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Neutron activation analysis has been an important analytical technique for chemical characterization studies of archaeological materials since 1957, and remains one of the best analytical approaches for bulk chemical characterization of archaeological ceramics and other materials. This paper introduces a series of reports that document the history of NAA applied to archaeological materials.  相似文献   

The Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory pottery provenance group developed standards and instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA) methods that are used at many archaeometry laboratories around the world. The background and development of ‘Standard Pottery’ and of methods for INAA are described. Early pottery provenance studies are described, and other research programmes, involving obsidian and magmatic mixing, the origin of the stone used for the Colossi of Memnon, and the ‘Plate of Brass’, are mentioned. Research work by the Laboratory included the discovery of the world‐wide iridium anomaly and extensive subsequent research on what has come to be known as the ‘Asteroid Impact Theory’. Characteristics of the analytical programme for pottery provenance work, including overall aims, precision and accuracy, intercalibration, and irradiation and measurement protocols, are discussed. New research areas developed in the past 15 years, to broaden the usefulness of chemical compositional data for archaeological investigation, and examples of recent work, are described. This research, which makes use of high‐precision X‐ray fluorescence analysis in addition to INAA measurements on sample splits, includes distinguishing the products of different workshops located at the same production site, studies on the significance of the distribution of silver in archaeological pottery and the use of high‐precision chemical compositional data as an aid for making chronological distinctions.  相似文献   

J. YELLIN 《Archaeometry》2007,49(2):271-288
A neutron activation programme aimed at archaeological provenance research operated at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem between the years 1974 and 1997. The history and accomplishments of that laboratory are presented. Endeavours to preserve unpublished results are described. Results on Cypriote pottery are presented.  相似文献   

A recently developed high-precision X-ray fluorescence (XRF) method, applied for the first time to the study of archaeological pottery, determines the abundances of 13 trace and four major elements from one X-ray spectrum acquired over a 1000 second counting interval. For replicate archaeological samples, the short-term and long-term measurement precisions were close to 1% for the ten elements measured with highest precision. These are comparable to the best results achieved on replicates of clay and pottery standards, and obsidian, using instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA). High-precision XRF analysis, however, does not require a nuclear facility, and is markedly preferable to INAA in terms of the ease of both sample preparation and analytical procedure. Consequently, element abundance data can usually be provided by a single analyst within a few hours after the start of sample preparation. The accuracy of the method, determined by comparison with data of other workers on eight standard reference materials, averaged 2.4% for the ten best-agreeing elements. The effectiveness of the method for determining pottery provenance is demonstrated for a difficult problem, in which high-precision XRF analysis successfully distinguished the products of two nearby pottery manufacturers in Roman Galilee (Shikhin and Nahif) that had not been clearly differentiated by INAA. The greater effectiveness of high-precision XRF than INAA in this provenance study is a result of the different array of elements measured, and the higher precision obtained for certain elements, by XRF. These results suggest that high precision XRF has potential broad applicability for pottery provenance studies.  相似文献   

M. J. HUGHES 《Archaeometry》2007,49(2):255-270
Neutron activation analysis was used at the British Museum from 1978 until 2002 for provenance studies on ceramics and marble. Significant numbers of the items analysed were of high quality and value, and careful sampling was necessary to avoid damage to the object. An in‐house British Museum Standard Pottery was established and inter‐calibrated with a number of standards used by other archaeometry laboratories. The results of the projects have been published in many papers, and the databases established will be of use to future scholars interested in the ceramic groups represented. Projects on Greek and Near Eastern pottery have been undertaken. Relatively large numbers of north European medieval and post‐medieval pottery samples were analysed, as well as the tin‐glazed ceramics of Spain and Italy. Classical marble has also formed the subject of another project and a database of quarry material has been established.  相似文献   

Doubts have recently been cast on the ability to characterize steatite sources using rare earth elements (REEs). By increasing the number of samples and elements examined using instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA) and multivariate statistics, this study shows that, with unhomogenized samples, transition metals, not REEs, make the greatest contribution in characterizing steatite sources in the Middle Atlantic region of eastern North America. Preliminary results suggest that INAA has the potential to assign provenance to steatite artefacts, at least at a regional level.  相似文献   

A short history of the application of NAA in the characterization of archaeological materials at the National Center for Scientific Research ‘Demokritos’, Athens, is presented. NAA was first applied in archaeology in 1974 at the Radioanalytical Laboratory, and since 1989 has been one of the primary analytical techniques of the ‘Demokritos’ archaeometry programme. A case study is also presented, concerning chemical patterning of the black‐on‐red Neolithic pottery class from Macedonia. Four chemical groups were identified, each corresponding to a different area of production. It is shown that this standardized concept of pottery technology and style was spread out within at least eastern Macedonia.  相似文献   

Instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA) has been applied to archaeological samples at the Portuguese Research Reactor (RPI) since 1973, and the number of samples analysed has increased steadily since the mid‐1990s. Archaeometric applications of INAA at RPI include the analysis of archaeological ceramics and the stones used in monumental architecture (menhirs) and other historical monuments. A programme of analysis also exists for measuring the precision of and contributing to the certified values of geochemical reference samples. In addition, the study of interference factors is performed to obtain better accuracy in the determination of concentrations of some elements (e.g., corrections for spectral interferences from uranium fission products in the determination of barium, rare earth elements and zirconium).  相似文献   

Roman African Red Slip ware (ARS) sherds from four ARS kiln sites in modern-day Tunisia (El Mahrine, El Ala, Oudna and Pheradi Maius) have been analysed using instrumental neutron activation analysis. Multivariate statistical methods (including cluster analysis and Manhattan City Block distances), with a dilution correction applied to the data, were used to interpret the concentration data. Reference groups for each of the four kiln sites were established. Both El Mahrine and Oudna were described by two dilution-related groups. These kiln groups were all shown to be compositionally distinct from each other and suitable for use in provenance studies.  相似文献   

The transfer of advances in chemometrics into archaeometric research opens up a wide range of new application possibilities in this rapidly developing field. Neutron activation analysis (NAA) of ceramic samples from the Banda Traditional Area (west‐central Ghana) combined with chemometrics allowed us to establish a link between current and ancient systems of ceramics production in the historic settlements of Kuulo Kataa and Makala Kataa. Principal component analysis (PCA) and the soft independent modelling of class analogy (SIMCA) method were applied to the Das Dores Cruz data set in order to unequivocally determine the geographical origin of the diverse archaeological samples. After global autoscaling pretreatment, PCA analysis showed a clear difference between samples from different locations. The classification models obtained by SIMCA showed a classification ability of 100% and a prediction ability of 97.7%, with a mean sensitivity of 84% and a specificity of 100% for the three categories. The application of SIMCA showed that some NAA variables (elements) were more important than others in terms of geographical classification. With the class models that we obtained, we were able to determine the origin of the ancient remains. SIMCA has proved to be a powerful technique for the class modelling of archaeological data.  相似文献   

African Red Slip ware (ARS) from Carthage and San Sisto Vecchio (Rome) was analysed by neutron activation analysis. The Carthage tableware was linked with Oudna and the type 1 lamps were probably from a northern ARS/lamp factory other than the sources currently investigated. Two samples were central Tunisian, probably manufactured at El Ala. The San Sisto samples divided into three groups and three outliers of undetermined provenance. Group 1 was central Tunisian, probably from El Ala, and was composed entirely of terra sigillata chiara C forms. Group 2 was of unknown origin within northern Tunisia. Group 3 was the largest subset and most of its constituent samples were associated with El Mahrine. Additionally, four samples were linked with Oudna.  相似文献   

Sixty‐one ceramic samples collected in Cuenca, Ecuador, were analysed by neutron activation analysis in an attempt to establish their elemental compositions. The bulk of the samples were manufactured in the region of Cuenca, with others imported from Quito in the northern highlands of Ecuador, from Panama Vieja in Panama, and from Seville in Spain. Relative to the Cuenca ceramics, the Spanish samples were separable primarily by their high Ca contents; the Panamanian ceramics by their high Cs contents; and the Quito ceramics by their high Na contents. The ceramics made within the region surrounding Cuenca are much more difficult to separate, with Ba and other elements being potentially important.  相似文献   

In this paper we present the results of a chemical investigation by neutron activation analysis of sherds of different kinds of bird kotylai, bird bowls and related wares excavated in Kalabaktepe, a hill of the ancient city of Miletus. A new archaeological classification of this well-known group of Archaic ceramics of eastern Greece is presented. A number of kiln wasters of misfired vessels from Kalabaktepe revealed a characteristic local pattern. This pattern helped to clarify the provenance of some of the bird bowls classified archaeologically as of orientalizing type: they have been made in Miletus. But bird kotylai and bird bowls in the 'standard fabric’as well as other archaeologically related vessels show a different chemical pattern of unknown provenance.  相似文献   

Contemporary pottery and raw materials (N= 170) from three workshops in Ticul, Yucatán, were analysed by neutron activation to test the hypothesis that individual workshops that used their own clay sources could be identified by their pottery. Although the data failed to confirm the hypothesis, the results reinforced previous conclusions about the relationship of local communities of potters to the chemical patterning of pottery made in these communities.  相似文献   

The establishment of a data base of trace element analysis results obtained by neutron activation analysis of 183 marble samples, each weighing about 200 mg, from eight different quarrying localities for use in provenance studies is described and a summary of the results presented. The problems of sampling museum artefacts are discussed, and details of tests of the reproducibility of the technique are given together with those obtained from multiple-samples from single museum objects. Replicate analyses of a marble standard are also discussed. Thus these data are a measure of the accuracy and precision of the technique, as well as allowing an assessment of the variation in trace element composition within quarry sources and single blocks of marble, as used for artefacts.  相似文献   

Fifty‐three ceramic samples were collected in the area of the colonial city of Riobamba, Ecuador (today Sicalpa/Cajabamba). Neutron activation analysis was used to attempt to establish elemental compositions, and from these gain information on the manufacturing locations of these samples. Colonial samples imported from Panama were separable by their high Cs contents, and can be sorted into glazed and unglazed industries based on As and Cs. High As concentrations in several sherds indicate an origin near Cuenca, in the Southern Highlands of Ecuador, for both colonial and Inca samples. Inca and colonial Quito samples from the north of the country are identifiable through high Na combined with low Sc and Cr concentrations. Locally produced Puruhá, unglazed colonial and majolica samples form a group indicative of local Riobamba elemental composition.  相似文献   

A Late Bronze Age Mycenaean pictorial krater, decorated with a chariot procession, from tomb 387 at Tel Dan, Israel, was examined by instrumental neutron activation analysis. The origin of the krater is placed in the Argolid, very likely in the region of Mycenae or Berbati.  相似文献   

Blue glass trade beads from well-dated late seventeenth- to early twentieth-century sites and collections have been analysed non-destructively by instrumental neutron activation analysis. The beads display enough variations in their elemental contents to allow us to characterize the different chemistries. The implication of these results is that similar chemical analyses of blue beads from undated archaeological sites may be used to help date the sites, since each bead chemistry has a specific earliest period.  相似文献   

Neutron activation analyses of the body fabric of celadons from the main production sites of the Koryǒ period have shown differences in composition between kilns. Comparison of over 50 celadon objects in the collections of the British Museum with this data base from the production sites has permitted the assignment of over 40 of the pieces to their kiln of origin The majority show the trace element pattern of the Sadangri kilns, a smaller proportion are assigned to Yuchǒnri, while others are assigned to the kilns at Chinsanri (underglaze iron) and Kyǒngsǒ-dong (unglazed). A representative group of Chinese Yue wares arc clearly different from Koryǒ celadons in trace element composition.  相似文献   

Neutron activation analysis of pottery was established at Bonn in 1983 and has since become one of the primary archaeometry‐based analytical techniques at the facility. A brief history of the laboratory and a discussion of the best relative fit procedure for pottery is provided. When comparing concentration data for pottery, a best relative fit should always be considered. This mathematical procedure generally results in ‘sharper’ concentration patterns and improves the separability of chemically not very different compositional groups. This is demonstrated for a set of 30 Late Cypriot (Myc. IIIC1) pottery samples from Sinda, Cyprus, which allow formation of a good reference pattern for this site. Applying factors in the range of 0.82–1.43, a number of samples from Egypt and Palestine can be assigned with high probability to a Cypriot origin.  相似文献   

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