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关于郑州商代青铜器窖藏坑性质的探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
1974年秋,在郑州商城西城墙北段外侧约300米处的杜岭张砦南街地下土坑内,出土了两件商代大铜鼎和一件铜鬲(以下简称“张砦铜器坑”)。这些青铜器究竟是墓内的随葬品还是窖藏品的问题,当时未能搞清楚。1982年夏,在郑州商城东南城角的外侧约54米处,即郑州市向阳回族食品厂地下,发现了一个埋置有13件商代青铜器的窖藏坑(以下简称“城东铜器坑”),这是目前在郑州商城附近出土数量较多、器形较大的另一批商代青铜器。从上述两座土坑的形制、深度和青铜器在坑底的放置方法,以及出土青铜器的品种来看,两者有许多相似之处,因而张砦铜器坑也应该是属于当时的窖藏遗迹。至于这两个窖藏青铜器坑的形成问题,我们初步认为可能与商代某种祭祀活动有关。现就这个问题,我愿意谈一些看法,不当或错误之处,请批评指正。  相似文献   

自西汉以来,从我国内地经甘肃、新疆到中亚、西亚及欧洲各国之间,有一条陆路通道,被称之为"丝绸之路",它是联系我国人民与其他国家人民友好往来的纽带。近六十年来在新疆一带沿着"丝绸之路"出土了许多我国古代优美的丝织物。值得注意的是,凡是丝织物出土的地方,总伴随有我国古纸的出土。丝绸和纸张,养蚕术和造纸术,都是我国古代劳动人民送给其他国家人民的有价值的礼物,因此,这条"丝路"在这个意义上讲,也可称之为"纸张之路"。本文旨在从技术上对近年新疆出土的一些古纸进行研究探讨,并把新疆和甘肃敦煌出土的古纸再作一些技术对比。  相似文献   

故宫博物院收藏大量明清工艺品,其中以漆器来说,品种就非常丰富。近年来在整理藏品中,从明代漆器中又发现了元代雕漆器。这些都是研究我国古代制漆工艺的重要材料,现在就个人所见,提出一些材料以供参考。  相似文献   

宝鸡(弓鱼)国墓地是20世纪70年代中期至80年代初期西周考古的重要发现之一。该墓地以出土众多的独具自身特色的西周青铜器享誉海内外,特别是该基地出土的许多具有巴蜀文化特色的兵器格外引人注目。与此同时,该墓地还出土了一些具有北方青铜文化特色的兵器及一些含有人物形象铜器,别具特色.是研究该墓地族属难得的实物资料。本文拟就该墓地出土的这些铜器略陈管见。  相似文献   

收养制度作为社会亲属关系的一项重要制度,在古代各个民族中普遍存在。由于各个民族的传统文化和礼教不同,收养的目的、类型也就存在着很大的差异。两河流域出土了大量属于古巴比伦人(Old-Babylonians)的收养契约,通过对这些契约以及《汉穆拉比法典》中有关收养条款的研究,我们可以对古巴比伦人的收养制度有更进一步的了解和认识。  相似文献   

吐鲁番出土《三国志·魏书》和佛经时代的初步研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本世纪以来,在吐鲁番地区,多次出土了魏晋南北朝时期的佛经残卷,同时也出土了东晋时期的《三国志》残卷。据我所知的有《佛说楞严三昧经》残卷,元康元年(291—299)的《诸佛要集经》。还有《放光般若经》、《妙法莲花经》以及侠名经等。大谷探险队早年拿去的写经一部分现在旅顺博物馆收藏。出土的晋人抄本《三国志》已流入日本。特别是建国以来,考古工作者对于高昌古墓多次的发掘,出土了数以几千件、包括晋至唐代大量的文书、写经等残件,更是极其难得的宝贵材料。至于《新疆访古录》一书中所列的抄本写经,原件现已不知流散何处。这些写经对于研究佛  相似文献   

高昌三碑略考   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
前言新疆吐鲁番盆地是历史上著名的绿洲,地当东西交通要道,也是各民族交流和争夺的焦点。但是最重要的是,本世纪初叶,以普鲁士探险队为首,相继有斯坦因、鄂登堡,大谷探险队等在这里发现了大量的古文物,使它作为文化遗产的宝库而闻名于世。近年来,随着中华人民共和国考古学者的调查发掘的展开,包括大量汉文文书在内的更加丰富的文物不断昭示于众,对于研究中亚的古代文化来说,称此盆地居于首要地位是一点不过分的。在对这些出土资料进行研究时,以之与正史中以《高昌传》为代表的传世文  相似文献   

以维鲁河谷田野工作开始为标志,聚落形态考古已有五十周年了。在此之即,我很荣幸能够为这本书谈些感想并将这些感想献给聚落形态考古五十周年纪念文集。1 94 6年,我刚33岁便踏上了维鲁河谷的征程,那时我并不十分清楚我将去做些什么。现在我已经83岁了,尽管有许多事后的认识,我仍然不能全部肯定“聚落考古(Settlementarchaeology)”这个术语是否是我们想要给它的名字。无论如何,我们都知道人类遗留下他们的遗迹在大地上,并在他们居住的地方进行建筑和改造。所有这些人类留下的遗迹,成为今天考古学家研究的重要资料。尽管我已经设计了一些有…  相似文献   

曾泽禄 《中国钱币》2002,(1):31-32,37
中国近代以来,许多外国传教士及经商者来到中国,如果他们对中国艺术文化有兴趣的话,多多少少会带一些中国古文物回去,尤其在清末民初时期为最,这些古文物,包括中国钱币,最后不是捐献给博物馆,就是在市场被拍卖掉,所以在海外遗珍之古钱,可以从拍卖物或博物馆的藏品而得知一二。  相似文献   

赵桂玲 《文物春秋》2009,(4):32-40,F0002
清宫旧藏玉器中,唐、宋、元玉器比较有代表性,各地出土的与之相对应时代的玉器也很丰富。选择出土地点和时代均明确的标准器,与旧藏的传世古玉在形制、花纹等方面作对比研究,从而重新找出传世古玉当初的时空与地点,为我们研究、确定传世古玉的年代和归属地提供了条件和可能。经过器形、纹饰、玉质、加工特点等方面的比较研究,得出的结果大致可以分为两类:一是找出了传世品与出土物在断代上的差异,同时明确了传世品的出土地域;二是断代相同,但补充了传世古玉的出土地域。  相似文献   

The archaeology of the Late Preceramic (3500–1800 b.c.) and Initial Periods (1800–800 b.c.) on the north coast of Peru is focused on monumental ceremonial buildings and little attention has been paid to small residential settlements. Here, I introduce the excavations carried out at Gramalote, a fishing settlement that was interpreted as a specialized producer of seafood with a narrow range of non-subsistence activities. Current data support a broader view of fishing communities during the second millennium b.c. in northern Peru. In this view, the discovery of a ceremonial facility at the Gramalote site opens a discussion about the role of community-level ceremonies and how these local practices are related to those at religious monumental centers of the same period.  相似文献   

新石器时代多数石器需要安柄使用,但木柄之类的有机质遗存极难保存。由于南湖等地具备特殊的埋藏环境,良渚文化带柄石器的实物竟有成批出土。本文首次公布这些珍贵的装柄石器实物资料,并系统介绍了良渚文化带柄石器出土的历史和现状,对带柄石器的安装和使用进行了初步探讨,相信对良渚文化石器的研究能产生推动作用。  相似文献   

The lower paleolithic of the Near East   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The Near East forms the geographic crossroads between Africa, Asia and Europe and was certainly a main route for the dispersal of Homo erectusinto Eurasia. The study of Lower Paleolithic sites in this region and in the neighboring Caucasus area sheds some light on several potential colonization events. Sites such as Ubeidiya (Jordan Valley) and Dmanisi (Georgia) suggest the early sorties took place around 1.4-1.0 Ma. Despite the lack of radiometric dates, sequences of raised beaches, marine deposits, river terraces, and paleolake formations have enabled various investigators to identify several series of major aggradation and erosion periods within the Pleistocene. Lithic assemblages derived from a few systematic excavations and collections from stratigraphically dated outcrops led to a threefold subdivision of the Acheulian sequence into the Lower, Middle, and Upper Acheulian. The study of nonbiface assemblages, however, has not resolved the question of whether these assemblages deserve inclusion as separate entities or should be viewed as sites within the Acheulian settlement pattern. While the typotechnological definitions of each major phase can be compared to what is known from other regions of the Old World, the Acheulo-Yabrudian (or the Mugharan Tradition) is seen as a local entity. Rare human remains and scarce data concerning subsistence activities do not warrant a comparative discussion with what is known from African and some European sites.  相似文献   

Since 2002 a non-invasive investigation integrating aerial photography and high-resolution magnetometry has been carried out for reconstructing extensive ancient settlements in Tavoliere lowland (Southern Italy). Relevant magnetic anomalies were detected in all the surveyed sites allowing a precise mapping of the buried structures over more than 150 ha. Next to this research susceptibility measurements, PXRD, XRF and optical analysis were also performed in order to explain the origin of the notable magnetization contrast between the anthropogenic structures and the embedding materials, generating the measured signals. This last study was accomplished, in 2006, in Monte S. Vincenzo site, a vast Neolithic village where the remotely sensed data were also used to guide some direct inspection. Trial archaeological excavations brought to light parts of C-shaped compounds, providing complete information on the geometry and location of the sources of magnetic signals. Profiting by the archaeological feedback, the susceptibility contrast between the soil filling the ditches and the calcareous substratum was assessed in situ. A synthetic model based on this information was created and compared with the experimental data. The infilling material was also sampled for laboratory analysis: the presence of several magnetic minerals (pyroxenes, monometric magnetite, haematite) was ascertained. Furthermore optical analyses showed different types of volcanic and igneous products such as pumices, melanite garnets and lava fragments. Geomorphological and archaeometric evidence allowed us to relate these materials to activity of the Mt. Vesuvius volcano. Eventually their possible spatial distribution was inferred from recent studies on ash transportation and deposition during explosive activity.  相似文献   

In 2008, the archaeological museum in Piła carried out excavations in the site No. 5 in Ujście upon the river Noteć (Poland), at the Rybacka Street and in the Old Market Square. In 12 archaeological excavations and 4 surveys abundant wooden structures were discovered, from which about 800 samples were taken, mainly of pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) and oakwood (Quercus sp.). The studies were aimed at absolute dating of wood with the dendrochronological method, the wiggle matching fitting curves method, as well as anatomical determination of wood. Absolute dating of the oakwood from the Rybacka Street allowed to distinguish the oldest fortifications of the stronghold from the ninth century, and also intensive introduction of wood in the years 980–1080 AD, whereas analysis of wood from the Old Market (survey IV) allowed to distinguish eight structural levels, from the 1530s until the 970s. On the basis of the pine wood 227-year-long local chronology 2U_02A was produced, dated with the wiggle-matching method for the period 860–1080 (±10) cal. AD. Most of the pine samples proved to represent wood introduced in the 990s and 1040s (±10) cal. AD, and also some repairs in the years 1000–1030 and 1050–1070 (±10) cal. AD.  相似文献   

The examination of historic landscapes at complex, multi-phased archaeological sites is hampered by the limitations of traditional two-dimensional (2D) visibility studies in geographic information systems (GISs). This paper argues for integrating three-dimensional (3D), qualitative methods into the study of visibility of monumental architecture at ancient sites. By transforming 2D GIS data into 3D representations of ancient built and natural landscapes, visibility studies can be greatly enhanced, adding into analysis perspective, monument shape, and color, as well as changing levels of visibility across time and space. The ancient Egyptian site of Saqqara (29° 52′ 16.55″ lat./31° 12′ 59.58″ E long.) is one of a number of cult locations with monumental architecture neighboring the administrative capital of Memphis. The Old Kingdom cult site of Saqqara (2670 bce–2168 bce) is utilized to demonstrate the potential for 3D visibility studies that better replicate such elements of human perception. This method offers new possibilities for more human-centered studies of past landscapes.  相似文献   


This study is an attempt to develop a comprehensive typology of the earliest stone bead assemblages in the southern Levant from Late Natufian and Neolithic sites. I propose this typology as a tool for studying stone beads almost a century after Horace Beck published his monumental bead typology. Beads are often neglected artifacts in archaeological excavations, but a bead typology can contribute to definitions of relative chronology and to a broader understanding of social and economic aspects of certain prehistoric societies.  相似文献   

Recent excavations at FLK North (Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania) have produced new information on the orientation of archaeological materials at various levels of the site. This information includes the uniform distribution of material azimuths, which contrasts with previous inferences of highly patterned orientations of materials in the Bed I archaeological sites. Those previous inferences of patterned material orientations are based on Mary Leakey's 50-year-old drawings of artifact and fossil bone distribution, but are not verified by our precise measurements of archaeological objects made in situ. Nor do those previous results agree with the general lack of geological, geomorphological, and/or taphonomic data that would indicate significant post-depositional movement of archaeological materials in the sites. We argue here that Leakey's drawings are incomplete (only portions of each assemblage were drawn) and inaccurate in their representation of the original locations, shapes and orientations of most archaeological specimens. This argument is supported by several important mismatches in object representations between a photograph taken of a small portion of the FLK 22 Zinjanthropus site floor before the removal of the archaeological items, and the sketch of the same area drawn by Leakey. Thus, we conclude that primary orientation data of excavations (i.e., direct measurements taken from items) generated prior to object removal are the only valid indicators of the relative isotropy or anisotropy of these important paleoanthropological assemblages.  相似文献   


Aerial photography has been employed by archaeologists since 1906. This study discusses the application of image processing of historical photographs as an aid to archaeological excavations at two California mission sites.

Research on the Mission Vieja de la Purisima site involved the mapping of the Old Mission complex, destroyed by an earthquake and mudslide in 1812. Optical means of multiple-image registration and scale change were employed. The second study involved the digital transformation of an historical photograph of Mission San Buenaventura from its oblique perspective into a “psuedo-vertical” format.

Information obtained in these studies is being used by archaeological researchers and has been found accurate and extremely useful. The preliminary mapping of the Mission Vieja de la Purisima has aided in the preservation of the area and played a major role in the mission's being designated as a California and National Historical site.  相似文献   

Dedemezari necropolis, the site of our study, is located in the west of Turkey near Afyon. Archaeologists think that it belongs to the Middle Bronze age. A high-resolution magnetic survey identified buried material highly accurately. In particular, anomalies, which are transformed by the analytic signal method, clarify the observed magnetic anomalies. Magnetic surveying was applied in three different areas in this study. The map of analytic signal-transformed anomalies presented good results on preliminary excavation in trenches A and B. Two types of graves are found in the study area. One is made of clay and the second is carved in the rocks. Shapes of the buried graves are mainly cylindrical and elliptical. Most of the magnetic anomalies are elliptical and reflect the shape of the buried materials. Future excavations in Dedemezari necropolis will be able to be carried out more easily due to the known locations of the buried graves.  相似文献   

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