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他从不害怕去碰那些通常被认为是禁忌的主题,如乱伦与迷信、情欲与死亡2006年5月30日,日本著名导演今村昌平因肝癌在东京去世,享年79岁。今村昌平曾以《楢山节考》(1983)和《鳗鱼》(1997)两次获得戛纳电影节金棕榈大奖,成为戛纳影史上4位两次获得最高荣誉的导演之一,被誉为继黑泽明之后日本最有声望的殿堂级大师。  相似文献   

这阵子,朋友不断和我谈起今村昌平的电影,我们互相交换、争论,我完全认同朋友说的一点:今村昌平早期的作品,比他的《梄山节考》更残酷、更有力量、也更男性化。他成名后的作品,主要表现人的贪婪和从中产生的暴力。今村善于描写性爱,所以他的女主角不论多有名,几乎都要在他的影片里裸露出演。他晚年的《鳗鱼》几乎看不到早年今村的面目了。但是,女演员在镜头面前赤裸演出的状态,一直没有改变。显然,今村不是要表达一种商业性的“裸体”,他所展现的是一种生命的价值和语言。  相似文献   

终于看到了日本导演今村昌平(1926—2006)在2001年完成的最后一部故事片《赤桥下的暖流》,看完以后大失所望:导演老了,是体力上的衰弱让他失去了年轻时的狠劲,他不再无情地撕开黑暗的社会,不再直逼复杂阴暗的人性。没有了,留下的是那样一份浅浅的梦幻,和并不怎么感人的爱情。  相似文献   

在阅读《史记》、《汉书》过程中,颇感其记述及注释有可疑之处。今摘取其中七例,以娱同好。分别题为:《史记》关於蒙恬北逐匈奴年代质疑、《史记·秦始皇本纪》“令相国昌平君昌文君发卒攻毒”句句读试析、“刚武侯”诸家注辨疑、吕后之兄吕泽为周吕侯而非建成侯说、《汉书·郦商传》“六月余”句辨疑、越骑校尉所领非越人辨析、《汉书·酷吏·田广明传》颜注之一误。  相似文献   

薛登 《成都文物》2003,(4):10-25
《成都物》2000年第1期载荣远大、刘雨茂二位学合撰之《北周王碑真伪考》(以下简称《考》),谓今存成都市龙泉驿区山泉乡大佛村境的省级物保护单位北周王碑,并非北周初元刻立的原碑,而是后人利用已残的两通原碑,“经续补之后重刻的”伪品。这一观点,较之笔发表在《成都物》1987年3期的《北周王碑及造像问题新探》(原稿题名《千年古碑寄伪刻》),仅怀疑和论证该碑之额题系后人伪刻,《考》的见解透辟多矣。  相似文献   

《商君书》杂考纠缪   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
《商君书》杂考纠缪张觉《商君书》为法家要籍,故治者代不乏人。近世之研究著述尤盛,但其间也存在着种种误解与不解。今不揣愚陋,略陈管窥蠡测之见,如有不当,尚望方家指正。一、《商君书》编集考《韩非子·五蠹》云:“今境内之民皆言治,藏商、管之法者家有之。”《...  相似文献   

车丽华 《神州》2011,(2X):26-28,31
本文系对《竹书纪年》、《穆天子传》、《国语》、《史记》所载周穆王十二年北伐犬戎大获全胜,“得四白狼、四白鹿以归”之战,和对《金石录》、《辞海》、《汉语大词典》等金石学著作中关于“吉日癸巳”,史称《坛山刻石》的考证和综述。文中论述该战战地在今河北省赞皇县,周穆王获胜后于此登瓒山封赞皇山,且驻跸檀山于山崖刻“吉日癸巳”四古字,成为千古佳话,以及赞皇县得名,《坛山刻石》成为中华刻石之最的来龙去脉。  相似文献   

王政  张正林 《丝绸之路》2009,(16):77-79
刘克庄(1187-1269),号后村,福建莆田人。晚年著《后村诗话》,分为前集2卷、后集2卷、续集4卷、新集6卷,计14卷。前、后、续三集统论汉魏唐宋诗人诗歌,以唐宋诗为多;新集则详论唐人诗作,皆“采摘菁华,品题优劣”。《四库全书总目》称《后村诗话》“所载宋代诸诗,其集不传于今者十之五六,亦皆赖是书以存”,郭绍虞先生《宋诗话考》说《后村诗话》“网罗众作,见取材之博;评衡惬当,见学力之精”,可见此书的文献价值与理论意义。本文从诗学观点的视角简述之。  相似文献   

许慎著的《说文解字》(以下简称《说文》)往往引经证字,即《序》中所谓“厥谊不昭,爱明以谕.”今考《说文》引《礼》138条,或出《周礼》、或出《仪礼》、或出《礼记》,然有22条为今传三《礼》所无.历代研究者或以《说文》所引非三《礼》文,或以今传之三《礼》有误,莫衷一是.本文在前人研究基础上,逐条探讨了《说文》引《礼》而令传三《礼》所无之条,考其原因,述之于下.  相似文献   

《隋书经籍志》所据“旧录”新探张固也《隋书经籍志》总序中说:“今考见存,合条为一万四千四百六十六部,有八万九千六百六十六卷。其旧录所取,文义浅俗,无益教理者,并删去之;其旧录所遗,辞义可采,有所弘益者,咸附人之。”这里的“旧录”,显然即《隋志》正文著...  相似文献   

段义孚人文主义地理学的哲学视野   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李溪 《人文地理》2014,29(4):8-12
段义孚的人文地理学思想,在很多方面来源于20世纪哲学的发展。本文侧重于对他影响最大的实用主义、现象学和符号学三个领域,探索这些哲学思想如何或明确或潜在地影响了他的人文地理学观念。实用主义主要启发了他"日常经验"及其连续性和关联性的关注,符号学为他阅读建筑和城市的一些地理特征关系提供了帮助。而现象学则在更深远的意义上影响了他,从他最初批判地理科学的数学化方法,到后来他对时间和知觉问题的关注,以及由此产生的地方感问题,均在现象学的视野下展开。此外,他以描述和归纳呈现一个"人"的地理经验的视野,也源自与现象学"面向事实本身"的主张。本文最后提及中国哲学和智慧对他的影响,他有效地融合了东西方的思想,使之对人文地理学的发展起到了开创性的作用。  相似文献   

本文通过对今本《墨子》前七篇的分析和研究,推断《亲士》、《修身》二篇当属墨子早年自著,而《所染》至《三辩》五篇则应为其早期门人弟子所记;并进一步探讨与之相关的两个重要问题,即墨子自著为何偏少、“兼爱”在墨子整个学说思想体系中的地位究竟又是怎样的。  相似文献   

This article explores the profound impact of the thought of Claude Bernard (1813-78) and his philosophy of experimentalism elaborated in his masterwork An Introduction to the Study of Experimental Medicine. I argue that Bernard's far-ranging theoretical impact on medicine and biology marks the end of conventional vitalism and the elusive notion of a "vital force" as a legitimate scientific concept. His understanding of medicine is as epistemologically significant in its time as Newton's contribution was to the physical sciences in the seventeenth century. This essay treats Bernard's philosophical ambitions seriously, exploring his important, even central, role in the mental world of nineteenth-century France. This includes his influence on Henri Bergson (1859-1941) and other late-nineteenth century thinkers. The subtext of Bernard's experimental epistemology is also contrasted with a key idealist philosopher of the period, the German Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860), and placed in the context of the larger European philosophical sphere. In contrast to much of mid-nineteenth-century philosophy, Bernard, in creating the framework for experimental medicine, argued for an experimental approach in which a priori assumptions were to be strictly constrained. Bernard's thoughts on the nature of experiment put an end to "systems" in medicine, ironically by replacing all previous medical philosophies with the all-embracing "system" of experiment. And yet, while "vital forces" fade after Bernard, a form of vitalism still flourishes. Even in Bernard's own work, in the struggle with concepts like determinism, complexity, and causality, there is a realization of the unique character of living function in a kind of "physical vitalism."  相似文献   

在企业经营活动中,经济行为与伦理道德可以并存,还是难以两立,一直是学术界争议的话题。日本著名企业家稻盛和夫强调说,企业经营者必须有可以作为判断基准的哲学。坚持把“为人何谓正确”作为判断基准,不断追求正义、公正,是稻盛和夫经营哲学的核心,也是他的道德观和伦理观的充分体现。但是,做人的道德准则和企业经营的原则,特别是“利他”的道德观和企业追求利润的经营目标是否真的存在矛盾、冲突?应该如何协调、处理二者之间的关系?本文将通过对稻盛和夫经营实践中若干实例的分析,尝试对此做出回答。  相似文献   

柯林武德被誉为20世纪最有影响力的历史哲学家之一,国内外现有研究主要集中于其史学理论观点的阐释上,忽略了对其思想发展历程的分析。就理论倾向来说,柯林武德经历了由实在论者向唯心主义者的逐渐转化,他的思想发展也由此划分为三个阶段。在这三个阶段之外,历史过程思想作为其史学理论的基本前提之一,体现着他思想发展的连续性。问答逻辑则展现了柯林武德考古学、历史学和哲学三项学术研究之间的和谐关系及其史学理论的体系性。  相似文献   

In the debate about Michael Oakeshott’s philosophy there is very little agreement on the theoretical and historical meaning of his skepticism. Starting from the assumption that skepticism is not a fixed theory but a tradition of ideas, this article draws on both published texts and archival materials to contend that Oakeshott developed his thought by confronting himself with, and even merging, different strands of skepticism: the ancient, the modern, as represented by Hobbes and Montaigne, and the idealist, as conceived by F. H. Bradley. The article firstly shows Oakeshott’s awareness of ancient skepticism, even though its impact on his thought is contested and controversial. With regard to modern skepticism, it looks at how Oakeshott defines Hobbes’s skepticism in his “Introduction to Leviathan.” It also examines the relevance of Montaigne to Oakeshott’s image of conversation, his idea of human agency and conception of politics. Finally, the article illustrates the influence of Bradley’s skepticism on Oakeshott’s conception of philosophy and reveals the consistency between Oakeshott’s skepticism and idealism. What emerges is a complex picture, in which Oakeshott’s skepticism is a constellation of elements taken from a variety of sources.  相似文献   

陳來 《中华文史论丛》2011,(4):25-50,392
對於四德而言,朱子的討論包含了三種分析的論述,即"從理看","從氣看","從物看"。但總起來説,應當承認,朱子的思想不斷發展出一種論述的傾向,即不再把元亨利貞僅僅理解爲理,而注重將其看作兼賅體用的流行之統體的不同階段,如將其看作元氣流行的不同階段。由於天人對應,於是對仁義禮智的理解也依照元亨利貞的模式發生變化,即仁義禮智不僅僅是性理,也被看作生氣流行的不同發作形態。這導致朱子的四德論在其後期更多地趨向"從氣看"、"從物看"、從"流行之統體"看,使得朱子的哲學世界觀不僅有理氣分析的一面,也有流行統體的一面,而後者更可顯現出朱子思想的總體方向。  相似文献   

稻盛和夫是日本京瓷集团公司的创始人。该公司“2001年3月的年营业额超过4兆日元(大约为2700亿元人民币)、税前利润达4500亿日元(大约为300亿元人民币)”。^[1](P3)是什么使稻盛和夫在经营上成就这一辉煌伟业的呢?这便是,由以“敬天爱人”的基本思想为核心构架而成的稻盛经营哲学;以及靠商业伦理道德成为赢家的超凡境界。  相似文献   

This article examines the life and works of Robert Blakey, author of the first English-language history of political thought. Studies of Blakey have typically concentrated on one aspect of his life, whether as an authority on field sports or as an historian of philosophy. However, some of Blakey’s lesser-known ventures, particularly his early Radical politics, his hagiographies, and his attempts to write a biography of Charlemagne, heavily influenced his more famous works. Similarly, Blakey’s upbringing in a Calvinist tradition, rooted in the Scottish School of Common Sense philosophy helps makes sense of his philosophical and theological commitments, yet has been largely ignored. This article provides a sketch of Blakey’s life, tying these disparate strands together, and explaining their influence upon, and relevance to, the first history of political philosophy.  相似文献   


Dugald Stewart was the first metaphysician of any significance in Britain who attempted to take account of Kantian philosophy, although his analysis appears generally dismissive. Traditionally this has been imputed to Stewart's poor understanding of Kant and to his efforts to defend the orthodoxy of common sense. This paper argues that, notwithstanding Stewart's reading, Kant's philosophy helped him in a reconsideration and reassessment of common sense philosophy. In his mature works—the Philosophical Essays (1810), the second volume of the Elements of the Philosophy of the Human Mind (1814), and the second part of his historical ‘Dissertation? (1815–1821)—Stewart's analysis of Kantian philosophy is far from being uniform. In the first two works, he takes a cautious approach to transcendentalism, showing some interest in the challenge it might represent for common sense; in the last, he turns to rash criticism. This change may appear confusing and inconsistent unless considered in the light of a precise ‘nationalistic’ strategy. In fact, once Stewart had taken from Kantian philosophy what he deemed useful for his own aims, he eventually dismissed it in order to show that his reworked version of common sense was the most original and most consistent outcome of the whole Anglo-Scottish philosophical tradition.  相似文献   

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