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Eyewitness to Changes in TibetEyewitnesstoChangesinTibet¥LIJIASHENGEyewitnesstoChangesinTibetChigranjanNareshSawart,afamousIn...  相似文献   

The Tibetan Plateau, known as the Roof of the World, is the place where people of the Tibetan ethnic group live and multiply. Here Was a Stretch of Ancient Sea Originally The plateau used to be a part of the ancient sea, but became land when the waters receded during the late Eocene Epoch about 10 million years ago. The nse of the Himalayas, and behind the towering mountain ranges the Tibetan Plateau, was one of the greatest events in world geological history. Although this occurred some…  相似文献   

ThecityofLhasa,built1363yearsagoduringtheTuboXingdom,ishometothekeycivilization-heFJokhangMonastery.Inthiscity,therearemanyotherfamousmonasteriesandfineexamplesofancientarchitectllre.ButIhavetopaintyouadifferentpicture:In1951,whenIfirstsetfoottoLhasa,Isaw…  相似文献   

The “roof of the world” rose some 100 million years ago. Given its poor natural conditions, this region was a world of rocks, ravines and valleys. Legs were the chief means of transport then.  相似文献   

The surest air in the world; and the bluest sky in the world. This is what I firstsaw in Tibet when I got there some 20 years ago.Under the blinding sun-shine were men wrapped up in sheep hides. With chests and arms exposed to the air, they chatted merrily with girls with deeply sun-tanned cheeks.Out of my love for art, I spent one year there. I lived in Tibetan wooden or felt huts, drank buttered tea and qingke barley wine together with my Tibetan friends. With cutting knives and pens, I …  相似文献   

The Tibetan Areas Development Study Group of theCAS, led by research fellow Wan Luolin (who is thehead of the CAS Learning Advisory Committee andoriginal administrative vice president) and researchfellow Zhu Ling (deputy director of CAS Economic ResearchInstitute), developed the extensive research activities in theTibetan-inhabited areas since 2000. While the study groupcompleted the special subject policy report, it also published somelearning achievements such as Choice of Roads to…  相似文献   

唯色 《华夏地理》2002,(12):88-101
冈日,是藏人对神山"冈仁波钦"的昵称,意思是雪山中的珍宝.它在人们心目中是最为神圣的精神极地,到冈仁波钦转山朝拜是一生中必不可缺的经历.传说冈仁波钦与佛陀释迦牟尼同为马的属相,2002年适逢马年,来转山的人潮几乎覆盖整个冈仁波钦.  相似文献   

山岩,藏语为"地势险恶"之意,位于四川甘孜藏族自治州白玉县南部,拥有据说是金沙江上游最大的一片原始森林.江对面是西藏,江这边是四川.金沙江在这一段是川、藏间的天然河界.湍急的江水和礁石与横断山脉的崇山峻岭将这一带长久与外界隔开,成为一方秘境.  相似文献   

According to Xinhua News Agency. the State and the Tibetan Autonomous Region, as well as other provinces and cities, have laid out a large sum of money in 2003 to support Tibet. The money has been used to provide direct benefits to farmers and herders in Tibet and enables them to obtain material benefits that can be summed up in nine aspects.  相似文献   

GarmentOrnamentsofTibetansinGolhoNANKATATheTibetanswhoresideintheGolhoregionofQinghaiProvincepossessauniquesenseofbeauty,whic...  相似文献   

InthevastareahuggingthebeautifulQinghaiLakelivenumerousTibetanfarmersandherders.Giventhearea'scomn1icatednaturalenvironmeninconvenienttransportlinks,thesepeopIehavesinceancienttimesdevelopedhabitsandtaboosuniquetothemselves.TheTibetanslivinginthispartofth…  相似文献   

XERABGYAMCOThefolowingarenewspaperspublishedbeforethefoundingofthePeoplesRepublicofChinaonOctober1,1949.(1)TibetVernacularPa...  相似文献   

The current phase of political conflict in Tibet began with pro‐independence protests in the late 1980s and saw a significant surge of unrest in 2008. But that unrest was not continuous and for much of the last 25 years was at a low level of intensity. Yet the Chinese authorities have categorised the situation in Tibet as a ‘life‐and‐death struggle’ against pro‐independence forces throughout this period. This paper notes earlier debates in Chinese history about political strategies for managing borderland peoples, including late imperial era attempts by Chinese officials to forcibly change Tibetan culture that provoked rather than assuaged conflict. It suggests that this happened again in the 1990s when a group of Chinese officials proposed policies that sought directly to change core cultural practices among Tibetans. These policies of selective cultural intervention, unprecedented in the post‐Mao era in Tibet, fuelled long‐term resentment, leading to the violence and unrest of 2008. The paper argues that these policies were inseparable from the institutional interests of the agency within the Chinese Communist Party, the United Front, which had promoted them, to the extent that its status and influence within the state bureaucracy depended on it preventing them from being challenged or reversed. It made cultural intervention in Tibet seem normative to the Chinese policy elite by invoking three interlocked imaginings about ways of managing borderland peoples – the perception of perpetual war, Han expertise at borderland management, and latent threat within borderland cultures. That these have led to the prolonging of conflict in Tibet for over a quarter‐century is a reminder of the importance of considering institutional dynamics in the analysis of ethnic conflict.  相似文献   

TheSichuan-TibetHighway,asoneofthemajorthoroughfaresbetweenTibetandChina'shinterland,hasbecomeamajorchannelforeconomicdevelopmentincountiesalongthehighway.ItisplayingtheroleasaneweconomiccorridorineastTibet.Thehighway,extending2,500kmfromChengduinSichuantoLhasainTibet,wasbuiltin1954.ItcrossesQamdo,NyingchiandLhasa,bisectingdozensofcounties.MaterialsdestinedforTibetaretransportealongthisroad.Inthepast,thehighwaygaveyouonfinedaysandmudduringtherainyson,insteadofmoney,saidHShuxiong,De…  相似文献   

It could be moreout of geostrategic consideration rather than mere munificence for Nehru's administration to host the 14 Dalai Lama and his followersin 1959.1 Being one of the most important strategic assets of India to balance China,Tibetan communities in India always enjoy special care and favorable treatment ever since their arrival,in comparison with the other groups of people in similar situation.  相似文献   

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