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近代海关华洋员人数变迁及分布管窥   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文松 《民国档案》2002,6(2):97-103
1854年太平天国运动期间,英法美三国驻沪领事诱逼上海地方官吴健彰等人把江海关的征税行政交给由三国各提名一人所组成的税务管理委员会接管,这是外国人进入中国海关的开始。接着在1858年,《天津条约》附约《通商章程善后条约》第10款里规定中国聘请外国人帮办海关税务,  相似文献   

外籍税务司制度下的中国海关人事制度的特点与弊端   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
外籍税务司制度下的中国海关人事管理制度,在海关建立后前期并无订定的专章,它由历任总税务司仿效西方人事管理制度,根据过去的经验和实际体察的需要随时制定单行则例,逐步修改完善,历经数十年积渐而成。它也有个从人治到法治的过程,即从一切按总税务司个人意志办事到一切接章办事的过程。  相似文献   

Although ‘Burke and Irish history’ is a theme which has long been known to modern commentators, it has not necessarily been addressed sufficiently. This essay seeks to put forward a more comprehensive account of Burke's views on Irish history than has previously been offered by scholars. According to Burke, the protection of Christianity had brought flourishing science to seventh- and eighth-century Ireland. Nevertheless, the nation was plunged into a barbarous state after the invasions of the Danes and other northern tribes. Burke's sympathy with the Brehon law was possibly unique, although he was not uncritical of it. Unlike the Irish patriots, his chief concern with historical Ireland was not the origins of the Irish legislature. He was rather most interested in the religious affairs which had continued to plague the nation during history. Throughout his career, Burke considered the Irish Rebellion of 1641 to have been ‘provoked’, and continuously endeavoured to remove the penal laws imposed on the Roman Catholics after the Williamite Conquest of 1689–1691. In his view, despite the substantial increase in prosperity after 1688/9, the series of religious persecutions, as well as other oppressive policies, had still obstructed the further progress of Irish society.  相似文献   

近代海南设关及其对外贸易   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本所谓对外贸易,泛指海南岛以外的所有贸易,并非专指国际贸易,还包括海南与英、葡殖民统治下的香港、澳门,法属租借地广州湾(即湛江),以及国内其他埠际贸易。本将简要勾勒海南设关的历史,并围绕二十世纪二十年代至四十年代的海南对外贸易作一概述。  相似文献   

中国旧海关统计的认知与利用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近代中国旧海关统计种类繁杂,采编形式又时有变化,只有从海关统计制度的演变过程切入,才可以明晰统计文本变化的内涵,并且通过对各类数据的规范定义、计量方法、书写格式等方面的更多把握,才能获得有关旧海关统计文本全面准确的认识,以便评估数据的度量精度、长处与不足,以资于研究者利用晚清至民国这一最为完整、系统的第一手资料,去拓宽、深入近代口岸以及所在地区经济与社会变迁的研究。  相似文献   

SUMMARY: The seven articles of this special issue of Post-Medieval Archaeology provide a background to this paper. Their various interpretations and operationalizations have provided a plethora of perspectives and localities concerning past political economies. This paper aims to further the discussion of political economy and its relevance in historical archaeology. The very many connections between economy, identity, culture, production, mentality and perception are the foundations of this special issue and also of this article. The paper starts by looking back at how Friedrich Engels and Karl Marx used the concept of political economy and what it might mean in an archaeological context today. The examination then follows three brief cases of individuals in the early modern period and how they related to, and interacted with, the political economy of their time and space. The paper concludes by emphasizing the importance of putting material culture and spatial studies into the discussion in order to trace entanglements and connections of political economies of past societies.  相似文献   

<正>用打碎了的陶、铜、玉器随葬,或者用非实用性的明器随葬,是商文化墓葬中常见的现象。前者流行于二里岗文化时期,后者则以殷墟文化时期为盛。这两种看似不相关的习俗之间,却有着内在的联系。它们在商代中期的此消彼长,反映了商代丧葬观念的变化。本文拟对此进行简单探讨。  相似文献   

佳宏伟 《近代史研究》2005,1(6):205-234
海关是一个国家监督管理进出口国境的货物、物品和运输工具并执行关税法规及其他进出口管制法令、规章的行政管理机关。其主要任务是依照国家法令对进出国境的货物、货币、金银、证券、行李物品、邮递物品和运载上述货物、物品及旅客进出境携带货物、物品征收关税;查缉走私;编制进出境统计。  相似文献   

In the middle decades of the nineteenth century, rural upstate New York was the site of a series of sometimes violent tenant uprisings known as the «Anti-rent Wars». The objective of tenants was to dismantle massive landholdings, some of which, such as the Manor of Rensselaerwyck, dated from the 1620s. Though tenant opposition took many forms, one crucial component was litigation and the practice of legal argument. This paper uses ideas of the production of space associated with Henri Lefebvre in presenting a reinterpretation of these events. After giving a brief account of the genealogy of Rensselaerwyck as a legal space, the historical arguments expressed in and made possible by legal discourse in a series of legal cases are analysed. One of the central issues in these cases was whether Rensselaerwyck represented an illegitimate survival of feudal spatiality in New York or whether the legal foundation of social space here could be assimilated to more modern legal forms. Legal argument in these cases is a social practice by which partisans attempt to produce (or reproduce) social space through the strategic interpretation of lines of continuity (or discontinuity) of the legal meaning of space encoded in rival conceptions of property.  相似文献   

This paper examines the rural ethnic heritage-inspired transformation of the built environment of a relatively small county town in China. The paper explores the ways village-based ethnic heritage is being repositioned by local leaders as a resource for tourism-oriented revenue generation and for ‘improving’ the ‘quality’ and behaviour of town residents. Viewing heritage as a ‘technology of government,’ the paper provides an analysis based on three interrelated themes: the discourses by which town leaders and planners have conceived the heritage development project as one of improvement, the spatial practices by which those discourses have been realised in the built environment, and the ways residents themselves have appropriated and ‘inhabited’ this new ‘villagized’ city as they go about their everyday urban lives. Based on ethnographic field work, a survey, and extended interviews over a period of four years, the paper finds the town leadership’s faith in the ability of the built environment to shape and improve the conduct of citizens to be overstated. While the town’s transformation has generated a new sense of urban modernity among residents, their ways of inhabiting and using urban space have little relevance to the ‘heritagized’ environment in which they now live.  相似文献   

中国旧海关留存的卷帙浩繁的海关文献,是近百年社会经济史研究中一项最为完整、系统的统计数据和文字资料。哈佛燕京所藏的海关资料和京华版《中国旧海关史料》所收录的出版物具有重要的文献价值,以季报、年报、十年报告、国内贸易册、月报等为层次,将其宝贵内容作以介绍,弥补以往简单地介绍海关文献之不足,研究者若能利用这一丰富的资源,将会拓宽和深入中国近代史的研究。  相似文献   

现代性及其限度:民国文官考试制度平议   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
民国文官考试制度是一个传统与现代的混合体.其现代性主要体现为法制化程度的提高,平等性和开放性的增强,考试权的独立和考试内容的现代化.但是对经义考试的保留,对传统科举制考试程序的模仿,考试与任用的脱节,党治和军治色彩的存在,个人因素的干扰,派系势力的抗拒等,又使民国文官考试制度的现代性受到极大限制,难以发挥其应有的功效.  相似文献   

刘玉红 《民俗研究》2005,(2):103-105
中国古代有避病移居的习俗,即在某人生病之时,移居他处,希望以此康复。这种习俗源远流长,对它进行一番探讨,可以更好地了解中国古代的民俗文化。  相似文献   

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