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只要还在"医药不分、管办不分、政事不分、营利与非营利不分"的体制下,医改就如同"扭大秧歌"——进两步,退三步,基本在原地打转.  相似文献   

德鲁克论非营利组织的伦理精神——社会责任   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
管理大师彼得.德鲁克认为,非营利组织是知识社会中社会责任的主要承担者,这是由其独有的伦理使命——改造人和社会决定的,这一伦理使命要求非营利组织对知识社会的需要自觉地作出回应。德鲁克不仅强调非营利组织自身的责任,还强调非营利组织的领导群体——管理者的责任及其责任的伦理要求,另外他还指出了非营利组织的责任限度问题。德鲁克以责任为核心的伦理思想,对我国非营利组织树立责任观念、建设责任机制起到了思想上的启示意义。  相似文献   

党和政府的高度重视、政府体制改革的进一步深入、市场经济体制的进一步完善、加入WTO后的进一步开放、公民社会的进一步成熟给我国非营利组织发展带来新的机遇。在新的机遇面前,政府应转变观念,对非营利组织进行合理的定位;建立完善的非营利组织法律体系,为非营利组织发展提供法律保障;加快政府职能转变,充分发挥非营利组织中介服务职能;科学规划,引导非营利组织有序发展;继续深化各项配套改革,为非营利组织健康发展创造良好的外部环境;帮助非营利组织建立健全的自律和他律机制,规范非营利组织行为。非营利组织应努力培养志愿精神、利他主义和使命感;要处理好与政府的关系,促进和维护与政府的合作关系;在与政府建立良好合作关系基础上,坚持独立性,增加代表性;加强内部治理机制,确保非营利性,提高公信力。  相似文献   

有关《海国图志》的版本流变问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
有关《海国图志》的版本流变问题洪九来鸦片战争之后中国社会兴起了一股研究域外地志之学,"开眼看世界"的进步活动,进步的知识分子突破了传统"实学"的界限,把"经世"的眼光投射到"筹海"御夷这一新课题上。林则徐是这一活动的首倡者他组织人员翻译的《四洲志》为...  相似文献   

科文特花园是伦敦最大的特色商品市场,保存着大量历史建筑。科文特花园保护区经过数十年的保护更新历程,在社区组织、公众、政府和非营利组织的共同努力下,逐渐形成自己独特的保护更新体系。通过物质结构和经济活动两方面的振兴,科文特花园历史街区的特征得到了强化,重筑了这一历史街区的活力。科文特花园保护区保护管理和更新方式的有益经验,为我国历史街区保护与更新的理论研究与实践探索提供了依据。  相似文献   

王朝琴 《区域治理》2022,(11):189-192
随着社会发展进入高质量高风险期,多元主体积极参与公共危机管理已经成为我国应急管理体系的重要内容和方向.本文运用协同治理理论,分析当前非营利组织主体在多元主体公共危机管理中的优势和当前面临的困境,在政府方面提出完善法律法规,明确地位,构建政府组织与非营利组织合作共赢的长效机制;在非营利组织方面提出要加强内部危机管理,构建...  相似文献   

蒲利利 《沧桑》2014,(1):77-78,86
魏晋时期,帝国的重建文化又一次走向整合,形成了广汲博纳、气势磅礴的胡汉、中印文化大融合时期。玄学是对两汉经学表现形式上的否定,以儒学为核心的中国思想文化的发展。魏晋时期,经学式微,玄学不断地兴起,展开"自然与名教的争辩",其中以"竹林七贤"为代表的名士在玄学思想影响下开始放荡不羁的社会生活,玄风兴起的魏晋时代,传统的儒学开始玄学化,注经数量多,经学家群起,并与道教思想互补有了新发展。  相似文献   

黄云鹏 《神州》2013,(32):166-166
党的十八大报告中明确指出,"围绕保持党的先进性和纯洁性,在全党深入开展以为民务实清廉为主要内容的党的群众路线教育实践活动,着力解决人民群众反映强烈的突出问题,提高做好新形势下群众工作的能力。"我们党历来重视自身的建设,始终把保持与人民群众的血肉联系作为事关党的死生存亡的政治任务来抓。"为民、务实、清廉"的要求正是突出反映了时代的呼声、人民的呼声、建设和发展中国特色社会主义的呼声,不仅有强烈的现实针对性,而且充分反映了党中央对新历史条件下党建的高度重视和清醒认识。  相似文献   

王立新世界黄金协会大中华区总经理。世界黄金协会是全球唯一从事黄金推广的非营利国际性组织,总部在英国伦敦。1994年,该协会进入中国市场,除推出各项市场推广活动来刺激黄金需求之外,还在减除市场管制障碍、提供市场咨询等方面发挥重要作用。  相似文献   

魏涛 《攀登》2010,29(5):82-87
城市化的快速推进,致使城市容纳能力后天发育相对不足,从而对城市的整体安全形成潜在的威胁。对于城市社会风险的治理与防范,需建立起双向沟通的互动合作风险治理模式,在政府、企业、社区、非营利组织之间构筑起共同治理风险的整体性治理机制。  相似文献   

While public policy scholars are gaining a better understanding of the nonprofit sector's impact on the policy process, the sector's role in lobbying efforts has only been studied in a limited manner. Currently, nonprofit organizations' lobbying activities and expenditures are limited by federal regulations, which are often misunderstood by nonprofit leaders. This article uses 2003 IRS Form 990 data for all nonprofit organizations in the United States to examine the organizational determinants of 501(c)3 nonprofits taking the Internal Revenue Service's 501(h) election and whether organizations use h‐election in a manner consistent with patterns of strategic behavior. Results show that nonprofit organizations that are reliant on direct public support are more likely to take the h‐election, while those reliant on government grants are less likely to take the h‐election. Examining lobbying expenditures, we find nonprofits associate with 501(h) election in a pattern consistent with strategic behavior. The findings suggest that nonprofit organizations with certain revenue streams and in specific subsectors respond differently to this election decision, and that organizations may respond strategically to mechanisms regulating their political activity.  相似文献   

This article looks at efficiency as it relates to nonprofit activities. I argue that average return-on-investment measures are inadequate for nonprofit organizations, and that nonprofits should seek instead to measure marginal returns to investments in nonprogram areas, such as administration and fundraising. Using a national sample of approximately two hundred fifty thousand nonprofits from 2002, I find that some types of organizations spend their nonprogram funds efficiently, while other types do not. These findings have implications for nonprofit management.  相似文献   

The 1993 National Voter Registration Act authorizes nonprofit social service organizations to conduct nonpartisan voter registration drives, with the aim of making the process more accessible for low‐income citizens and segments of the population historically underrepresented in the political process. Although more than 15 years have elapsed since this important reform was enacted, very little is known about the extent to which nonprofits have embraced this practice, and what factors explain their decision to do so. Drawing upon institutional theory, this article examines the propensity of nonprofit social service organizations to carry out nonpartisan voter registration and voter mobilization campaigns in a national election year. A series of hypotheses are tested using data from a random sample of several hundred nonprofit service organizations in the United States that were surveyed prior to the 2008 election. Findings suggest that institutional factors, especially state laws, are highly influential in shaping the decision of local level nonprofits to register voters. The article concludes with a discussion of policy implications of this study.  相似文献   

Policy advocacy is an increasingly important function for many nonprofit organizations, yet their advocacy activities have largely escaped theoretical grounding. The literature on nonprofits has described how they engage in policy advocacy, without linking them to theories of policy change. The policy studies literature, on the other hand, has explained how various forms of influence result in policy change, but has largely ignored organizational perspectives on those processes. These two literatures remain largely disconnected. Drawing upon interviews with a purposive sample of policy advocacy directors at 31 nonprofit organizations, this study applies Q‐methodology to identify and describe six distinct policy advocacy strategies employed by the organizations, and their resonant theoretical views of policy processes. These findings suggest strategic approaches for nonprofits seeking to influence policy processes. They also enhance the academic literature on policy processes by adding the advocates’ views and expectations. Implications for further research are also identified.  相似文献   

Policy feedback scholarship has focused on how laws and their implementation affect either organizations (e.g., their resources, priorities, political opportunities, or incentive structures) or individuals (e.g., their civic skills and resources or their psychological orientations toward the state). However, in practice the distinction between organizations and individuals is not clear‐cut: Organizations interpret policy for individuals, and individuals experience policy through organizations. Thus, scholars have argued for a multi‐level model of feedback effects illuminating how policies operating at the organizational level reverberate at the individual level. In this theory‐building article, we push this insight by examining how public policy influences nonprofit organizations’ role in the civic life of beneficiaries. We identify five roles that nonprofit organizations play. For each role, we draw on existing research to identify policy mechanisms that either enlarge or diminish nonprofits’ capacity to facilitate individual incorporation and engagement. From these examples, we derive cross‐cutting hypotheses concerning how different categories of citizens may need policy to operate differently to enhance their civic influence; whether policy that is “delivered” through nonprofits may dampen citizens’ relationship with the state; and how the civic boost provided by policy may be influenced by the degree of latitude conferred on recipient organizations.  相似文献   

Laboring in low-paid jobs with poor conditions, migrant women are some of the most vulnerable workers in the US labor market. These women often carry a disproportionate burden at home, expected to care for children and elderly relatives and maintain a stable and loving family. Given the weight of work and family obligations, migrant women workers often turn to community-based organizations for assistance with securing work, negotiating an abusive workplace situation, and making ends meet on low wages. Increasingly, organizations are recognizing the social reproduction concerns of migrant women. In crafting responses to this reality, much work is undertaken by staff members, clients, and volunteers that is hidden from the organizations' funders, from the clients' employers, and from official statistics. The objective of this article is to reveal how and why nonprofit organizations can act as a space for the hidden labor of social reproduction, as well as for economic development experiments that account for the needs of social reproduction. Hidden labor is conceptualized as filling gaps in the social safety net created by a neoliberalizing society. In addition, it is the argument of this article that social reproduction is being reframed as a collective endeavor within organizations, where the ethic of care is potentially transforming an insidious political-economic context into a source of strength and resiliency for migrant women. Based on semi-structured interviews and participant observation in an organization in Chicago, this article provides a review of hidden labor within the space of nonprofit organizations.  相似文献   

As governments and nonprofit organizations build close partnerships for the provision of public services, they become interdependent in many ways. In particular, nonprofits' public‐resource dependence has significant implications for their behavior and decisions. By examining Korean cultural nonprofit organizations (CNPOs), this article posits a theoretical framework for the impact of public‐resource dependence on nonprofits' organizational autonomy and legitimacy. The empirical results of national survey data of Korean cultural nonprofits suggest that public‐resource dependence has a dual effect, reducing managerial autonomy while enhancing institutional legitimacy. Korean CNPOs seem to be constrained by public funding granted by both local governments and the central government, particularly in goal setting, resource allocations, and program choices. However, public funding also helps nonprofits earn institutional legitimacy through its reputation and recognition effects.  相似文献   

There is a growing recognition that charitable organizations are important actors in the policy process, but research has not, to date, systematically investigated whether reporting policy activity influences private giving to such organizations. This article develops the argument that reported lobbying should be positively related to donations because organizations seeking policy change consider such activities to be vital to their clients and missions and communicate that belief to potential donors. This article tests for the relationship between reported lobbying activities and private giving in analyses of 501(c)(3) organizations that filed Internal Revenue Service form 990 s in fiscal years 2000 and 2001. The results suggest that organizations that report policy activity receive more donations in the following fiscal year, with some variation across service type. The article concludes with a discussion of the implications for the policy process and scholars of nonprofit organizations.  相似文献   

During the past decade, numerous congressional bills and amendments have attempted to curtail lobbying by nonprofit organizations that receive federal grants. These policy efforts grow out of an assumption that federal funds are encouraging advocacy at levels that are excessive and encourage additional government spending. Using survey data on more than 700 organizations based in Washington, DC, this article tests this assumption. The data show that for the most part, organizations receiving federal grants and contracts lobby no more frequently than similar organizations that do not receive such benefits. The exception is contacting federal agencies, which charitable organizations receiving federal funds do slightly more often than similar organizations without such funds. A multivariate analysis assesses federal funding together with other variables theorized to affect lobbying—federal tax status, resource levels, and the nature of the lobbying issue—confirming that while these other variables affect lobbying levels, federal funding does not.  相似文献   

Public participation geographic information systems across borders   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Geographic information systems (GIS) technology is increasingly being used by nongovernmental organizations, grassroots organizations and other activist groups involved in transforming social, economic and environmental policy in multiple countries. The use of GIS represents a response to the fact that environmental problems are multidimensional and refuse to acknowledge political borders. It also represents a growing awareness that, for activism to compete in an era of globalization, it must utilize tools that scale from a local to a multinational level .
A research field called public participation GIS (PPGIS) has emerged to investigate the use and value of GIS by marginalized peoples and communities engaged in social change. It has yet to formally examine cross‐border and multinational applications. This paper makes a substantial contribution to moving the PPGIS research agenda forward to pace existing nonprofit activities. The paper considers the critical aspects of PPGIS being used across borders and in scaling up nonprofit organizations. The paper briefly reviews the PPGIS literature on issues of resources and data access and the role of GIS expertise. It then analyzes the use of PPGIS across borders as a function of building organizational capacity. Theory is reinforced with examples of nonprofits currently using GIS in multiple countries. A transnational PPGIS is framed, which can serve as a base for further investigation and discussion .  相似文献   

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