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首都图书馆藏彩绘《九边图》,绘于崇祯后期,民国年间由汪申伯收藏。全图采用形象绘法,是现存《九边图》中形象绘法最为突出的地图,是一幅军事示意图,而非作战地图,反映出以直观、实用为目的的中国古代地图绘制的人文传统,直到明末仍发挥着主要作用。首图《九边图》机构、方位错讹较多。不过,由于这幅地图很可能是明代最后一幅长城地图,反映了明末九边长城防御体系的全貌,因此具有一定的学术与文物价值。  相似文献   

徐建霞 《收藏家》2014,(5):34-36
<正>《西清古鉴》四十卷,附钱录十六卷。此书是清乾隆时期编撰的一部著录清宫所藏古代青铜器的谱录,清乾隆十四年(1749年)梁诗正、蒋溥等奉敕编撰修。编撰体例参考《考古图》、《博古图》,将清宫收藏的铜器,分为七十种,共一千五百二十九器。每卷前有目录,按照器物的外形绘图,图后有铭文,有文字对铭文进行解释,并记录器物的尺寸、重量。所绘器物图,为追求美观,有模绘  相似文献   

高晓然 《南方文物》2011,(2):193-195,181
以古代品行高尚之士的生活故事为主题的"高士图",是中国人物画的重要题材,有着悠久的历史①。瓷绘艺术中的"高士图"在唐代就已出现,湖南博物馆收藏的一件长沙窑竹林七贤诗文罐,将书画艺术与制瓷工艺相结合  相似文献   

扬州博物馆收藏有一本晚清画家宣鼎的诗画册页《三十六声粉铎图咏》,所绘为清代后期36出昆剧(包括时剧)丑脚戏,每戏一图,每图一诗,每页纵19、横35厘米,皆为左画右诗。内容分别为:《山  相似文献   

乾隆时期,宫廷绘画创作与收藏活动是空前的,不仅数量大,题材丰富,流派也多。其中一个重要的题材是乾隆汉装画像。已发表的故宫博物院藏乾隆汉装图计有18幅。其中属年节时令的3幅:郎士宁等绘《雪景行乐图》(共2幅)、佚名绘《岁朝行乐图》;宗教类2幅:丁观鹏等绘《洗象图》、《维摩演教图》;日常生活类13幅:董邦达绘《松荫消夏图》、张宗苍绘《松荫消夏图》、佚名绘《观孔雀开屏图》、金廷标绘《观妃渡桥图》、郎世宁绘《采芝图》、《平安春信图》、《阅骏图轴》、《观童子举  相似文献   

北京市考古研究院藏清《毛诗图》册页,内题“乾隆岁次己酉之秋陈尹沐手敬绘”,通过对内容、题跋等各方面考证,该图册非陈尹所绘。考古院藏《毛诗图》册页虽非名家所绘,但是,全帙311图,无遗失残缺,是一套保存完整的《毛诗全图》。此图册也是目前所见清代民间画家所绘唯一流传至今的《毛诗全图》作品,为《毛诗图》的相关认识与研究提供了重要的实物资料,具有较高的研究价值。  相似文献   

《四川全图》《四川全图》为清乾隆(1736—1795年)董邦达等所绘的彩绘本,总计150幅,系具有军事意义的西南地区图。全部图工笔设色,采用山水形象画法绘制,具有史料参考和艺术欣赏价值。全图收藏于四川大学图书馆(名录:04131)。该图封面有黄陂黎澍于1933年的题署:“右图一百五十幅,高一尺二寸,阔一尺四寸,清乾隆初年绘制。山川、城邑、坛庙、衙署、营制、仓储、胥备,洵大观也。  相似文献   

包山二号楚墓出土有一件彩绘漆奁,奁盖壁上绘有一幅写实性的人物车马图.本文通过结合三礼等文献的记载,对图画中的服饰、车马、礼节等进行了详尽的考证,并推断其应是周代的婚礼之图, 恰反映了<仪礼·士昏礼>中所记载的六项礼节,为研究周代的婚礼、服饰提供了珍贵而翔实的实物资料.  相似文献   

青海省乐都县文管所收藏的原西来寺的一批明、清时期的水陆佛像画,因其破旧,亟需装裱。这批古画共二十四幅。其中明代作品二十幅,绢本,每幅画心长约四尺多,宽约二尺多,均有不同程度的破损。绘制的内容是佛教中的一些神佛鬼怪、因果报应及有关故事。这些作品均出自民间艺人之手,绘画技巧较高,是水陆佛像中的上乘之作。清代作品四幅,三幅布本,一幅纸本。三幅布本比绢本略小,一绘文殊,一绘普贤,一绘地藏王,画心较为完整,绘画技巧平庸。纸本作品较大,是一幅《天官赐福图》,高1797厘米,宽1080厘米,虽是民间艺人绘制,却也有一定的艺术水平。  相似文献   

正清代画家高凤翰(1683~1748),自号南阜山人。如同明清时期的许多文人名士一样,他一生拥有多幅画像,目前可证至少20余幅。这些画像,或为自绘,或由友人门生所绘,或与他人合作共绘,多经高凤翰本人题赞,其对自我形象的关注可见一斑。传世的南阜山人画像里,有5幅收藏在山东博物馆,分别为:绘于乾隆元年(1736)的《池塘春草图》,绘于乾隆三年(1738)的《物外合踪图》《云烟过眼图》《披褐图》,绘于乾隆六年(1741)的《自画像》。  相似文献   

透过法国制图家桑松1656年绘制的中国地图,揭示已佚的由耶稣会士罗明坚与意大利制图家内罗尼合作的1590年单幅中国大地图面貌,指出此图主体部分是由罗明坚依据《大明一统文武诸司衙门官制》所载中文舆图摹绘的抄摹型分省图稿拼合而成的,拼合主要基于对分省图稿省际河道比较随意的连接,造成水系、诸省轮廓及方位等重大错误。部分图示还借鉴1584年刻印的巴尔布达"中国新图"。此图是已知最早的单幅西文中国详图,虽有缺陷,但对中国地理面貌的展现较此前西文地图有所推进。  相似文献   


The point of departure for this essay is a map drawn in 1963 by the writer’s maternal grandfather. It represents the village of Berg, located in northern Sweden, and depicts his activities as a farmer and hunter. But it is also based on grandfather’s collective knowledge of the village. In what follows I will examine mental maps of microspaces that reflect what is important to an individual or to the members of a community. One shows how Aivilik Inuits perceive their local environment; another set of urban maps from Los Angeles, California, are based on the views of residents in different areas. The social divides become strikingly apparent on these mental maps. Among the conspicuous features of my grandfather’s map are the images he drew to supplement the various geographical locations he laid out. In this respect one might compare medieval mappae mundi that is, maps of the world representing compendiums of all things worth knowing. I also consider the appearance of mysterious gaps on grandfather’s map, that is, “the silences”. Many general perspectives on mental mapping are suggested by a consideration of the map my grandfather drew.  相似文献   

明代方志地图编绘意向的初步考察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在地理学史和地图学史的研究中,一般关注于古代地图的科学技术价值,而较少讨论其思想史意义,尤其较少讨论方志地图的思想史意义。因此,本文从思想史的角度对明代方志地图的编绘意向做了初步的考察。认为明代方志地图的编绘意向中突出地强调了舆图的政治功能,但是对舆图所具有的政治功能的认识存在着较为明显的差异。更值得注意的是,在此之外对区域地理景观自身的关注,反映了新的在一定程度上具有变革萌芽的知识兴趣。这些不仅在一定程度上反映了当时社会上一般的地理学观念与知识系统,同时表现出方志地图在地理学史和地理学思想史中所可能具有的地位和意义。  相似文献   

明洪武朝陕北边防及其特点   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
陕北地区地处河套以南,迫近关中。在洪武朝,由于山西行都司东胜等卫和宁夏诸卫从东、北、西三方面的捍蔽,从而使陕北地区呈现出与其他边区不同的特点。本文讨论了洪武朝边防卫所建置、防边制度等在陕北地区实施的实效及其局限性。  相似文献   


Theory is not a goal in itself but a means of enriching the history of cartography by stimulating new research questions and objectives. In this paper the concept of ‘transparent maps’ (carriers of an image of the external reality of the world) and ‘opaque maps’ is introduced. The notion is approached structurally (standards of graphical representation, drawing, geometry, text); through the sociology of the map (map makers, institutions, the public); and through seeing maps in their cultural and historical context (an approach which raises issues of the definitional boundaries of the history of cartography and which is arguably one of the most stimulating perspectives today as fostered by, in particular, contributors to the History of Cartography). Finally, attention is drawn to three important topics for the research agenda: the links between maps and culture; maps as a language of communication and as instruments of power; and the links between perception, logic and mnemonics.  相似文献   


Geological information was first printed in colour on a map in 1820 but serious efforts to print geological maps in multiple colours began in Europe only in the 1840s. Increased geological mapping activity created the need to print more maps by cheaper methods, while general advances in lithographic colour printing provided the means. Better colour registration, transparency, range, permanence and distinctiveness were attained in the 1840s and 1850s by technical innovations and also by new design strategies. Consequently, as printed colour replaced hand colour as the norm, it also influenced the look of the geological map.  相似文献   


This paper surveys the career of Benedetto Bordon as a miniaturist, designer of woodcuts, and cartographer. Although from Padua, Bordon worked primarily in Venice where he illuminated religious and classical texts and official ducal documents destined for Venetian noblemen. The writer argues that Bordon designed woodcut illustrations for books printed by Aldus Manutius and others, in addition to the woodcut maps in his 1528 book on islands in the MediteiTanean, Atlantic, and Caribbean. Bordon's lost world map of 1508 is discussed in relation to the map‐making activities of Francesco Rosselli, the Florentine miniaturist and engraver who was in Venice in 1504 and 1508, and in relation to a circle of Venetian scholars and patricians interested in Ptolemy's Cosmographia and in the mapping of the New World.  相似文献   

This article explores the connection between Cartography and Otherness, and intersects map and visual studies with the question of racial/ethnic identity. With the aim of making arguments through images, a visual/verbal text is staged to reflect on the ‘Map-Other’ connection in past and present times. Inspired by the epistemological turn from representation towards practice currently experienced within map theory, the article interrogates the various creative ways in which art, advertising, public communication and related fields enable post-representational ways of portraying maps. Public visual images of cartography can be read not only as an exposure of the firm, ideological meaning of maps, but also as illustrations of how maps work as shared, embodied and empowering objects. The treatment of maps as socialised, performed and relational thereby results in an involvement of Others as protagonists rather than subjects.  相似文献   

Although it has been generally held that Saxton in his later life did not work far from home, two previously unrecognized maps in The National Archives show him surveying in 1607 for the Earl of Cumberland in the dangerous Border country. These maps throw new light onto the working methods of Saxton and his son, suggesting that by this date Robert was doing most of the work. The original map appears to have been commissioned as an estate map but was then copied to be re-used as evidence in a law suit, thus separating the maps from their context.  相似文献   

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