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甘肃武威磨嘴子汉墓新近出土木质文物,由于墓葬环境及出土后保存环境因素的影响,造成木质文物糟朽、霉变、彩绘脱落,甚至崩裂,因而对其进行抢救性保护与修复。为此对表面进行了清理,采用2%PB-72乙酸丁酯溶液滴管渗透的方法进行填充加固,对彩绘层用同样方法加固,对散件器物用汉代木材削制木销钉进行组装,对残损、断裂器物进行修复复原。保护修复后的木质文物适于展陈。本工作所用的保护方法对同类木质文物的保护有借鉴作用。  相似文献   

韩国木质文物的系统保护始于1976年新安沉船出土后,新安沉船保护方法的研究促进了饱水木保护技术的发展,是韩国木质文物保护的转折点,为木质文物保护新方法、新技术的研究搭建了一个平台。二十世纪九十年代以后韩国出土了大量木质文物,这些文物的出土提供了很多新信息,是重要的历史资源。这一趋势促使了韩国保护工作人员对木质文物保护新方的研究。韩国的木质文物实际上是埋藏在沼泽、湖底和海底的饱水木,这些环境限制了微生物的生长。遗址中出土的木质器物是糟朽木或是碳化木。因此,韩国木质文物的保护分两类:一类是用传统工艺修复木建筑和漆器,另一类是保护处理饱水木器。文中介绍了韩国文物保护实验室保护修复木质文物的几个实例。  相似文献   

前言超大型木质文物的保护是文物保护研究工作的重要内容。由于木质材料存在着易腐、易蛀、易燃的天然缺陷,因此木质文物极易被损坏,造成损失,尤其是一些超大型的木质文物,现状更令人担忧。因此,该类文物的保护已成为此领域工作中急需解决的问题之一。在承德普宁寺金漆木雕大佛的维修保护工程中,我们采用了先进的大型熏蒸杀虫、防腐防虫技术对大佛的木结构进行处理,取得了较好的效果,为超大型木质文物的保护提供了有益的技术与经验。普宁寺是一座藏汉合一建筑风格的寺庙,始建于乾隆二十年(1755年),是国家重点文物保护单位,…  相似文献   

针对深圳博物馆收藏两件明代加彩木雕坐像存在的虫蛀、糟朽、彩绘脱落、开裂、残损等病害,急需进行保护处理的情况。本工作在前期调研和分析检测的基础上,即分别采集了木雕坐像的胎木、加彩层、污染物等样品,利用红外光谱、拉曼、扫描电镜等分析方法对其材质组成、制作工艺及病害进行了综合分析基础上,建立了坐像保护处理工艺步骤:原始档案建立、表面清理、菌虫防治处理、木质朽蚀部位和彩绘层渗透加固、破损及残缺部位修复补全、建立保护修复档案等。选择Primal SF-016作为两件木雕坐像的渗透加固材料,选择无水乙醇作为溶剂,采用较低浓度多次渗透的方法,保证了最佳的加固和防腐防虫效果;修补材料选择聚醋酸乙烯乳液和锯木屑调和补配。处理后的木雕文物器形完整,形态稳定,色泽协调,达到了理想的保护效果。这是对传世彩绘木质文物保护技术的有益探索,对日后同类文物的加固处理有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

内蒙古博物院院藏几件泥菩萨像发生严重病变,急需保护修复。我们对其进行前期调查并制定了修复方案,随后对这批文物进行保护修复,修复方案科学合理,完全遵循各项文物保护原则,修复后文物安全稳定,达到了良好的修复效果。  相似文献   

台湾自古以来就是中国的领土,居住在台湾的高山族是我们统一的多民族国家不可分割的成员。高山族人民用辛勤的劳动开发了我国美丽富饶的台湾,对缔造伟大的祖国作出了重大的贡献。清朝统一台湾后,台湾在政治、经济上同大陆又联成了一体,为高  相似文献   

"月明沧海"琴为上海博物馆藏品,元至正壬辰(公元1352年)制造。琴额部有两处木质缺洞,木质纤维素腐烂,蛀眼19个,额部其它部位漆颜色暗淡,琴左侧面下方、琴额背面均有缺损。对这件古琴制定修复方案,并开展清洁、处理蛀洞、分析灰胎、加固、补配、批灰、涂漆、打磨、做旧等保护修复工艺流程。结果表明,传统修复工艺与现代科学技术检测的结合,使此件文物的修复工作相当成功。  相似文献   

本文概述了用蔗糖处理饱水木质文物的发展历史,并对蔗糖的脱水机理、防虫防霉处理、渗透效果等进行了阐00指出在饱水木质文物的保护方面,蔗糖是一种比较理想的保护材料。  相似文献   

志丹苑元代水闸遗址是目前我国保存最好、规模最大、结构严谨、做工考究的古代水工建筑遗址.遗址内有大量的木桩、闸门、闸板等木质文物需要保护.本研究介绍水闸遗址木质文物保护的前期准备工作:对遗址中水质、土壤和各类木质文物材质、保存现状、有害菌种等情况进行了科学分析,在发掘过程中及时对遗址现场进行杀菌,对闸板和门槛进行回填保护处理,试验了针对木桩的现场脱水方案.  相似文献   

印度尼西亚修复和保护了著名的世界文化遗产婆罗浮屠。这是亚洲地区运用现代科学技术保护修复文物古迹规模最大的工程之一。特别是运用现代技术对石构件进行清理、修复和防水处理,以及运用婆罗浮屠的修复保护经验,对其它的文物古迹,如砖石建筑、木构建筑以及洞窟壁画进行保护。  相似文献   

经济行为与环境变化:清前期台湾野生鹿消失探析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
鹿曾经是台湾数量最庞大的野生动物群之一。明末以来,随着台湾贸易交流的活跃,鹿成为大宗出口商品,土著居民由原先捕鹿作为民生用品逐渐发展至为市场服务;清前期大陆移民入台的农业垦殖又破坏了鹿原有的生态环境。人类经济行为引发的环境变化,最终导致了野生鹿在台湾渐趋消失。  相似文献   

山东新泰出土东周青铜复合剑制作技术研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为探讨东周青铜复合剑的制作技术,采用X光探伤、CT、XRF、金相分析等方法,对出土于山东新泰周家庄战国早期齐国墓的2把青铜复合剑进行了内部结构、制作工艺、合金技术、金相组织等方面的研究.结果表明:2把青铜复合剑均采用低锡合金和高锡合金两种材料复合而成.在检测分析的基础上,讨论了新泰出土的2把青铜复合剑与吴越特色青铜复合剑制作技术上的差异:在结构上,低锡区设置在剑脊的两侧,其截面结构呈现多种形式,与高锡区铸接,浑然一体;在成分上,低锡区含锡量仅为4%,具有锡青铜最佳的延伸率.结合青铜复合剑剑柄的特色,认为虽然新泰出土复合剑的内部结构与已研究的吴越特色青铜复合剑有明显差异,但制作理念应是一脉相承的.  相似文献   

山东新泰出土同心圆剑首连接技术研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
山东新泰周家庄出土了东周时期大量带有吴国特征的兵器,其中尤以青铜剑最具特色。为探讨东周同心圆剑首与剑茎的连接方式和连接结构,采用X射线探伤机、CT检测了3把同心圆首剑。检测结果显示3把同心圆首剑采用了2种铸造技术,即浑铸技术、铸接技术。其中2把铸接的同心圆首剑分别用2段式和3段式铸接成形。文章首次用CT清晰地展示了2把铸接的同心圆首上设置的榫头形状及分布状况。讨论了古代同心圆剑首连接技术的多样性、灵活性,说明了当时青铜连接技术已经非常娴熟、高超。  相似文献   

Q. Wang 《Archaeometry》2021,63(1):105-121
In this paper six bronze artefacts of the Eastern Zhou period to Han dynasty (770 BC ‐ 220 AD) with tin‐rich surface decoration in the British Museum collection were studied using a variety of analytical techniques. The decoration patterns include trellis patterns (菱形纹) on two swords of the Yue state, tiger's striped patterns (hu‐ban‐wen, 虎斑纹) on two swords from the Ba‐Shu region, a hexagonal star pattern (六角星纹) on a spearhead of the Wu state, and a cloud‐like pattern on a garment hook. The tin‐rich decorations on those objects were produced by deliberate tinning processes; at least three different tinning techniques were used, including the use of tin‐rich pastes for the trellis pattern of a Yue state sword and for the mottling decoration on the Ba‐Shu swords, amalgam tinning for the hexagonal star pattern on the spearhead of the Yue state, and hot tinning for the cloud‐like pattern of the garment hook. Different tinning techniques could have been applied to produce similar tin‐rich decoration patterns, and vice versa, a single tinning technique could have been used to produce different tin‐rich patterns on different objects.  相似文献   

傅举有 《收藏家》2010,(5):29-34
中国古代盛行佩剑之风,尤其是战国和汉代,只要是有点地位的男子,几乎是无不佩剑的。《后汉书·舆服志》刘昭注:"自天子至于庶人,咸皆带剑。"考古发现,一些规模较大的战国男性墓中,大多有剑随葬。汉画像石、画像砖、帛画、壁画上,多有佩剑的男子(图1-4)。在当时,  相似文献   


This study argues that since the end of World War II, the Taiwanese Presbyterian Church’s practical institutionalised arrangements for evangelisation have had the unintended consequence of creating an imagined multi-layered aboriginal national Subject. The argument is founded upon analysis of three main points. First, aboriginal members’ daily practices within the three-level federalist church polity formed in their minds an acquired “schema”, a ready-made cognitive structure that could be easily appropriated by them to imagine their own nations in a certain way. Second, when the Church promoted the translation of the Bible and hymns into aboriginal vernaculars for practical evangelising reasons, it unintentionally created tribe-based cultural-linguistic mediums as national languages upon which the contents of aboriginal nations could be elaborated and reproduced. This step further consolidated tribe-based ethnic categorisation and facilitated the reification of aboriginal nations. Third, since aboriginal ministers and elders were institutionally endowed with many strengths in comparison to other aboriginal elites, they came to serve as human activators in formulating and spreading the imagination of the multi-layered aboriginal national Subject.  相似文献   

In this article it is demonstrated through empirical observation that Bronze Age swords were functional and efficient weapons. Their use in real combat is testified by recurring patterns of blade damage and resharpening. Furthermore, ritual depositions of swords with unrepaired scars on the blade demonstrate the prehistoric roots of the Celtic–Germanic–Greek ritual of sacrificing weapons after a victorious fight.  相似文献   

几枚传世花纹钢剑的初步考察   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文主要介绍了数枚传世花纹钢剑的外部形态和花纹特征,并对其制作年代作了一些推测.这些剑的基本特点是表面带有自然花纹和难锈难蚀.花纹的基本形态有旋罗纹、半罗纹、斗箕纹、组丝纹、搅丝纹等;花纹的颜色有金黄色、银白色、浅灰色、褐黄色等.从多方面情况推测,它们很可能是元代生产的,最初的主人应是直接掌管花纹钢生产的政府官员.其中的许多工艺今已失传.类似的花纹钢剑以往尚未见于报道,国内学者的有关研究亦鲜.  相似文献   

Pattern‐welding is a well‐known technique that was widely employed in the manufacture of swords. While the decorative effect of genuine pattern‐welding (employing phosphoric iron) is indisputable, to date its reinforcing effect is rather unclear. In order to understand this issue better, wrought iron, phosphoric iron, steel and various pattern‐welded samples were prepared and mechanically tested, and the results obtained are discussed in detail. Both the mechanical testing and the long‐term metallographic investigation of medieval swords suggest that pattern‐welding does not have any significant positive effect on the mechanical properties of swords and we should consider it a primarily decorative technique.  相似文献   

Re-examination of St-Brieuc and Wilburton metalworking shows they cannot align, and this requires a general reordering of the Atlantic Late Bronze Age sequence. They have many differences, principally sword types. St-Brieuc always has U-butt Kerguérou (Limehouse in Britain) swords, whereas Wilburton always has Wilburton swords. Wilburton must follow St-Brieuc, so a new Limehouse stage is inserted between Penard and Wilburton, to align with St-Brieuc. The combination of U-butt sword and straight-mouthed chape of St-Brieuc and Limehouse is consistent throughout Atlantic Europe. So too are the characteristics of Wilburton metalworking which followed, and its Brécy equivalent in France. In Britain the contemporaneity of Wallington and Wilburton is reaffirmed. Both played a part in the emergence of Ewart Park 1 metal-working, with South Yorkshire/Lincolnshire a vital contact zone. The Atlantic Late Bronze Age unravelled after Wilburton. Iberia effectively dropped out after Huelva, diverted by Phoenician influences. Links between Britain and Atlantic France declined, and their sword and axe preferences diverged. The various weapon complexes of Ewart Park 1 in Britain have no equivalents in France. Ordering and sub-dividing this final phase of the LBA has always been imponderable but has been helped by the identification of St-Philbert (Huelva) swords, which show what are Ewart Park 1 hoards in Britain and contemporary Longueville hoards in France. They also make clear that the Carp's tongue complex must be relegated to the last part of the Late Bronze Age.  相似文献   

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