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In Tunisia, the largest amphitheatre (known as the Coliseum) at Thysdrus (El Djem), with some parts of the second amphitheatre, and the Thapsus amphitheatre have been built with squared stone blocks (opus quadratum). The petrographic and geotechnical analyses of the samples taken from the amphitheatre blocks show that these blocks belong to the Tyrrhenian and to the Mio‐Pliocene age. Ancient quarries have been found on the Tyrrhenian dune line between Hiboun and Al Alya, at a distance of 30 km from Thysdrus, from which the Tyrrhenian blocks have been extracted. Concerning the Mio‐Pliocene blocks, they have most likely been cut from just one ancient quarry found in the hill of Ksour Essaf. The height of almost all of the measured blocks from the Thysdrus Coliseum is equal to the Punic cubit used at Carthage (50 cm), and the height of the measured blocks from the Thapsus amphitheatre is also equal to the Punic cubit (50 cm), or very close to the Roman cubit (45 cm).  相似文献   

The first data on bird hunting by the ancient people from El Hierro island are given here. Ninety-three bones have been examined from a cave situated in the archaeological site of Guinea. The majority of the bones are broken, burned and some of them have cuts showing human exploitation. There are species that have been eaten from the lower levels to the present day (Calonectris diomedea, Columba sp. and Corvus corax), one species that does not now live on El Hierro (cf. Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax), and an extinct species (Coturnix gomerae). © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Laguna Guatavita, a crater‐like lake located in central Colombia, was used by pre‐Columbian Muisca people for a variety of socio‐religious ceremonies, many of which involved casting offerings into the lake. Of these, the installation of a new ‘king’ became the basis of the El Dorado myth that was carried back to Europe by 16th century conquistadores. In the present study, beads collected from Laguna Guatavita during a late 19th/early 20th century attempt to recover valuables from the lake bed, have been subjected to geochemical analysis. Results establish that these artefacts have been fabricated from Class Ib amber. Class Ib ambers have not previously been reported in either the geological or archaeological records of Central or South America, and their existence in this context implies that the Muisca people had access to a unique local or regional source of amber, knowledge of which has subsequently been lost.  相似文献   

The domesticated Red Jungle-fowl G. gallus is believed to have been dispersed by man from India during the Holocene. The distal end of a radius from the Ipswichian Interglacial deposits at Crayford, Kent, was indistinguishable from that of the wild form of Red Jungle-folw. A coracoid from the early Middle Pleistocene of N Norfolk was also very similar to that species but showed differences comparable with those found between different species of Gallus. At least one species referable to Gallus is known from the Pliocene of South-eastern Europe. Extrapolating from zoogeographical speciation patterns it would be possible for a Gallus species to have evolved through Pleistocene speciation in the European region. The species might have become extinct during a glaciation or have been exterminated by early man. A new species Gallus europaeus is described with the coracoid as a holotype, and the radius from Kent is tentatively referred to it.  相似文献   

In this article, I examine an Aboriginal ritual object, the secret/sacred tywerrenge which in many respects lies at the heart of Central Australian Aboriginal religious belief. Given its ritual power, the tywerrenge has always held a special place in the administrative rationalities of both colonial and post-colonial authorities. For certain missionaries, the tywerrenge was seen as an object to be eliminated as it constituted an impediment to Aboriginal “salvation”. For early anthropologists such as Baldwin Spencer, they offered material evidence supporting social evolutionist theories regarding the “staged” transformation of “primitive” religious beliefs into science. More recently, tywerrenge have been subject to an intensive regime of inspection and evaluation by government authorities, museums, and land councils. Indeed, they have come to play a significant role in the enforcement of Australian law under the Aboriginal Land Rights Act since the possession of a tywerrenge can decide the ownership of traditional lands. In short, these religious objects—and the beliefs associated with them—have been co-opted and employed by a variety of authorities in order to achieve a range of governmental ends. In this sense, tywerrenge have been transformed into instruments of colonial and post-colonial rule.  相似文献   

A collection of window‐panes, vessels and alleged waste from Thamusida has been investigated by OM, SEM–EDS, ICP–MS, ICP–OES and XAS at the Fe–K and Mn–K edges. Glass samples have been characterized as natron‐based soda–lime–silica glasses, with low magnesium and low potassium. The results have been compared with 43 reference groups available for ‘naturally coloured’ and colourless glasses of both Roman and later ages. Two main types were distinguished: RBGY 1 (R oman B lue–G reen and Y ellow 1) and RBGY 2 (R oman B lue–G reen and Y ellow 2). Given their compositional similarity to the Levantine I or, to a lesser extent, HIMT glasses, the Syrian–Palestinian coast for RBGY 2 and Egypt for the RBGY 1 have been suggested for their provenance. Most Thamusida samples have been assigned to the RBGY 2 type. A small group of Thamusida colourless vessels was included into the RC (R oman‐C olourless) compositional field; the latter still being defined. The alleged waste pieces may define a local production that should have been of secondary type. The investigations performed on local raw materials seem to discount the possibility of a primary glass‐making site. XAS measurements determined that Fe2+ contents ranging between 30 and 52% are able to assure an aqua blue colour; below 30%, the glasses turn light green or light yellow.  相似文献   


Generally, two main opinions have been maintained concerning the age of the markets in northern Fenno‐Scandinavia: One asserting that the markets have their origins well before A.D. 1600, and possibly are dating from the Middle Ages; and the other suggesting that the markets may be constructions of the 18th century. The majority of studies relevant to the question of the markets have, however, been confined within strict geographical limits. Few efforts have been made to view the markets in a broader context, comprising the totality of the trade relations of northern Fenno‐Scandinavia. While giving the written evidence a critical and chronological sifting, the author of this paper stresses this perspective on the markets, as instruments of mediation between what is conceived as the three great trade systems embracing the northern part of Fenno‐Scandinavia.  相似文献   

This article reflects on Gender, Place and Culture (GPC) from 1994 to mid-2008, to highlight some of the key subjects and debates which have been delimited and progressed within its pages. Launched simultaneously with the cultural turn in human geography, GPC proceeded to raise important questions about identity and difference, effectively reflecting but also driving a number of transformative intellectual and political agendas. This reflection will focus on three interrelated sites of such activity: empirical, theoretical and political. Empirically, numerous articles have examined the ways gender is lived, in and across spaces and these have been enlivened by approaches highlighting masculinities, sexualities and embodiment. Theoretically these subjects have been informed by post-colonial and post-structural frameworks, directing discussion towards multiple identities, reflexivity, research practice, performativity, material cultures, positionality and the nature of academic knowledge. In addition, GPC has registered progressive political concerns for justice and equality, though the nature and extent of its political import has been legitimately questioned from without and within the pages of the journal. The resolution of the many dilemmas associated with the ways gender is lived, thought about and practiced has not always been successful in the pages of GPC, and the ongoing reality of Anglo-American dominance, the persistence of women's inequality and the tension between discursive and political activism, remains. However, in re-placing gender over the last 15 years, GPC has been a journal of serious and path-breaking scholarship which has further legitimized the value of feminist geography.  相似文献   

Suetonius' Life of Augustus 52 emphasises Augustus' restraint with regard to divine honours and may have been written with the intention of contradicting Tacitus (Annales 1.10). Suetonius' statement that it was common for temples to be offered to proconsuls in the Republican period is not supported by the archaeological and epigraphical evidence. Two passages from Cicero's letters (ad Q.Fr. 1.1.26; ad Att. 5.21.7) have been seen as supporting evidence. They do not, however, necessarily provide evidence for the existence of temples to proconsuls, although it is possible that they may have been the source for Suetonius' statement.  相似文献   

Twenty‐six tesserae (red, orange, yellow, light amber, green, blue and white) from the balneum of the villa at Faragola (Ascoli Satriano, Foggia) have been examined by colorimetry, ICP–MS, ICP–OES and SEM–EDS. Different types of calcareous sands have been used as the source of silica (network former), also providing the stabilizing agent. A natron‐type soda source served as the network modifier; however, the use of a sodium‐rich plant ash and the recycling process have been hypothesized for the production of two tesserae (FT 1 red and FT 3 orange). The colouring and opacifying agents were Cu oxide (cuprite, orange), metallic copper (red), Pb antimonates (yellow), Ca antimonates (white), a mixture of copper (Cu2+) and Pb antimonates (green), a mixture of cobalt (Co2+) or copper (Cu2+) and Ca antimonates (blue). The light amber tesserae should owe their colour to iron (Fe3+) alone or associated with sulphide (S2?) and Ca antimonates. It is likely that the Faragola tesserae were locally produced in a secondary glass workshop.  相似文献   


A recurrent topic in ethnographic, historical and archaeological research has been the origins of Sámi reindeer pastoralism. The article discusses how prevailing theories have been influenced by general conceptual schemes, apriori constructed models and an extensive use of taxonomies. The debate has centered around how and when domestication took place, presupposing a paradigmatic change from hunting to pastoralism. However, there has probably never been an abrupt change; hunting and herding have both been parts of a multifaceted adaption existing up to the nineteenth century. What did change was the social organization of herding when a pastoral economy became the norm at that time. Such a change also had qualitative consequences in terms of new values and economic strategies.  相似文献   

A round-headed window in the cathedral close at Winchester, drawn by John Aubrey on or before March 1669 for his Chronologia architectonica, may belong to a hitherto unidentified structure shown by John Speed on his Map of Winchester of 1611. The location suggests that this structure and hence the window may have been part of the royal palace built in the centre of Winchester by William the Conqueror by about 1069–70, said by Gerald the Welshman, writing about 1198, to have been second to the palace in London ‘in neither quality nor scale’  相似文献   

A large, fossilised crocodilian metatarsal has been recovered from the Pliocene Bluff Downs Local Fauna exhibiting proliferative bone growth consistent with an episode of osteoperiostitis, possibly resulting from trauma. The nature and location of this trauma suggests that it may have occurred as a result of intraspecific aggression between rival animals. Three crocodilian genera have been recovered from the Bluff Downs Fauna, Crocodylus, Quinkana and Pallimnarchus. The metatarsal does not conform to Crocodylus porosus and therefore most probably represents one of the other two known crocodilian taxa. The nature of the injury suggests that it occurred in water and it may belong to the now extinct Plio-Pleistocene Pallimnarchus rather than Quinkana babarra which is interpreted as being predominantly terrestrial.  相似文献   

In this paper, the results of recent studies on inelastic seismic response of MDOF shear-building structures are presented. In the last few decades, the concept of response modification factor R has been introduced and developed to account for inelastic nonlinear behaviour of structures under earthquakes. In this paper, an attempt has been made to adjust and extend this concept through introducing a modifying factor R T . This factor is used for dynamic analysis of MDOF structures, including the calculation of inelastic response spectra. Sensitivity analysis was carried out to identify the parameters that have influence on R T . It has been demonstrated that R T is predominantly a function of number of stories, and accordingly a relationship has been suggested. Finally, an approximate approach has been developed for evaluating the seismic strength and ductility demands of MDOF structures.  相似文献   

The present study investigates the development of three concepts of lay association with the Order of the Temple that have hitherto often been considered as distinctive from each other but that are, in fact, in many ways interconnected: the confrater, the donatus and the miles ad terminum. Examining the motivation of lay men and women to associate with the Temple, as well as the various implications of the forms of association they chose, the study argues that at the turn of the twelfth and thirteenth centuries the constellation of the Order's confraternities underwent drastic changes and that these had been instigated by canon lawyers and formulated in the decrees of Lateran III and IV. As a response the donats, as a particular category of confratres, established themselves as the most prominent expression of lay association with the Temple. What is more, since the concept of the donat gained prominence when that of the Templar novice was in decline, it will also be argued that, for very different reasons, the concept of the Templar donat as well as that of the ‘temporary knight’ (miles ad terminum), which was as old as the Order itself, could eventually have been conceived and employed as two forms of novitiate in disguise, which helped attract the attention of laymen who would have otherwise been reluctant to profess fully into a military order.  相似文献   

The present study examines the results of archaeological research and all the related information retrieved from the writings of ancient Greek and Roman authors on the use and the environmental effects of olive‐mill wastewater since antiquity. The ancients were aware of the negative effects that the uncontrolled disposal of olive‐mill wastewater had on the environment, while the controlled release was considered to be beneficial for the soil. A predecessor of olive‐mill wastewater is amurca (Latin) or amorge (Greek). Both terms have been used by ancient authors to describe the watery, bitter‐tasting liquid residue obtained when the oil is drained from compressed olives. The role of amurca or amorge is, however, difficult to assess, though it does seem to have been a universal remedy against insects, weeds and plant diseases. On the basis of production and consumption patterns, an attempt was made to estimate the annual olive oil production during the reign of Augustus, which in turn could provide us with an order of magnitude approach for the generated olive‐mill wastewater (amurca). Although there is no evidence that the Romans practised any detoxification technique for reducing the pollutant effects of this waste before disposal, several Greek and Roman writers have described the recycling of amurca into valuable products. Some of the uses of amurca are, in the light of recent research, questionable or not exactly applicable for the present day. However, the pesticidal and fertilizing properties of olive‐mill wastewater have been confirmed by a large number of research studies.  相似文献   

Katsinam (plural of katsina) are effigies central to the religion of the Hopi people of northern Arizona in the United States. Since 2013 the Hopi have sought the return of katsinam being sold in French auction houses. The Hopi have employed a series of legal actions to stop the auctions. All such actions, however, have been consistently denied by French courts. This paper uses social science analysis to understand why the legal actions of the Hopi failed. This paper treats the case of the katsinam as a cautionary lesson in cultural heritage studies, with the goal of drawing insights that can inform other situations involving the repatriation of Indigenous cultural heritage.  相似文献   


The results of an analysis on plant remains (fruit, seeds, pollen and wood) found in sediments in a Roman well in Vada Sabatia (Vado Ligure, Liguria, Italy), dated between the first and fourth centuries AD are presented. The remains are well preserved and constitute an exceptional record of the Ligurian area. Five layers have been recognised: three corresponding to the well when in use and two to the well when it was no longer in use. The vegetational cover of the area has been found to be similar to that observed in the coastal plain near Albingaunum (Albenga) pertaining to the same period. Moreover, the two superficial layers have cumulated a large amount of macroremains related to the period in which the well was no longer in use. The principal tree and vegetable crops and cereals of the coastal plain were present, due to the influence of maritime and mercantile trade, as were the prevailing ruderal and weed species and the tree cover. The presence of carpological remains of Castanea sativa, Secale cereale, Beta vulgaris and Cucumis sativus is reported for the first time in the Roman Age in Liguria. The influence of the arrival of the Romans can be seen from new crops, such as Prunus persica, and the introduction of exotic fruit like Phoenix dactylifera and Ziziphus jujuba. Several wooden artefacts, for example, a rack for drying lucerne and a tool handle, made of Cornus or Viburnum and Viburnum cf. lantana respectively, have been found. The well has proved to be an ideal location for the preservation of plant remains compared with other studied archaeological situations in Liguria and in Southern France, as it presents a higher variety of cultivated fruits, vegetables and cereals.  相似文献   

China is a major centre for rice domestication, where starch grain analysis has been widely applied to archaeological grinding tools to gain information about plant use by ancient Chinese societies. However, few rice starch grains have been identified to date. To understand this apparent scarcity of starch grains from rice, dry- and wet-grinding experiments with stone tools were carried out on four types of cereals: rice (Oryza sativa L.), foxtail millet (Setaria italica), Job's tears (Coix lacryma-jobi L.) and barley (Hordeum vulgare L.). The results reveal that dry-grinding produces significant damage to starches to the point where they may be undetected in archaeological samples, while wet-grinding causes only slight morphological changes to the starch grains. Moreover, rice starch grains have the most substantial alterations from dry-grinding, possibly impeding their identification. These findings provide a possible means to explain the relative scarcity of rice starch grains recovered from archaeological grinding tools, which it is suggested was caused by the use of the dry-grinding technique. Therefore, it is suggested that rice starch grains have been likely underrepresented in the archaeological record, and previous interpretations of starch analyses need to be reconsidered.  相似文献   

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