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许馨元 《丝绸之路》2013,(4):124-125
作为一门独立的舞种,中国古典舞从戏曲舞蹈、武术身法、中原民间民俗舞蹈中提取凝练,并结合中国古代舞蹈审美观以及当代文化美学,在不断摸索前进的过程中形成了自己的艺术魅力。鉴于中国古典舞的精髓——身韵在古典舞中的灵魂作用,本文从身韵的艺术特征、身韵的形、神、劲、律及身韵中的呼吸运用等方面进行初步探讨与认识。  相似文献   

花芳 《神州》2011,(11):187-187
中国古典舞身韵不同于中国古典舞,中国古典舞泛指具有传统古朴风格,表现古代题材的舞蹈。而中国古典舞身韵则是在中国古典舞的基础之上对人体“身韵”的强调。“身韵”,即是对人体的形体和神韵的训练方法。它包括形、神、劲、律。  相似文献   

花芳 《神州》2011,(26):187
中国古典舞身韵不同于中国古典舞,中国古典舞泛指具有传统古朴风格,表现古代题材的舞蹈。而中国古典舞身韵则是在中国古典舞的基础之上对人体"身韵"的强调。"身韵",即是对人体的形体和神韵的训练方法。它包括形、神、劲、律。  相似文献   

陈晖宁 《神州》2014,(12):37-37
太极是我国传统武术之一,太极文化博大精深,对于我国传统文化有着深刻的影响。古典舞凭借自身独特的气质和特有的东方式美感成为我国传统文化不可或缺的重要部分。身韵是中国古典舞的灵魂和精髓,本文从中国古典舞身韵的基本艺术特征:“形、神、劲、气”四个方面分别对太极对中国古典舞的影响进行分析。  相似文献   

何晓茜 《神州》2013,(15):199-199
中国上至几千年古典文化源远流长,为追寻古典艺术的脚步就不得不从印证我国古代文艺最高水准的诗歌文学开始。舞蹈在艺术门类中以肢体作为媒介的特殊性,导致当下对古代舞蹈无法见证流传,古时候以身授学世代相传的方式,今日难免出现舞蹈文化断层的局面。透过诗词我们从侧面得以浅析古典文化独特的意蕴,深度挖掘诗歌词赋艺术对中国古典舞的发展给予极大的推动作用,更好的领会古典艺术文化表达的情、意、韵。  相似文献   

周威 《神州》2013,(14):239-239
中国文化渊源流传,中国舞蹈据记载早在纪元前四千年新石器时代的韶山文化中就已经存在。然而,中国古典舞却是个新生事物。中国古典舞自20世纪50年代提出概念伊始,中国古典舞工作者根据中国传统戏曲舞蹈、武术、石窟壁画、出土文物等整理创造出风格雍容大度、精确严谨、优美清丽的古典舞蹈。古典舞蹈源出于中国传统文化,一动一静中传达出厚重的历史和文化的底蕴。本文仅自"变"与"韵"的基本范畴对中国古典舞进行简单的审美分析。  相似文献   

正自古以来,真正的美人似乎都善舞。舞蹈是人类最古老的艺术形式之一,也是美女们个人综合修养的具体体现。中国的舞蹈讲究"身韵"。身韵是"身法"与"韵律"的总称,具体表现为形、神、劲、律。只有形、神、劲、律的高度协调与融合,达到"形神兼备,身心并用,内外统一",才能演绎出如诗如画、美轮美奂的舞蹈,才能让艺术之花长久绽放。  相似文献   

《踏歌》是中国古典舞学者孙颖先生创作于20世纪90年代的舞台作品——一举夺得了全国首届"荷花奖"舞蹈比赛的"中国古典舞"金奖。"古典"的创新和流行,作为舞界跨越世纪门槛之际的文化景观,是特别值得我们关注的。  相似文献   

汉唐古典舞这门课程的形成经历了半个世纪,从理论研究入手,经过剧目创作实践,而后形成的一门主干课程。主要希图解决中国古典舞民族风格问题和民族舞蹈技能、技术与民族传统文化这两者之间的关系。因此这门课程是以汉、唐和清代近百种戏曲舞蹈作为支点,同时参考古典舞孪生兄弟一民间舞的生动、活泼,对节奏、速度的处理方式,花了几十年的功夫、研究史籍文献和文物中的舞蹈形象资料,并以民族学、社会学、宗教学、哲学、礼法、习俗等社会科学作为文化解码,激活丰富的文物资料,破解古典舞蹈发展、演变的历史,并通过相邻艺术审美共性的印证,是在自己的文化母体内,不依借、不搬套外来艺术所形成的中国古典舞基训课。这门课程强调民族的审美特色,强调了体现审美的丈化内涵和优秀的古典精神,强调了专业技术技能的文化属性,强调了形、神、意象的统一和一元化发展。同时也强调了以历史唯物主义的立场、观点、方法和对历史批判继承的态度。  相似文献   

我国古代舞蹈发展历史源远流长,尤以两汉和隋唐代时期最为突出,是古典舞发展和繁荣的鼎盛时期。其各自的风格特点和审美也不相同,彰显了这一时期舞蹈独特的风格和代表的当代民俗宫廷文化。1999年太原王郭村出土虞弘墓,其汉白玉石椁上雕刻图案内容涉及舞蹈众多方面,是隋唐时期舞蹈风格写实。本文就汉及隋唐古典舞的传承和历史上的发展展开讨论。  相似文献   

黄维  李凡  杨俭波 《人文地理》2022,37(6):12-19
作为早期非表征理论构建的主要场景,舞蹈是特定想法—行为的表达与实践,有助于探察身体动作在理解和创造表达上的潜能,而舞蹈正式进入文化地理学视域的时期也正好是非表征理论对传统文化地理学的挑战接近成熟的关键时期。随着展演的身体成为分析对象以及编舞成为地理研究中新的非表征方法概念,舞蹈作为社会跨学科实践和工具受到越来越多关注。本文以非表征理论引发的诸多争议为基本背景,力求全面呈现如下两个转变过程:①舞蹈如何从关于身体、展演性、认同等地理学话题,逐渐演变为检测动作节奏、感觉、生成空间的地理实践和方法;②舞蹈地理研究经历如何从批判的舞蹈文化政治学,逐渐转向实践性的展演艺术与创意地理学。文章认为,非表征思想有望用于解决表征之外可能存在的开放性实践难题,丰富调节实践的情感维度,并拓展分析情感交缠的物质主义话语,而转变后的西方舞蹈地理研究对于理解我国现当代文化政治经济的情感属性、思考艺术影响下城市公共社区的差异化也就具有明确的启发价值。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The paper looks at specific rituals and their relationships with dance in Hawaii, Tonga, Bulgaria, and India. These four short case studies explore the relationship between dance and ritual, in particular how dance is presented as representing the ritual past. I bring ‘structured movement,’ as one of ritual's distinguishing marks, to center stage to explore how ritual movement and dance are related.  相似文献   

本文采用文献资料法、调查访问法、社会实践等方法,寻求体育舞蹈项目对中老年人健身、健心的重要性。经研究证明体育舞蹈项目集社交、娱乐、体育健身于一体,属于运动强度适中的一种有氧代谢运动,适合中老年人生理、心理的特点,完全符合中老年人的健身动机。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT This article examines how the ideals of self‐monitoring, self‐reflexivity, self‐restraint, and self‐governance, as well as assumptions pertaining to the mastery of the body, its movements, and forms of expressivity, lie at the heart of one of Yap's (Federated States of Micronesia) most important aesthetic institutions ‐ the dance. In so doing, it suggests that Yapese dancing and the forms of self‐vigilance that are associated with it can be understood as implicated in the formation of a distinctly Yapese moral modality of being. That is, Yapese dancing ‐ including its performance and appreciation ‐ plays a role in helping individuals craft particular forms of feeling, thinking, appreciating, judging, imagining, and behaving that are consonant with local understandings of the good person, the good life, and right action. A polite and agreeable exterior was maintained at all times to reveal nothing of internal mental states. Yapese frequently played games testing each other's abilities to keep their concentration and sense of restraint. Spectators at a Yapese dance who had forgotten themselves and had become enthralled by a particular dancer were singled out and reminded to chew their wad of betel (mu ko bu'), much to the delight of all present.  相似文献   

苏岩 《中原文物》2001,(4):68-74
长袖舞是汉代著名的舞蹈,同时也是汉代艺术创作的主要题材之一,本文根据考古发现有关长袖舞的实物资料,从长袖舞在民间的盛况、汉代自娱性长袖舞、专业性长袖舞、长袖舞对汉代社会折射等四个方面对长袖舞的艺术风格进行了分类整理与研究.  相似文献   

This article will examine how British-born second- and third-generation Irish people use Irish music and dance in the production of an Irish cultural identity. The article draws on research undertaken with members of the Irish communities in the English cities of Coventry and Liverpool. The research was conducted with music and dance practitioners in Liverpool who strongly identify as Irish and also with schoolchildren in Coventry whose parents or grandparents were born in Ireland. The paper first explores the comments of the Liverpool respondents and points to how music and dance can offer a space in which different generations can mark out their affiliation or embody their Irishness. Secondly, the paper considers interview work with schoolchildren in Coventry, concentrating on their responses as listeners to Irish traditional music. Their comments point to the capacity of this music to resonate with multiple, even conflicting, productions of Irishness. The comments of all the respondents raise key debates about authenticity and the construction of identity.  相似文献   


Two long-term sci–art research projects are described and positioned in the broader conceptual landscape of interdisciplinary collaboration. Both projects were aimed at understanding and augmenting choreographic decision-making and both were grounded in research conducted within a leading contemporary dance company. In each case, the work drew upon methods and theory from the cognitive sciences, and both had a direct impact on the way in which the company made new work. In the synthesis presented here the concept of an audit trace is introduced. Audit traces identify how specific classes of knowledge are used and transformed not only within the arts or sciences but also when arts practice is informed by science or when arts practice informs science.  相似文献   

通过综合各家学说、考据典、辨析要义,在深入剖析中国“书画”所寓含的深刻人内涵基础上,提出了“乐舞精神”作为其主脉这一独具特色的看法,在一定意义上解决了学术界在此问题上的困惑与长期徘徊的局面。  相似文献   

Recent acknowledgement that geography students should gain knowledge and experience in the research process has not been matched by accounts of how this experience should be taught. In human geography, apart from a small selection of informative textbooks, scholars have remained relatively quiet on the matter of curriculum design and teaching programmes that would provide this experience. Instead, attention has been devoted to specific, individual research skills or selected intersections between teaching and research. In contrast, this paper argues that it is important to consider how we might best teach research methodology in a comprehensive manner to human geography undergraduates. The authors identify pedagogic and pragmatic reasons for teaching this material and then address some of the difficulties and challenges associated with this endeavour. Taking one New Zealand human geography example, the aims and structure of a 200-level course that attempts to provide such an example of research methodology teaching are then sketched out. Responses to the course are noted and followed by reflections on the pragmatic and disciplinary challenges that continue to exist.  相似文献   

This article explores the conjuncture of Christianity and development in light of the establishment of a new Gogodala church in Western Province, Papua New Guinea. In the paper, I examine the ways in which members of this new church, the Congregation of Evangelical Fellowship (CEF), are utilising the concept of dance to comment on the failure of both expatriate missionaries and the dominant Evangelical Church of Papua New Guinea (ECPNG) to prepare the Gogodala community for development. I trace how mission-instigated abstention from dance became emblematic of a Christian lifestyle, and remains central to the constitution and articulation of ‘Christian country’ in this part of PNG. The incorporation of dance into CEF services and conferences, then, posits a challenge to the expatriate mission and ECPNG. In the process, dance has become a metaphor for a communal search for development as well as a reinterpretation of the Christian and pre-contact past.  相似文献   

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