由是一个动态的演化过程,而并非一个孤立静止的概念。真正理解古希腊的自由需要建立在对古希腊自由进行历史性考察的的基础之上。古希腊的自由从古希腊神话产生开始,直到希腊化时期一直处于动态的演化过程。由于受到地理、神话、社会、历史和哲学等多方面原因的塑造和影响,虽然表现形式不一,但自由的精神却始终在古希腊人意识中占据着主导地位。  相似文献   

在不同的历史时期,哲学家对自由的理解存在着差异。古希腊哲学家柏拉图认为人可以凭借理智生活而获得自由。近代以来,康德通过对以往形而上学的反思和批判,进而指出了认识的界限,并为自由提供了道德意义上的可能。通往自由之路的方式实现从理智生活到道德生活的转变。  相似文献   

贺腾 《神州》2013,(17):12-13
在不同的历史时期,哲学家对自由的理解存在着差异。古希腊哲学家柏拉图认为人可以凭借理智生活而获得自由。近代以来,康德通过对以往形而上学的反思和批判,进而指出了认识的界限,并为自由提供了道德意义上的可能。通往自由之路的方式实现从理智生活到道德生活的转变。  相似文献   

曲升 《世界历史》2022,(1):105-122+155-156
在海洋自由政策观念陷入分裂和战争来临的形势下,富兰克林·罗斯福政府因势利导,实现了对美国海洋自由观的全面重塑,即在国家国际角色定位上实现了从中立国到交战国再到世界领袖的转变,在利益意涵界定上实现了从狭窄的海上私人财产豁免原则到广泛的航行自由原则的拓展,在具体政策实践上实现了从反对潜艇战到实施潜艇战的逆转。这种语境重塑和政策行动转变产生了深远而复杂的历史影响,不仅有助于美国取得太平洋战争的胜利,而且适应了战后美国国际角色定位、国家实力和国家利益的变化,开辟了将“军事航行自由”确立为美国海洋自由政策核心诉求的道路。但无论海洋自由原则如何被改造和重塑,其服务于美国自身利益的目的和本质不会变,其单边主义和实用主义的底色不会变。  相似文献   

"自由"远非什么新话题,却因其在不同的社会阶段可以从不同层面界定而常议常新。现代文明的进步拓展了自由却也伴随着对自由的否定,而今社会各方面都在走向一种趋同,个性自由几乎不被人重视,而个性自由不仅是幸福的重要组成部分和源泉,也是个人自由的根本因素。  相似文献   

储安平是我国一位名的自由主义。他对自由的概念做了具有英国特色的界定,认为自由是指不受政治约束的权利,自由不是一种抽象的概念,而是一些具体的权利,自由也不等于放纵,而是与守法相结合的。储安平提出,自由分政治自由和社会自由两种,并认为中国人所享有的政治自由较少而社会自由较多。储安平的自由主义思想是爱国主义的、进步的和理想化的。  相似文献   

"以人为本"的思想不仅是马克思主义发展观在理论上的深化更是其在实践中的提升。人的全面自由发展是"以人为本"的必然归宿。而人的全面自由发展作为推动社会全面进步的基本力量,又在社会发展中实现人的全面自由发展,最终从必然走向自由。  相似文献   

“以人为本”的思想不仅是马克思主义发展观在理论上的深化更是其在实践中的提升。人的全面自由发展是“以人为本”的必然归宿。而人的全面自由发展作为推动社会全面进步的基本力量,又在社会发展中实现人的全面自由发展,最终从必然走向自由。  相似文献   

“以人为本”的思想不仅是马克思主义发展观在理论上的深化更是其在实践中的提升。人的全面自由发展是“以人为本”的必然归宿。而人的全面自由发展作为推动社会全面进步的基本力量,又在社会发展中实现人的全面自由发展,最终从必然走向自由。  相似文献   

康德依据目的论的判断构筑了他的历史哲学的基本原理,这种目的论的判断旨在统一自然与人、必然与自由,并把这种全体的统一视为人的存在的第一原理。人的历史显现为一种人与自然的结构关系,而在这种结构关系中,自然的必然性与人的自由融为一体,浑然天成。人类历史是自然的计划和人的自由的实现。自然不仅拥有极其隐蔽的意图,而且试图通过人的行动,即合目的的自由意志来逐渐实现植根于人的自由的道德人格。康德历史哲学具有双重底蕴:一方面,倡导实现永久和平,贯彻普遍法,建设公民社会和国际联盟;另一方面,倡导实施普遍的道德教育,实现道德人格,创建“人间神国“这一目的王国。  相似文献   

于洪 《史学集刊》2012,(3):66-73
柯克的贸易自由思想主要包括通过法律约束国王颁授垄断特许权、维护臣民的贸易自由以及鼓励臣民从事合法贸易等内容。柯克秉持普通法传统和贸易自由思想,对国王颁授垄断特许权进行了长期的抗争,最终推动议会通过了《反垄断法》。这部法令集中体现了柯克的贸易自由思想,否定了大多数垄断特许权的合法性,保障了臣民的贸易自由,并创设了世界上最早的专利制度。柯克的贸易自由思想有利于消除贸易领域中的封建因素,推动自由贸易的发展,促进社会财富向资本的转化。  相似文献   

This paper explores the experiences of Cambodian domestic violence survivors who have fled their abusive partners to live in NGO-run safe shelters. Through in-depth interview research undertaken in 2016, we explore the stories of seven women whose experiences speak to tensions between having safety from violence and freedom to live as they choose. The pervasive impunity of the legal system means that Cambodian society operates as a safe space for perpetrators of domestic violence and spatially excludes survivors from it to guarantee their safety from injury and even murder. Just as violence against women has been described as a major area of ‘unfreedom’, we contend also that safe shelter provision in Cambodia, albeit essential, does not necessarily afford freedom from violence, but rather a punitive safety from it which can curtail women’s bodily integrity. Survivors are too often being excluded from decision-making processes in the shelter and treated as passive recipients of physical safety. Making the argument that safety and freedom are not coterminous, we contribute to recent feminist scholarship in geography and aligned disciplines focused on the significance and workings of safe space for marginalised groups. As such, the paper complicates singular viewpoints of safe spaces as enabling environments which can challenge oppressive forces both inside and outside of them.  相似文献   

陈廷湘 《史学月刊》2008,(12):51-61
"人"的观念的现代转型是全世界思想家数百年的研究主题,也是中国社会现代转型不可回避的问题。中国古代文化从人性善,即人与至善本体(仁、天理之类)同体共在出发,在抽象的意义上把人提到万物之灵的高度,但倡言去除人的天然欲望和政治权利,造成对人的千年桎梏。由西方发源的现代人论则把物欲满足、政治权利、思想自由视为人的根本自由。在中国近代,戊戌维新和辛亥革命领导人始公开承认人的私利的合理性,倡导人的解放。但他们未能把人的解放置于理性范围,最终放弃了初衷。新文化运动激进人士在更广泛的层面提倡人的解放,也讨论了人的私欲与社会亲和的关系问题,但因时间太短和过分强调精神解放,思想的局限性仍十分明显。五四以后,大多数启蒙者转入政治革命道路,国民党大倡文化回归,少数思想家继续人的解放的讨论,但对问题的思想源头缺乏探讨,研究未能深入下去。中国近代以来"人"的观念的转型探索任务远未完成。  相似文献   

19世纪英国的政治民主化与女权运动   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
潘迎华 《史学月刊》2000,11(4):85-92
工业化与政治民主化是19世纪英国历史的主旋律。在工业化的浪潮中,许多妇女走向社会,走进劳动力市场,成为独立的雇佣劳动,从而扩大了眼界,增强了独立意识。在社会政治民主化运动中,她们接受自由主义思想,参与党派活动、宪章运动和反谷物法斗争,甚至独立开展争取妇女选举权、与男性平等的经济权和社会立法权运动,向社会显示自身的实力,不仅改变了轻视妇女的传统社会立法,提高了女性的经济地位和社会地位,而且有力地推进了国家的民主化进程。  相似文献   

柳德军 《史学集刊》2021,(1):102-112
20世纪30年代的甘肃乡村社会,战乱与贫困相依相存。抗战时期繁苛的兵役田赋不断压榨着民众的生存资本。乡镇保长作为国家行政体系的最基层,在征粮纳赋中首当其冲,民众与乡镇保长的关系势难缓冲,呈讼案件迭出不穷。甘肃省、县政府在迫切需要乡镇保长完成上级任务的情境下,亦不得不对拥有地方人脉资源的乡镇保长多加拉拢。与此同时,国民政府保甲制度的推行,打破了乡村社会既有的权力平衡,国家行政体系与乡村势力之间发生了一系列碰撞与交融。传统的乡村权力结构发生变异,乡村士绅阶层出现分流,一部分退出乡村社会的权力体系,一部分不得不与地方豪绅沆瀣一气,更有一部分地痞流氓乘隙而入,充当了国家权力与地方势力相互融通的工具。  相似文献   

In the Indus Civilization (ca. 2600–1900 BC), a society with no readable texts and few larger-scale representations, terracotta figurines were the most common representations of the human body. This paper explores the unique construction of the material representations of bodies and other material culture from Harappa, a major Indus site now in Pakistan. Hand-modeling representations of human bodies from dual clay pieces, sometimes decorated with bone pigments, suggests a focus on the process and ideological rather than practical choices in the materialization of the Harappan human body. For the Harappans, material matters as they engage physically with their world and embody themselves and their worldview.  相似文献   

Relations between saints and secular rulers as presented in the Vitae of the Italo-Greek saints in Southern Italy in the tenth and eleventh centuries have been treated in terms of identity and difference, namely to measure the degree to which the Italo-Greeks identified themselves with the Byzantine people, thus differentiating themselves from the Latins. In this way, however, the mediating function of the saint, the narrative strategies of the hagiographers and the interaction between the texts and their audiences are ignored. Taking its cue from the frontier character of Southern Italy and the local context of the cults, this paper examines the narrative representations of these relations in order to understand how local communities gathered around a cult to find support and how they perceived the political powers acting in their region. It is argued that in this frontier society multiple local frameworks of power relations rather than identities are represented in the saints' Lives.  相似文献   

Internet freedom is rapidly becoming understood as a normative framework for how the Internet should function and be used globally. Recently declared a human right by the United Nations, it also forms a central pillar of the USA's 21st Century Statecraft foreign policy doctrine. This article argues that although there is a clear human rights agenda present in this policy, there is also a power element which is much less discussed or acknowledged in the vast literature on Internet freedom. Through an exploration of both a short history and some important lessons learned about Internet freedom, this article demonstrates how the US Department of State has adapted to the information age in such a way as to harness individual agency (reconceptualised in policy terms as ‘civilian power’) for the promotion of state power. Although this is by no means as stable or reliable as some more conventional mechanisms, it is an expression of power that meets with few challenges to its legitimacy.  相似文献   

Migrating from northern Ghana to the coastal capital Accra in search of work, female head porters (‘kayayei’) find themselves in social structures and spatial orders that are imbued with various relations of seniority and power that constrain newcomers' entrepreneurial options. Yet, with the recent arrival of Chinese entrepreneurs in the social arena of Accra's marketplace, these power relations and gate-keeping mechanisms have begun to change. In this article, we analyse how female head porters perceive and appropriate the opportunities that arise as a result of the Chinese being seen by both they themselves and others as outsiders to Ghanaian society. By unintentionally enabling head-load carriers to extend their actual and symbolic claims to spatial realms that they were previously excluded from, the Chinese traders are facilitating head porters' expanded role within the social construction of place and space in Ghana's main urban market centre. They are therefore altering the patterns of everyday interactions between these head-load carriers and their environment.  相似文献   


This paper proposes an intellectual history of the idea that the later Roman empire and, subsequently, the whole of Byzantium were less ‘free’ in comparison to the Roman Republic. Anxiety over diminished freedom recurred throughout Roman history, but only a few specific expressions of it were enshrined in modern thought as the basis on which to divide history into periods. The theorists of the Enlightenment, moreover, invented an unfree Byzantium for their own political purposes and not by examining the facts about its political culture. The second part of the paper proposes that the Byzantines valorized a model of positive freedom as legal-institutional protection against arbitrary oppressive power, including against both barbarian domination and domestic abuses. In contrast to modern thought, which tends to see the imperial position as the chief threat to liberty, the Byzantines viewed it as its bulwark. Yet they too had remedies for oppressive emperors, suggesting that the otherwise well-attested invocations of freedom were not a mere rhetorical trope for them but an actionable cultural norm.  相似文献   

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