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Wood EA 《Gender & history》2001,13(3):524-545
This essay examines the texts of Soviet plays from the 1920s known as agitation trials that deal with issues of women's emancipation and participation in the public sphere. It argues that, far from showing women to be men's equals (the ostensible purpose of the plays), the trials give a shocking portrayal of their heroines' faults, from passivity and meddling to gossip and lack of discipline. Given these weaknesses, the women delegates are supposed to recognise their need for tutelage from the new authorities. Their citizenship is thus held, at best, on contingent approval from those authorities.  相似文献   

Reference groups serve as markers for citizen-consumers to determine tastes and preferences about work and material and cultural consumption. These groups have evolved slowly in socialist Cuba, mostly during the post-Soviet era. This paper examines the symbolism, roles, and meanings of three such groups: the Cuban Diaspora, Cuban Gen-Yers or Millennials (survivors), and entrepreneurs. A combination of these groups is changing values about a new consumption taking hold across the island and offers insight into material and cultural consumption.  相似文献   

Critical GIS (CGIS) is an approach to evaluating GIS technology that draws upon multiple intellectual tool kits—from geography, social theory and computing science. While its roots are in the battles between human geographers and GIScientists in the 1990s, CGIS has emerged as an independent, constructive approach to enhancing the power and appeal of GIS. CGIS is also beginning to gain acceptance as a legitimate component of the broad tent that is GIScience. This short article reviews the emergence of CGIS, discusses its influence on the discipline of GIScience and finally explores the state of CGIS in Canada.  相似文献   

Gordon Brotherston. Image of the New World: The American Continent Portrayed in Native Texts. Translations prepared in collaboration with Ed Dorn, with 118 documentary texts and illustrations. London: Thames and Hudson, 1979. 324 pp.  相似文献   

在党中央、国务院的亲切关怀下,全国地方志第三次工作会议召开了.这次会议是在新世纪开始之际,在第三届中国地方志指导小组刚刚组成的时刻召开的.会议的任务是,在马列主义、毛泽东思想、邓小平理论,特别是在江泽民总书记关于"三个代表"重要思想的指导下,贯彻落实"七·一"重要讲话和十五届六中全会精神,总结第二次工作会议后五年来方志工作的经验,研究并部署今后五年的方志工作,动员全国广大方志工作者开拓进取,与时俱进,再接再厉,乘胜前进,努力开创新世纪方志工作的新局面.  相似文献   

Nepal's adoption of a new national anthem in 2007 reflected a decision to establish a new social and political order that was republican, federal and inclusive of the country's many minority communities. It came after a ten‐year internal conflict, and was followed by the abolition of the Shah monarchy that had ruled the country since the late eighteenth century. This article describes the historical and political context of the decision to replace the old anthem, the selection of the new anthem, and the debates that arose in the Nepali media and public sphere after its lyrics and the identity of its author were made known. The discussion refers to arguments made by Karen Cerulo about the relationship between the syntactic structure of national anthems and the stage reached in the process of political modernisation of the nation‐state in question, and provides some comparative perspectives on the Nepali case.  相似文献   

程乾宁 《文博》2010,(5):85-88
科学技术的发展也促进了艺术观念的变革和表达手段的多样性,在各种跨界学科和艺术形态激流汇聚的趋势下,博物馆展览及为之服务的陈列形式也持续发生着变化。本文通过解构近年来部分博物馆陈列展览的典型案例,剖析其富于争议或敏感性的概念与话题,进一步阐释了笔者对博物馆学界争论的文化责任与文化传播之间复杂关系的思考。同时强调,博物馆的展览要更具开放性和多样化,以此来接纳观众参与,在观念和技术层面上,都要力图革新受众的知觉"感受力"。  相似文献   

2007年,第十二届上海车展热热闹闹地开展,它被誉为是国内第一个"A级车展"。作为国内最早的专业性国际汽车展览会,上海车展在不断向前发展的同时,也在向国内车展老大北京车展叫板。创办于1985年上海车展是国内最早的专业国际汽车展览会,2004年6月顺利通过了国际博览联盟(UFI)认证,成为中国第一个被UFI认可的汽车展。今年4月下旬,第十三届上海车展在上海新国际博览中心开展。  相似文献   

作者系常书鸿先生的夫人,她在这篇短文中,真切叙述了常先生的人生境遇、对敦煌艺术的痴情、自传写作由来和成书过程以及新版在甘肃出版的缘由。  相似文献   

A review of new research areas in Soviet economic geography distinguishes three categories of topics in terms of the level of advance and the volume of research being done. The most viable new areas, with a large number of studies, include the resource-oriented approach to economic geography and the systems approach to settlement geography. In other research areas, such as the geography of services and the geography of land use, only the first steps are being made. The lag in land-use studies behind the West is explained in terms of the large territory of the USSR, which is said to have made this type of research unnecessary until recently. The potentialities of some research areas are only just beginning to be perceived, notably in the case of studies on spatial value relationships, involving regional accounts and balance of payments.  相似文献   

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