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This paper analyzes the service distribution patterns of Israeli cities during the late 1970's in an effort to gain a better understanding of the potential effects of institutional arrangements on service distribution. The results of the analysis suggest that a variety of administrative issues which would be confronted in both centralized and decentralized systems significantly constrain the potential for achieving service equilization through institutional reform. Reformers should be aware of the administrative dynamics which accompany service delivery in their design of reform proposals.  相似文献   

Detractors of European integration and many of its protagonists invoke state territoriality where the social and the spatial come together in a “Territorial‐Administrative Complex”. Like the military‐industrial complex claiming once to procure security, protagonists claim to guarantee democratic legitimacy. At the same time, the interests of the territorial constituencies prevail over others. The underlying notion of space is absolute and of territory that of a container. Costs and benefits are calculated in terms pertaining to it. The underlying “meta‐geography” is one of boxes‐in‐boxes, but rather than viewing space as a container, based on academic literature in the matter, planners now pursue soft planning for soft spaces. In the face of the apparently incontestable claim of the Territorial‐Administrative Complex to a monopoly on the production of democratic legitimacy, the article points out, albeit rare examples of constitutional theorists challenge this monopoly. Voting in territorial constituencies, they claim, has never been properly argued for, making it an arbitrary institution.  相似文献   

Three types of integral economic regions are distinguished in the USSR: (1) economic regions at various levels, performing strictly economic functions; (2) administrative-economic (or simply administrative regions), which perform both economic functions and the functions of government administration; (3) territorial production complexes, which combine interlinked economic activities within a particular area from the economic-geographic point of view. Because of the differences in functions, there can be no complete identity between economic and administrative regions although their boundaries often coincide. Production complexes are not a substitute for economic regions because the complexes encompass only interlinked activities while economic regions encompass all economic activities. However, production complexes are elements that give rise to both economic and administrative regions. Economic planning in the USSR proceeds along three lines: (a) within the system of economic regions; (b) within the system of administrative regions; (c) within the system of sectoral or branch administrations, which are now being replaced by corporation-type industrial associations.  相似文献   

论流域区与行政区的关系及其优化   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
流域区和行政区是两种性质完全不同的区域,但都有组织和管理国民经济的部分功能,与区域经济发展有着密切的联系。两类区域之间关系处理的不适当,导致了区域开发管理中的诸多矛盾和问题,文章最后提出了流域区和行政区关系优化协调的对策和措施。  相似文献   

人地系统演化及人地关系理论进展初探——一个案例研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
香宝 《人文地理》1999,14(Z1):68-71
文章通过对人地关系系统演化进行分析,总结出人口、资源、环境与发展是目前人地关系系统的核心内容,并得出可持续发展论是到目前为止人地关系论发展的最高形式的结论。最后以可持续发展理论为指导,对呼和浩特市人口与经济系统的持续发展进行了初步探讨。  相似文献   

I investigate whether the spatial administrative structure of agglomerations is associated with local business tax rates in core cities of agglomerations. Using data for German municipalities, I define agglomerations based on distances and based on cumulative population densities. The results show that the population share of the core in its agglomeration is positively associated and the number of surrounding municipalities is negatively associated with the tax rate of the core. When municipalities consolidate, the core has the opportunity to increase the tax rate.  相似文献   

Analyses of foreign policy impact seldom take into account the domestic and symbolic consequences of implementation. This study begins with the assumption that since President Carter's human rights policy is largely an exercise in symbolic politics, the criteria for understanding its impact have more to do with the impression than with substantive improvement in human rights. Implementation to date has been felt primarily in administrative adjustments and revisions, not on concrete achievements in human rights around the world. While in terms of substantive criteria the impact of the policy has been minimal, in terms of increased bureaucratic visibility and other symbolic responses, the policy's implementation can be considered successful.  相似文献   

匡贞胜  虞阳 《人文地理》2020,35(2):93-101
透过对行政区划调整现象与文献的梳理,发现中国部分政区有“改而不变”的倾向,本文借用“内卷化”的概念对这种现象及其效应进行探讨,指出政区改革在行政层级、运行逻辑、空间关系、职能配置等方面都存在着“内卷化”隐忧。在此基础上,通过对国家结构、行政区划的资源属性和行政区经济之间关联的分析,阐释了政区改革内卷化的生成机制,认为行政区划配置资源的功能可能是政区改革陷入内卷化的一个重要前提。最后以常州武进和海南政区改革为例,探讨了本研究的分析框架与逻辑,并建议构建面向市场经济的行政区划调整框架,为继续深化行政体制改革提供空间支撑。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. This paper examines how housing subsidies affect housing and location demands in a monocentric market, identifying the extent to which policies prompt targeted populations to congregate more or less intensely in the central city. Various subsidies are studied: rents based on ability to pay, lump-sum housing aid, housing vouchers, and subsidies based on percentage of rent. The demand effects are seen to hinge critically upon whether or not subsidies are tied to binding consumption restrictions. Policy impacts are shown to be identical for both CBD employed and locally employed consumers targeted for the housing policies.  相似文献   

时空间行为调查的回顾与未来展望   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着理论与方法体系不断完善,时空间行为研究近年来越来越重视实践应用导向,同时也面临构建解释时空间行为的一般理论的使命,对研究数据提出了新的要求.本文回顾时空间行为调查的进展,认为时空间行为调查在方法上与移动定位技术的结合日益密切,数据质量得到较大提升;在内容上越来越重视个体行为的能动性以及行为的社会、环境意义.在此基础...  相似文献   

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