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为增加已破损的良渚化黑陶双鼻壶和明代宣德青花扁瓶藏品展示的艺术效果,须对其进行修复。两件器物的修复运用了电脑设计修复方案,采用“陶配陶”、“瓷配瓷”及一些现代先进的粘结材料,传统手工工艺与现代先进工艺相结合的方法,修复效果理想,使之恢复其原来的面貌。说明现代技术和传统修复方法相结合是修复古代陶瓷器的有效方法  相似文献   

陈双红 《神州》2011,(3X):28-29
古诗之美,美不胜收:耐人寻味的语言美;复杂丰富的情感美;鲜活生动的形象美;深刻含蓄的思想美。只要我们时时修身炼性,扫除心灵的尘埃,我们就会心如明镜,发现古诗之美。  相似文献   

The almost ubiquitous presence of small amounts of iron in ancient coins gives them remanent magnetic properties which can be measured easily on commercial magnetometers. The stability of the remanence suggests that ancient coins might retain information about the geomagnetic field at the time and location of manufacture and so be valuable in setting up archaeomagnetic dating curves. However, measurements show that the remanence directions tend to be too scattered for this purpose, although it is quite possible to distinguish magnetically the obverse and reverse faces of struck coins.Saturation remanence studies of coins and coin analogues indicate that the main carrier of the remanence in struck coins is precipitated fine-grained iron (rather than the oxides of iron) which is produced during the minting process. The intensity of the remanence generated depends upon the thermo-mechanical history of the flan prior to striking, which suggests that the magnetic properties of such coins are not simply related to the provenance of the ores used.  相似文献   

中国古代小说的文献研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
程毅中 《文献》2004,(2):194-205
中国古代小说的研究,首先离不开文献的整理.因此近百年来的古代小说研究,文献学研究的成果占了很大比重.我在这里根据自己的了解和摸索,试作一些介绍和分析. 一、关于小说的目录 古代小说的概念非常宽泛,历来史志书目所著录小说的范围广狭各不相同.如郑樵所说,小说常与传记、杂家、杂史、故事相混.古人所谓的小说,我们今天很难给它定性.  相似文献   

本工作从标准的(即线性的)前剂量技术着手,研究了瓷器热释光测定年代的方法。在这个研究中,发现了瓷器的灵敏度对剂量的非线性响应和灵敏度随剂量变化的指数模式。因此,一个用饱和指数拟合的方法被提了出来。实验表明,这是一个测定瓷器年代的成功方法。另外,还对一些与测定年代有关的复杂因素进行了讨论。例如,当少数瓷器的灵敏度与剂量不呈指数关系时,就要改变拟合模式或采用B的平均值方法等。  相似文献   

禅古寺位于青海省玉树县结古镇南西航村所在的禅古山腰,始建于公元12世纪都松钦巴初创噶玛噶举派时期。“禅古”意为“花石头”.得名于寺院附近的一块花色磐石。该寺分上下二寺,相距70米.初有下寺.后有上寺。寺院的墙面上绘有大量壁画.多数为宗教题材,在庙堂内东西墙壁上还有两组大型壁画,画面内容主要是文成公主进藏时受到隆重欢迎的情景。  相似文献   

大昭寺,位于拉萨卧塘平原的中心。始建于公元七世纪中叶,藏语称“觉康”,意为释迦牟尼佛殿,全称是“日阿萨出朗祖拉康”,意为“羊土幻异寺”,其别名又称“四喜奇幻寺”。传说初建大殿时,天众,龙众,歌众,夜叉四者皆大欢喜,故得名。其建筑是以天竺那兰陀寺和毗讫罗摩尸罗寺为模式所建。雕塑。壁画。雕梁彩绘是大昭寺建筑艺术的一大特色,为大昭寺披上了绚丽的浓艳盛装。  相似文献   

Osteoporosis is a condition of reduced total bone mass per unit volume for the normal ratio of bone mineral to bone matrix. The present work deals with the investigation and evaluation of osteoporosis in ancient Egyptians of two social classes from the Old Kingdom in Giza. The aims of this study are to provide information about the lifestyle and health status of ancient Egyptians, and to detect the causes of osteoporosis. The material consisted of 74 skeletons (43 males and 31 females) from two different social classes (high officials and workers). Skeletons were excavated from the Giza Necropolis and belonged to the Old Kingdom (2687–2191 BC). Dual energy X‐ray absorptiometry (DEXA) was used to measure bone mineral density (BMD) at different skeletal sites (radius, fourth lumbar vertebra and head of femur). Moreover, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was used to show the microarchitectural structure of the bone. Results showed a significant decrease of BMD values in old age groups compared with younger ones in both sexes. In addition, SEM of trabecular bone in osteoporotic cases demonstrated that the horizontal trabeculae were more affected than the vertical trabeculae. Comparison between high officials and workers revealed that osteoporosis was more frequent in male workers than in male high officials, and in female high officials than in female workers. An elevated prevalence of osteoporosis among male workers may be related to the effects of nutritional stress and excessive workload, while a sedentary lifestyle may have played a role in the occurrence of osteoporosis among female high officials. Moreover, osteoporosis occurs earlier and more frequently in females than males, which may be related to the hormonal changes that accompany the menopause in females. This study emphasises the importance of gender and lifestyle factors in influencing the severity of osteoporosis. Age‐related bone loss at most skeletal sites is noted in both sexes of ancient Egyptians. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

贵州古代从打制石器、青铜器到铁器各个阶段的兵器文物,反映了当时政治、军事和生产力发展的面貌,是人们了解历史的珍贵实物资料.  相似文献   

2003年8月,香格里拉老城区抢救性改造即将开始,据说这在藏区也已经是难得一见的老城了.古城的保护和利用这对孪生兄弟,让人欢喜让人忧.  相似文献   


古砖的烧制温度决定了其物理力学性质。本研究提出基于磁化率来确定古砖烧制温度的方法。通过对古砖重新加温,测量不同温度下古砖的磁化率,得到磁化率差值的平方-温度曲线图。图中第一个较大的偏差对应的横坐标即为古砖的烧制温度。利用上述方法测得实际烧制温度为700℃、800℃和900℃的黏土砖的烧制温度分别为690℃、810℃和870℃。二者误差较小,认为利用该方法确定砖的烧制温度可行。本研究利用该方法确定了平遥古城10块古砖的烧制温度,发现其烧制温度在650~690℃和850~870℃两个区间范围内。据此推测平遥古城古砖是以秸秆和木柴为燃料烧制而成。本研究实验结果可为古建筑修复和保护提供理论参考。  相似文献   

Samples of ancient Indian lime plaster have not previously been analysed. Excavation of a seventh century AD baked brick structure provided the necessary samples for a detailed laboratory examination of plaster. The plaster samples were studied by chemical and petrographic methods. The probable sources of lime and sand were indicated by the mineralogy.  相似文献   

It has earlier been assumed that the tin cover found on certain antique vases has been attached as a thin foil. In this paper it is shown that the metal may simply have been applied by an immersion technique. Before dipping into the tin melt the pottery must be treated with an adhesion promotor. Animal glue which was known as a binder in ancient times has been found to be useful for the surface treatment.  相似文献   

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