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Since the late 1990s, migration of single women from the rural north to the urban south in Ghana has been making up a growing share of migrant streams. While the livelihood strategies of these migrant women in their southern destinations have been recently examined, the experience of reintegration for those who return to their place of origin has rarely been studied. Drawing on qualitative research with migrant women, returned migrant women (RMW) and their family members, this study examines everyday reintegration experiences of RMW within their households in a rural Dagomba community in Northern Region, Ghana. We conceptualise the household as an arena of everyday life wherein RMW exercise agency to learn to generate livelihoods that support their own as well as household members’ joint well-being. We combine this conceptualisation of household with feminist scholars’ recognition of gender as situated process. Our conceptualisation makes it possible to illuminate gender dynamics around the everyday repetitive decision-making acts that constitute livelihood generation as performed by RMW within specific intra-household dynamics in the context of reintegration in the situated community. Through the examination of the diverse and contradictory ways in which RMW exercise agency in making decisions about livelihood strategies within their households in the studied community, we show how the everyday repetitive acts of RMW contribute to micro-transformations of a situated gender ideology.  相似文献   


Private sector actors are often viewed as a part of the outcome for an economic development project. The assumption, however, ignores the early role of the private sector in marketing places for firm recruitment. Through a study of two recruitment projects in Rutherford County, North Carolina, I examine the points of entry of private sector actors in the place marketing process. Data gathered from interviews and primary sources reveal that the private sector is actively leading the recruitment of firms and the marketing of places. This paper shows how private sector actors produce knowledge about places, market a place within their own interests, and shape a government’s agenda through their involvement in place marketing. Examining economic development actors as active place-makers reveals how, through place marketing processes, these actors incorporate their own interests in the construction of place.  相似文献   


After the Korean War, both the autocratic and later democratic South Korean governments actively fostered the development of Korea’s arts sector, in part by emulating the organizational and legal structures of U.S. nonprofits. Yet, in this policy transfer, Korea has taken a different path, notably rearticulating the U.S.-style hands-off facilitation model to reflect and accommodate Korean political, institutional, and cultural exigencies. We analyze the effects of the resulting cultural policy on Korean public arts institutions, using documentary evidence and narratives from our case studies of two national arts organizations restructured by the government: The National Theater Company of Korea and the Seoul Arts Center. We employ the concept of cultural statism, conditioned by "culture as glorification," resource dependence, and path dependence, to understand the development of Korea’s public arts sector. Specifically, we consider: the government’s desire to use the arts to enhance its image on an international stage shaped by western liberal democratic values; arts leaders’ desire for reliable support (resource dependence); and the tendancy of Koreans to want to be associated with the stability and prestige of the government (path dependence).  相似文献   

I had no knowledge of air or defense strategy but one glance at a map was sufficient to persuade me of the prime importance of Dhahran, situated on a land mass resembling a gigantic aircraft carrier, astride the Middle East, and close to one of the world's richest oil fields, in which we had a controlling interest. J. Rives Childs, U.S. minister to Saudi Arabia1  相似文献   

傅慧 《旅游科学》2007,21(2):39-45
随着旅游企业竞争日趋激烈,学习能力成为旅游企业获取持续竞争优势的关键所在.本文在文献研究基础上,通过问卷调查,对旅游企业学习能力体系进行了实证研究.研究表明: 旅游企业学习能力体系涵盖内部学习与外部学习两个层面,内部学习能力由学习承诺、共享愿景、管理人员的开放心智、组织内部知识共享4个成分构成;外部学习能力由被动学习、客户学习、供应商学习、竞争对手学习4个成分构成.  相似文献   

《Public Archaeology》2013,12(1):26-52

Over the last decade the concept of community archaeology has become a worldwide phenomenon; a convenient tagline largely describing the involvement of non-archaeologists in the practice of interacting with, uncovering, interpreting, and presenting the past. A plethora of new definitions and methodologies have been postulated, a marked increase in public funds invested in such initiatives is notable, as is the development of more rigorous evaluation strategies. Using Etienne Wenger’s ideas about ‘communities of practice’ (1998), I argue that community archaeology can be conceived as a form of knowledge management. In doing so, this paper reflects on the interactions between a small research team and local community during six months fieldwork on Uneapa, a remote island in the Bismarck Sea, Papua New Guinea. It considers the sets of relations that emerged whilst fi?eld-walking, surveying, and excavating Uneapa’s monumental landscape, and discusses how local ideas and knowledge influenced and altered the project methodologies and research questions being asked. This paper also highlights the challenges faced when reifying such engagements into research outputs.  相似文献   

Knowledge spillovers are crucial to innovation and upgrading, but it is largely unclear what knowledge spillovers are made of and how they actually happen. The importance of Marshall–Arrow–Romer vs. Jacobs externalities is also a debated matter, whereas the concept of “related variety” has recently come to occupy a middle-ground position. However, the relatedness concept is ambiguous in terms of operationalization and emphasizes codified knowledge on behalf of other knowledge resources that are important for innovation, particularly if firms cross into new sectors. This paper sheds light on the “black box” concepts of knowledge spillovers and relatedness by exploring cross-sectorial transfers from the mature offshore oil and gas sector into the emerging offshore wind industry. A qualitative research design allows for a more nuanced understanding of the contents of knowledge spillovers and (un)relatedness between sectors.  相似文献   

Rosemarie Said Zahlan , The Making of the Modern Gulf States: Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, the United Arab Emirates and Oman. Efraim Karsh and Inari Karsh , Empires of the Sand: The Struggle for Mastery in the Middle East, 1789–1923.  相似文献   

A principal focus in GIS higher education has been with developing curricula or accommodating new technologies to reflect the needs of the developing discipline. Pedagogy has largely reflected traditional metaphors of acquisition and transfer in the context of formal education, and this extends to preparation of students for the workplace. In this paper, the authors explore the potential for communities of practice, and in particular virtual communities of practice as a complement to more formal GIS education to provide a route to more situated, participatory learning. In so doing, the emphasis towards creating a GIS professional community of practice offers both the recognition of the role of situated knowledge in developing professional GIS expertise, and provides an important bridge from higher education to the workplace.  相似文献   

文彤  秦涔  黎结仪  刘小同 《人文地理》2020,35(2):132-141
不同于精英阶层获取知识的正式教育模式,以非正规群体为代表的社会基层群体更多依靠非正式教育渠道实现知识技能的学习。本文将广州电视塔周边的非正规旅游摄影经营者作为研究对象,在个体访谈和非参与式观察的基础上采用质性研究方法探究其知识技能学习与管理的过程。研究发现非正规旅游经营群体的知识学习表现出明显的集体行为特征,知识在群体组织网络中高度依靠关系导向实现流动共享,并且在群体内部形成了“核心-次核心-边缘”的等级体系,知识的流动又被作为维护等级权威的规训管理手段反作用于群体组织。此外,群体通过知识技能的标准化来增强集体的共享互惠效果,形成非正规旅游经营群体“自下而上”的群体学习与知识流动的有力保障。  相似文献   

英格兰人为精神、文化方面的需求而前往欧洲大陆游历的做法由来已久,可以追溯到中世纪之初、甚至更为遥远的时代。在中世纪,英格兰人除了因外交、军事和商业等原因而旅行外,还以朝圣者、骑士和学者等身份前往欧陆。近代之初,知识结构的变化、人文主义的影响、绅士教育重点的转变及国际外交实践的影响,催生了新型的教育旅行。到17世纪中叶,因英格兰社会上层的政治经济需求、绅士阶层提高自身素养的需要以及部分英格兰人对自身生活习性的反思,新的教育旅行(“大旅行”)开始得到认可和接受,逐渐成为一种广受欢迎的社会传统和习俗。  相似文献   

李学鑫 《人文地理》2012,27(5):115-119
从技术学习角度出发,提出了农区文化产业集群吸收能力的概念与分析架构。通过对石佛寺玉雕产业集群的研究,指出通过探索性学习、集体性学习、转换性学习与挖掘性学习,我国农区文化产业集群的吸收能力得以形成。发现基于地理临近、关系临近与认知临近,集群的知识获取能力、分享能力等潜在吸收能力较强,但由于农区从业人员整体文化程度偏低、企业规模较小、高校与科研机构少等原因,集群的知识消化或转化能力、利用能力等现实吸收能力仍有较大的提升空间。为强化农区文化产业集群的吸收能力,不仅要完善知识流动与学习的网络,充分发挥政府与行业协会的作用,努力搭建便于中小企业知识转化性学习与挖掘性学习的平台,而且还必须努力提高从业人员的文化素质,加大创新型人才的培育与引进力度。  相似文献   

This paper explores the political and economic origins of a science park in Linköping, Sweden. It shows how different “innovation platforms” emerged to develop the medical industrial sector. An innovation platform is a foundation for growth corresponding to a given set of organizations or networks that incubate and sustain innovative teams tied to a given sector. Large firms and incubator-linked science parks represent different kinds of innovative platforms. The paper centres on the concept of the “managerial equation”, arguing that growth projects like science parks build on coalitions and networks linking innovative resources, acquired knowledge tied to a given sector and power linked to decision-making power and financial resources. Changes within these elements of the equation explain the rise and fall of innovative platforms. Failures in learning in one platform lead to the rise of another. An absence of power (such as supporting resources) can also account for platform changes. Regional development decisions do not simply reflect path dependent specializations as regions use related capacities to break into “new” sectors. Commitments to Triple Helix formations linking universities, corporations and the government reflect changes within each branch of the Helix and political decision-making creating a diversity of development pathways.  相似文献   

Busy Gap is one of the earliest attested place names located along the line of the central sector of Hadrian’s Wall in Northumberland, yet in Newcastle during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries it was a term of abuse, applied collectively to those who came from upland Tynedale and was synonymous with the Border Reivers. Archaeological and historical sources indicate that throughout the Middle Ages the place was located in a zone of seasonal settlement, characterized by groups of shielings probably associated with townships located in the valley of the South Tyne. The question is how to understand the role of Busy Gap, a place identified with a triangular earthwork on the north side of the Roman Wall. This paper will consider the results of recent archaeological investigations carried out by the author on the site and will investigate the place and its setting within the archaeological and historical context of early-modern Northumberland.  相似文献   

学习型区域研究溯源与前瞻   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张林 《人文地理》2008,23(3):12-16
信息化和全球化背景下,知识经济得到了迅速的发展,国外在区域发展研究方面,学习型区域的概念已经整合了学习、知识战略、创新和生产力、知识管理等方面的研究,并取得了不少的成果,相对而言,我国对该方面的研究还不多,有必要对国外关于学习型区域的概念来源、内涵进行详细说明,以阐释其科学涵义及其政策意义。基于国外对学习型区域研究的文献分析,作者对国外学者对学习型区域的定义进行了分析,并归纳为四种学派的观点,并从发展的角度对学习型区域的内涵进行了解析,认为学习型区域是信息时代区域发展的新模式,并认为,学习型区域研究的前沿研究将集中在机制研究、定量研究和发展中国家的实证研究等方面。  相似文献   

Patel, Desai, Kothari … to those literate in the workings of caste these names describe a network and its power in relation to other networks, they infer the rules of engagement within and between network members, and they ascribe a geographical terrain to home. In research, rules of behaviour and assumptions of place that are coded into names can affect access to respondents, their disclosure of data and subsequent claims to validity. This article explores the coded expectations of knowledge embedded in a name as seen by someone (me) fairly illiterate in the workings of caste by utilising the principle of Bourdieu’s doxa – a ‘pre-reflexive intuitive knowledge’ – to untangle and explore the effect of names on the production of partial and situated knowledge. Drawing on fieldwork in Gujarat, India, I analyse reflexive accounts through the lenses of feminist geographers and critical race scholars to illustrate the effects of being unknowingly and unwillingly placed into a social hierarchy of power in the field, introduce the idea of ‘us-ing’ (an opposite of othering) to describe researcher-respondent relations, and explore how readers might interpret the presence or absence of data and claims to validity. These accounts make visible the effects of positionality on knowledge production in ways that speak to feminist-postcolonial research, and specifically to feminist researchers of colour conducting research away from ‘home’.  相似文献   

This article illustrates how “global/local” community engagement, a particular form of experiential learning and political work that draws upon geography conceptually, pedagogically, and programmatically, is well suited to advance integrative learning and invite students into social action. Through specific examples from Mount Holyoke College, we argue that “global/local” community engagement helps students cultivate the skills and dispositions of reciprocity, reflexivity, and place-based and interdependent knowledge production. These are habits of mind and patterns of praxis necessary for enacting “situated solidarity,” a practice with great potential for grappling with the complex challenges and marked divisiveness of the twenty-first century. As our empirical examples demonstrate, the geographic concept of contour lines matched with the pedagogies of accompaniment and co-labor guide “global/local” community engagement. We conclude with a set of recommendations for implementing “global/local” community engagement in other institutions of higher education to reveal the context-specificity of our examples and the possibilities for application elsewhere.  相似文献   

陈世乐 《神州》2012,(6):357-357
学生的学习积极性顺利完成学习任务的心理前提。而学习积极性又是学习动机伴随学习兴趣形成的,第斯多惠说:“教学的艺术不在于传授的本领,而在于激励、唤醒、鼓舞。”教学实践证明,精心创设各种教学情境,能够激发学生的学习动机和各种好奇心,培养学生的求知欲望,调动学生思维活动的积极性和自觉性,促使学生为问题的解决形成一个合适的思维意向。以下是我在数学课堂教学中的尝试。  相似文献   

变动中的家与地方:一个关联性的研究综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
薛熙明  封丹 《人文地理》2016,31(4):9-16
家与地方的关系是地方性研究中的关键性命题。人本主义地理学认为地方根植是家的根本属性,批判地理学则从社会建构的角度阐释家与地方的动态关联。在全球化和灾害影响下,家与地方的联结方式不断变动,呈现出异常丰富的多样性。本文从理论脉络入手,对全球化进程中因绅士化引起的家的置换,无家可归与家在他乡,以及离散者的漂移之家等现象进行了分析;并从灾民自我调适行为和灾后重建计划的实施方面,讨论了灾害影响下家的重构与认同问题。相关学科和国际研究在这一领域的快速发展,将为国内社会文化地理学对家的探索创造良好的机遇。  相似文献   

The key concerns in work on the politics of the Middle East in the past decade have been economic and political liberalization/democratization (or the absence thereof) and security, both domestic and international, along with a continued focus on the Arab‐Israeli conflict. There has been an increasing recognition that these issues are strongly interrelated. Europe cannot avoid concerns over economic and political stability in the region affecting its own interests. Together with economic reasons for engagement with the region, this has brought about a desire to see economic and political reform take place. The Euro‐Mediter‐ranean Partnership Initiative (EMPI) is one result of this. The background against which these policies, concerns and hopes are evolving is ‘globalization’, both of the discourse of ‘democracy’ and in the growing hold of liberal market economics internationally. Recent research on the politics and political economy of the region, and on EMPI, however, shows that a combination of political‐economic and related political‐cultural factors, along with the Arab‐Israeli conflict, continue to hamper political and economic reform in the Middle East, and that European policy as currently conceived is unlikely to affect this greatly. Yet such recent work also shows that aspects of globalization are changing the environment in which Middle Eastern regimes are having to function, while at the same time offering civil society new tools. Middle Eastern societies do, to varying extents, possess the necessary ‘spaces’ and traditions for human ‘agency’ to escape the constraints of domestic and international ‘structures’ and evolve new political cultures‐including democratic ones. Existing judicial or legislative institutions may acquire volition of their own and reinforce this process. There is nothing in ‘Islam’ that necessarily obstructs such possibilities. And supposedly ’obsolete‘ monarchies might yet be among the most successful types of regime in coping with such change.  相似文献   

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