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A failed effort at “reform from above” or a dramatic reassertion of “people power”? Almost thirty-five years on, studies of the Revolutions of 1989 continue to be framed by these two polarities. However, this historiographical focus has meant that scholars have often overlooked the actual content and character of protest itself. This article argues that one way of reinjecting agency and ideas back into our historical understanding of 1989 is through examining the chronopolitics of revolution: that is to say, by addressing how the control and interpretation of time became a political battlefield, a site of contention and negotiation, between Communist regimes, on the one hand, and political activists and society, on the other. Investigating events in the German Democratic Republic and Czechoslovakia, the article contains two central claims: first, that an interrogation of the concept of “chronopolitics” can provide a new angle by which to grasp the revolutionary character of “1989” and the democratic transformations that resulted and, second, by way of inversion, that a study of the temporal experiences across 1989 and the early 1990s can in turn shed light on the analytical value of “chronopolitics” more generally.  相似文献   

以江南丘陵区的长沙市为例,以1989年和2013年的Landsat TM影像及DEM为数据,应用GIS空间分析方法,对长沙市1989-2013年农村居民点空间演变的过程、格局、特征及影响因素进行研究。结果表明:①农村居民点密度不断加大,居民点空间扩展特征显著,但居民点布局较为分散;②农村居民点用地布局低地指向性特征明显,不同地貌类型区的农村居民点地域分异特征较为显著;③农村居民点空间布局的道路和河流指向性特征明显,距离道路与河流越近,农村居民点面积越大,反之则越少;④自然环境决定了长沙市农村居民点总体空间布局,同时,经济发展、农村城镇化与工业化、交通条件、政策制度等因素对农村居民点空间演变具有重要的影响。  相似文献   

T he N iagara F ruit B elt of Ontario was first delimited in the 1950s on the basis of area in fruit and vegetables as a percentage of area in occupied farmland, using census subdivisions as mapping units (Figure 1).1 The Fruit Belt in 1951 consisted of ten townships on or close to the south shore of Lake Ontario between the western edge of Hamilton and the Niagara River. Even though complete municipal government reorganization and wholesale municipal boundary changes have occurred since 1951, the township names and boundaries shown in Figure 1 are used throughout this paper for the convenience of reference and comparison.  相似文献   

Recent appraisals of historical geography range widely in their assessment of the field. Donald Meinig (1989), writing of 'The Historical Geography Imperative,' concludes: 'historical geography is not, has never been, just another item in the proliferating diversity of our grand enterprise. Rather, like physical and environmental geography, it is one of the foundations of the whole enterprise. In its own way historical geography encompasses and contributes to all of geography. Micheal Dear (1988) disagrees. In 'The postmodern challenge: Reconstructing human geography,' he states that historical geography is 'overde-termined,' and 'an empty concept' conveying 'few (if any) significant analytical distinctions …. He concludes that historical geography does 'little more than confirm what geography is about. Both writers agree on the pervasive and comprehensive nature of historical geography, but Dear sees this inclusiveness as more of a cincture, whereas Meinig conveys the fundamental and embracing understanding of geography inherent in the practice of historical geography.  相似文献   

An analysis of the shapes of cities in the Moscow region finds that the linear, elongated form tends to predominate over the compact. City layout often derives from the arrangement of the axes of development. In many Moscow Oblast cities, these axes are the transport corridors radiating out of Moscow, and the corridors, often made up of parallel railroad, highway and river, account for the pronounced elongation of city shapes. From a historical perspective, linearity developed mainly in the last 50 to 60 years as new industrial plants and housing developments sprang up along the transport corridors. The author cautions against unhindered development of linearity since it may ultimately produce continuously urbanized belts along the major transport corridors radiating out of Moscow. Such a development is viewed as undesirable from the standpoint of regional planning because it would obliterate recreational facilities, which are now situated mainly along these transport routes.  相似文献   

In 1946 a group of Western New York and Southern Ontario business leaders proposed locating United Nations headquarters on Navy Island, Canadian territory in the Niagara River. One of the most visionary proposals ever to come from the region, it was a genuinely binational project, grounded in the symbolism of the peaceful relationship along the Niagara after the War of 1812. The proposal revealed a high level of cross-border economic and cultural integration in the Niagara region that had been strengthened by the shared experience of World War II. However, the region was increasingly marginalized from its national and state/provincial cores as it struggled to integrate itself into an ever more globalized economy.  相似文献   

丝绸之路是一条连接欧亚大陆的著名古代陆上商贸通道,沿线分布有众多的城镇。通过实地调研和文献分析,结合立地条件对丝绸之路沿线城镇空间分布的地域特征进行了系统分析,依据城镇发展阶段的不同,提出了散点型、串珠型和网络型三种基本的空间分布形态,在分析研究政治、经济、环境、文化等要素的时空组合基础上,提出了城镇空间演变的三个基本特征,即空间发展的差异性,中心城镇的游移性和城址变迁的宜居性,这对于指导丝绸之路沿线城镇化发展和新农村建设具有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   

Due to a variety of factors, the great proportion of the public is excluded from participation in environmental planning. A well designed sample survey is one viable method for incorporating the views of the uninterested but impacted public in environmental decision making. Such a study was carried out on the Niagara Frontier, Experience with that study is instructive for delineating the conditions needed for maximum utilization of the information such a study can generate.  相似文献   

Summit Ridge, located in the North Santa Cruz Mountains, California, was heavily affected by landsliding during the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake (Mw=7.0). Widespread shallow failures, along with 17 deep-seated landslides, caused extensive damage. In order to study possible methods of assessing landslide hazard a geographical information system (GIS) was utilised. Geological, geotechnical, geomorphological and seismological data were used in a deterministic analysis using two standard earthquake slope stability models (pseudo-static and Newmark displacement). The models were used to assess the landslide potential that existed during the Loma Prieta event. It was found that, of these two models, the Newmark displacement model proved most successful at predicting the location of shallow unstable slopes. However, because both models are deterministic in nature they did not take into account any of the error and uncertainty in the input parameters. Therefore, a probabilistic Newmark displacement method of analysis was developed. This was achieved by incorporating the principles behind a recently developed probabilistic technique which utilises the pseudo-static slope stability model. The method calculates the probability that a slope will exceed a certain critical value of Newmark displacement and thus fail. The use of such an analysis resulted in a more realistic distribution of hazard when compared with the distribution of actual landslides triggered by the 1989 earthquake. Subsequent to this, the probabilistic method was used to undertake a landslide hazard assessment for Summit Ridge given a postulated earthquake located on the Northern East Bay segment of the Hayward fault.  相似文献   

This article uses nationally representative sample survey data to assess the confidence of Canadians and Americans in four major state institutions: the police; the civil service; the federal government; and political parties. Long-standing arguments suggest that Canadians are more trusting of government than Americans. Results, however, indicate small national differences, with variations within countries being much more important, especially for regional and racial subgroups within each nation. Consistent with their traditional minority position in Canada, Quebecers stand out as having the least confidence of respondents in either nation. In contrast, and despite their minority position, nonwhites express more confidence in political institutions than do whites in both countries, especially in English Canada. One exception is somewhat lower confidence in the police among nonwhites, particularly in the northern United States. The findings demonstrate the need to go beyond an exclusive focus on national differences when comparing political attitudes and values in Canada and the United States.  相似文献   

本文认为三峡库区工业空间组织结构的调整与优化是库区整个工业结构调整的重要组成部分。三峡库区工业的空间组织结构调整必须与长江产业带建设、三峡经济区生产力总体布局以及库区的城镇体系建设相协调,在优化库区工业经济空间布局过程中应该以库区工业企业迁建为契机,把工业布局优化同城镇搬迁、基础设施建设相结合。库区工业组织结构调整与优化整体思路可以概括为:"两头牵动、中间布点、形成三区、主轴衔接、由线而面、双向拓展"。最后提出了相应的保障措施。  相似文献   

山西省传统村落空间分布格局及影响因素研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以山西省156 个"传统村落"为研究对象,Arc GIS10.2 为支撑平台,使用谷歌地球(Googol Earth)和百度地图确定坐标、高程等基本地理信息,运用空间分析方法,从宏观角度综合分析山西的传统村落在空间上的分布格局及其影响因素。山西传统村落分布有以下特点:整体为凝聚型,部分区域为分散型;地区分布不均衡,集中分布于晋中、晋东南地区,其他地区较少;沿河流、道路呈带状分布,且在这两方面上存在空间指向的一致性。从地形、海拔、坡向、河流等自然要素和人口、中心城镇、社会经济等人文要素方面探索影响传统村落空间分布的因素及其发生作用的方式,对山西传统村落的保护与开发进行有益思考。  相似文献   

During the 1970s it became clear that earlier forecasts of population increase and urban expansion in the Niagara region were too great. There has been a steady decline in the national birth rate since the 1950s and a decline locally in the rate of net in-migration. Moreover, a worsening economic climate, increasing development costs, and greater planning restrictions have led to a decline in the rate of land conversion from rural to urban uses. These changing circumstances afford an opportunity to plan for more compact urban areas and thus protect the area's valuable agricultural land. However, attempts to achieve these ends have been constantly frustrated by a regional and local planning process which has been loath to recognize such a conservationist cause or the need to plan for slower growth. In this report I will review three issues: the changing trends in future urban growth in the Niagara region; the regional plan and the designation of future urban areas; and the problems that have contributed to conflict and delay in approving that plan.  相似文献   

Born in Oklahoma City in 1939, educated at George Washington University, the University of Central Oklahoma, and the University of Oklahoma, Baird taught for a decade at the University of Arkansas, Fayettmille, and for another ten years at Oklahoma State University before accepting in 1989 the Howard A. White Professorship of History at Pepperdine University. He and his wife, Jane, are the parents of a daughter and a son. In addition to numerous articles, Baird has published eight books on the history of Native American peoples in Oklahoma and two on the history of medicine in Arkansas. He has been president of the Western History Association and chair of the Oklahoma Foundation for the Humanities. From 1989 to 1991 he served as president of Phi Alpha Theta, whose advisory council he now chairs. Bairds presidential address was delivered in December 1991 at the 70th Anniversary Phi Alpha Theta convention held in Chicago.  相似文献   

江苏省区域经济差异与发展战略演变初探   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
改革开放以来,江苏省分别实施了区域均衡发展、非均衡发展、区域共同发展和苏北大发展战略,造成了各区域间经济增长速度的差异,导致区域经济发展失衡,其主要表现为苏南、苏中与苏北三大经济区域间的差异和县域经济差异的不断扩大。在分析了现阶段江苏省沿江开发战略对区域发展差异的影响,立足区域整合的角度,提出加快沿江开发与苏北互动发展的对策与措施,以期实现江苏省区域经济的协调发展,扭转南北经济差异进一步扩大的趋势。  相似文献   

Over the past fifteen years, Americans and Canadians have become increasingly interested in and conscious of the sources of their food. Local food movements such as farmers’ markets and community supported agriculture have expanded dramatically in popularity. This study focuses on a heretofore unexamined aspect of this phenomenon, the widespread rise in use of local food and agriculture in tourism marketing. Nearly absent in 1993 promotions, “eating locally” is now a cornerstone of tourism advertising by states and provinces. This study examines the ways that local food is employed in tourism booklets, and by extension, the desires of the travelers to whom such booklets are targeted.  相似文献   

在全球化过程中,产业区的变迁受到"技术-组织-区域"共同演化的影响,存在升级、衰退与形态消失的路径分岔。将路径分岔置于地方和全球两种情境下进行分析。在地方情境下:(1)若产业区企业互动学习,则升级为创新型产业区;(2)若产业区企业较少关心学习,或固化在本地化网络之中,产生锁定效应,则可能衰退;(3)如果企业产生组织惯性,不能及时随着技术范式的变化而变化,可能产生衰退。在全球情境下:(1)如果产业区企业能够摆脱全球贸易商的控制,则可能升级;(2)如果只能靠接受贸易商订单生存,则有衰退的风险;(3)若跨国公司转移导致地方企业被动转移或兼并地方企业时,产业区形态则可能消失。最后对产业区的升级进行了进一步思考。  相似文献   

So far as I can make out, Sitwell's comment on my essay says little that is relevant to its content. In fact he goes so far as to declare that my essay can in large part be ignored, presumably for purposes of gaining an understanding, or getting at the essence, of Margarita Bowen's book. I assume that Sitwell is writing a book review, more or less of the conventional sort, since he remarks that he is undertaking 'a review of the type May chose not to write.' I do not pretend for one moment that what I wrote is a book review. Perhaps it should not even have been called a 'review essay.' But Sitwell is not unaware of this, since he remarks that my 'essay is almost bound to be taken as a review,' which he regards as 'unfortunate.' Despite the fact that the tasks we have each undertaken are substantially different, and hence that our respective papers have little in common, I nevertheless think a few comments are in order.  相似文献   

Soviet geographers thus far have conceptualized regional development in the future BAM zone as a series of resource-based industrial complexes arrayed along the east-west mainline. An alternative regional design presented here involves a series of compensatory regional complexes in which a developed southern tier along the Trans-Siberian would be complemented by a resource-based northern tier along the BAM. A number of developed industrial centers along the Trans-Siberian that might serve as the bases for such south-north oriented regions are identified, along with transverse transportation routes linking segments of the Trans-Siberian and of the BAM within each of these proposed regional units.  相似文献   

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