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本文以渤海遗址出土的瓦当为研究对象,以渤海上京龙泉府、珲春八连城、和龙西古城遗址发掘出土的瓦当为主,进行类型学分析和分期,初步探讨渤海莲花纹瓦当的发展规律和演变轨迹。  相似文献   

孙秀仁  金太顺 《北方文物》2012,(1):11-26,2,113,117
山咀子墓葬是一处重要的唐代渤海国时期墓地,位于黑龙江省海林市新安镇山咀子(大队)居民点。1966、1967年经前后两次调查并发掘了29座墓葬,其中7座为石棺墓,其余均为封土石室墓。山咀子墓群的葬俗有较复杂的形态,有一次葬、二次葬及两种葬式共存的现象。墓葬多数保存尚好,部分人骨亦较完整。发现了陶器4件,陶片数十件,铜器66件,铁器27件。这些发现为我们研究唐代渤海历史与文化提供了重要的实物资料。  相似文献   

唐代渤海国时期,今吉林省中东部地区的冶铁业有了较大发展;铁器的使用更加广泛,尤其是铁制生产工具已被大量应用于农、渔及狩猎各业;冶铁技术也有了一定的进步.本文拟分别介绍上述三个方面的基本情况并做出评价.  相似文献   


Tiles were made in Hereford in Roman and in Medieval times, and the manufacture of plain quarry tiles from plastic clay maintained the tradition and technique of tile-making. During the nineteenth century the Gothic Revival stimulated the production of decorated tiles and Godwins began to make them. The firm is not as well known as some of its competitors such as Maw and Minton, but its tiles were much admired and widely used, and can still be seen in good condition in a surprisingly large number of churches. Standard reference books, give 1861 as the starting date for Godwin tiles, but the writer noticed that they had been used in 1857 in Giles Gilbert Scott's restoration of Hereford cathedral, and is attempting in this paper to give an outline of the rather complicated history of the Godwins and the other Hereford tile makers. The tile industry which began in 1850 has been an important source of employment in the Hereford area until the present day.  相似文献   

对中国考古类型学研究方法的反思   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了提高中国考古学研究水平,我们既要在考古类型学的宏观和微观研究上下功夫,又要在实践中不断总结和归纳出一些新的理论和方法,使考古类型学不断得到提高和完善。  相似文献   

近几年来,在我国旧古器考古学界出现了非常喜人的新局面。随着改革开放的发展和中外学术交流的加强,西方的类型学体系和类型学思想被逐渐大量介绍进来(陈淳,1994;林圣龙,1993、1994、1996;黄慰文,1993)①②③④⑤,同时我国学术界就我国和我...  相似文献   

李艳红 《收藏家》2014,(4):24-26
<正>"一生痴绝处,无梦到徽州",这是明代大戏剧家汤显祖留下的千古绝唱,它将古徽州描绘得如诗如画,令人魂牵梦绕、遐想无限。徽州汉时称为新安郡,唐代称歙州,直至宋徽宗宣和三年始改名"徽州"。至于缘何改名,清弘历《徽州府志》记载:"或云:徽,美也,故以为名。"古徽州一府六县所辖区域大体包括今安徽省的黟县、歙县、祁门县、休宁县、绩溪县和江西省的婺源县。明清时期徽商势力逐渐兴起,他们返乡后为煊赫地位、光宗耀祖,大兴土木,《歙县志》载:"商人致富后,重返故里,修祠堂、建  相似文献   

陈畅 《华夏考古》2006,(1):88-101
类型学作为认识工具,只涉及科学发现与检验的原理和逻辑,并不涉及具体事实。考古类型学由分型和分式两部分构成,分型即分类,分式即排序。本文借《元君庙仰韶文化墓地》和《试论殷墟文化分期》两篇论著,以集合论的原理和知识说明分类的逻辑,得出穷尽性、排他性、同一性三条原则;以函数的思想说明排序的逻辑,得到同一性原则。  相似文献   

This paper, published on the occasion of the Lenin centennial, reviews Lenin's writings about the spatial organization of industrial production, with particular reference to industrial nodes. These are defined as specialized territorial-production complexes in which industrial establishments are united by economic and technological production linkages, a common transport-geographic situation, common infrastructure, and common system of settlement. A typology of industrial nodes of the USSR is proposed on the basis of the following combinations of criteria: (1) the basic character of production (extractive or manufacturing), (2) specialization and structure of industries, (3) the level of maturity (pre-Soviet origins, Soviet origins, in process of formation), (4) locational factors (resource-oriented, labor-oriented), and (5) magnitude of output. The typology is presented in the form of a table and a map.  相似文献   

弓形器是商周时期用于挂缰的挂缰钩,有窄背和宽背两种。窄背类弓形器部分出自人骨腰部,在蒙古鹿石中相类的器物均挂于腰间并与弓及弓袋共出,因此其应挂在腰带上。车马坑中多放置宽背类弓形器并多置于车厢内,在鹿石中还见将辔系于车厢上的马车形象,因此一部分宽背类弓形器应绑缚在车厢前部用以挂辔。  相似文献   

王银田 《华夏考古》2013,(1):137-148
《礼记·月令》:"物勒工名,以考其诚,功有不当,必行其罪。"古人常常在瓦上留下铭刻文字,这种瓦文也影响到朝鲜半岛和日本。北朝瓦文主要发现于大同、洛阳、临漳、太原等北朝时期的都城遗址中,对瓦文的研究有助于我们全面认识北朝社会,是北朝考古的重要资料。  相似文献   

主要概括了渤海上京城自20世纪30年代至21世纪初的70年考古工作,将其划为四个不同阶段,并总结了各阶段工作概况、新发现和意义,同时,指出了各阶段的局限、特别是日本人盗掘中的草率行为和误识.其次简要回顾了对上京城的发现和认定研究过程,充分肯定了近年来对上京城主体格局及建筑渊源、序列研究的重大成果.  相似文献   

A simple typology of relations between any two geographical scales is established by qualitatively comparing their respective grains and extents. This typology is applied to spatial, temporal, and spatiotemporal scales. It describes seven relations between any two scales in either space or time. These basic relations yield a set of 169 qualitatively different spatiotemporal scale relations, a subset of which is portrayed dia‐grammatically. If it is possible to transform processes or patterns from one scale in the relation to the other, up to four scaling methods may need to be simultaneously applied, depending on the relation. Scaling methods might be classified as forms of grain generalization, grain decomposition, extent extrapolation, or extent selection. This typology may also provide a framework for investigations of dependencies between scales, as well as a reference scheme for observations of scale nonstationarity. The possibility is offered that any relation that forms a nonintersecting hierarchy in either space or time is a relation between essentially independent scales. However, the use of this typology is contingent on a number of factors, and it is offered as a tool, rather than a solution, for problems of scale.  相似文献   

扎什琍玛佛像因特征明确、像式丰富、工艺精细,在故宫珍藏的佛教造像中独树一帜。清宫的扎什琍玛像多附有皇家特有的黄条题记。本文从这些黄条所记内容入手,结合档案资料,对此类造像进行来源、类型及题材风格的细化探究,并进一步说明扎什琍玛对清宫佛教造像风格的深刻影响及其在促进西藏与内地政治、经济、文化联系方面曾经发挥的历史作用。  相似文献   

This paper argues that suasion should receive direct attention from political scientists who study public policy. Building on the work of Theodore Lowi and others, it is suggested that understanding politics as the result of the applicability of coercion misses important aspects of governmental activities. Suasion, unlike coercion, brings about certain forms of politics that are unique, quite unlike coercively based policies. Specifically, the author explores the advent of public health to discover how suasive policies affect politics.
Above this race of men stands an immense and tutelary power, which takes upon itself alone to secure their gratifications, and to watch over their fate. That power is absolute, minute, regular, provident and mild.  相似文献   

Soviet regional production complexes at the level of major economic regions are classified on the basis of a combination of two criteria: (a) regional specialization in terms of the energy-and-industry cycles proposed by N. N. Kolosovskiy (coke-based metallurgy, energy-intensive industries, etc.); (b) the developmental stage of the regional economy, in terms of five developmental phases (pioneering, the formation of industrial nodes, the formation of industrial cycles, a reconstruction phase, and achievement of a complex structure). The typological classification is viewed as a possible basis for more detailed breakdowns below the level of major economic regions.  相似文献   

云冈石窟主要雕凿于北魏中后期,分为三期。第一期及第二期造像为太和改制以前流行的佛衣,多沿袭印度传统,其中勾联纹覆肩袒右佛衣可能是在云冈形成的样式。第二期太和改制以后及第三期盛行的佛衣,偏重汉地传统,大概多与南朝的影响有关。甘肃天水麦积山石窟与敦煌莫高窟早期洞窟中流行勾联纹覆肩袒右佛衣,推测两地早期洞窟中佛像始凿的时间不早于云冈第一期。北魏迁都洛阳后,云冈的佛衣在龙门石窟继续发展。  相似文献   

(一)明代早期的首都位居今江苏南京,历洪武、建文、永乐(1421年前)三朝达54年,使南京一度成为全国性的政治、经济和文化中心(朱元璋实际上从1356年即占有南京,1367年拥有江苏全境),永乐十九年(1421年)朱棣迁都北京后,南京又成为地位仅次于北京的南都所在,仍设有中央百官建置。由此,不少开国功臣、皇亲贵族和文人士子在这里终老,遗留下大量珍贵墓葬。1949年以来,江苏的文物考古工作者十分重视明代墓葬考古工作,取得了丰硕成果。大体说来,可以把有关工作分成三个阶段:第一阶段,50—60年代。这一时期,明代贵族墓葬发掘数量较多,…  相似文献   

本文针对目前史学界多将渤海建国伊始称之为“震国”或“振国”的现象进行了探讨。根据中外文献及考古资料 ,作者认为渤海建国之初的国号应为“国” ,而“震国”或“振国”只能是它的俗称。  相似文献   

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