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姜晓晖 《人文地理》2021,36(6):87-95
自改革开放以来,持续了近40年的飞速发展和规模扩张,我国的城市发展步入了“后城市化”时代。“快速扩张下”的城市收缩现象越来越引起理论和实务层面的关注,其中空间层面的资源不匹配和不协调是带来城市收缩的重要原因。基于“空间—行为”互动理论,尝试从“制度—政策—行为”层面的空间不匹配,解释城市收缩的逻辑归因。其中,制度空间通过“经济体制转型”和“社会结构变迁”,带来收缩城市在空间和社会上的两极分化;政策空间基于政治体制、社会政策带来城市发展的不平衡;行为空间嵌入个体、群体、家庭行为中,通过职住分离、就业环境等带来个体“空间—行为”的不匹配。最后,提出深化经济制度改革,促进收缩型城市再“更新”、关照区域政策平衡,扩大收缩型城市的公共服务供给、坚持“以人为本”,让城市成为“人”的“家”等治理导向与政策尝试。  相似文献   

韩磊  谢双玉 《人文地理》2022,37(6):183-192
城市滨水公共游憩空间是城市功能转型的典型代表。运用实地调研、访谈、批判性语篇分析等方法,基于列斐伏尔的空间生产理论和福柯的微观权力理论,建立起贯穿空间规划、建设、管理和使用全过程的解构思路,从“规训者—反规训者”视角分析了武汉市滨水公共游憩空间生产的过程和机制。研究发现:①武汉市滨水公共游憩空间的生产是规训者与反规训者相互作用、共同推动的结果,经历了由空间的表征主导的“游憩化规划”阶段,由空间的实践主导的“水岸重塑”阶段和由表征的空间主导的“流动秩序实践”阶段;②多元利益主体在不同阶段形成了自上而下的趋同性空间再造和自下而上的异质性空间实践,但政府始终主导着空间生产过程,保障了其游憩化、公益性方向。  相似文献   

区域一直是地理学研究的核心概念。近些年来,如同“空间”和“地方”在本体论和认识论的变化,“区域”的含义也受到了由空间分析范式转变所带来的挑战和修正。基于这种背景,本文梳理了从社会建构主义视角理解区域问题的相关文献,并归纳了主要研究议题。研究发现:区域的含义逐渐从封闭性、有边界的、稳定的领域性特征转向开放性、可渗透的、流动的关系性特征。当前区域的社会建构的研究议题主要包括区域身份的形成与建构、区域的制度化与去制度化、区域化与区域发展三个方面。值得指出的是,区域的社会建构不是要摒弃区域具有固定领域形状的观点,而是要看到经济、社会和政治力量对区域变化的影响,理解区域是制度化、社会建构和政治上存在争议的空间。更重要在于,探讨区域在领域性和关系性之间的相互作用并对区域发展的影响。此外,文章试图廓清“区域”和“地方”这两个术语在人文地理研究中的区别和联系。最后讨论了运用社会建构主义视角看待区域问题的方法论意义,并进一步提出了国内未来研究值得关注的方向。  相似文献   

社区内的日常活动空间共享有利于创造居民面对面的社会接触,进而增进理解、提升社区信任和社区融合。基于行为地理学理论与方法,提出“物质空间—活动空间共享—社会心理空间”的关系路径,揭示社区居民的活动空间共享的研究意义;从结构、层级、尺度和载体四个角度构建居民社区活动空间共享的公共接触潜力分析框架;从社区和个体两个层级构建公共接触潜力测度方法,基于共同活动的联系衡量社区居民空间共享的广泛程度和频繁程度。在理论框架与指标测度的基础上,使用上海市郊区调查数据进行实证检验,分析了活动空间共享的社区差异和个体差异。研究指出,提升居民空间共享对建设充满人气的活力社区具有意义,能够为郊区社区生活圈建设和社区治理提供支持。  相似文献   

杨莎莎  魏旭  魏雪纯  魏然 《人文地理》2022,37(5):150-161
在城市群的形成发育过程中,伴随着城市群内部文化、旅游、科技产业资源优化再配置和协同集聚效应的共同作用,城市群“文化—旅游—科技”产业融合发展水平表现为随时间序列呈指数式增长的攀升态势。本文通过对城市群“文—旅—科”产业融合发展水平攀升规律的基本原理进行分析,建立相关数理模型得到几何表达式;继而构建城市群“文—旅—科”产业融合发展的评价指标体系,运用引入时间调整系数改进的耦合协调度模型,计算得到中国城市群及所辖城市的产业融合发展水平并进行时空演化分析;最后使用模拟验证的方法对中国城市群“文—旅—科”产业融合发展水平攀升规律进行拟合验证,探究中国城市群的产业融合发展路径。  相似文献   

在“双循环”新发展格局下,以广域乡村为主体,形成对其空间格局、经济形态、社会关系等方面的系统认知以及转型路径的预判,对乡村全面振兴和转型发展具有重要意义。基于关系视角的理论解释及其在空间研究中的应用,梳理乡村空间认知研究,认为需要以关系串联乡村空间的复杂内涵和运行机制。文章将乡村空间划分为物质空间、经济空间、社会空间和文化空间四个维度,从各维度内部、之间的关系作用以及调节关系作用的治理手段三个方面,构建乡村空间“构成归纳—过程解析—组织优化”的认知框架。在此基础上,将乡村空间转型路径分为关联整合资源、协调参与主体、建立集体认同三个阶段,以期拓展乡村空间理论的建构视角,为我国乡村规划实践提供科学指引。  相似文献   

空间、权力与领域:领域的政治地理研究综述与展望   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
随着空间的社会转向,权力-空间研究已成为西方人文地理学的重要议题,国内也陆续出现了空间政治的相关讨论。本文通过梳理中西方人文地理学领域研究的相关成果,力图建立以领域为基础的权力-空间分析框架,并将其运用于当下中国的空间政治问题解读。领域是权力赋值于空间的产物,是解读现实世界权力-空间关系的重要视角,也是当代政治地理学区别于其他分支学科的主要概念。地理学对领域概念的运用从生态视角到社会视角、从国家尺度到多维尺度,体现了领域研究的日渐深入与系统化。本文在综合既有研究成果的基础上,提出领域化、去领域化和再领域化的权力-空间分析框架,并期冀其成为进一步相关实证研究的指引。  相似文献   

从跨学科视角系统梳理经济学、综合性人文社会科学、地理学和统计学对中国农村多维贫困概念和研究范式的不同理解。研究发现:①各学科的研究有很多相似之处,包括对“动态多维贫困”等概念的关注,对“多维贫困测量与识别”等议题的探讨,以及对多维贫困分析框架的广泛应用;②各学科的研究又各具特色,一是经济学衍生了“资产贫困”概念,地理学衍生了“空间贫困”和“综合贫困”概念,综合人文社会科学衍生了“隐性贫困”概念;二是在研究议题上,经济学和综合性人文社会科学涉及面较广,对新时代多维贫困问题探讨较多。经济学和统计学在多维贫困动态研究上更具优势。地理学更具有空间和综合思维,对多维贫困时空分析与贫困的可视化表达等方面特色鲜明;三是在分析框架上,经济学、综合性人文社会科学、地理学在传统分析框架的基础上,已经做出了积极的探索。在此基础上提出未来中国农村贫困研究拓展的主要方向,以期为深入开展本领域研究提供参考。  相似文献   

罗佳丽  张敏 《人文地理》2017,32(6):56-64
家的缺失以及消费时代青年文化发展促使以“家”为营销主题的青年类家消费空间应运而生。本文基于家的批判地理学,以YOU+国际青年社区为例,从家的日常生活实践以及家的归属感与身份认同两方面探讨了青年类家消费空间进行“家”的再造过程。研究表明,青年类家消费空间通过物质空间与想象、青春化的日常生活实践以及社会网络的拓展与重构,将住房建构为充满社会与情感意义的地方,以“类家庭”的形式弥补了都市青年家庭生活和眷属关系的缺失,促进其身份认同和归属感的形成与表达。结合本土社会文化语境,本文从青年视角对家的批判地理学进行补充,亦弥补了地理学对家与青年文化空间研究的不足。  相似文献   

哈格斯特朗与布迪厄作为同一时代的学术巨擘,他们的时间地理学与实践理论皆在各自学科领域占据着重要的研究阵地,然而由于学科体系的分化,两种学术理论至今仍“各自为战”。本研究希望以时间地理学与实践理论的互构为契机,拓展空间理论图景。首先,本文分析了时间地理学与实践理论在认识论层面上的亲和性;其次,阐述了时间地理学与实践理论在方法论层面上的地理空间与社会空间以及它们的应用场景;第三,在认识论与方法论的基础上,通过贯通时间地理学与实践理论的概念,提出了一套“地理空间-群体-社会空间”研究框架;最终,在实践层面上提出了研究展望。值此,希望为探索社会空间综合体的本质与深化关于空间议题的思考增加新的体悟。  相似文献   

We argue that the search for rural regimes in particular localities can be usefully advanced through the deployment of a sensitive and suitably nuanced conceptualization of institutional thickness. Empirical validation of this theoretical framework with reference to Languedoc viticulture offers substantial evidence of the interdependency between regime building maintenance and stability, and local institutional integrity. The theoretical framework developed here, based on the notions of consensus and concrete institutions , also provides an analytically rigorous approach for understanding the complex rescaling of the political economy of rural governance, not least by offering some indication of the scalar rationale for consensus compatibility and partnership building between elites situated at different politico-geographic scales. We contend that an understanding of this shared logic of action among local and extra-local administrative and political elites is crucial to the restructuring process unfolding in European rural regions.  相似文献   

《Political Geography》2006,25(2):181-202
Efforts to understand the geographical and political complexities of transboundary river basins—both within national jurisdictions and at international levels—must embrace critical interdisciplinary perspectives. In this paper, we focus attention on underdeveloped aspects of transboundary water conflicts and cooperation—e.g., how ecological understandings of river basins are transformed within transboundary institutional arrangements; the way multiple actors in transboundary basins construct geographical scales; and how control over water is represented and exercised within governance and management institutions. We advance the notion of critical hydropolitics as a way of explicating these processes. We draw on a case study of conflict over and within the transboundary waters of the Mekong River basin to illustrate this approach. Our aim is to complement and extend ongoing research and policy debates concerning transboundary waters.  相似文献   

An entropy-maximizing model of the geographic deployment of power by states is derived from a minimal set of assumptions about the system's operation. The outcome is a production-constrained gravity model. This is manipulated to yield the general expression for the boundary between the spheres of influence of competing powers. Even in this simplest of forms, the model provides a logically consistent theoretical framework with which to view the outcomes of major geopolitical changes. The elaboration and disaggregation of the model to tackle finer adjustments would not be difficult.  相似文献   

刘晓凤  王雨  葛岳静 《人文地理》2018,33(5):123-132
国际非政府组织(INGO)在国际环境政治中发挥着日益重要的角色,也是中国"一带一路"走出去的关键影响要素之一。批判地缘政治关注主权国家之外的非政府行为体,同时对权力概念提出了新的理解。借助其思想,本文指出国际环境政治中INGO的作用,并通过尺度-权力框架分析其行动和角色。发现:①INGO在环境等国际公共事务上作用不断凸显;②INGO在多个尺度上通过不同的权力影响环境政治;③INGO与政府存在依赖、合作和对抗等不同的互动关系。因此,应处理好与INGO的关系,借助其独特的权力助力"一带一路"建设。  相似文献   

The evident failures of international peacebuilding and statebuilding interventions (PSBIs) have recently prompted a focus on the interaction between interventions and target societies and states. Especially popular has been the ‘hybridity’ approach, which understands forms of peace and governance emerging through the mixing of local and international agendas and institutions. This article argues that hybridity is a highly problematic optic. Despite contrary claims, hybridity scholarship falsely dichotomizes ‘local’ and ‘international’ ideal‐typical assemblages, and incorrectly presents outcomes as stemming from conflict and accommodation between them. Scholarship in political geography and state theory provides better tools for explaining PSBIs’ outcomes as reflecting socio‐political contestation over power and resources. We theorize PSBIs as involving a politics of scale, where different social forces promote and resist alternative scales and modes of governance, depending on their interests and agendas. Contestation between these forces, which may be located at different scales and involved in complex, tactical, multi‐scalar alliances, explains the uneven outcomes of international intervention. We demonstrate this using a case study of East Timor, focusing on decentralization and land policy.  相似文献   

Stormwater is a complex political and geographical problem. It is at once bound to land-use decisions, tied to geographical features such as lakes and rivers, and capable of flowing across different political boundaries and jurisdictions. In this paper, I empirically focus on how disparate understandings of stormwater are forged through different institutional arrangements and the ways multiple actors interact across scales of governance in Los Angeles. The results indicate four discourses influence decisions on urban stormwater management and are articulated through different forms of knowledge and power in environmental governance. The discourses diverge over contrasting perspectives on infrastructural interventions, the role of economic approaches, and the need for new institutions and rules. I suggest that disagreement may not deter integration and collaboration across different scales of governance, but without addressing conflict over key discursive claims about how stormwater governance should proceed, broadly accepted outcomes may remain elusive. With current trends in environmental governance moving towards hybrid forms that bring together groups that transcend traditional organizational structures, this paper reveals how more sustainable outcomes are being devised through current configurations of knowledge and power.  相似文献   

The dawn of the twenty-first century witnessed a new wave of multilateral initiatives in the Asia-Pacific. By integrating institutional balancing theory and role theory, the author proposes a new theoretical framework—‘balance of roles’—to explain the variations in institutional strategies by different states. It is argued that a state’s role conception will shape its institutional balancing strategies in an order transition period. An order defender, like the USA, is more likely to adopt exclusive institutional balancing to exclude its target from its dominated institutions. An order challenger, such as China, will choose both inclusive and exclusive institutional balancing to maximise its own power and legitimacy in a new international order. As a kingmaker, a proactive second-tier state is more likely to pick an inter-institutional balancing strategy to initiate new institutions for competing for influence with existing institutions. An institutionalised order transition might be more peaceful than widely perceived.  相似文献   

This paper examines the links between Cold War geopolitics and economic development to explain the relatively rapid proliferation of the concept of river basin development throughout so-called “developing areas” of Asia, the Middle East, Africa and Latin America during the latter half of the twentieth century. The research focuses on the United States Bureau of Reclamation, the most significant water resource development agency of the US government, and its engagement in what it termed “foreign activities” beginning in the aftermath of World War II. Grounded in recent work on technopolitics, the constructed scales of water resource development, and histories of the “global” Cold War, this research examines the advancement of water resource development in the Litani River basin in Lebanon—as guided by staff of the US Bureau of Reclamation—during the period from 1950 to 1970. The Bureau operated as a geopolitical agent attempting to implement a universalized model of river basin development, but encountered continuous difficulties in the form of political and biophysical contingencies. The Bureau’s efforts, centred on the basin as the most appropriate unit of development, were consistently undercut by scale-making projects related to global and regional geopolitical concerns. The research concludes that understandings of the technopolitics of development interventions would benefit from a closer engagement with recent discussions regarding the construction of spatial scale within political geography and related fields. River basin development and its material transformation of multiple locales remains one of the largely neglected, but vitally important, legacies of Cold War geopolitics.  相似文献   

何光强  宋秀琚 《人文地理》2014,29(2):113-122
地缘政治分析离不开地图。在全球地缘政治分析中,作为世界地图基本空间框架的地图投影通过变形为人们架起了一座"认知的桥梁"--一种空间认知的视角,包括结构、中心方位、距离和面积四种认知。它们在人脑中组合成世界意象地图,为全球地缘政治分析营造了一个多维的空间思维条件。世界观念研究、地缘动态研究,地区研究和全球性问题研究都离不开全球地图投影。总之,地图投影对于国际关系研究具有重要价值。  相似文献   

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