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Richard Peet 《对极》1992,24(2):113-130

传世有一种布币,布面有左右排列的阳文“分布”二字,平首平肩,首中皆有一孔,足尖趋于圆形。由于此布与桥足布类似,过去多列入桥足布。一般通长约60、肩宽29、足宽33mm左右,重在11.2—12g之问。这种“分布”最早见于清代晚期著录,但多为临摹线图。墨拓始见方若《药雨古化杂咏》,实物主要收藏于天津和上海博物馆。对其看法,学术界意见不一。  相似文献   

徐州北洞山西汉楚王墓在1955年出土了半两铜质钱范一块。对此,有三篇相关文章发表。一篇是1959年《文物》第二期上刊载朱活先生的《汉四铢半两阴文钱范》。此文对这块钱范进行了断代考证,认定是西汉文帝时郡国铸钱遗留之器物,为四铢半两钱范。第二篇是1988年《文物》第二期上发表的《徐州北洞山西汉墓发掘简报》,记述了1986年徐州博物馆和南京大学历史系考古专业师生,在北洞山进行汉墓发掘清理情况,介绍了地理环境,发掘经过,墓葬形制和出土遗物等。  相似文献   

Six questions are outlined and then responded to about Holocaust denial. These consider (1) Holocaust denial's view of the Holocaust counterfactually—if it had occurred; (2) the presumed adequacy of the binary choice between Holocaust denial and affirmation; (3) the status and credence of their own assertions among denial advocates; (4) the often implied historiographic uniqueness of Holocaust denial; (5) the contributions to Holocaust history of the denial position; (6) the measures—scholarly, legislative, practical—that have been or might be directed at the phenomenon of Holocaust denial.  相似文献   

有关北宋交子的几个问题   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
北宋交子是我国最早的纸币,也是世界上最早的纸币,不仅在中国货币史上,而且在世界货币史上,都享有不可或缺的重要地位。但是,由于文献资料的简略,实物的遗缺,所以,我们对北宋交子的认识,至今仍有不少盲区。现就有关的几个问题,谈一点自己的认识。一、交子诞生的原因关于交子产生的原因,文献史料主要有两种说法。其中多数人的说法是:因为铁钱沉重,面值小,购买力低下,不便使用。文莹在《湘山野录》卷上中最早记录了此说,而吕祖谦在《历代制度详说》卷七《钱币》中讲得最具体,他说:“蜀用铁钱,其大者以二十五斤为一千,其中者以十三斤为一千,行…  相似文献   

杨瑾  马耀峰 《人文地理》2008,23(5):108-111
为了促进意象图在旅游中的理论及应用研究,分析了旅游行为意象图的相关概念,探讨了不同旅游时段的旅游行为意象图的形成过程;总结了旅游行为意象图的个性与共性,动态性与主观性、不完整性与不确定性,可操作性等特点;并以西安市旅游意象为实例,分析了旅游行为意象图构成要素和认知内容,认为旅游行为意象图对旅游行为的发生、旅游资源的评价、旅游规划和旅游行为空间的合理表达都有积极的作用。  相似文献   

Tin was a vital commodity in times past. In central Europe, the earliest finds of tin‐bronze date to about 2200 bc , while in Greece they are c. 400–500 years earlier. While there is evidence for prehistoric copper mining—for example, in the Alps or mainland Greece, among other places—the provenance of the contemporary tin is still an unsolved problem. This work deals with a new approach for tracing the ancient tin via tin isotope signatures. The tin isotope ratios of 50 tin ores from the Erzgebirge region (D) and 30 tin ores from Cornwall (GB) were measured by MC–ICP–MS. Most ore deposits were found to be quite homogeneous regarding their tin isotope composition, but significant differences were observed between several deposits. This fact may be used to distinguish different tin deposits and thus form the basis for the investigation of the provenance of ancient tin that has been sought for more than a century. Furthermore, the tin‐isotope ratio of the ‘Himmelsscheibe von Nebra’ will be presented: the value fits well with the bulk of investigated tin ores from Cornwall.  相似文献   

陈浩 《中国钱币》2002,(1):11-16
宋代是我国铁钱发展史上的鼎盛阶段,特别是在南宋时期,除川峡区继续铸行铁钱之外,南宋政府还在江北大力推行铁钱,促进了江北铁钱区的形成和发展①。南宋乾道四年,和州监的设置及鼓铸,拉开了江北铸行铁钱的序幕。自乾道六年起,南宋政府在  相似文献   

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