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李国玉,男,土族,生于1964年,初中文化程度,中共党员,互助土族自治县劳务经纪人协会副会长。他从一名打工者起步,组建了工程队,最后注册了青海大新建筑有限责任公司、青海宏星房地产开发有限公司西宁分公司,总资产达2000多万元,年纯利润达300万元。2007年4月他被省人民政府授予“先进创业个人”光荣称号。2008年1月,他被互助土族自治县人民政府授予“优秀劳务经纪人”称号。  相似文献   

The smock frock was a nineteenth-century utilitarian overall worn by male manual labourers and particularly associated with agricultural work. However, by 1915, the garment had appeared on the front cover of American Vogue as an item of female clothing. This article will investigate how this transition happened and the factors that enabled a garment that was a stigmatised marker of social class to bridge the gap between high fashion and workwear, also menswear and womenswear, and thus enter the fashionable discourse. The article will trace why these changes happened, discussing the relationship with the aesthetic and rational dress movements, and, in particular, the importance of the actress Ellen Terry and her daughter Edith Craig, in the transformation of the garment. It will also consider how the gendered interpretation of a garment might alter over the course of time, and the influence that this had on its function.  相似文献   

In the summer of 1717, a private teacher named Jacob Michelmann travelled from Berlin to Leiden to meet the head of a Protestant community known as the Angelic Brethren. During a pivotal time in European religious and intellectual history, Johann Wilhelm Überfeld sought to inculcate in his followers, including Michelmann, a powerful sense of everyday sacredness. Überfeld criticised what he perceived as the markedness of religious speech and acts compared to unmarked everyday activities. Implicitly, this state of affairs rendered the bulk of daily life profane, that is, largely detached and irrelevant to religious life and spiritual progress. For Überfeld and his followers, however, the divine spirit could communicate even through seemingly mundane trivialities, if believers had eyes to see and ears to hear. Accordingly, they paid great attention to household chores and domestic spaces. During his journey, Michelmann successfully acquired this mindset. Yet several years later he started neglecting the lessons of his journey, which caused conflict with Überfeld. Based on the visitor's own travelogue and a wealth of other sources, this article describes Michelmann's journey from its inception to its aftermath while probing Überfeld's notion of everyday sacredness.  相似文献   

审视中美关系的一个视角   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陶文钊 《史学集刊》2003,1(1):78-85
中美关系不是一对孤立的双边关系,而是东亚国际关系的一部分,两是互相影响的,论论述了近代早期、后近代时期、冷战时期和后冷战时期两的互动关系,对《望厦条约》、蒲安臣的合作政策和蒲安臣使团、门户开放政策进行了重新阐释。对在不同时期日本、苏联、朝鲜和越南对中美关系的影响进行了剖析。并对美国当前能否对中国实施遏制政策发表了自己的见解。  相似文献   

作为中国边疆史地研究的重要领域,中国边疆与周边地区关系史主要研究历史时期中国边疆与周边地区的政治、经济、军事、文化等多方面的往来及其特点、规律,内容包括中国疆域演变过程中的边界、领土问题,历史时期中国边疆与邻近地区的政治与军事往来、经济文化交流、人员往来及跨国民族(部族、族群)问题等.1949年之前,随着中国边疆史地研究两次高潮的兴起,这一领域的研究也出版过一些有价值的成果,中华人民共和国建立后的60年更是硕果累累.本文拟分1949-1979年、1980-1989年、1990-2009年三个时期对这一研究进行简要评述,因见闻和篇幅所限,难免挂一漏万,恳请方家指正.  相似文献   

Alan Campbell, John McIlroy, Barry McLoughlin, and John Halsteadhave offered a sweeping, if incoherent, criticism of the researchpresented in ‘Stalin's Sausage Machine’, our recentarticle on British students at the International Lenin School.By expanding upon and reaffirming the methods, results, andconclusion of our original article, we address each of the maincriticisms made and show that none can be substantiated. Usingstatistical analysis based on matched samples, we demonstratethat we did not underestimate the school's impact on the apparatusof the Communist Party of Great Britain (CPGB). We also showthat none of the supposed ‘significant deficiencies’in our handling of qualitative analysis has any foundation.We deal briefly with the sole alternative explanation our criticsoffer for the CPGB's internal leadership changes, namely ‘lifeitself’ and natural causes. We suggest that such a de-politicizedinterpretation not only lacks any evidential basis but revealsa profound ignorance as to the internal workings of communistparties and flies in the face of all available literatures onthe subject. We also document the contrast between our critics'methodological pretensions and the ways in which their casedepends for its plausibility on methods of an extremely dubiousnature. Every possible academic rationale for the attack uponus is disposed of. We therefore end with a plea for a less personalizedapproach to the writing of Communist Party history.  相似文献   

As several senior figures in UK Government have recently professed to want to promote the knowledge-driven economy across the nation, discussion of university-industry ties in less-favoured regions is particularly salient. This account documents how UK central government efforts to encourage greater university-industry links have increasingly taken on a regional dimension but then stresses that these efforts do not constitute a 'regional policy' (in the traditional sense of measures that seek to reduce interregional economic disparities). This activity is then set within the context of overall Government and European Union (EU) funding to universities which is also at odds with stated government aims of lessening regional economic disparities. The article goes on to highlight how mainstream regional policy, particularly that of the European Commission, has seen considerable support for university-industry activity in the regions but has faced an uncertain future due largely to the spectre of fund-draining EU expansion. The article concludes by asking what policies might be pursued for university-industry links to be increased in weaker regions. The underlying aim of the article is to contribute towards raising the profile of universities in debates about reducing interregional economic disparities (that must, in turn, be much higher on the public policy agenda).  相似文献   

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