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满铁奉天图书馆是南满洲铁道株式会社三座参考图书馆之一,该图书馆存在期间是1910年到1945年,它是个特定历史时期的产物。本文介绍了满铁奉天图书馆的概况、特色文献收藏、满铁奉天图书馆各种文献目录、由满铁奉天图书馆研究整理出版的各种出版物。同时介绍了抗战胜利后,满铁奉天图书馆文献被接收情况和后来的文献流向。  相似文献   

满铁大连图书馆   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文介绍了满铁大连图书馆的概况、文献收藏、文献分类、文献目录、文献流传和检索查询原满铁大连图书馆馆藏文献的方法与途径。  相似文献   

近年来,民办高等院校如雨后春笋般崛起,截至2012年,全国共有独立设置民办普通高校403所。作为现代化高等学校三大支柱之一的图书馆,其发展建设的质量对高校的发展建设起着至关重要的作用。本文以哈尔滨剑桥学院图书馆为例,对民办高校图书馆文献采访工作所遵循的原则进行了详尽的探讨。  相似文献   

哈尔滨市图书馆作为一个地市级的图书馆,因历史的原因,建馆比较早,藏有的地方文献数量和质量在全省乃至东北地区均居首位.如何作好这部分文献的保护工作、又不影响读者利用.本文试从文献破损原因、采用文献再生技术供读者利用和对图书原文献进行抢救性修复以及对馆藏环境的改善等方面进行了阐述.  相似文献   

哈尔滨市图书馆作为一个地市级的图书馆,因历史的原因,建馆比较早,藏有的地方文献数量和质量在全省乃至东北地区均居首位.如何作好这部分文献的保护工作、又不影响读者利用.本文试从文献破损原因、采用文献再生技术供读者利用和对图书原文献进行抢救性修复以及对馆藏环境的改善等方面进行了阐述.  相似文献   

大连图书馆藏古旧满文文献十分丰富,有图书、内府档案、舆图、碑刻拓片等.其中的满语、满学图书既有1911年前出版的线装古籍,又有1949年以前国内外出版的各种版式书籍.这部分藏书为"满铁资料"的一部分,是满铁大连图书馆和满铁奉天图书馆的旧藏,满铁的藏书印,清楚地标明每部书的人藏时间.<全国满文图书资料联合目录>①收录大连馆藏满文图书280馀种,2520馀册;<大连图书馆藏少数民族古籍图书综录>②录满文图书411种,3179册等.但从目前情况看,以往整理还不够全面,特别是以日文编著的满语、满学图书就不包括在内.现在经过整理,统计出满语、满学图书共440馀种,3300馀册.其中满汉文合璧256种,满文125种,满蒙汉文合璧35种,满蒙文合璧5种,满朝文1种,满藏汉文2种,满蒙藏文1种,梵藏满汉文1种,汉满蒙日文1种,汉女真日文1种,满蒙藏汉文4种,满蒙藏维汉文1种,日汉满文3种,满日文2种,日文5种等.  相似文献   

日俄战争后日本殖民者以“满铁”为主体,在中国东北进行政治、经济、贸易、交通、文化等侵略。同时利用“满铁”以满铁大连图书馆和国立奉天图书馆为集源中心与附属地各图书馆,形成纵横交错的东北文化调查研究资料收集场所。最终以文事的形式来管理达到实以武备统治东北的目的。  相似文献   

作为社会重要文化中心的图书馆承担着保护馆藏文献典籍的历史重担。保护图书馆纸质文献资源,减缓目前纸质资源急剧消失的速度,强化纸质文献在我国图书馆的保护工作,也是网络信息时代的迫切需求。强化纸质文献在我国图书馆的保护工作,要求有效的文献保护体系的构建和文献保护的环境条件的营造。  相似文献   

胡海鹰 《沧桑》2014,(1):198-200
作为社会重要文化中心的图书馆承担着保护馆藏文献典籍的历史重担。保护图书馆纸质文献资源,减缓目前纸质资源急剧消失的速度,强化纸质文献在我国图书馆的保护工作,也是网络信息时代的迫切需求。强化纸质文献在我国图书馆的保护工作,要求有效的文献保护体系的构建和文献保护的环境条件的营造。  相似文献   

特色文献资源库是传统图书馆特色馆藏资源在数字时代的另一种表现形式,是衡量一所大学图书馆建设水平的重要因素。文章以西安邮电学院图书馆为例,阐述了自建数据库的现状,分析了图书馆依托馆藏特色资源,建设一个能集中反映学校办学特色及学科重点的特色文献资源库的必要性。最后,文章提出了建库的一些构想,期望为高校图书馆建设特色文献资源库提供参考。  相似文献   

This study analyzes medical practitioners’ adaptation to a dynamic cultural and political scene and examines the impact of medical refugees on a local community. In the early 1920s, there was an influential Russian medical community in Harbin that established medical societies and medical schools. The organization of medical societies was a part of the active formation of a professional community and represented a thoughtful measure for countering the control of Chinese officials. The high degree of cooperation between Russian and Chinese medical personnel in the medical-sanitary department of the Chinese Eastern Railway and in Harbin municipal medical facilities was a part of Harbin physicians’ activities.  相似文献   

《History & Anthropology》2012,23(5):563-580

This article aims to uncover the lives of some of the individuals who, through the occupational and personal choices they made, moved between the Chinese and Russian societies of Manchuria (Northeast China) in the first half of the twentieth century. The Chinese Eastern Railway, which passed through the region and was central to its economy, provided the main framework for Chinese–Russian contact. Headquartered in Harbin, the Railway generated a need for interpreters and translators, while it also offered opportunities for commercial go-betweens. Russian schools employed Chinese teachers for language instruction. After a change in the balance of power, by the 1920s, Manchurian warlords hired former tsarist officers and soldiers into their armies. The article compares the functions of intermediaries in this region to the better-known examples of Shanghai, Canton and Hong Kong. Research on ‘compradors’ has been more often conducted in these geographical settings, whereas the roles of cross-cultural intermediaries in late imperial and republican China still remain relatively unexplored.  相似文献   


Results of a study of the southern portion of the railway lands adjacent to York Station are considered. An early straight shed and a rare combination of three roundhouses, variously built by the Great North of England Railway, the York and North Midland Railway and the North Eastern Railway at the York South Motive Power Depot, were investigated and preserved in situ beneath the new rail operating centre, the largest in the country. Originally constructed between 1841 and 1864, these remarkable engine sheds remained in railway use for up to 120 years. Documentary and archaeological evidence is considered and placed within a wider context to explain how these buildings were adapted as their functions evolved. This allows us to understand how the sheds remained in operation after comparable structures at other depots became obsolete.  相似文献   

哈尔滨阎家岗遗址动物骨骼圈状结构的再研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、前言人类发展的历史经过约200多万年漫长而艰难的历程,在距今3.5万年左右进入旧石器时代晚期。此时人类除了在石器制作技术、绘画雕刻和原始宗教意识等领域取得了一系列重要进步之外,已经能够摆脱长期在天然洞穴中生活的束缚而来到平原之上  相似文献   


There are throughout Great Britain numerous examples of nineteenth century new towns built on green field sites and in the north of England, for example, the names of Middlesbrough, West Hartlepool, Millom, Barrow and Silloth spring to mind. Saltburn-by-the-Sea on what was the coast of the North Riding of Yorkshire is of special interest in that, although a seaside resort, it was projected and built by the personalities who earlier had built the Stockton and Darlington Railway. This article attempts to describe the first twenty years of the existence of this new town, giving details of its physical development and indicating the struggle of the founders to make it a viable commercial enterprise.  相似文献   


A considerable number of I. K. Bruner's railway bridges are still operational, varying in size from the great Royal Albert Bridge over the Tamar to a host of small masonry bridges for accommodation roads over or under his broad-gauge main lines and subsidiary routes like the Taff Vale Railway. There were, however, few bridges built by him apart from his railway works, and it could have been safely assumed that all such bridges which survive would have been clearly recognized as having been built by him. Yet this has not been so with one particular road bridge, for which Bruners responsibility has been either doubted or ignored, even though it survives in excellent working order. The bridge in question is that over the River Dee at Balmoral.  相似文献   

刘晖 《安徽史学》2015,(4):95-103
平汉、陇海铁路相继筑通并在郑州交汇,为郑州城市的成长提供了前所未有的历史机遇及新生动力机制,城市的发展态势、空间结构、外在景观及城市功能均发生显著变化。大量人流、物流的汇聚,使火车站附近区域快速发展,并在火车站与老城区间形成了功能鲜明、以商品贸易为导向的新市街,城市空间大为拓展。郑州城市由老城区向火车站聚集发展,火车站和新市街逐渐成为新的生活中心,改变了以官府衙门和寺庙为重心的传统城市布局,城市空间结构随之变容。基于商业贸易对交通的需要,郑州城市平面与铁路沿线呈辐射状延伸,依托铁路形成新的功能分区,城市功能由此转换,交通功能得以彰显。  相似文献   


Among the first US railway companies to use the electric tractor and elevator in freight-handling buildings, the Chicago Junction Railway (CJR) primarily served industries in the rapidly growing Central Manufacturing District. CJR freight-handling services were initially provided in single-storey, and subsequently multi-storey, brick and mill buildings, using hand trucks, with only limited storage and warehousing space available. Labour cost savings, and changes in the scale and flexibility of freighthouse operations, possible with the electric tractor and elevator, allowed the CJR to meet the demand for increased freight-handling and warehousing capacity by augmenting older facilities with multi-storey, integrated freighthouse and warehouse buildings, latterly built with steel-reinforced concrete.  相似文献   

王纯  林坚 《人文地理》2005,20(1):113-116,74
城市空间发展方向选择是城市规划中的重要问题。本文引入政治地理学中的政治地理结构概念,以哈尔滨城市为例,对边疆城市空间发展方向选择的影响因素进行分析,发现:在特定时期,政治因素可能成为决定边疆城市空间发展方向选择的主导因素;但是,一旦政治地理结构趋于稳定,多因素的综合作用将显著上升,边疆城市空间发展选择应因时、因地制宜。  相似文献   

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