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刘永乐  张景秋 《人文地理》2021,36(5):131-137,147
随着中国经济社会的快速发展,航空出行成为居民出行方式的重要组成部分,并影响着城市格局。本文基于2019年4月28日—5月10日国内215个机场的腾讯定位请求数据,分析中国城市居民在工作日和五一假日两个场景下的航空出行时空特征,进而探究其与城市格局的关系。结果表明:①中国城市居民航空出行在空间上,总体呈现东部沿海高于内陆地区,且中部地区相对较低的特点;②在时间上,多集中在工作日,且京津冀、长三角、粤港澳大湾区、成渝等经济发达地区的中心城市更偏向“工作日优势型”,而中部地区及西南部地区的非区域中心城市更偏向“假日优势型”,并呈现以24小时为周期的下降、上升和波动的日变化,与工作日相比,五一假日提前2小时进入波动期,且居民假日航班时间选择更偏向在下午3点和晚上8点前后;③在工作日和假日两类场景下,所呈现的聚类等级分化与其所在城市规模之间关联性较强,在一定程度上接近城市金字塔的规模等级分布特征。  相似文献   

郑婉卿 《人文地理》2019,34(1):63-71
“接触假说”认为,群体间的接触和交往越多、偏见越少。这个观点有一定的局限性。本文使用香港社会动态跟踪调查2013年的数据,分析了受访者跨境流动频率对“中国人”身份认同的影响。研究发现,跨境流动的频率与“中国人”身份认同有显著的关系。跨境流动刚开始确实可以提升香港居民的“中国人”认同;随着流动频繁,“中国人”认同转而趋弱。结果表明,跨境流动对香港居民“中国人”身份认同的影响是非线性的,当流动频率超过某个节点,认同就不再增强甚至转而下降。研究结果揭示出身份认同是在寻求相似性和差异性两者的互动中形成的,并因应不同的社会情境而发生改变。香港与内地的差异体验越深,不同的身份认同越难合一。  相似文献   

姜晓晖 《人文地理》2021,36(6):87-95
自改革开放以来,持续了近40年的飞速发展和规模扩张,我国的城市发展步入了“后城市化”时代。“快速扩张下”的城市收缩现象越来越引起理论和实务层面的关注,其中空间层面的资源不匹配和不协调是带来城市收缩的重要原因。基于“空间—行为”互动理论,尝试从“制度—政策—行为”层面的空间不匹配,解释城市收缩的逻辑归因。其中,制度空间通过“经济体制转型”和“社会结构变迁”,带来收缩城市在空间和社会上的两极分化;政策空间基于政治体制、社会政策带来城市发展的不平衡;行为空间嵌入个体、群体、家庭行为中,通过职住分离、就业环境等带来个体“空间—行为”的不匹配。最后,提出深化经济制度改革,促进收缩型城市再“更新”、关照区域政策平衡,扩大收缩型城市的公共服务供给、坚持“以人为本”,让城市成为“人”的“家”等治理导向与政策尝试。  相似文献   

原嫄  孙欣彤 《人文地理》2021,36(4):134-142,167
基于投入产出表构建中国和欧盟细分产业的强关联网络,运用社会网络分析法从整体、子群及个体三个层级对中欧的产业网络进行比较分析,以探讨中国产业复杂网络发展趋势、规律以及阶段定位。研究发现:①产业强关联网络的发展具有显著规律性,欧盟产业强关联网络发展形态是中国的高级演化模式;②欧盟产业间的紧密度及群体聚集趋势均优于中国,但中国产业间的资源传输效率表现更好;③中国当前正处于分配性及生产性服务业与制造业换位的转型期,但尚未达到欧盟所处的以服务业高度集聚作为网络枢纽以带动全行业发展的成熟稳定期;④中国和欧盟的区块网络均呈现近似“核心-边缘”的等级层次结构,分块网络从“单核心”驱动向“双核心”共振驱动更迭,但欧盟比中国更早实现双核心驱动模式。  相似文献   

王列辉  朱艳 《人文地理》2018,33(4):121-129
基于1995、2005、2015年的中国国际航运数据,运用枢纽度模型与复杂网络方法重点分析了上海港在“21世纪海上丝绸之路”沿线的港口地位变化,结果表明:上海港成为“21世纪海上丝绸之路”沿线最重要的港口,联系航线比重上升,范围扩大,强度增强,与东南亚的港口联系最为紧密;中国面向“21世纪海上丝绸之路”沿线航运网络由香港、上海(一主一副)的双中心向上海、宁波、深圳、香港的四中心发展,上海港成为四中心港口之首,上海港和宁波港同质竞争激烈;最后,从港口层面、区域层面、国家层面的角度提出上海港在“21世纪海上丝绸之路”中的发展建议,包括东南亚发展战略、港口协同发展战略、金字塔发展战略。  相似文献   

杨莎莎  魏旭  魏雪纯  魏然 《人文地理》2022,37(5):150-161
在城市群的形成发育过程中,伴随着城市群内部文化、旅游、科技产业资源优化再配置和协同集聚效应的共同作用,城市群“文化—旅游—科技”产业融合发展水平表现为随时间序列呈指数式增长的攀升态势。本文通过对城市群“文—旅—科”产业融合发展水平攀升规律的基本原理进行分析,建立相关数理模型得到几何表达式;继而构建城市群“文—旅—科”产业融合发展的评价指标体系,运用引入时间调整系数改进的耦合协调度模型,计算得到中国城市群及所辖城市的产业融合发展水平并进行时空演化分析;最后使用模拟验证的方法对中国城市群“文—旅—科”产业融合发展水平攀升规律进行拟合验证,探究中国城市群的产业融合发展路径。  相似文献   

王钊  李涛 《人文地理》2021,36(5):157-166
以中国31个省市为研究对象,在构建入境旅游流集散优势度与旅游经济效率耦合协调模型基础上,分析2000年、2005年、2010年、2016年全国各省市入境旅游“势—效”耦合协调度等级、耦合协调类型及其时空演化路径。研究表明:全国“势—效”耦合协调度整体水平有所下降,协调等级为中级协调。北京、上海、广东、陕西为优质协调省市,呈散点状分布;青海、甘肃、新疆、宁夏为轻度失调或严重失调省市;各省“势—效”耦合协调类型呈现出差异化的时间演化路径,以中短距离的反向迁移为主,迁移类型主要包括:HHt→LHt+1、HLt→HHt+1、LHt→LLt+1和LLt→LHt+1。  相似文献   

城市舒适性视角下长春市创新产出的空间特征及影响因素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
浩飞龙  杨宇欣  王士君 《人文地理》2020,35(5):61-68,129
基于长春市2009—2018年专利授权数,以城市街道为创新产出基本分析单元,从城市舒适性视角探讨城市创新产出的空间格局及其影响因素。研究发现:2009—2018年长春市城市内部创新发展差异逐渐增大,局部区域相对均衡,整体呈现“西南集聚,东南分散”的空间特征;创新产出的空间单元数量逐渐增多,并形成“北低南高,四大核心”的空间格局;且伴随显著的高值集聚现象,企业、大学与研究机构的空间聚集性促进了知识溢出效应;城市舒适性对于长春市创新产出的空间集聚有一定影响,休闲舒适性因子与长春市创新产出的空间分布整体相关性较强。  相似文献   

国际河流的经济、社会、生态等多重属性使之成为重要的地缘政治议题。现实主义和制度主义分析容易陷入“领域陷阱”,难以充分呈现中微观层面的多元主体互动以及权力结构和自然要素的相互塑造过程。本文在政治地理学辩证性和关系性的思维基础上,介绍“水—社会领域”概念框架的基本特征及其在国际河流治理中的运用。该框架从权力—空间关系的视角出发,包含多元尺度、多维空间、关系网络和领域建构等分析维度。研究认为,国际河流治理是领域(再)生产的过程,水资源是治理过程不可分割的组成部分,自然与社会具有相互建构的辩证关系。将政治地理学的核心概念“领域”运用于水治理研究中,重新建构本体论和认识论,对国际河流治理的地缘关系解析具有独特的地理学价值和意义。  相似文献   

曾敏  林铭亮  王敏 《人文地理》2019,34(3):61-67
“红头巾”作为中国近代女性跨境流动的典型案例,其影响不囿于“全球/地方”、“公共/私密”的空间尺度,还作用于城市尺度的实践,体现在“红头巾”符号被运用于城市品牌的宣传之中。本文主要采用深度访谈的方法,对比“红头巾”作为城市品牌构建在新加坡和三水两地的空间实践过程,研究发现:新加坡赋予“红头巾”建国英雄的身份,融入城市建设史并与现代城市空间共同打造城市名片;三水则以坚韧的三水女性华侨符号构建当地文化品牌,但效果无法等同新加坡。女性在城市尺度的空间实践值得关注,女性的流动将重构地方文化并塑造区别于男性主导的城市气质,最终作为实践空间的地方文化符号,成为城市迈向全球城市的文化资本。  相似文献   

Two China-based transportation geographers examine trends and developments revealed by the release of the most recent official data on traffic and airport capacity within mainland China's domestic air passenger transport system. The focus of the study is the uneven spatial distribution of airports and airport service hinterlands, as well as the hierarchical nature of passenger flows centered within the axis Beijing-Shanghai-Guangzhou (Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan are not included in the analysis). Among the questions investigated are the efficiency/balance within the system, as well as the extent to which the distribution of airports and air passenger flow volumes reflect basic patterns of economic and urban development within the country, and conform with a hub-and-spoke model. Journal of Economic Literature, Classification Numbers: L50, L93, O18, R40. 5 figures, 5 tables, 30 references.  相似文献   

广州跨国机构的时空过程及其动力因素研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
梅琳  苏念  薛德升 《人文地理》2012,26(1):66-71
在"思想全球化,行动地方化"的今天,跨国行为的迅猛发展导致众多跨国机构在城市的落户。随着跨国机构的不断发展且在国际社会发挥重要作用,相关研究逐渐引起关注。广州作为中国最重要的城市之一,外贸地位重要,国际化发展程度较高,但是跨国机构在城市的发展却极少受到关注。选取进驻广州的跨国机构为研究对象,通过分析跨国机构的类型及结构功能,研究其在广州的空间历程及其进驻因素。探讨广州跨国机构的时空分布过程及其内外影响因素的研究表明,伴随着广州城市空间重构和重心东移,跨国机构的时空特征表现为不断向城市东部分布和转移的过程:从历史时期在沙面的国际化经营,到改革之初在环市东的初步集聚,而2000年以后则表现为向天河北和珠江新城的分布和迁移。跨国机构进驻广州的原因,一方面源于广州区域中心功能、优越的地理和交通位置、发达的对外贸易的吸引;另一方面则体现了跨国机构发挥其地区总部管理和辐射功能的需要,并在此基础上地方和全球网络联系的建立。  相似文献   

Economic globalization in the past two decades has led to a fast pace of growth of many economies in Asia Pacific, and impacted on the region's growth in air cargo. This paper discusses the future of airport infrastructure and its effect on regional competitiveness in the form of a new type of airport — Global TransPark (GTP). It identifies China's need to forge such a critical infrastructure in the New Economy, and that South China is its best location. The Hong Kong Extended Metropolitan Region (EMR) in South China stands out among competitive regions in Asia in terms of geopolitical and institutional setting under ‘One Country, Two Systems’ as the best general location for Asia's first and potentially largest GTP. Forging a GTP will promote the EMR's overall competitiveness and hastens its economic restructuring. The paper then discusses the advantages of Zhuhai Airport as the site of the potential GTP which will also incorporate the other four nearby airports within the EMR. The GTP is also a new challenge for intra-EMR cooperation in terms of customs and tariff, air rights, ground handling, and land and water transport coordination between its airports and respective local governments.  相似文献   

欧洲是世界最重要的出境旅游市场之一,研究入境中国的欧洲旅游流对于国家开拓欧洲市场具有重要的现实意义。通过构建入境中国的欧洲旅游流网络,应用社会网络分析法研究该网络的度分布、聚集系数、平均路径长度等统计特征,和网络的个体结构位置、整体形态结构特征。结果显示:①入境欧洲旅游流网络是具有小世界效应和无标度特性的网络。②北京和西安是入境欧洲旅游流的发散中心,上海和香港是旅游流的集聚中心。③入境欧洲旅游流网络的密度低,中心势高,网络结构紧密程度低,旅游城市之间的欧洲旅游流联系不密切,并呈现围绕核心城市集散的特点。④入境欧洲旅游流网络是核心-边缘网络,网络中核心节点突出,边缘节点明显。结合旅游流流向关系和节点位势指标分析,网络核心区节点可划分为核心节点和重要节点两大类型,边缘区节点均为边缘节点。  相似文献   

This study examines how corporate governance of climate change is developing in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (Hong Kong), Asia's leading financial centre. It situates corporate actions within the broader framework of urban multi-stakeholder climate governance. In the absence of international obligations under the Kyoto Protocol and government regulation to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, the majority of companies in Hong Kong have yet to tackle climate change. However, a small number of proactive corporations are acting to reduce climate change induced risks and reposition themselves to take advantage of climate change opportunities. Focusing on these leading corporations, this study identifies the motivations for and barriers to action. It concludes that corporations are only one of the necessary players in addressing climate change at the city level. Corporate climate change governance could be improved in Hong Kong by developing a stronger institutional framework and broader civil society support.  相似文献   

This paper examines the under-explored relationship between young people's transitions to higher education (HE) and the opportunities afforded by transnational education (TNE) programmes, with a focus on understanding the contemporary situation in Hong Kong. A fascinating association has developed, over the past decade, between the expansion of TNE in the territory and the government's commitment to providing ‘continuing education’. We explore what this relationship might mean for the young people directly affected by these new opportunities, by drawing on 70 in-depth interviews with students/graduates. Our sample is, what Brinton [2011. Lost in Transition: Youth, Work, and Instability in Postindustrial Japan. New York: Cambridge University Press] has termed (in another context), Hong Kong's ‘educational non-elite’. We ask: how does this ‘non-elite’ negotiate the shifting terrains of educational provision in an era where credentials (particularly at degree-level) are seen as ‘everything’? Our paper contributes directly to discussions around young people and (international) education, and considers frankly the specific role that transnational HE plays in the education/employment transition of thousands of (hitherto neglected) individuals in contemporary Hong Kong.  相似文献   

Hubs are critical elements of telecommunication and transportation networks because they play a vital role in mass traffic movement. The design of more reliable networks in hub-and-spoke systems is a critical issue because current networks, particularly many commercial Internet backbones, are quite vulnerable. In hub-and-spoke-type topologies, any malfunction at a hub may cause degradation of the entire network's ability to transfer flows. This article presents a new hub location problem, termed the reliable p-hub location problem , which focuses on maximizing network performance in terms of reliability by locating hubs for delivering flows among city nodes. Two submodels, the p-hub maximum reliability model and the p-hub mandatory dispersion model, are formulated. Based on hypothetical and empirical analyses using telecommunication networks in the United States, the relationship between network performance and hub facility locations is explored. The results from these models could give useful insights into telecommunication network design.  相似文献   

Although a tremendous amount of analytical research is being conducted on the hub location problem, few models exist that extend the number of characteristics found in actual hub-and-spoke networks. Four extensions are presented in this paper: (1) a capacitated network model; (2) a minimum threshold model; (3) a model that endogenously determines the number of open hubs for the network; and (4) a model that incorporates a flow-dependent cost function for the spokes as well as the interhub links. Both the capacitated and the minimum threshold models drop the assumption of a completely interconnected network commonly found in hub location models. Numerical results show that total network costs are often minimized by closing a few interhub links. The third extension is the first known hub location model to determine the optimal number of hubs based on the needs of the network. In this model, the number of open hubs depends on the distribution of flows in the network and how cost effectively the flows can be moved across the network. Previous models that endogenously determined the number of open hubs utilized a fixed cost for establishing each hub in order to limit the number of hubs in the network. The final extension recognizes the potential of all links to amalgamate flows and includes a separate flow-dependent cost function for the spokes in addition to the one for the interhub links. Numerical results are shown for all four models.  相似文献   

Many studies on men and masculinity have discussed how Asian male migrants who experience a ‘masculinity crisis’ negotiate their masculinity vis-à-vis dominant black and white masculinities in Western societies. Yet, few have discussed how they negotiate their masculinity in the Asian contexts. In this study, Nepalis have a tradition of transnational migration. Their transnational networks have facilitated the development of overseas Nepali communities. This research therefore aims to study the negotiation of masculinities of Nepali male heroin users, a marginalized group in Hong Kong. By using a qualitative mixed-methods approach, it is argued that their negotiation of masculinities is nuanced and relational; intersecting with race/ethnicity, social space, and generation. In the process, discursive resources in the cultural repertoire are utilized to construct alternative forms of masculinities in school, the workplace, and rehabilitation treatment. These masculinities are pluralistic and contingent, in relation to the transnational space and post-colonial situation of Hong Kong.  相似文献   


Britain first exerted considerable civil and military aerial authority in Africa in the 1920s and 1930s. The occasional but striking presence of British pioneer pilots and aircraft was soon followed by formal agreements about Empire airbases, and operation of imperial airline service. During the Second World War, all British aviation resources in Africa were tailored to mobilising and executing military action. At the end of the War, Britain’s nationalised airline resumed scheduled commercial services to and from Africa. In the post-War Commonwealth there was demand for air services at lower prices than Britain’s flag-carrying airline offered. Private charter airlines provided long-haul but low-cost ‘trooping’ flights, ‘colonial coach’ passenger flights, and ‘tramp’ cargo flights, and consolidated and extended British aerial presence and influence in Africa. Mostly, London set and managed the regulatory regime under which they operated. Coloniality provided a key licensing element. In the 1950s, before widespread decolonisation, the authority for the least expensive long-haul flying across Africa vested in layers of complex regulation in Britain.  相似文献   

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