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日前,广州市伊斯兰教协会会长杨棠阿訇告知笔者,在整修广州先贤古墓墓园时,发现一方回族将领蔡金章墓碑。予闻之大喜,因为蔡金章其人虽或不为汉族士人所知晓,然在广州回族父老当中却颇有名声。盛传蔡金章治军严明,作战果敢,屡立战功,深得督抚赏器,擢为一省军务总长。又耽爱本教(伊斯兰教),曾捐资修葺先贤墓园,冒险翻刻皇帝圣旨,护怙清真古寺云。  相似文献   

在被称为"经天纬地,震烁古今"的皇皇巨著《中国科学技术史》(英文简称"SCC")第一卷的扉页上,赫然写着"谨以本卷献给南京药商鲁仕国"。鲁仕国是谁?在南京迈皋桥基督教公墓园,一墓碑上镌刻着"姑母鲁桂珍博士之墓"。鲁桂珍又是谁?鲁桂珍是《中国科学技术史》作者李约瑟长期的助手和合作者,在"献书"35年之后,成为他第二任妻子,而对"南京药商鲁仕国"来说,乃其长女也!  相似文献   

广东历史学的研究有着悠久的历史,其源流可追溯到近二千年前的东汉。东汉时,南海(今广州)人杨孚撰写《异物志》,以四音韵语描绘岭南各种动植物的形态和功用,是中国第一部地区风物志,也可视为广东史学作之滥觞。三国时,吴国陆胤撰《广州先贤传》,为岭南首部人物志。晋朝初年,南海人王范撰《交广春秋》,系岭南第一部地方史。唐代有李德裕的《南迁录》、房千里的《南方异物志》、刘恂的《岭表异录》等史部作问世。  相似文献   

丘逢甲为中国近代史上著名之先贤,研究丘逢甲的专著与论文颇多,但内容论及丘逢甲广州事迹者,仅贺跃夫《关于丘逢甲在广东的若干史实考析》一文较为言之有据。贺氏之文主要引用清末广东谘议局的会议报告书,而本文拟以清末官报中记广东禁赌事者为主,辅以当时报章之文,解析丘逢甲在清末广东禁赌始末中所扮演的角色,并兼介绍两则前人未曾引用的有关丘氏之史料。  相似文献   

戴璟《广东通志》卷首为图经,图经中的《广州府地理图》绘有广州城部分,是目前所见的地方志中最早绘制的广州城图。尽管该图的绘制沿袭中国传统的绘图方法,即“不着经纬,不甚明比例,但略记山川地名,兹不详考”(王庸《中国地理学史》),但对于明代地方志书及其他地方文献中广州城地图的绘制起着示范的作用,在其稍后成书的黄佐《广东通志》的《广州府舆地图》及姚虞《岭海舆图》之《广州府舆地图》几乎与其同出一辙,由是观之,其影响不容忽视。一、成图背景戴璟,字直光,号石屏,浙江人。嘉靖五年(1526)进士。为金坛令,有政声,遂擢为佥都御史,巡抚…  相似文献   

解放后的前三十年,关于回族史的工作,先后出版了《回回民族底新生》、《西北回族革命简史》、《回回民族的历史和现状》、《回民起义》、《清代回民起义》、《回族简史简志合编》、《回族简史》等专著和史料集,发表了数百篇论文。在回族的来源和形成、历代回族人民的革命斗争,回族的科学文化史等方面做了可贵的研究。改革开放以来,回族史的研究日趋活跃,成绩喜人。在八十年代的十年当中,出版了《回族人物志》元代、明代,《回族史论集》,《中国伊斯兰史存稿》,《回族商业史》,《回族文学史》(古代部分),《云南回族史》,《西北回民起义史料》,《云南回民起义史料》,《中国伊斯兰教派与门  相似文献   

在腾冲国殇墓园有一块墓碑.它是为14名美国烈士而立的.但上面只有一个人的名字——夏伯尔巾尉。当试图为这块墓碑补齐名单时。我们才知道,在滇西战场上除了飞虎队以外.还有一支美国陆军部队在帮助我们.它的代号是“Y”。2003年初冬.在滇西  相似文献   

木心原籍中国浙江,上海美术专科学校毕业.1982年定居纽约。著有《琼美卡随想录》、《哥伦比亚的倒影》、《鱼丽之宴》、《西班牙三棵树》、《巴珑》、《我纷纷的情欲》、《会吾中》、《温莎墓园》等。其绘画作品曾在美国作博物馆级巡展。第一篇文章《大西洋赌城之夜》一行标题斜斜占了一整版,洪范、圆神、远流、元尊文化等出版社一气出了他12本书他的画作在全美作博物馆级巡展,被各大博物馆和私人收藏  相似文献   

《会稽先贤传》为古代"先贤传记"之一种,作者为三国时吴人谢承。是书原有七卷,亡佚较早,后世诸书征引、节录内容数则。鲁迅先生据诸书征引内容辑录《会稽先贤传》一卷,含八人事迹,所辑内容相对较多,然并不完善。兹在此基础上,广据诸书征引、辑录之内容,重新进行辑补,所得十三则内容,并对文字内容进行勘正辨析。《会稽先贤传》虽存吉光片羽,然皆可宝也,其所蕴含的史料、文化、文学价值皆不容小觑。  相似文献   

正王符墓位于临泾乡沟圈行政村湾湾自然村的西山头上。坐北面南,封土呈馒头状,高3米,底边直径4米,墓园东西长80米,南北宽50米,面积4000平方米。据《镇原县志》记载,王符字节信,东汉安定临泾人(今镇原县),著有《潜夫论》10卷36篇,是汉代杰出的思想家、政治家。在  相似文献   

The contributions made by Ken Bullough (1927–1994) to space physics and conflict research are briefly summarised. This brief obituary and review of his scientific contributions is supplemented by a complete list of his publications.  相似文献   

The customary absence of anthropological perspectives in reports and policy recommendations on climate change and diversity loss is again confirmed in the current IPCC report and the recent UN report on biodiversity. This is a severe shortcoming since there is widespread agreement that goals are rarely met in these domains. Anthropology can offer a holistic perspective and local solutions which would make a difference. Policymakers are attracted to figures and universal recipes, but they need prose and diversity.  相似文献   


Two 17th- to 18th-century documents are described, one a detailed contract and the other a plan and elevation drawing. They throw light on traditions of timber-framed building and in particular on the process of development and innovation in vernacular architecture.  相似文献   

A number of satellite and rocket plasma density spectra obtained during equatorial spread-F conditions are presented and discussed in the light of similar measurements in the neutral atmosphere. We discuss this comparison in some detail and find both distinct similarities and subtle differences. The horizontal spectral measurements show a peak at an outer scale quite similar to the scale of the undulations caused by gravity wave interactions with the ionosphere. This feature is similar to a buoyancy subrange but it is easy to show that the amplitudes of the plasma fluctuations are too large to be directly driven by the neutral atmosphere. At intermediate scales the plasma fluctuations have a one-dimensional horizontal spectrum with a power law well described by a (−53) slope. Once again it can be shown that the neutral fluid cannot be similarly structured at 400 km altitude due to the high viscosity coefficient. A plasma cascade process seems to be operating but it is not at all clear how the spectrum is formed. Furthermore, vertical power spectra seem to run the gamut in spectral form with slopes (n) varying in the range from −1 to −3. So the horizontal spectra are near universal in form, while the vertical spectra are quite variable.  相似文献   

Practically all archeological assemblages are palimpsests. In spite of the high temporal resolution of Abric Romaní site, level O, dated to around 55 ka, is not an exception. This paper focuses on a zooarcheological and taphonomic analysis of this level, paying special attention to spatial and temporal approaches. The main goal is to unravel the palimpsest at the finest possible level by using different methods and techniques, such as archeostratigraphy, anatomical and taxonomical identification, taphonomic analysis, faunal refits and tooth wear analysis. The results obtained are compared to ethnoarcheological data so as to interpret site structure. In addition, activities carried out over different time spans (from individual episodes to long-term behaviors) are detected, and their spatial extent is explored, allowing to do inferences on settlement dynamics. This leads us to discuss the temporal and spatial scales over which Neanderthals carried out different activities within the site, and how they can be studied through the archeological record.  相似文献   

“Infrastructural power” refers to how states “penetrate” their societies and also how local organizations resist such attempts. This essay explores the latter sense of infrastructural power. First, it notes aspects of local power in ancient Mesopotamia, tracing the existence of councils and assemblies over about 3000 years and establishing the concept of a “heterarchy of power” in Mesopotamia, which is a counternarrative to assertions of totalitarian power by kings and central governments. There follows a cross-cultural review of selected other ancient cities and states in order to assess comparable and contrasting local organizations and degrees of infrastructural power. Finally, resistance to state power is explored, and a speculation about the qualities of stability and fragility of political power in early cities and states is advanced.  相似文献   

A man and a book     
A. Irving Hallowell. Culture and Experience. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1974. (First published in 1955.) xiv + 434 pp. Figures, tables and bibliography. $6.95 (paper).  相似文献   

Thailand's political turmoil, evident after the December 2007 elections, is more than the sparks of ordinary conflict between rival elites seeking access to state power. The struggle has become not just about state capture, but also about who gets to determine the most fundamental questions relating to political order – the rules of the game. This article offers a critical interpretation of a decade of Thai politics, with the focus on the 2007 election and its aftermath. It examines debates about democracy, considers the position of the Thai monarchy and reflects on the regional implications of the Thai crisis.


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