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第二轮志书编修中需要探索与研究的5个共性问题是:1·改革与开放是两个问题,应分开记述;2·要准确、客观地记述负面信息;3·要根据当今社会的客观实际来处理越境而书;4·要遵循以人为本的原则,加大以事系人的力度;5·要确保大事记的时限范围与志书上、下限相吻合,并以纪事本末的记述形式来设立大事纪略。  相似文献   

大事记与概述、分志共同构成志书记事框架。编年体是大事记事条编排体例,纪事本末体则是事条记述体例。大事记事条记述要注意完整性,切忌割裂事件,分述过细;又要充分注意相对于各分志的提要性,以免事条设置过粗,造成大事遗漏。  相似文献   

志书大事记编写浅议张华玲在《安徽地方志》2012年第1期上发表文章指出,一部高质量的大事记,就是一条贯穿志书始终的大动脉,既有助于读者全面、准确地了解该地方历史的概况,又能给历史研究者提供可靠的线索与脉络。大事记提纲挈领,通贯古今,在志书中一般置于卷首,所占地位举足轻重。编写大事记,要选准"大事"。"大事"  相似文献   

目前,如何在志书编写中精准把握质量标准,仍然是一个非常重要的课题。志书质量高低的评价体系,不是单一的,应该是一个综合的评价体系。要保证志书质量,必须把握记述内容的完整准确、重要史实不能缺漏;记述要有一定深度,不能从轻、从简;叙事排列要有序、详略应得当;纵项不能断主限、时间要清晰;记述要严谨,内容不空泛;篇目设置需合理,命题要准确;前后规范有标准,体例要统一。  相似文献   

大事记是志书的重要组成部分.与志书中其他篇(卷)采取横向展开的形式不同,大事记是将本地发生的大事、要事按照时间顺序进行纵向记述.简明扼要地勾勒出一个地区历史发展的基本脉络.  相似文献   

地方综合年鉴设立"大事记"类目,记述上一年度发生大事。本文从收录范围、编写要求、各类型大事记述要点三方面谈谈如何编纂好大事记。大事记编纂,做到"大事突出、要事不漏、小事不收"。大事内容准确,语言精炼,特色鲜明,亮点突出。  相似文献   

(大事记),是志书的重要组成部分,是志书的一条纵贯线,大都开篇首列。其记载内容与志书主体内容相互照应,使人读后对该地方的历史脉络大致了了,能起到提纲挈领的作用,其目的不可忽视。现已出版的志书《大事记)多采用编年体,这是日志大事记述体例的继承和沿用。  相似文献   

任根珠 《沧桑》2012,(1):15-18
大事记是志书中不可缺少的重要组成部分,概述篇以"面",大事记以"线",双管齐下,经纬交织,提纲挈领,统领全志;解决好二轮市县续志大事记编写中的体例规范问题、接续前志问题、篇幅控制问题、大事的筛选与取舍问题、写作手法与文风问题等,有利于保证和提高续志的质量。  相似文献   

任根珠 《沧桑》2012,(2):10-13
大事记是志书中不可缺少的重要组成部分,概述篇以"面",大事记以"线",双管齐下,经纬交织,提纲挈领,统领全志;解决好二轮市县续志大事记编写中的体例规范问题、接续前志问题、篇幅控制问题、大事的筛选与取舍问题、写作手法与文风问题等,有利于保证和提高续志的质量。  相似文献   

本文以深圳市修志实践为例,探索志书记述经济部类改革开放内容的经验和体会,认为志书要记述好经济部类的改革开放,应正确认识新事物和新行业;要明确新事物的记述主体;要采用集中与分散相结合记述好经济体制改革;注意论述改革发展的背景和原因;要客观记述好困难与挫折、失败与教训;要把握好"创新"、"第一"、"之最"等事件的记述;要记述好有意义的小事件和没有成功的事件;要记述好在经济发展过程中起重要作用的人和企业.  相似文献   

刘太祥 《史学月刊》2002,7(8):101-104
中国传统史编纂坚持求真的原则,用实事求是的态度,采取科学的方法,广泛地搜集史料,精审地考证和选择史料,保证史料的客观性;秉笔直书,评价公允,真实地反映历史面貌,客观地探讨历史发展规律,体现出先进的思想;保存了大量的科学内容,为人们提供了智力支持和精神动力,达到了史学经世致用的目的。  相似文献   

The advent of glaze-painted ceramics by Ancestral Pueblo peoples in the US Southwest occurred during an important period of cultural change. In east-central Arizona, potters used glaze-paints to decorate a striking, representational-style pottery during the early fourteenth-century AD. We evaluate the possibility that these vessels were manufactured by emergent specialists who possessed crafting-knowledge that was not widely shared with others in their communities. Time of flight-laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (TOF-LA-ICP-MS) was used to characterize the composition of a large sample of red ware sherds from sites in the Silver Creek area. This analytical approach precisely measures the chemical composition of paints, which can then be used to model ancient technological “recipes.” Our study highlights the complexities of craft production in small-scale societies and the utility of practice-based versus typological approaches to specialization.  相似文献   

Debates over Italian growth (or lack thereof) are often conducted without due regard for the facts and statistics on which they are based. For instance, those who see Italy as being in decline lament the static production, the lack of increase in productivity, the loss of share in international markets and the lack of sophistication in industrial goods compared with high-tech products. Some call for greater emphasis on services, others want manufacturing to be abandoned, while others see the future in artisanship. These issues are important, because flawed judgement of Italian performance could lead to deterioration in the results expected at the critical financial market phases, beyond what might be justified by the facts. The purpose of this article is to establish a micro- and macro-framework to interpret the problems correctly, given the inconsistency of statistical data currently used, and to offer some solutions for long-term growth. The latter, in particular, should be seen in the context of a transformation process, induced on the one hand by the crisis in large-scale enterprise, and on the other by the emergence of a new class of medium-sized businesses, dubbed the “fourth capitalism”, with high innovation capabilities. The transformation that the Italian industrial system is experiencing enables the country to maintain its share of global markets. The new production structure originates largely from local production systems, is family-owned and tends to borrow little, operate in networks and retain its local roots, which is precisely why it represents a new and efficient driver of Italian growth.  相似文献   

研究和编纂史书,弄清史实很重要,但是,光有史实还不能成为史书。由史料成为史书,观点是不可缺少的。观点体现在史料的鉴别真伪和取舍主次上,体现在对史料的分析上。而这归根结底取决于站在什么立场上。这一点,古今中外,概莫能外。因此,研究和编纂国史,必须要站在马克思主义的立场上,遵循马克思主义的观点和方法。  相似文献   

Kinship systems cannot be analysed as straightforward translations of the ‘facts of nature’ when those facts are limited to the production of a child by a heterosexual couple. Based upon analyses of three New Guinea societies (Gimi, Daribi, and Iatmul), I suggest that kinship systems take account – often by denying – certain ‘facts’ of human reproduction when those facts are extended beyond coitus and parturition to include both the very long period of infantile dependence upon one significant caregiver (always the mother in the societies in question and nearly universally) and the subsequent requirement for the child to be extracted from a dyadic maternal universe. Separation from mother is as critical to the survival and development of the individual as is the original prolonged and intense attachment to her. The question, then, is not whether indigenous peoples accurately understand coitus and conception – they do – but rather the ways in which they manipulate that knowledge in rules and rites of kinship in order to manage the growth and development of a child long after parturition. Rules of kinship and social relations neither ignore nor exist apart from theories of procreation as many anthropologists now claim. Rather, it is precisely because theories of procreation indicate and idealise the flow of bodily substance during coitus and pregnancy that they serve as organisational premises for social relations. The fact that kinship is a symbolic construction does not mean that it is wholly ideological nor, like a language, free to vary in ways that are arbitrary and unconnected to the ‘facts of life’ as Westerners understand them. Even when interlocutors openly deny such understanding and knowledge, especially of the male role in coitus and conception, evidence to the contrary is abundantly provided in myth, ritual, and indigenous theories of procreation. What kinship systems often do show, however, is a strategic denial of the role of the mother who, upon deeper understanding of indigenous concepts of procreation, turns out to be a ‘sterile vessel’ or without substantial contribution to her child. I illustrate this premise by extending earlier analyses of Gimi kinship and reexamining certain materials on neighbouring Daribi provided by Roy Wagner and on Iatmul peoples of the Sepik River as originally described in Naven by Gregory Bateson eighty years ago.  相似文献   

邓小平评价历史的方法论原则是邓小平方法论中的一个重要组成部分,主要包括以下内容:实事求是;着眼于全局和未来;恰如其分;宜粗不宜细;具体问题具体分析。它是一个融科学标准、政治标准、价值标准和策略方法为~体的完整体系,各部分之间互相依存,有着内在的逻辑联系。其中,实事求是是最基本的科学评价方法,是这个体系的基础和核心;着眼于全局和未来是邓小平评价历史的根本目的和重要方法;其他的方法论原则都是以实事求是为基础、为评价历史的根本目的服务的。  相似文献   

王和 《史学月刊》2008,(11):103-110
是否遵循实事求是的方法论原则,是判定唯物史观还是唯心史观的根本标志,也是二者判然有别的分水岭。唯物史观不以任何先验的东西为前提,唯心史观则相反。凡是不遵循实事求是方法论原则乃至有意违反这一原则的历史观,毫无疑问一定是唯心史观,而绝非唯物史观。根据实事求是原则去考察历史,符合过去人们所理解的五种社会形态理论本来所规定的意义和内涵,因生产力不断发展而导致五种社会形态依次演进更替的例子,在人类历史上并不存在。  相似文献   

宋代欧阳修的正统论在中国史学思想史上占有重要地位。欧阳修在不同文章中 ,对正统标准的阐释也不一致。有时批判前人于对峙分裂历史时期强立一国为正统的做法 ,从而将曹魏与五代各国排除于正统秩序之外 ,有时又承认二者的正统地位。欧阳修的论述实际上构成了正统二重标准 ,即史学 (史书纪实 )的标准与政治 (德义 )的标准。其矛盾既暴露出史家正统理论与修史实践之间的悖离 ,又体现了“封建史学的二重性”。  相似文献   

文化传播和迁徙是导致考古学文化变迁的重要因素.我们既要审慎地对待考古学文化传播与迁徙的复杂状况,对具体问题作出具体的分析;又要从大量存在的文化传播和迁徙的历史事实中尽可能总结出一些普遍性和规律性的模式,并不断丰富和完善这些模式.  相似文献   

顾栋高花费一生的大部分时间 ,并藉众贤之力 ,著成《春秋大事表》。从内容上说 ,此书不但对春秋学进行了重新探讨和总结 ,而且重地理 ;从体例上说 ,表、图与论相结合 ,且许多表具有浓厚的纪事本末体的特点。由于这部著作对研究春秋史具有重要价值 ,因此在二十世纪很受学者的重视 ,成为后人研究春秋史不可缺少的工具书之一  相似文献   

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