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现代文化区   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
文化区是一组相类似的、内部有相互联系的文化占主导地位的区域,这些文化通常具有许多共同因素、特别是语言与宗教.现代世界通常被划分为六个主要文化区:西方(欧洲洲)、伊斯兰、印度、东亚、东南亚和非洲.每个文化区可进一步划分、并以它的核心地区来命名.西方文化西方(欧洲)文化区可划分为四个亚区:西北欧亚区,地中海亚区,中欧亚区和苏  相似文献   

张德明 《史学月刊》2013,(1):95-103
在历史上,战争是将世界经济重心推离原所在地而移往另一地区的一种重要力量。从中世纪到现在,以海洋为地理单位而论,世界经济重心发生了两次大转移;但以次区域而言,实际上发生了三次。在每一次转移中,战争都起了相似的历史作用:信奉伊斯兰教的奥斯曼土耳其帝国与基督教世界的战争,破坏了地中海贸易,使地中海经济衰落了,同时却导致地理大发现和大西洋经济的兴起。两次世界大战吞食了兴旺的欧洲经济,却为美国的富强提供了机遇和创造了条件。美国发动的朝鲜战争和越南战争以及长期的美苏冷战,使富强的"山姆大叔"日益穷困,同时却为亚太地区的日本和一些国家或地区的经济崛起提供了契机。避免战乱、保持和平是地区经济发展的首要条件,这是世界经济重心转移的历史给予的深刻教训。  相似文献   

本文主要以中、西文献记载为依据,结合考古出土以及以往的研究成果,论证辽代的琥珀原材料很可能来自遥远的欧洲波罗的海沿岸.波罗的海琥珀由基辅罗斯北部诺夫哥罗德城,沿伏尔加河南下,到达地中海.再东经黑海、里海,达河中地区.然后经皮毛之路、丝绸之路进入辽境.  相似文献   

本文对盘龙城和荆南寺出土陶鬲进行了系统的类型学分析。在此基础上对两处遗址出土陶鬲进行细致比较并进而分析两者与中原地区商文化陶鬲的关系,本文认为南下至盘龙城与荆南寺两遗址的商人在来源和经营方式上可能存在着较明显的差异。其中,南下至盘龙城遗址的商人来源虽无法确定,但有迹象表明其与辉卫型和二里冈类型有关,该批人群南下至此后虽亦受到早商文化(人群)的持续性影响,但对此种影响的接受程度不高,而与当地土著居民处于高度融合的状态,且对鄂东南和洞庭湖地区采取了"据点式"占据的统治方式;而南下至荆南寺遗址的商人则很可能即二里冈类型人群的一支,该批人群南下至此后与商文化中心区始终保持着密切的联系,而与当地土著居民处于相对独立的状态。  相似文献   

<正>我曾观察春天如何积聚阳光,而红花绿叶又如何预先做好征服北方的准备。在这四季暖和的地中海岸,在这像玻璃一样平静的大海边上,当整个欧洲连续几个月阴风惨惨之时,春天却藏身于和平、光明与爱情的宫殿,不受冰雪与寒风的袭击。在这儿永不枯萎的绿色原野上观看她如何准备上路,实在很有  相似文献   

第一次世界大战前,德裔移民在美国的同化进程迟缓,并非美国学界普遍认为的"易同化的德裔移民"。德国人移民美国的高峰之时,恰是德国科技、文化、高等教育引领世界之际。德裔美国人有文化优越感,因母国的语言与文化而备感骄傲。此时的美国人与其说是将德国移民视为"易同化者",莫如说是对德国文化的尊敬、向往与追求。正因此,德裔移民的同化过程甚至比一般西北欧移民族群更为缓慢。  相似文献   

亚历山大帝国的建立及希腊化世界的形成推进了从中亚、印度到东地中海、欧洲之间古代诸文明地区的文化交流和经济来往。张骞之前,沟通亚非欧、连接东西方的三条商路已经出现;希腊文化在希腊—马其顿人统治及影响地区得到了广泛的认同和传播,并在一定程度上与东方文化相汇合;以阿姆河为中心,巴克特里亚希腊人南下印度,东向赛里斯、弗里尼,有可能越过帕米尔进入塔里木盆地。这些都为丝绸之路的开通和延伸以及东西方物质和文化的进一步交流和融合奠定了坚实而广阔的基础。就丝绸之路全线贯通而言,亚历山大东征和张骞通西域都发挥了同样的历史作用。  相似文献   

问:近来,英国同西班牙就直布罗陀主权的争端再度激化,个中缘由是什么?相关方面要达到什么目的?前景如何?答:直布罗陀是英国在欧洲大陆上的最后一块殖民地。它位于伊比利亚半岛南端,是地中海沿岸的港口城市,与西班牙南部的直布罗陀区相连,濒临直布罗陀海峡,而此海峡是扼守大西洋和地中海之间海上通道的咽喉要地,战略地位尤为重要。  相似文献   

武海燕 《史学理论研究》2020,(1):105-116,160
亨利·皮朗是20世纪初西方史坛的著名学者。他提出的“皮朗命题”被誉为20世纪最具影响力的史学命题之一。皮朗创造性地将地中海视为一个整体,从不同文明之间大范围互动的角度解读欧洲的起源与发展,开拓了新的研究视野与范式。随着全球化的深入发展,作为新区域史主要研究对象之一的地中海成为学术研究的热',而费尔南·布罗代尔的《地中海与菲利普二世时代的地中海世界》是地中海史研究里程碑式的著作。通过对皮朗史学思想与布罗代尔等地中海史研究学者的著作进行对比分析可以看出,皮朗强调经济与社会史研究,倡导超越民族主义史学的局限性与注重在大范围空间对历史进行长期性与结构性分析,对布罗代尔的地中海史研究产生了直接影响。而对“皮朗命题”中有关伊斯兰教与基督教二元对立的中世纪早期地中海分裂性论断的反思,则推动了新地中海史研究的发展。  相似文献   

山西人经商历史悠久,自春秋以至宋辽金元史书屡有记载,到明清时代,山西商人‘简称“晋商)已发展成为国内三大商帮(晋帮、徽帮、潮帮)之首。世界经济史学界把山西商人与意大利商人相提并论,经予很高的评价。 山西商路达数万里,款项可“汇通天下”,从蒙古草原的骆驼商队到扬州起锚出海的商船,从呼伦贝尔草原的醋坊到贵州茅台的酒厂,都有山西人在酿造、出售,在南起香港、加尔各答,北到伊尔库茨克、西伯利亚、莫斯科、彼得堡,东到大阪、神户、横滨、仁川,西达塔尔马哈台、什噶尔、阿拉伯国家,都留下山西  相似文献   

Data from cadasters and censuses indicate that farmstead abandonment in Pomor'ye was slight before the middle of the 16th century, with migrants going from the European Center and Novgorod Land to western Pomor'ye, from western to eastern Pomor'ye, and later from eastern Pomor'ye to Siberia, attracted by the absence of manorial serfdom, the presence of the landsharing village, and the availability of arable land. From the late 16th century this process was intensified by the development of the White Sea route to Europe, the annexation of Siberia, and improvements in agricultural methods and implements. At the same time, farmstead abandonment increased in response to the economic crisis of Ivan IV's reign, and it increased even more from the late 17th century. Many northern peasants were mobilized by the state as soldiers or workers; many others fled to Siberia or went roaming. (The translation was prepared by James R. Gibson of York University, Toronto.)  相似文献   

In 2006–2007, the expedition from Peter the Great Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography, St. Petersburg excavated 52 inhumation burials at a 13th-14th- century cemetery in Kylalahti Kalmistomäki, Karelia. The burial goods are unusual for Karelia, eastern Finland, or other parts of northwestern Russia. The skeletal remains provide the first chance of assessing the biological affinities of the medieval “Korela.” The group displays a trait combination similar to that observed in modern Karelians and opposing them to other recent Eurasian populations. The same combination is observed in Mesolithic and Neolithic crania from the Eastern Baltic. The Kylalahti Kalmistomäki series supports the hypothesis stating that features of the early inhabitants of Europe have survived in certain populations of northwestern Eurasia up to the present time.  相似文献   

Big technological projects have long been an object of study within the history of technology. This paper looks at large transnational projects in Europe during the 20th century, a class of projects not dealt with so far in any comprehensive way. It is argued that such transnational projects have characteristics distinct from national ones and that they have, in different ways, contributed to the creation of Europe in the 20th century. After a thematic outline, the paper deals with projects in Europe in a chronological order, indicating that the number of transnational projects increased dramatically during the Cold War period. Some perspectives for further research are then discussed, including areas such as military projects and the role of European institutions.  相似文献   

Since the arrival of Dutch colonists in the Cape of Good Hope, South Africa, Khoesan populations were subjected to severe political and economic marginalisation and often fell prey to racial conflict. These circumstances persisted until the early 20th century, during which an astonishing number of Khoesan skeletons were transported from South Africa to various locations in Europe, as at the time, different institutions competed to obtain these remains. The purpose of this study was to assess the health status of the late 19th and early 20th century Khoesan. Skeletal remains housed in two different European institutions were studied. The sample comprised 140 specimens from the Rudolf Pöch Skeletal Collection in Vienna, Austria, and 15 specimens from the Musée de l'Homme in Paris, France. These individuals represent both sexes and were aged between newborn and 75 years, with 54 being younger than 20 years of age. Results indicated high levels of typical disease conditions associated with groups under stress, such as periostitis, cribra orbitalia and porotic hyperostosis. Treponemal disease, rickets, osteoarthritis and trauma were also encountered amongst other more specific indicators of health and disease. This study provided additional knowledge on the health status and lives of the Khoesan people during this turbulent period and created new awareness regarding a group of severely mistreated individuals. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

论20世纪资本主义发展的历史定位   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
黄安年 《史学月刊》2000,3(1):84-92
根据社会生产力和实践第一的检验标准来考察资本主义在20世纪的发展类型,可以发现,在20世纪,出现了美、日、德、英法、欧洲联盟、北美自由贸易区、东亚经济区、其他发展中国家、苏联东欧转轨国家等不同类型的资本主义发展模式。在发展和停滞的两重趋势中,20世纪资本主义的主要趋势仍然是发展。  相似文献   

QUOIT BROOCH STYLE MATERIAL, produced from the early 5th century onwards, has been primarily considered from a stylistic point of view, leaving much scope for further investigation. In addition, the known corpus of material has been much expanded through newly excavated and metal-detected finds. In this article, I bring together the known extant material for the first time, and document important evidence relating to contextual dating, gender associations, manufacture (including new compositional analyses of c 75 objects), repair, and reuse. The article questions previous interpretations of Quoit Brooch Style material as relating to Germanic mercenaries and/or post-Roman political entities. It interprets the earliest material as a part of wider trends elsewhere, in England and in continental north-western Europe, for the production of material imitating late-Roman symbols of power. It presents new evidence for connectivity with continental Europe via the western-Channel route in the 5th century. A detailed investigation of individual artefacts shows that many Quoit Brooch Style objects were reused, and sometimes subject to extensive repair and modification. This provides new insights into the 5th-century metal economy; for instance, acute problems in the availability of new metal objects in south-eastern Britain in the middle years of the 5th century. Compositional analyses contribute further to our understanding of metal supply in the 5th century and relationships with the post-Roman West. Insights are provided into wider cultural transformations in the 5th century and the gradual loss of value that occurred for Roman-style objects.  相似文献   

This article compares pre‐20th‐century Norway and 20th‐century Botswana—two settings separated by time and space but sharing a sharp rise in non‐nuptial births. The comparison seeks to create a synergetic analytical effect by combining firsthand, experience‐near field data from Botswana with solid historical analyses of bastardy in Europe. This radical comparison provides a perspective that highlights the importance of treating “culture” not as a residual category, but as an integral part of everything social. This implies that there is a need not only for a proper sociocultural contextualization of localities, but also for an analysis of extra‐local power structures as fundamentally cultural, reflecting not only bureaucratic and political concerns but also values and existential perspectives.  相似文献   

于文杰 《史学月刊》2005,36(12):104-113
自工业革命以后,英国文明已逐步发生根本的变化。英国19世纪手工艺运动在反思现代工业文明、反对战争、追求在信仰背景下的人性的复归和自然的生存状态,从思想和文化上形成与文艺复兴相悖互补的基本品质。这场运动是一场新文艺复兴运动,它影响了整个欧美文化与艺术的历史进程,推进了现代人信仰的重建和现代文明的健康发展。  相似文献   

The reports of Arab geographers and numismatic data are combined in a review of the literature on two major transit trade routes in Eastern Europe: the Baltic-Caspian trade route and the route “from the Varangians [Scandinavians] to the Greeks [Byzantium].” Hoards of Arab silver coins, known as dirhems, along major water routes clearly point to the direction of the Baltic-Caspian route along the Volga, and date the earliest use of the route from the late 8th century. Trade along the route involved mainly the Volga Bulgars, Ugro-Finnic and Letto-Lithuanian tribes, but not the Slavs, as had earlier been supposed. The existence of the route from the Baltic to the Black Sea along the Dnieper River (“from the Varangians to the Greeks”) was reported by two 11th-century historians—an unidentified Russian chronicler and Adam of Bremen. The author rebuts recent suggestions that the Dnieper route was not as significant as commonly assumed.  相似文献   


A series of clay tobacco pipes made in the Virginia colony in the 17th century were adorned with rouletted stars. In considering the many possible readings of their iconography, this study explores the social use of the celestial landscape, arguing that stars and constellations represented familiar features in a landscape otherwise alien to Chesapeake immigrants. They were therefore among the points of convergence which served to provide a foundation for dialogue across ethnic boundaries. Algonquian, European, and West African star lore are considered to the extent that available evidence allows, in recognition that a diversity of authors contributed to the pipes' lavish embellishment.  相似文献   

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