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评“‘假如’史学”   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
房德邻 《近代史研究》2005,2(3):217-223
2004年第5期《读书》上有李泽厚先生的一篇《思想史的意义》,其中论到“‘假如’史学”的意义。所谓“‘假如’史学”就是近年来史学界一直在讨论的“假设历史”问题(历史学界又称此为“反事实假设”,而逻辑学界称此为“反事实条件句”,心理学界和语言学界则称为“反事实思维”)。史学界的这场讨论原本是由李先生引起的。他在与刘再复先生合作出版的《告别革命》(香港天地图书有限公司1995年版)一书中有这样一个反事实条件句“中国当年如果选择康梁的改良主义道路会好得多”,这种说法遭到一些学的批评,也得到一些学的支持(有人仅在方法论上支持),于是展开讨论,不仅讨论这样一类的具体命题能否成立,而且从方法论上讨论反事实条件句在历史研究中能否成立,双方的分歧很大,看不出有取得一致的迹象来。李先生现在也论起“‘假如’史学”的意义来,显然是对这场讨论做出的回应。请看他怎样说:  相似文献   

郑毅 《江淮文史》2004,(4):114-120
绩溪县城华阳镇虽是黄山脚下的一个小镇,却是徽商的友祥地之一。在这个风景秀丽、人杰地灵的山城里,仅胡氏家族就集中了众多赫赫有名的人物:明朝户部尚书胡富,工部尚书胡松,  相似文献   

刘月 《神州民俗》2007,(1):34-35
神州民俗:今年,中科院院士何祚庥提出中医阴阳五行理论是伪科学,而同时也是今年,韩国提出“中医”中遗,日本也在筹划“风水”申遗,您怎么看待这些问题?  相似文献   

本文披露了20世纪80年代中期在古临安城(杭州市)发现的一件刻有“‘进’‘■’”字款的越瓷残片,论证其为南宋皇宫坤宁殿的用瓷,产于南宋初年古银锭湖寺龙口窑。  相似文献   

伴随着党的83岁生日,三明各旅行社推出的“红色之旅”线路吸引了众多游客,成为热门产品。  相似文献   

“左”右错误的干扰和影响,贯穿社会主义初级阶段的全过程。在今天,既存在否定四项基本原则,资产阶级自由化“右”的干扰,又存在着借坚持四项基本原则,反对改革开放的“左”的僵化思想干扰。为了坚持贯彻党在社会主义初级阶段的基本路线,在思想理论上及时排除“左”右干扰,尤其“左”的干扰,特写此文,以示浅见。长期以来,在反倾向的斗争中存在着“‘左’比右好”的思想和论调。认为“左”是方法问题,右是立场问题;“左”是好心要革命,右是存心反革命;  相似文献   

<正>在2009年书画拍卖市场上,齐白石老人作品行情再一次飙升,人们普遍认为白石老人的画作自成一体,是笔性、墨性、水性的综合发挥,往往数笔之间就能露出大方之家独有的神韵,可谓是"别出心裁"。大师笔下的花鸟虫草,生动逼  相似文献   


Understanding the value of heritage sites for diverse stakeholders requires both paying attention to the fields of power in which the sites operate and applying methodologies that are open to user-defined paradigms of value. In the U.S., official discourse often frames the value of heritage sites associated the deep Native American past as archaeological sites, an interpretation that is consistent with settler colonial ideologies. This narrative generally obfuscates connections between the heritage of the sites and contemporary peoples, and it effaces the history of colonialism and dispossession. A study of stakeholder-defined heritage at two contested sites in the central Midwest revealed both congruencies and conflicts among diverse constituencies’ articulations of the sites’ value. At Mounds State Park a proposed dam and reservoir ‘Mounds Lake’ project would inundate a large portion of the site. At Strawtown Koteewi, Native American tribes have made repatriation claims under the federal Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA).The study also problematised the term ‘cultural heritage’ as it is understood and used by the different constituencies, particularly for culturally and historically affiliated Native Americans. It also highlighted the positions of the constituencies within the broader fields of power implicated in these contested sites.  相似文献   

This article explores the overall meaning of Sappho's “Brothers' Poem” by elucidating its web of interwoven verbal repetitions. “The gods”, Sappho seems to say, “reward those who have moderate wishes, think in longer time frames by trying to exploit all their resources and understand the law of natural alternation, regulated by Zeus, by bringing about an even more spectacular reversal of fortune”.  相似文献   

一个只有22岁的美国男孩,拼凑了一部名为《边角料》的纪录片。不承想,该片竟迅速风靡全美,因为它得出了一个惊人的结论:“‘9·11’事件是美国政府一手策划的。”  相似文献   

In this article, Sappho’s Brothers Poem is re-evaluated and analysed from various perspectives that have not been addressed sufficiently in scholarship so far. First, some questions of principle regarding the role of the brothers and the Sapphic speaker are discussed. Secondly, the poem’s communicative situation is examined, and different options for the identification of the person addressed as “you” are considered. Thirdly, it is demonstrated how the poem establishes an intertextual dialogue with the Homeric Odyssey on various levels, and how this dialogue affects the general understanding of the poem. Finally, the commonly held view that the five transmitted stanzas do not represent the entire poem is challenged. The article concludes with some wider considerations about some of the most common assumptions regarding the nature and the fragmentary state of the Brothers Poem.  相似文献   

“文化大革命”前和“文化大革命”期间,把王稼祥1962年上半年提出的关于对外工作的主张,说成是“三和一少”(即所谓对帝国主义、修正主义、各国反动派和,对各国革命运动支援少)、“三降一灭”(即所谓投降帝国主义、修正主义、各国反动派,扑灭各国革命运动)的修正主义路线,错误地进行批判,是一个典型的例子。这说明凡是在指导思想发生错误或偏差的时候,往往会把党内思想上、路线上的是非弄颠倒,把本来是正确的东西说成是错误的,把本来是错误的东西说成是正确的。“历史是最好的裁判官”。历史已经证明,王稼祥提出的这些主张,…  相似文献   


Immediately after the occurrence of the Nanjing Massacre, it was reported by both official and nonofficial media, and followed by witness accounts and victim recollections. All this formed the basic memory of the atrocity in Chinese society. After Japan’s surrender in 1945, the National Government conducted preliminary investigations and organized memorial services. However, the investigation was interrupted by the outbreak of the Civil War (1947–49). After the Communist victory in 1949, relationships between the Communists and Nationalists, China and United States and China and Japan all played a role in suppressing and even forgetting the memory of the Nanjing Massacre. It was not until the 1980s, after the normalization of Sino-Japanese relations, that the memory finally entered a process of reconstruction.  相似文献   

正城市是人类社会发展到一定阶段的产物,城市的发展聚焦和折射着人类文明演进的轨迹;早期城市的形成和发展是文明化进程和国家起源的重要标志,并最终铸就了当今现代化城市的格局。为了展示上海地区的考古发现,反映上海城市发展的历史,2014年6月6日-8月31日,上海博物馆举办了"申城寻踪——上海考古大展"。为配合本次展览主题,同时作为国家社科基金重大项目"中国国家起源研究的理论与方法"的学术  相似文献   

<正>为祝贺王戎笙先生八十华诞暨《清史论丛》创刊三十周年,中国社会科学院历史研究所清史研究室于2009年10月29日主办了题为"‘康乾盛世’再思考"的学术研讨会。来自中国人民大学、南开大学、中央民族大学,以及中国社会科学院历史所、近代史所、研究生院的30多位专家、学者出席了会议。  相似文献   


This article investigates artist and activist Ai Weiwei’s media politics. In 1997 Ai Weiwei imagined a modernist movement that would practise a “non-compromising vigilance on society and power” and since 2005 he has embraced blogging and micro-blogging to enact such intent. We argue that his “communication activism” is part of a broader artistic and political program that long predates his online presence. The study examines how the artist has experimented with blogging and micro-blogging to spread his message of “awakening” in defiance of censorship and surveillance. It shows how Ai Weiwei’s communication strategy combines an international celebrity status, criticism, irony and a round-the-clock interaction with his netizen audience and the media. It also critiques the effectiveness and coherence of this mode of activism from two perspectives – namely, Jean Baudrillard’s analysis of “private telematics” and Jodi Dean’s “blog theory” – and finally assesses its impact. The study aims to enhance our understanding of the web-based communication strategies of Chinese activists, shedding light on cultural production and consumption in Chinese cyberspace as a socio-political barometer.  相似文献   

董太霆 《神州》2012,(14):43-43
我读了2010年3月17日《中国教师报》C1版"校长峰会"著名教育家、原北京力迈学校校长敢峰1月10日在河南省商丘市柘城中小学校长会议上的讲话摘要《重在奠立‘人生基石’打造素质教育高地》,本文的题目自然而然在脑海中涌现。我作为一个任教多年的语文教育工作者,看了敢老这篇文章,使我明确了语文教学改革的方向,深深感到语文教学改革的春天真的来了。  相似文献   

杭涛 《东南文化》2016,(3):93-95
2015年11月11日至13日,南京博物院和宜兴市人民政府联合主办的"‘紫泥沉香’宜兴紫砂学术研讨会"在江苏省宜兴市召开。会议对近年来新的紫砂出土器、馆藏紫砂和宜均、宜兴紫砂发展史的若干问题及宜兴紫砂外销等方面进行了专题研讨,并讨论了宜兴紫砂学术研究如何充分利用民间紫砂藏品的问题。  相似文献   

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