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张帆 《故宫博物院院刊》2023,(4):120-136+154
1929年由故宫博物院主办的《故宫周刊》创刊发行,这是民国时期故宫出版刊物中社会影响最大、刊期最长的文物刊物,也是故宫博物院的第一份艺术类刊物,在故宫出版史乃至中国出版史上影响深远。该刊刊登了大量宫廷史料文献,包含青铜器、古玩、书画等,涉及宫廷生活的方方面面。其中演剧文献亦占不小比例,如戏台、戏衣、切末,全本《鼎峙春秋》、已散轶流失的《画兰》剧本等。本文对《故宫周刊》中的演剧文献进行系统梳理和初步考证,旨在提高学界对《故宫周刊》文献价值的认识,为宫廷演剧研究提供重要参考。  相似文献   

《故宫博物院院刊》是故宫博物院主办的学术性刊物,以发表国内最高水平的明清史、文物研究成果为己任。向读者介绍故宫博物院收藏的明清档案、史料,发表和积极引导作者撰写明清历史的最新研究成果是《院刊》的一项重要内容。自1979年复刊至2009年,《院刊》共登载了390篇明清史学术论文,约占《院刊》总登载量的1/5。在这30年期间,《院刊》既坚持刊发利用故宫藏品、档案、史料深入分析论述明清历史的论文,又积极消化吸收学术界的新思潮,使《院刊》无论是在研究领域还是研究理论和方法上都与时俱进,努力使自己走在学术研究的前沿。  相似文献   

世界文化遗产———曲阜孔庙孔林孔府、明清故宫普通纪念币正面主景图案均为国徽 ,内缘下方依次刊“中华人民共和国”国名和“2 0 0 3”年号。世界文化遗产———曲阜孔庙孔林孔府普通纪念币背面主景图案为孔庙大成殿 ,内缘上方为孔林神道的万古长春坊 ,左上方为孔府大门门匾 ,右上方刊“5元”字样 ,内缘下方刊“世界文化遗产曲阜孔庙孔林孔府”字样。世界文化遗产———明清故宫普通纪念币背面主景图案为故宫太和门和金水桥 ,其背景为故宫三大殿俯视图 ,左右为故宫宫门 ,内缘上方刊“5元”字样 ,内缘下方刊“世界文化遗产明清故宫”字样。…  相似文献   

<正>近期,编辑部发现社会上有部分机构或个人以"故宫博物院院刊"的名义设立网站,在互联网上发布故宫资讯和学术动态,内容多有舛误,且以收取审稿费等名目牟取经济利益,给部分作者带来直接的经济损失,在社会上造成了不良影响。上述行为已经严重侵害了《故宫博物院院刊》的名称权和名誉权。我院在此郑重声明:1、"故宫博物院院刊"已在新闻出版总局注册,是由中华人民共和国文化部主管、故宫博物  相似文献   

戊戌变法的评价问题   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
戊戌变法怎样评价,不断有文章进行讨论。胡绳同志的近著《从鸦片战争到五四运动》中有关的论述,和故宫康有为一批条陈、论著原本的发现,证明《戊戌奏稿》有重要篡改作伪,给这个讨论带来了新的动力。故宫新发现的康有为条陈、论著内容,见于《故宫博物院院刊》一九八  相似文献   

本刊扩大征稿启事本刊已开办三年,我们对作者和读者们的关心、支持表示感谢。为了丰富刊物内容,开拓稿源,本刊拟扩大征稿范围,启事如下:1本刊为发表抗日战争史研究成果的学术刊物,主要登载研究中国抗日战争时期历史的论文(包括九一八事变后日本侵华和中国抗日方面...  相似文献   

陈辽 《钟山风雨》2010,(6):24-26
<正>《人物》2010年第4期发表平凡撰写的《毛泽东、董必武过问故宫盗宝案平反》一文,叙述了故宫盗宝案的经过,吴瀛先生写信给毛泽东、董必武请求为受冤者易培基平反,以及毛、董过问情况等。但是,对故宫盗宝  相似文献   

章主要分析了修志新阶段方志刊物的定位问题。内容包括志刊思路定位,服务对象定位,专题栏目定位,刊载内容定位,出版周期定位。  相似文献   

<正>中国近代报刊的创办,是西学东渐与中国迈向现代化的产物,对于开启民智、传播思潮、发表政见、引领社会等发挥了重要的作用,为近代中国的改良和革命提供了重要的舆论支持。无论是早期改良派、洋务派,还是维新派、革命派都相继创办了许多报刊来宣传主张、表达思想。中国共产党成立之前,早期马克思主义者已创办了具有党报党刊属性的刊物,如《新青年》《共产党》等,《向导》则是党成立后创办的第一份报纸。无论是大革命时期、土地革命时期,还是抗日战争时期、解放战争时期,众多的中国共产党党报党刊应运而生,存续时间长短不一。同时创办的还有不少地方党报党刊及军队报刊。新中国成立后,《人民日报》先后和《红旗》《求是》构成中共中央的一报一刊。  相似文献   

周琳 《民俗研究》2017,(6):119-127
在20世纪二三十年代,"看电影"已成为上海市民最受欢迎的"时尚"娱乐方式,与转瞬即逝的电影艺术共生共荣的电影期刊随之承载起记录早期电影面貌的重任,民国影刊中的佼佼者《明星半月刊》作为30年代上海中国电影刊物拥有最多读者之一的电影杂志,以明星公司的多位女性明星担当其封面女郎。研究她们的发型妆容、服饰神态、拍摄环境等多种角度,可以展示早期影刊封面女星对时尚生活的引领,探寻上海都市如何在西方好莱坞电影强势文化中突围,展现中国特色的审美文化。电影刊物的特色栏目"读者信箱"展示了影迷与明星、读者与编辑之间的互动交流,可以解构文字背后的女星形象和电影生活。  相似文献   

This article describes white Christian missionary uses of racial imagery for assimilating early twentieth‐century immigrants into U.S. society. In early twentieth‐century America, white Methodist missionaries sought to convert Italian immigrants from so‐called “pagans” to “one hundred percent Americans” by distancing them from racial darkness. In their attempt to convert the objects of their evangelism, Methodists syncretised secular marketing and metaphorical images and trained their audiences in a racial conversion narrative. In spite of their effort to combat the racial limitations of perceived Italian darkness, missionaries' use of darkness and light metaphors in conversion narratives reinscribed a racial Manichean dualism in their missionary practices and publications.  相似文献   


Among the narratives of eminent divines and Christian worthies that Samuel Clarke derived from published sources and included in his many publications are the lives of fifteen early modern women, three of them written by their husbands. Humphrey Gunter’s funeral memorial of his wife Mary, Samuel Clarke’s life of Katherine, and Richard Baxter’s of Margaret have a personal immediacy and an affectionate detail often absent from the other biographies. In the contexts of both the original publications and Clarke’s texts, their depictions of spousal relationships reflect the tension between traditional commemoration and individual expression apparent in seventeenth-century narratives of women’s lives. The bonds each husband recalls celebrate the virtuous wife, though none of the recollections is as forthright as Baxter’s insightful recognition of Margaret’s complex character and her significant role in their marriage.  相似文献   

There has been a great deal of recent interest in popular health care in early modern England, resulting in studies on a range of topics from practitioners through remedial treatment. Over the past decade, the history of books has also attracted growing interest. This is particularly true for the seventeenth century, a period marked by a dramatic rise in all types of printed works. The 1640s are especially significant in the evolution of printed vernacular medical publications, which continued to flourish during the rest of the century. While recent studies on popular medical books have contributed greatly to our understanding of contemporary medical beliefs and practices, they have failed to properly recognize the effect that almanacs had on early modern medicine. Although their primary function was not to disseminate medical information, most provided a great deal of medical information. Furthermore, these cheap, annual publications targeted and were read by a wide cross-section of the public, making them the first true form of British mass media. This article is based on the content of 1,392 almanacs printed between 1640 and 1700, which may make it the largest comparative study of the medical content of any early modern printed works. The project has resulted in two major findings. First of all, almanacs played a major part in the dissemination, continuing popularity, and longevity of traditional astrological and Galenic beliefs and practices. Secondly, at the same time, almanacs played an important early role in the growth of medical materialism in Britain.  相似文献   

The early national period witnessed an explosion in newspaper journalism in terms of both the quantity of publications produced and their geographic reach. This essay examines these issues through the case of an editor, Joseph Dennie, who worked in New Hampshire in the late 1790s. Dennie is an early (although not an original) example of the dedicated, white-collar editor, and his Weekly Museum and Lay Preacher articles achieved widespread notice. Dennie did not, during his New Hampshire career at least, become a household name, by virtue of publishing exclusively under pseudonyms. The essay looks at the opportunities that this presented and what it allowed him to get away with.  相似文献   

学术刊物应学术研究和学科发展的需要而产生和存在。刊物学术性的提高以学术研究为基础和前提,但刊物也具有自身的学术功能。考古学刊物因具有刊发学术成果、引导学术方向、弘扬学术精神、培养学术人才、传承学术知识等重要功能而成其为学术刊物,充分发挥这些功能则可增强刊物的学术性。  相似文献   

Archaeometallurgy is one of the earliest manifestations of archaeometric research, using science‐based approaches to address cultural–historical questions. This review first outlines the extent of the field, defining in some detail the main branches of archaeometallurgy, and their specific methodological approaches. It then looks at some of the early publications pioneering archaeometallurgical research, to set the scene for the publication pattern of archaeometallurgy in general, and the role that Archaeometry played in publishing archaeometallurgical research. The analysis of archaeometallurgy‐themed publications in Archaeometry, their change over time and their relationship to the total range of work done in the field indicates that there is a rather narrowly defined and specific type of archaeometallurgy that gets published in Archaeometry, initially with a strong focus on coin and object analysis, often combined with method developments. The more recent developments in isotope‐based studies in archaeometallurgy find only a limited representation in the journal, despite the leading role that the Isotrace Laboratory played in this discipline, for some considerable length of time. More recently, this Archaeometry‐specific ‘flavour’ of archaeometallurgy seems to weaken, with an increase of papers on iron and on primary production in general, subjects still much under‐represented.  相似文献   

张涛 《安徽史学》2012,(2):78-87
19世纪初期乃美国国家初定、对华认知奠定基础之时。承担传播中国信息的各类报纸和大众出版物在中美交流尚停留在物质层面的背景下,利用辗转而来的素材,从肯定基督教文明的立场出发,并以孔子为线索,建构出具有双重特性的中国观。一方面,孔子本人因为与基督一样宣扬道德理想,并表现出得到上帝启发的迹象,而备受赞赏。另一方面,孔子又不是真正意义上的宗教思想家,其学说因此被打上异教烙印,奉孔子思想为圭臬的中国自然成为异教国家,与欧美文明不相吻合的各种弊病也就备受关注。褒扬孔子、贬低中国的对华认知模式就此固定,引导着美国人日后的对华接触。  相似文献   

With acceptance of the responsibilities of a founder member of the League of Nations - including assuming an international mandate in the Pacific - the prospect of a distinctive New Zealand international role and awareness emerged, thus laying the foundation for a local version of international studies. The early figures in the field were a group of intellectuals trained in history, law, or economics, often with experience of British higher education. Members of the League of Nations Union, the Institute of Pacific Relations, and later the New Zealand Institute of International Affairs, their activities and publications sometimes challenged the boundaries of Empire-centric discourse. An avowed Internationalism - though sometimes compromised by racial anxieties - was a strong theme in their work; the impact of US foundations especially stimulated a knowledge of the importance to New Zealand of extra-Imperial issues in the Pacific and Asia. Although only intermittently engaged with policy, their influence is nevertheless discernible, especially from 1935.  相似文献   

Cyclists’ written records of their Irish tours in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries have been overlooked by those scholars who have studied travellers’ impressions of Ireland in this period. The tricycle and the bicycle opened Ireland to a new form of tourism in the form of cycling tourism, and many of these holidaymakers, both Irish and foreign, were keen to record their experiences and impressions awheel, either in the cycling press or in other publications. This article is the first sustained effort to present a scholarly analysis of this material. It shows that the cycling tourists’ writings, as is the case with other travel writings, reveal more about the authors’ prejudices and their preconceived ideas about the places that they would visit and the people that they would encounter than they necessarily do about the realities of Irish life.  相似文献   

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