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The neutral dynamic and electrodynamic coupling between high and low latitudes, and the mutual interactions between these two processes, are investigated. For 22 March 1979, when a sudden increase in magnetic activity occurred, we have analyzed the following experimental data: (a) neutral densities and cross-track neutral winds as a function of latitude (0°–80°) near 200 km from a satellite-borne accelerometer; (b) hourly mean H-component magnetic data from the Huancayo Observatory (0.72°S, 4.78°E; dipole geomagnetic coordinates) magnetometer; and (c) hourly mean foF2 measurements from the ionosonde at Huancayo. Comparisons are also made with a self-consistent thermosphere-ionosphere general circulation model and with observationally-based empirical models of winds and density.In concert with the increase in magnetic activity to Kp levels of 5–7, a nighttime (2230 LT) westward intensification of the neutral wind approaching 400 ± 100 ms−1 occurred near the magnetic equator on 22 March 1979, accompanied by a 35% increase in neutral mass density. About 2 h after each of two substorm commencements associated with periods of southward IMF, ∼100γ and ∼200γ reductions in the daytime Huancayo H-component (corrected for ring current effects) are interpreted in terms of ∼0.5 and ∼1.0 mVm−1 westward perturbation electric fields, respectively. An intervening 2-hour period of northward IMF preceded a positive equatorial magnetic perturbation of about 200γ. Time scales for field variations are a few hours, suggesting that processes other than Alfven shielding are involved. Variations in f0F2 (∼ ± 1.0 MHz) over Huancayo are consistent with the inferred electric fields and magnetic variations. Similar equatorial perturbations are found through examination of other magnetic disturbances during 1979.  相似文献   

Paolo Liverani 《文博》2009,(6):387-395
直到近些年来系统的研究才使人们对罗马帝国时期雕塑上的色彩装饰及其技术有了一定的了解。仔细的分析使一些著名艺术品的色彩得以重现。比如现存于梵蒂冈博物馆的AugustusofPrimaPorta雕像以及the marble revetment of the end wall of the so-called Aula del Colosso in the Augustus Forum in Rome。现在对和平祭坛博物馆颜料的研究也在进行之中。在这个纪念碑中,色彩并不是完全按照现实的方式来标志被塑形象的地位或者来强调救济的政治信息的。不过这并不是一个大致的结论,因为同时代的其他雕塑如在哥本哈根的嘉士伯艺术博物馆里的卡里古拉大帝的肖像,则将注意力更多的放在了色彩的自然效果上。许多有趣的新发现同样来源于对大理石上装饰的关注。在古希腊时代有三种流行的装饰曾经被用到过(尽管在后帝国时期我们可以鉴别出更多的类型和简约化的风格),尤其是在丧葬礼上。在这个领域,在激光的帮助下,新的保护技术使得重要的发现变成可能。从技术的角度来看有机颜料的重要性比如紫胶染料和湛蓝染料——变得越来越相关。紫色的应用只在亚马逊人的石棺(佛罗伦萨国家博物馆中的公元前四世纪的一个伊特拉斯堪人的石棺)中被发现过。粘合剂知识的进展也同样被关注。以后有必要详细制定一些关于分析和公布结果的标准程序来增加对比以及统计处理的可能性。  相似文献   

A locational study of the Iron-Steel Design Institute is criticized on the ground that it selected potential plant sites intuitively and then examined them in terms of proximity to iron ore, water availability and minimal transport requirements. An alternative methodology is proposed. The general region for the new plant is first established on the bases of the interregional balance of iron and steel products. The Central European region is found to have a deficit in the entire product range. A more specific location is then derived by calculating potential transport costs with respect to both markets and sources of raw materials (iron ore, coke). The Rzhev area of Kalinin Oblast is found to be optimal in terms of transport costs alone. But when water and, particularly, labor resources are considered, preference shifts in favor of a plant location in the Gor'kiy-Kostroma area.  相似文献   

The E-region Rocket/Radar Instability Study (Project ERRRIS) investigated in detail the plasma instabilities in the low altitude (E-region) auroral ionosphere and the sources of free energy that drive these waves. Three independent sets of experiments were launched on NASA sounding rockets from Esrange, Sweden, in 1988 and 1989, attaining apogees of 124, 129 and 176km. The lower apogee rockets were flown into the unstable auroral electrojet and encountered intense two-stream waves driven by d.c. electric fields that ranged from 35 to 115 mV/m. The higher apogee rocket returned fields and particle data from an active auroral arc, yet observed a remarkably quiescent electrojet region as the weak d.c. electric fields (~ 10–15 mV/m) there were below the threshold required to excite two-stream waves. The rocket instrumentation included electric field instruments (d.c. and wave), plasma density fluctuation (δn/n) receivers, d.c. fluxgate magnetometers, energetic particle detectors (ions and electrons), ion drift meters, and swept Langmuir probes to determine absolute plasma density and temperature. The wave experiments included spatially separated sensors to provide wave vector and phase velocity information. All three rockets were flown in conjunction with radar backscatter measurements taken by the 50MHz CUPRI system, which was the primary tool used to determine the launch conditions. Two of the rockets were flown in conjunction with plasma drift, density, and temperature measurements taken by the EISCAT incoherent scattar radar. The STARE radar also made measurements during this campaign. This paper describes the scientific objectives of these rocket/radar experiments, provides a summary of the geophysical conditions during each launch, and gives an overview of the principal rocket and radar observations.  相似文献   

The explicit consideration of the shape of geographic features has been largely ignored in existing spatial association measures. The primary contribution of this work is the development of a new local spatial association measure—a Local Indicator of Spatial and Shape Association (LISShA). The LISShA measure is modeled after local Geary's Spatial Autocorrelation measure with distance between shapes, calculated using the Small–Le metric, replacing difference between attribute values and the spatial neighborhood defined by Fréchet distance. We provide some explanation of these metrics and show, in detail, how the LISShA and proposed moments are calculated in a one‐dimensional context in a case study of maritime anomaly detection.  相似文献   


This article shows how the ecology and nature of the Rzuchów Forest (in the Rzuchów district of the Ko?o forestry inspectorate in Greater Poland) was indirectly affected by the extermination of the Jewish population as a result of it being used to camouflage evidence of the crimes. Tracing the environmental history of commemoration in the forested part of the former death camp at Che?mno on the Ner (Che?mno nad Nerem/ Kulmhof an der Nehr) will give an indication of the ecological consequences of efforts to preserve the material traces of the camp and its natural surroundings. These efforts continued into the late 1980s. The ecology of commemoration and environmental commemoration form the two poles of this ecological continuum. It is possible to bring them closer together by furthering debates on the relationship between genocide and ecocide, while also expanding existing narratives on the Holocaust by turning to environmental aspects. This research is guided by the idea that it is necessary to rethink existing (and planned) forms of commemoration of crimes against humanity in the context of environmental ethics, with this approach leading to forms of commemoration at killing sites that give more consideration to the environment.  相似文献   

This paper reviews and evaluates the potential use of modern visualization techniques in archaeology. It suggests the need to apply and develop such techniques as a central part of any modern archaeological investigation. The use of these methods is associated with wider questions about data representations, in particular, their integration with archaeological theory and their role in facilitating analysis and shaping interpretation. Concern for these questions and with the overall potential that information systems provide to capture, represent, analyze, and model archaeological information suggests the need for a new interdisciplinary focus, Archaeological Information Science. For such a focus to prosper, archaeologists need to develop additional skills that go beyond mere technical ones. They need to become more active in the design and creation of future information archaeological systems. To this end, archaeologists are urged to view this task as a way to extend archaeology in new directions and to recognize that the digital representation and treatment of archaeological information can generate new forms of doing archaeology.  相似文献   

A monocotyledonous leaf macrofossil taxon from Golden Grove in Adelaide, South Australia is recognised as being close to several extant Australasian species of Cordyline, especially those in the C. stricta (Sims) Endl. / C. fruticosa (L.) A. Chev. complex. The fossil is assigned to the form genus Paracordyline, known previously from the Oligocene Kerguélen Islands. However, as the Golden Grove taxon differs markedly from the Kerguélen species, it is considered to be a new species, P. aureonemoralis Conran & Christophel.  相似文献   

While posterior lingual mandibular depressions (Stafne's defect) are often discussed in clinical reports, they are rarely the subject of anthropological research. This situation is paradoxical since osteologists and skeletal biologists are in a position to enhance understanding of the trait's aetiology by systematically recording the trait in recent and prehistoric skeletal collections. This report reviews anthropological studies of cortical defects of the mandible, recommends a protocol for recording observations in trait variation, and presents new data for the prevalence of Stafne's defect—lingual cortical defects of the mandibular corpus. Among the Guanches of Tenerife in the Canary Islands (Spain), the prevalence of lingual cortical defects is 3.32% (15/452), males are more frequently affected than females, and there is a tendency for individuals with antemortem tooth loss to display larger lesions than individuals without antemortem loss of teeth. Defects of the left side are somewhat more variable in position than defects located on the right. In comparative perspective, prevalence of lingual cortical defects among the Guanches is high, given the overall 1.07% prevalence reported for archaeological series (Finnegan & Marcsik,1980), but is similar to figures reported for the Avar period sample from Hungary 3.73%. Prospects for the use of lingual cortical defects as non‐metric traits of value in population distance studies remain uncertain since variation in trait expression may have a high environmental component. However, if human osteologists routinely include observations of lingual mandibular cortical defects in their analysis of skeletal collections, the data required to elucidate factors responsible for the trait's cultural, ecological, temporal and geographical patterning will more rapidly become established. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The aim of the paper is to summarise the present state of knowledge concerning bitumen trade in the Near East from the Palaeolithic (70,000 BP) to the Early Islamic period. During the Palaeolithic and Early Neolithic period, bitumen utilisation was mostly concentrated in settlements close to oil seeps. From the Ubaid 3 period, bitumen from the Mosul area became more important and was traded as far as the southern Persian Gulf. The Uruk period is a turning point for Mesopotamian history as settlements evolved into city‐states. These cities had a great need for raw materials, and this marks the beginning of large‐scale exploitation of Hit bitumen. This bitumen was traded at settlements along the Euphrates, where a large trade network was established. Hit bitumen entered the Persian Gulf at the turn of the second millennium (Dilmun period). Bitumen from Iraq (Mosul and Hit) became predominantly used in most settlements along the southern coast of the Gulf. During this period Iranian bitumen was also exported and this supply tended to increase, especially during the Partho‐Sasanian period. Dead Sea bitumen had its own exchange network, which was concentrated across present‐day Israel and Egypt where it was extensively used for mummification.  相似文献   

In spite of its importance as an alternative type of tourism, rock climbing has generally been considered a sport activity and investigated by the academics focusing on sports management and medical injuries. This study emphasises the growing popularity of rock climbing in the tourism industry and attempts to examine the quality perceptions of rock climbing tourists on various destination attributes, and the influence of each perception on overall satisfaction by using Asymmetric Impact-Performance Analysis. Results showed that Infrastructure and Accommodation were excitement factors, and low performing in the eyes of tourists who visited the Geyikbayiri area, Antalya to rock climb. However, these factors were the most important determinants of overall satisfaction for first-time visitors, while they were the basic necessities for repeat visitors.  相似文献   

陈瑞赞 《文献》2020,(1):137-143
《乐府诗集》的编者郭茂倩曾于北宋元符年间知温州永嘉县事,在县治华盖山蒙泉刻立观音海神像碑。此碑后于南宋绍兴末年被采作赵子游的墓志石,2015年出土于赵子游墓室。观音海神像碑有郭茂倩题衔,可以补充郭茂倩的仕履信息。赵子游曾知南外宗正事,墓志的出土,也可以补充《宋史·宗室传》有关赵子游记载的不足。  相似文献   

Mortoniceratid ammonites of the Eromanga Basin of Queensland, although uncommon, are reviewed and reassessed utilising all known collections. Representatives of this group are restricted to the Allaru Formation and almost all specimens are Goodhallites goodhalli, a well-known species from the English Gault. The Allaru Formation overlies the Toolebuc Formation, widely considered to be an essentially isochronous unit because of its unusual sedimentary and geochemical character. Using G. goodhalli, the middle and upper Allaru Formation can be directly correlated with the early late Albian orbignyi and auritus Subzones of the Mortoniceras inflatum Zone as recognized in the reference ammonite zonation embedded in the standard Cretaceous time scale. Overlapping ranges of G. goodhalli and Labeceras and Myloceras allow these common Austral heteromorph genera to be also confidently assigned a late Albian age in Australia, matching their biostratigraphic occurrence in South Africa.  相似文献   

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