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城市轨道交通建设对周围地层和周边古建(构)筑物的影响是不可避免的。通过分析隧道盾构施工对周围土体的影响因素及处于影响区域内古建(构)筑因地层扰动带来的安全风险,针对性地研究并提出盾构施工对文物建(构)筑的保护和控制措施,尽可能规避和减少盾构施工对古建(构)筑物的扰动和损害,以保证文物安全,实现城市建设与历史文化资源保护的协调和可持续发展。  相似文献   

党的十六届六中全会是在我国改革发展关键时期召开的一次十分重要的会议。全会作出的《中共中央关于构建社会主义和谐社会若干重大问题的决定》,是对构建社会主义和谐社会具有重大指导意义的纲领性文件,充分说明了党中央对构建社会主义和谐社会的高度重视和坚定决心,也体现了全党和全国各族人民的共同愿望。本文拟结合互助土乡的实际,就怎样贯彻六中全会精神谈一点看法。  相似文献   


It is no longer possible to ignore the unprecedented levels of destruction resulting from development projects imposed by multinational corporations and governments. In this context, it is important to address the role archaeology and related professions, such as heritage management, play from the perspective both of the threat to physical heritage and our relationship with affected communities. This paper explores ways in which professionals can learn to work in a mutually accountable way with communities opposing destructive development, and together seek alternatives to development which threatens lives, livelihoods, culture, and environment. Case studies from the Boyne Valley and Tara in Ireland, Il?su dam in Turkey and the Oaxaca valley in Mexico, illustrate some of the issues. The implications of the growing privatization of professions, particularly for communities in the Third World whose poverty undermines their power to refuse even the most globally devastating developments, making it imperative that professionals look again at what we aim to accomplish and how much we are actually accomplishing it. As professionals we cannot afford to be ignorant of what communities want, need and are entitled to in order to develop and flourish. Archaeology and people's cultural roots are not separable from these questions.  相似文献   

确立中国饭店集团的品牌优势   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
本阐述品牌在企业所有、企业与具体产品(服务)三方面的显示以及品牌与消费的关系。章对支撑饭店品牌力的质量、特色、情感、命名四大核心要素进行了论述,指出建立布局结构合理和品牌高度统一的集团是我国饭店品牌优势提升的重要标志。  相似文献   

Governance arrangements such as comanagement are regarded by many as promising arenas for effective natural resource management. However, measuring comanagement's success at achieving conservation goals has been equivocal. Our research evaluates the lack of conclusive outcomes through a critical consideration of how different goals and values inherent in comanagement affect the institutional (or policy) diagnostic of “fit.” More narrowly, sustaining natural resources requires that management policies foster fit between the scales of sociopolitical processes governing resource use and the scales of ecological processes regulating a resource. Without a process that encourages such harmonization, theoretical and empirical evidence suggests that comanagement regimes are unlikely to accomplish long‐term conservation goals. We use a case study of walrus comanagement under the U.S. Marine Mammal Protection Act to demonstrate that when the formal institutions preconditioning comanagement do not develop out of a deliberative process among comanagement partners, two major problems can arise: (i) Policy institutions mismatch ecological and social processes relevant to resources and communities; and (ii) data to assess the fit of institutions and support learning is more difficult to acquire. In our case study, both these factors constrain the ability of comanagement to foster walrus conservation or support the capacity of Native Alaskans to adapt to contemporary social and environmental conditions. Our research concludes that to achieve marine mammal conservation, previous institutional arrangements framing comanagement that are predicated on static conceptions of people and ecosystems must be redesigned to provide better policy fit across local to international priorities. To do so requires opening up deliberative spaces, where Western science and priorities are confronted with indigenous perspectives. However, the benefit of enhancing deliberation carries risks and costs related to trade‐offs between the values of democratic process, and protections for both wildlife species and indigenous groups.  相似文献   

NationalSupportforTibetNAMGYIIn1994,theTibetAutonomousRegion,perchedontheRoofoftheWorld,boastedagrossnationalproductamounting...  相似文献   

Private business investments in heritage sites in Tanzania have recently captured scholarly interest of some archaeologists. Curiosity in the matter has largely emanated from a fundamental need to widen the sites’ utilization through heritage tourism. This paper reviews a recent incident in which a local community explicitly opposed the minister of Natural Resources and Tourism handing over ceremony of Kunduchi ruins site to a private investor. The paper also highlights recent developments, problems in private business investments, and their potential implications to the conservation and management of heritage sites in Tanzania.  相似文献   

This article undertakes a discourse-centred investigation of the underlying rationales of European Union (EU) transport-sector investments. Its central contribution is the 'Conflicting-Storylines Proposition', stating that EU transport investments lack consistence and sustainability due to the existence of partially complementary, partially competing EU development objectives which are in turn expressed through four key storylines: 'cohesion', 'polycentricity', 'missing links' and, most recently, 'bottlenecks'. EU decision-making remains deeply conflicted and contested. Transport sector investments have to satisfy different aims related to growth, competitiveness, cohesion and sustainability. The Trans-European Network priority projects violate cohesion and sustainable development goals by concentrating investments in already privileged areas.  相似文献   

Archaeologists have recently embraced photogrammetry as a low-cost, efficient tool for recording archaeological artifacts, active excavation contexts, and architectural remains. However, no consensus has yet been reached about standard procedures for reliable and metrically accurate photogrammetric recording. The archaeological literature describes diverse equipment and approaches to photogrammetry. The purpose of this article is to open a discussion about when and how photogrammetry should be employed in archaeology in an effort to establish “best practices” for this new method. We focus on the integration of photogrammetry within a comprehensible research plan, the selection of equipment, the appropriate apportionment of labor and time on site, and a rubric for site photography that is conducive to successful and efficient modeling. We conclude that photogrammetric modeling will soon become an indispensable tool in most archaeological applications but should always be implemented in ways that do not place undue burdens on project personnel and budgets and that aid research goals in well-defined ways.  相似文献   

彭剑先生认为,清季预备立宪九年清单并未宣布开国会年限,恐怕有些误解。 彭先生如此说法的根据有三点,一是清单条文中没有在哪一年召开国会的规定;二是宪政编查馆虽然认为筹备年限应以九年为期,但在奏折中没有说应该在哪一年召开国会。其实,这两点均不能作为否定宣布召开国会年限的根据。  相似文献   

一 那是1984年10月5日午后,新华社记者、《光明日报》记者、《文汇报》特约记者、《羊城晚报》特约记者以及青海省的各家报纸和电台、电视台的记者,鱼贯进入西宁宾馆后楼会议厅,准备抢先报道一条爆炸性新闻:稀世珍宝——敦煌经卷回到了祖国的文物宝库!  相似文献   

1993年两岸经贸关系热络、台商赴大陆投资呈现"井喷性"增长,原因固然有多种,但1992年邓小平"南方谈话"的发表、中共十四大的召开、大陆对外全面开放态势的确立、以浦东开放为龙头的"沿江开放"形势发展迅速,不但是其激发性因素,也是其主导性的关键因素,这从事实上证明了改革开放不但增进和加强了两岸经贸关系的发展,也有力地推进了祖国和平统一进程。与此同时,台湾当局对其大陆经贸政策稍有放松并提出"亚太区域营运中心"构想,以及第一次"汪辜会谈"成功举行,对两岸经贸交流也起了明显的"升温"作用。  相似文献   


This paper establishes a multi theory framework to help explain factors and conditions promoting a political priority for policy change. The framework’s analytical utility is illustrated through its application to a case study of waste management in Australia. A lack of political momentum to prioritise regulatory interventions has contributed to uncoordinated responses by the Australian federal and state governments resulting in unsustainable approaches to waste management. Lessons are derived from the analysis that provide insights into the potential for establishing political priority for policy change from uncoordinated voluntary schemes to more coordinated regulatory approaches.  相似文献   


This paper attempts to establish a typology for the buildings of the floor malting industry. To do this one needs to know how malt is made because the various parts of the malting process have often resulted in distinctive external features (component parts). However, although the process is universal, there are differences in the way individual maltings are designed and laid out. These different designs are not random and it is possible to see that the component parts may fit together in certain patterns. This paper examines the different relationships of the component parts of malthouses and establishes a number of different and distinctive types. To ensure valid comparisons can be made the geographical area and the period and depth of the study are stated at the outset.  相似文献   

卢世艳 《攀登》2011,30(3):123-125
为农村居民建立健康档案工作在我国处于起步阶段,根据农村居民健康档案的特点,规范健康档案的管理和有效利用,实现对农民健康的动态和连续管理,发挥健康档案对农村居民健康管理的作用,意义重大。  相似文献   

This study comprises the first archaeologically-defined chronological and cultural sequence for central Thailand. Based on collaborative research between the Thai–Italian Lopburi Regional Archaeological Project and the Thai–American Thailand Archaeometallurgy Project, the results of excavations at seven pre- and protohistoric sites that witnessed three millennia of local cultural development, from the early second millennium BC onward, are synthesized herein. This study fills a significant gap in Thailand’s prehistory, also identifying important cultural interactions ranging into southern China and Vietnam that led to the formation during the second millennium BC of a ‘Southeast Asian Interaction Sphere’. This interaction sphere, at the close of the second millennium BC, facilitated the transmission of the knowledge of copper-base metallurgy from southern China into Thailand, where it reached the communities of the Lopburi Region who took advantage of their ore-rich environment. At the end of the first millennium BC, strong South Asian contacts emerge in Southeast Asia. Among this study’s salient contributions is the characterization of these critical prehistoric antecedents, which culminated in a process of localization of exogenous elements, usually termed ‘Indianization’. The impact of this dynamic process was initially felt in central Thailand in the late first millennium BC, leading over time to the rise there, by the mid first millennium AD, of one of Southeast Asia’s first ‘state-like’ entities.  相似文献   

An attempt is made to characterize the morphologic structure of natural landscapes in terms of quantitative indicators. The following parameters are suggested: (1) structural diagrams of landscapes in the form of graphs, in which the vertices represent the landscape units and subunits, and the edges the hierarchical relations between these elements, (2) structural matrices that would show, for example, whether particular types of morphologic elements occur in a set of landscapes, (3) histograms showing the total areal coverage of types of morphologic elements in particular landscapes, (4) coefficients of complexity of landscape structure, which would be directly proportional to the number of morphologic elements and inversely proportional to their mean size, (5) entropic measures of diversity of landscape structure, which would increase with the number of morphologic elements and decrease with polarization into dominant elements and elements of limited distribution, and (6) measures of the degree of contrast in the landscape structure, in the form of the variance of the number of neighbors of taxons at a particular taxonomic level.  相似文献   

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