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Between the early 1960s and his death, Irving John Selikoff (1915-1992) was the dominant figure in the field of asbestos and health. He was particularly important in helping to establish a causal association between relatively low and spasmodic exposure to asbestos dust on the part of insulation workers and excess mortality rates. Through scientific and other activities, he played as large a part as anyone in destroying the American asbestos industry. This article traces Selikoff's medical education across three continents between 1936 and 1945. This education was relatively brief, patchy, and in some respects substandard. Selikoff never obtained the M.D. degree he repeatedly claimed he possessed. Questions are raised about how he attained such high professional recognition given his very modest educational attainments. Reflections are offered about whether asbestos regulation and litigation might have been different if Selikoff's evasions had come to light before now.  相似文献   

A US federal law prohibiting the provision of “material support” or resources to terrorist groups has broad implications for anthropologists and other academics working with groups who may be designated as terrorists and the populations that support them or live under their influence. The broad scope and vague language of the law raises the possibility that individuals engaging in some forms of humanitarian aid, charitable giving, peace‐building or academic activities could be prosecuted for offering material aid to terrorists. Problems with the material support law are critically examined as are the dangers faced by anthropologists whose ordinary research, writing and speaking activities might be seen as violating the law. Historical context and the chilling effect on anthropological research and analysis are considered.  相似文献   

路易十五时代的法国启蒙思想家们掀起了持续不断的争取报刊自由的运动.英国诗人弥尔顿发表于1644年主张报刊自由的辩护词,以及1776年弗吉尼亚宣告报刊自由的行动,都激励了法国报刊自由的拥护者.1788年7月5目的法兰西王国行政法院决议给予了报刊一种事实上的自由.此后至1789年7月,法国社会各阶层拥护报刊自由的人士,在该决议的框架内主要通过小册子和陈情书来表达他们的诉求.大多数法国资产阶级人士强烈拥护报刊自由,他们希望完全废除审查制度.1789年,争取报刊自由的潮流极其猛烈,摇摇欲坠的旧制度已无力抵挡.  相似文献   


More than merely a theme of the Australian parliamentary debates on the bill to legalise same-sex marriage, ‘religious freedom’ appeared in the bill’s very title. This paper explores why and how this happened using a corpus-assisted analysis of the 663 parliamentary speeches made during the marriage legislation debates from 2004 to 2017. The analysis demonstrates that by 2017, the idea that marriage equality was a profound threat to religious freedom was well entrenched in the parliamentary discourse. The study finds that the potential offence of religious sensibilities came to be regarded by politicians as more significant than ongoing discrimination, thereby granting tremendous social power to religious institutions to practise discrimination in the face of changing values in society.  相似文献   

A range of recent debates in geography have considered responsibility and/or critical practice, including the connections between knowledge production, ethics and politics. Taking our cue from these debates, this paper explores the question and limits of responsibility in research across a global North–South divide. Emerging from reflections on our own research projects, we interrogate a central challenge of postcolonial knowledge production by examining two limits to, and constraints upon, responsible knowledge production across the global North–South: abstraction and representation, and learning. First, we argue that the forms of distancing that can inhere in abstraction risk sidestepping the concerns of 'the field' by decontextualising places/constituencies/ideas. This involves considering the representational economies at stake in negotiating slippages of distance or practices of learning. We argue in favour of creative and generative representations that might be produced through more participatory and uncertain practices. Second, we explore an ethical and indirect conception of learning as a basis for alternative modes of engagement with communities and researchers in research practice. In making this argument, we do not offer a kind of formula for responsibility in research nor do we argue simply for research to be more 'relevant'. Instead, and alert to our own positions of privilege, we seek to draw attention to these two limits to responsible praxis in the academic knowledge production process precisely because they can act as important registers for thinking through the politics of conducting research between different and sometimes co-constituting cultures of knowledge production.  相似文献   

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