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Experimental data based on aircraft, balloon and rocket measurements of trace species in the middle atmosphere are briefly reviewed. Some ground based observations are also included where no other information is available. The scarcity of values relevant to the vertical distributions is emphasized as well as the lack of knowledge of time and geographic variabilities necessary to understand the physical and chemical properties of the middle atmosphere as well as to monitor its stability over long periods of time.  相似文献   

A method involving the use of integral transforms has been applied to separate the daily geomagnetic variations into its internal and external parts without a previous separation into planetary and incremental parts. As a result of its application, a remarkable anomaly in the conductivity has been found at the Peruvian coastal stations. This anomaly influences specially the horizontal component of the magnetic field.  相似文献   

Conductivity measurements of negative and positive ions were made from about 20 to 35 km by two identical balloon-borne spherical probes at Hyderabad (17.5°N, 78.6°E), India on 22 April 1989 and 22 December 1990. One balloon was launched at 0158 h IST (Indian Standard Time) which reached its ceiling around 0330 h IST. After that time, it floated for about 3 h, 1.5 h before sunrise and 1.5 h after sunrise. Thus it gave data for both day- and night-time conditions at float altitude. The other balloon was launched at 0535 h IST. It gave data for daytime only. Several interesting results have been obtained at the float altitudes. During the night, in the flight of 22 April 1989 the conductivity values of positive ions were found to be about 1.5 times those of negative ions at the float altitude. During the day, in the flight of 22 April 1989, the positive ion conductivity values were found to increase with the increase of solar elevation angle at around 37.5 km altitude. The negative ion conductivity values, however, did not show any day-night variation. In the flight of 22 December 1990, these features were not seen. Instead, a pocket was found where conductivity values were very high (of the order of 10−11 mho m−1) at an altitude of about 32.5 km. Also in this flight, the positive ion conductivity was always found to be approximately equal to that of the negative ion conductivity.  相似文献   

Observations of upper mesospheric and lower thermospheric wind velocities obtained simultaneously over six days with MF Doppler and Spaced Antenna (SA) radars at Adelaide, Australia in November 1980 are presented. To obtain these measurements, the large (~ 1 km diameter) Buckland Park MF array was run in a dual beam Doppler radar configuration, and a portable SA radar was operated adjacent to the main array. Hourly mean values of wind velocity show considerable consistency, with cross correlation coefficients of about 0.6–0.8 for the entire observational period. However, agreement between the magnitudes of the wind velocities as measured by each technique is found to be significantly improved when the effect of the aspect sensitivity of the backscattering irregularities on the effective beam pointing angle of the Doppler radar beams is taken into account. This is also found to be true for SA and Doppler radar observations obtained in adjacent periods of 2–5 days over two years with the Buckland Park facility operating alternatively as a Doppler and SA radar. Some representative examples of these results are also presented and discussed. A preliminary comparison between MF Doppler and SA radar derived vertical wind velocities is also briefly considered.  相似文献   

Detailed consideration has been given to the determination of electron number densities from conductivity data gathered by rocket-borne blunt probes in the middle atmosphere, and the intercomparison of these electron densities with those derived from other diagnostics. A definition of the difficulty of electron density determination from rocket-borne probes is presented. Also, the procedures for the determination of ion densities from blunt probe data in the middle atmosphere are critically evaluated. General aspects of particle collection by supersonic probes are compared with those of subsonic probes. It is noted that strong (× 10) compression regions will form in front of supersonic probes at altitudes up to 100 km, and the altered electron attachment rates could significantly affect indicated electron and negative ion concentrations. A summary of new analysis for determining electron densities from negative conductivities taken with a subsonic blunt probe is presented and the analysis is applied to data on several days where intercomparisons are possible. Blunt probe data from 31 January 1972 and 5 December 1972 (WI),2 and 2 October 1975 and 29 September 1977 (WSMR)3 are reduced to predict electron density profiles. In the region of intercomparison, there is general agreement in the electron density predictions. The indications of electron density at altitudes below 70 km are new, and predict a region of moderately enhanced densities down to 45 km.  相似文献   

The first step is made in elaborating special methods to retrieve the planetary-scale waves for the stratosphere and mesosphere from measurements of thermal outgoing radiation. The method is adapted for the nadir sounding of Rossby normal modes of the Lamb wave type in the 15 μm CO2 band. The main formulae are presented in a dimensionless form. The proposed method consists of EOF filtering to extract a wave-induced signal and of Hermite polynomial expansions to describe the vertical structure of the wave. The accuracy of the retrievals is estimated; it is dependent on the duration of the record as well as on the number of channels. The method is able to provide a higher accuracy than currently available methods.  相似文献   

The variation of temperature in the middle atmosphere (15–80 km) at Volgograd (49°N, 44°E) during an 11-year solar cycle (1971–1982) has been studied. The temperature of the stratosphere did not show any significant influence of the sunspot cycle, but the temperatures of the mesosphere showed a strong in-phase relationship with the solar cycle. Computed correlation and regression coefficients were positive and highly significant in this region. At 60 and 70km the temperature variations were almost linearly related to the sunspot number. Seasonal studies indicated that solar activity has a much stronger influence on temperature during the winter than during the summer.  相似文献   

With the help of equations written in a spherical coordinate system moving with the terminator and which describe acoustic-gravitational wave generation, the general solution for pressure field perturbation is obtained. A spherical model of the solar terminator is presented. Types of nonstationary waves generated by the terminator when it crosses atmosphere inhomogeneities have been studied.  相似文献   

An attempt is made at the statistical analysis of small-scale disturbances in the stratosphere and mesosphere with the aid of meteorological rocket observations at many stations from 77°N to 8°S for several years.By applying a high-pass filter to daily rocket data in the height range 20–65 km, wind and temperature fluctuations with characteristic vertical scales close to or less than 10 km are obtained, which are considered to be due to internal gravity waves. Results are expressed in terms of parameters which tend to emphasize smallscale vertical fluctuations and which should provide qualitative measures of gravity wave activity.It is found that the gravity wave activity shows a notable annual cycle in higher latitudes with the maximum in wintertime, while it shows a semiannual cycle in lower latitudes with the maxima around equinoxes. It is also found from the standard deviation around the monthly mean that the temporal variability of gravity waves is very large.  相似文献   

Main features of spatial distribution and time variations of meteorological parameters in the Southern hemisphere at altitudes 25–80 km are reviewed on the basis of zonal empirical models revised in 1982. Meridional distribution and seasonal variations are analysed. For comparison purposes with the Northern hemisphere, a model developed by Cole and Kantor in 1978 is used. It is revealed that the compilation of new models of the Southern hemisphere atmosphere has not resulted in substantial revision of hemispheric-structure outlined earlier in studies conducted in the Central Aerological Observatory. Meridional distribution of the parameters in summer is characterized by higher values of temperature, pressure and density gradients in the stratosphere of the Southern hemisphere than in that of the Northern hemisphere. This resulted in greater advancement of the core of the summer-time easterly (low towards the equator in the Southern hemisphere than in its northern counterpart. In winter, meridional temperature gradients in the middle stratosphere are greater in the Southern hemisphere than those in the Northern hemisphere, however, rapid attenuation of the gradients with height is observed in the Southern hemisphere, and above 35–40 km they become negative near 50–60°S, in contrast to positive values typical for the Northern hemisphere stratosphere. In the wind field, specific features of the Southern hemisphere westerly flow are high intensity and relatively low altitude of the maximum speed (as compared to the Northern hemisphere).The phases of the annual temperature wave at low latitudes are similar south and north of the equator; south of 30°S a reversal of the phase is observed. The semi-annual oscillation of temperature and wind is less pronounced in middle and high latitudes of the Southern hemisphere than in the Northern hemisphere.The origin of the primary differences between the hemispheres is related mainly to lower intensity of large-scale stratospheric processes in the Southern hemisphere as compared to those in the Northern hemisphere, which is confirmed by values of the standard deviation of the parameters in the two hemispheres.In summer, temperature and pressure fields based on satellite data are symmetric relative to the poles in both hemispheres. In winter, the distortion of the mean pressure field in the mesosphere may be as great in the Southern as in the Northern hemisphere.  相似文献   

The basic assumptions made when a Doppler radar is used to measure the mean and fluctuating components of the wind field in the middle atmosphere with various beam configurations are examined. Particular reference is made to the measurement of the various components of the Reynolds stress tensor associated with short period internal gravity waves. It is shown that it is not generally possible to measure the upward flux of horizontal momentum with the conventional Doppler radar beam configuration in the upper middle atmosphere and that an optimum beam configuration is that in which beams are directed at +θ,0 and − θ to the zenith in both the zonal and meridional planes. This allows five of the six components of the Reynolds stress tensor (all those except the horizontal transport of momentum) to be obtained directly from the mean square radial velocities. In addition, the mean wind components and, in principle, the horizontal divergence and stretching deformations may be obtained. The power spectrum of the horizontal velocity may also be calculated using only the assumption that the statistics of the motions are horizontally homogeneous.  相似文献   

The generation mechanism of electric fields in the middle atmosphere based on the interaction between charged aerosol particles and an updrafting air flow is considered. Due to the gravity force there occurs a relative motion of air and aerosol particles which excites electric space charge waves. The mechanism is analogous to that of the resistive beam-plasma instability. It is shown that the most favourable conditions for the instability are realized at heights of 80–90 km in regions where the electron density is relatively low and heavy ions are predominant. Estimates are given for the aerosol component parameters which are necessary for the instability to be switched on.  相似文献   

DC electric field and ion density measurements near density depletion regions (that is, equatorial plasma bubbles) are used to estimate the vertical neutral wind speed. The measured zonal electric field in a series of density depletions crossed by the San Marco D satellite at 01.47-01.52 UT on 25 October 1988, can be explained if a downward neutral wind of 15–30 m s−1 exists. Simultaneously, the F-region plasma was moving downward at a speed of 30–50 m s−1 These events appear in the local time sector of 23.002̄23.15 in which strong downward neutral winds may occur. Indeed, airglow measurements suggest that downward neutral velocities of 25–50 m s−1 are possible at times near midnight in the equatorial F-region.  相似文献   

On the nights of 21 and 28 October 1987, two Nike Orion payloads (NASA 31.066 and 31.067) were launched from Andøya, Norway, as part of the MAC/EPSILON campaign, to study the effect of auroral energetics on the middle atmosphere. Each payload carried detectors to measure relativistic electrons from 0.1 to 1.0MeV in 12 differential energy channels, and bremsstrahlung X-rays from >5 to >80keV in 5 integral channels. In addition, instrumentation to measure bulk ion properties and electric fields was also carried by these and/or near simultaneous flights. Flight 31.066 was launched during the recovery phase of a moderate magnetic substorm, during relatively stable auroral conditions. Flight 31.067 was launched during highly active post-break-up conditions during which Pc 5 pulsations (> 150s period) were in progress. The energetic radiation of the first event was composed almost entirely of relativistic electrons below 200 keV with negligible contributions from bremsstrahlung X-rays, while the radiation of the second event was dominated by much softer electrons ( < 100 kcV), which produced high X-ray fluxes that exceeded the cosmic ray background as an ionizing source down to altitudes below 30 km. Simultaneous conductivity measurements during both events show consistency with the ionizing radiations, with the pulsation event producing free electrons down to 55 km. far below their expected altitude range during night-time. These comparisons are discussed to evaluate the impact of such events on the middle atmosphere.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the possible effects on the middle atmosphere of
  • 1.(i) solar variability in emission in the u.v. and far u.v.,
  • 2.(ii) solar proton events,
  • 3.(iii) relativistic electron precipitation events,
  • 4.(iv) corpuscular heating in auroras,
  • 5.(v) joule heating by the auroral electrojet,
  • 6.(vi) auroral NO production and
  • 7.(vii) gravity wave emission by the auroral electrojet. It is important to establish the maximum depth in the atmosphere to which these effects go, in order to be able to determine whether the reflection of planetary scale waves from the troposphere is substantially altered by them.

A study of the average pattern of F-region plasma densities and velocities measured by the Chatanika incoherent scatter radar has previously suggested that the main ionospheric F-region trough is formed in the evening sector by the westward transport of plasma under the influence of convective electric fields. This paper examines the role of convective electric fields on the electron density profile and the formation of the F-region density trough for a particular night. Incoherent scatter radar data from Chatanika are presented.On 25 May 1972 an isolated substorm occurred near 0900 UT after a long period of magnetic quiet. The substorm was manifested at Chatanika, in the evening sector, by a small positive bay and a concurrent onset of westward motion of plasma associated with a rapid decrease in the F-layer electron density in the region of the moving plasma. Analysis of plasma densities and velocities during this event indicates that
  • 1.(1) temporal changes of plasma motion are associated with changes in the convective electric field pattern in response to substorm activity
  • 2.(2) the electric field pattern created a north-south gradient in the F-layer electron density which is interpreted as the formation of the ionospheric trough near its equatorward edge, and
  • 3.(3) large scale electron density fluctuations were observed in the evening sector resulting from westward travelling density variations originating in the midnight sector.
The study emphasizes the complexity, and difficulty in interpretation, of single station auroral zone measurements of the F-region ionosphere.  相似文献   

Wind fluctuations in the middle atmosphere behave like colored noise processes. They have a continuum of scales without dominant features and a power spectrum density (PSD) that often decays with frequency ƒ as ƒ−β. Spectral index β is generally obtained through least-square fit to PSD estimated by Fourier methods. Graphs of colored noise have fractal plane-filling properties depending on β. An efficient method for finding β using the fractal dimension (D), based on analysis of 1/ƒ noise in galactic X-ray luminosities by McHardy I. and Czerny B., (1987, Nature325, 696), is described. An empirical relation is found between D and β and its validity is confirmed in limiting cases. Then D is obtained from power-law dependence of a length metric L(μ) on scale μ. The method is applied to middle-atmospheric velocity data from the Poker Flat radar in Alaska. Variations of D follow those in β, from an earlier analysis by Bemraet al., (1986, Handbook for MAP20, 216), but show an offset of 0.1–0.2 even after corrections for outliers, gaps, and additive noise. Usefulness of this method for screening data as an aid to spectral analysis is examined.  相似文献   

Electrical parameters measured from 115 km down to below 20 km during the Project Condor campaign at the Punta Lobos Rocket Range near Lima, Peru, are presented Ten rocket-launched payloads measured electrical conductivity. A strong diurnal influence due to solar ultraviolet radiation is shown. Nine of the payloads also measured electric fields. No large mesospheric vertical electric fields are found in the data. A calculation of the d.c. global conduction current density at 18 km is smaller than previously measured at low latitudes and does not show the conventional diumal variation.  相似文献   

Measurements of auroral-zone X-rays during rocket flights over Alaska in March 1978 have been analyzed to obtain angular distributions of electron bremsstrahlung in the atmosphere at altitudes of 45–65 km. The rockets carried passively collimated sodium iodide scintillation detectors which recorded X-rays in four energy ranges: > 5 keV, > 10 keV, > 20 keV and > 40 keV. Widespread precipitation events typical of post-breakup auroral activity have been examined. These measurements were made possible on two rocket flights: for one, large amplitude oscillations of the payload with respect to the vertical following parachute deployment allowed sampling of the angular distribution in the upper hemisphere (downward propagating X-rays), while on the other rocket, failure of the parachute system resulted in a tumbling motion of the payload which permitted measurements in both hemispheres (nadir/zenith). The observations reveal an angular distribution for X-rays in the atmosphere at depths (45–65 km) well below the production region, which is approximately isotropic in both hemispheres but with energy dependent ratios of the up/down components; the upward (backscattered) component is a small fraction (1–10%) of the total X-ray flux for 5–40 keV at the greatest altitude examined (65 km). At energies below 40 keV the energy spectrum for downward propagating X-rays hardens rapidly with increasing atmospheric depth, due to the photoelectric absorption at low energies, whereas the backscattered spectrum hardens only slightly in the middle atmosphere, maintaining an equilibrium-like form of diminishing intensity with depth. The present experimental results, apparently unique, are compared with theoretical calculations concerning the angular distribution of atmospheric bremsstrahlung.  相似文献   

Vertical fluxes of momentum and energy through the middle atmosphere are calculated by using a simple semi-empirical model of quasi-monochromatic internal gravity waves with dominant vertical wavenumbers. In this model those dominant gravity waves are assumed to saturate and break at each observational altitude by an effective critical-layer mechanism. The dominant value of the vertical wave-number is expressed by an exponential function of altitude, decreasing upward with a scale height of 34 km. This expression gives the momentum and energy flux densities decreasing upward with scale heights of 12 and 18 km, respectively, and typical values at 100 km altitude are estimated as 4 × 10−5 Pa and 4 × 10−3 W/m2. A heat flux induced by wavebreaking turbulence also has an order of magnitude similar to that of the wave energy flux. Variabilities around these values and comparisons with other momentum and heat inputs to the upper atmosphere are only briefly discussed.  相似文献   

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