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This paper provides a discussion of Massey's (1999) account of the role of space-time in human and physical geography. Recognizing the relative (but not absolute) paucity of comment from physical geographers on questions of approach and method, the paper seeks to demonstrate three things. First, it casts a history of a narrow part of geomorphology in a similar vein to a part of human geography to demonstrate that it is possible to find strong shared characteristics in the ways in which the two subjects are being approached. This emphasizes the importance of analyses that recognize both space and time in seeking explanation in physical geography and which has important implications for: (i) the nature of laws and processes in geomorphology; and hence (ii) the interpretation of specific landforms and their histories. Second, the paper argues that much of what Massey addresses relates to the closure required to make things amenable to study, something that is characteristic of almost every type of research. This has long been acknowledged in science in general and in physical geography in particular, but is often forgotten. Third, the paper uses this consideration of closure to address the issue of the relational nature of different sorts of space-time models. Following Massey's argument that the sort of space-time model that we adopt needs to be informed by the entities that we study, the paper concludes that some of the space-time models that Massey critiques (e.g. classical Newtonian mechanics) may still be fundamental to what we do, and in no sense necessarily ahistorical.  相似文献   

中国历史地理学的理论体系、学科属性与研究方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文总结了有关中国历史地理学理论方面的若干问题 ,认为历史地理学具有区域性、演变性、结构综合性与有用于世的目的性 ,前三点也与构成其研究内容的空间、时间、部门 (专题 )三大要素相对应 ,其理论体系中除了包括历史自然和历史人文地理诸分支外 ,还应包括区域综合历史地理学、历史地理学理论、历史地图学、应用历史地理学。尽管历史地理学界已普遍认为历史地理学应该属于地理科学 ,但实际上其却多作为历史学的专门史而存在着。本文分析了这种理论与实践脱离状态的形成原因 ,并希望经过长期努力 ,把历史地理学建设成为一门独立的综合性学科  相似文献   

Don Mitchell 《对极》2011,43(2):563-595
Abstract: The impetus to labor geography—putting workers and their practices and interests right at the heart of our analyses and making these ontologically prior in our theorizing—is the right one. Because this is the right impulse, work in labor geography has tended to over‐valorize both the ability of workers to shape the landscapes of capitalism and the long‐term efficacy of any such “shaping”. Arguing from a specific case—the struggles over agribusiness in California in the immediate post‐World War II California—this paper seeks to understand those moments when workers are all but powerless. It argues that those of us interested in politically charged and politically efficacious labor geographies need to retrain our focus as much on the structures within which workers live and work as well as on the actions undertaken by powerful forces within capital and the state whose interests are served by various forms of worker powerlessness.  相似文献   

Rich Heyman 《对极》2000,32(3):292-307
Taking an historical approach to the "corporatization of the university," this paper argues that the classroom as a site of political praxis has been neglected in mainstream geography and is a crucial place where such "corporatization" can be challenged. Geographers have expended much energy working out new methods of research and analysis, but have not adequately addressed the link between knowledge production and pedagogy. This paper attempts to bring questions of radical pedagogic practices into mainstream discussions in geography by showing how knowledge came to be viewed primarily in instrumentalist terms during the nineteenth century, and by showing how recent challenges to positivism can open the door to more sophisticated discussions of the topic. The paper argues that by so doing, we will be better equipped to defend our classrooms and more able to promote teaching that matters to radicalgeographers—social justice, critical citizenship, and participatory democracy.  相似文献   

A Measurement Theory for Time Geography   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
Hägerstrand's time geography is a powerful conceptual framework for understanding constraints on human activity participation in space and time. However, rigorous, analytical definitions of basic time geography entities and relationships do not exist. This limits abilities to make statements about error and uncertainty in time geographic measurement and analysis. It also compromises comparison among different time geographic analyses and the development of standard time geographic computational tools. The time geographic measurement theory in this article consists of analytical formulations for basic time geography entities and relations, specifically, the space–time path, prism, composite path-prisms, stations, bundling, and intersections. The definitions have arbitrary spatial and temporal resolutions and are explicit with respect to informational assumptions: there are clear distinctions between measured and inferred components of each entity or relation. They are also general to n- dimensional space rather than the strict two-dimensional space of classical time geography. Algebraic solutions are available for one or two spatial dimensions, while numeric (but tractable) solutions are required for some entities and relations in higher dimensional space.  相似文献   

作为一种研究方法,生命历程提供了一个概念框架旨在消弭宏观社会发展和个体生命成长之间的鸿沟,作为一种分析视角,生命历程展示了年龄在居民日常出行特征中所起到的重要作用。本文以广州市居民出行日志调查资料为基础,分析处于不同生命历程阶段中广州市居民的日常行为特征。研究结果表明,广州市居民的出行距离、花费时间和出行起始时间三个方面呈现出较为明显的生命历程特征,其中出现距离和花费时间随年龄变化呈现明显的"M"型曲线特征。在此基础上,文章以结婚和生小孩两个家庭性节点事件和住房体制改革等社会性节点事件为例,对出行生命历程的原因进行初步探讨。  相似文献   

雷纳德·格尔柯历史地理学思想简论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
雷纳德·格尔柯是当代加拿大享有盛誉的历史地理学家 ,在历史地理学理论与方法上颇有建树 ,其学术观点代表了西方现代历史地理学界一种流派。本文旨在通过对其历史地理学主要学术思想和观点的评述 ,以期对国内学者认识和了解当今西方现代历史地理学观点有所帮助  相似文献   

Recent acknowledgement that geography students should gain knowledge and experience in the research process has not been matched by accounts of how this experience should be taught. In human geography, apart from a small selection of informative textbooks, scholars have remained relatively quiet on the matter of curriculum design and teaching programmes that would provide this experience. Instead, attention has been devoted to specific, individual research skills or selected intersections between teaching and research. In contrast, this paper argues that it is important to consider how we might best teach research methodology in a comprehensive manner to human geography undergraduates. The authors identify pedagogic and pragmatic reasons for teaching this material and then address some of the difficulties and challenges associated with this endeavour. Taking one New Zealand human geography example, the aims and structure of a 200-level course that attempts to provide such an example of research methodology teaching are then sketched out. Responses to the course are noted and followed by reflections on the pragmatic and disciplinary challenges that continue to exist.  相似文献   

There is an ongoing debate concerning the relationship between the disciplinary ends of the broad spectrum that is geography and also the relationship between geography and other disciplines, including the extent to which it is self-focussed or inward looking. These issues were assessed using an analysis of citation relationships between journals in the Thompson Scientific Journal Citation Reports databases at the category level. Thirty-four categories were used, comparing the two geography categories (‘Geography’, representing human geography and ‘Geography, Physical’, representing physical geography) with 32 other cognate categories. A matrix of the citation relationships between each category was developed using a relatedness factor that corrects for the opportunity for citations to occur. The resultant matrix of factors indicates that human geography journals are considerably more likely to cite their own papers than are those of physical geography, but that they are by no means the most self-citing of the journals assessed. Both human and physical geography journals have strong citation relationships with several other disciplines, with those for human geography most often being net export relationships in the sense of a balance of trade. This finding contradicts previous assertions that human geography imports more than it exports. The citation relationships of physical geography are smaller than those of human geography, and are typically small net imports. The relationship between human and physical geography journals is a small net export from physical geography to human geography, but their total trade volume is considerably smaller than their respective relationships with other disciplines. These results are likely to be caused by many factors in addition to the actual relatedness between disciplines and sub-disciplines, but they do represent a benchmark against which more detailed analyses can be assessed.  相似文献   

Political geography can make distinctive and important contributions to both geography and political science, but this will require attention to the boundaries of these disciplines, emphasis on the comparative advantage of geographers with respect to the study of the shapes of physical space, and systematic consideration of boundaries as problematically institutionalized norms. Mapping, per se, cannot be the core of any discipline.  相似文献   

The introduction of geography as a separate discipline within the Australian Curriculum offers hope for revitalisation of the subject in Australian school education after decades of decline. Since the 1990s, the subject has been largely submerged within an integrated curriculum framework that has had significant consequences for the presence and character of secondary school geography. Its inclusion in the learning area of SOSE (Studies of Society and Environment) within schools has diluted the degree, breadth and depth of geographical education. However, in spite of the hope provided by its re‐institution, the process of national curriculum construction has had disconcerting consequences for the type of geography being offered to Australian students at the secondary level. Building on critical overviews of the history of secondary geography as an Australian school subject since the 1980s, recent philosophical discourse on approaches to geographical knowledge in a school context, and the author's personal experience as a geographical educator and researcher, this paper argues that the nature of knowledge embodied by the new geography study design in Years 7–10 is flawed in both its scope and its direction. While reflecting many of the characteristics of a social realist approach to geographical knowledge, the Australian Curriculum minimises the elements of critical analysis that provide geography with its unique educational identity and value.  相似文献   

User-Centred Time Geography for Location-Based Services   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Location‐based services assist people in their decision‐making during the performance of tasks in space. They do not consider the user's individual preferences, time constraints and possible subtasks to be performed. In order to account for these important aspects, a user‐centred spatio‐temporal theory of location‐based services is required. We propose such a theory by combining classical time geography with an extended theory of affordances. It assumes that affordances belong to three realms: physical, social‐institutional, and mental. In addition to covering the capability, coupling and authority constraints from time geography, this allows for a user‐centred perspective because affordances describe action possibilities with regard to a specific person. Furthermore, the integration of mental affordances offers the possibility to account for cognitive time constraints due to the duration of decision‐making processes. This new theory for location‐based services is closer to the individual user and more plausible with respect to their daily lives. A business traveller scenario is used as a case study to demonstrate this.  相似文献   

Philip Howell 《对极》1998,30(4):357-378
Radical urban geography has recently begun a critique of crime fiction, seeing its ideological shortcomings as politically instructive. This paper argues that this critique is theoretically naive and suggests that a concentration on the epistemological claims of both fiction and urban geography is more fruitful. The paper turns the critique back on radical geography and celebrates the critical possibilities of some forms of crime fiction. Specifically, the police procedurals of British author John Harvey are used to illustrate the genre's ability to articulate alternative epistemologies, ways of knowing the city that track the structure of everyday life and thus offer a critical, realistic, and reflexive approach to the city and itsproblems.  相似文献   

海洋经济地理研究工作大体上是从我国进行全国海岸带调查时开展起来的,前后开展了海岸带(包括从岸线起陆上10公里至水下-15米〈实际已达-35米〉的地带)的资源调查与评价、社会经济调查与评价、资源利用与开发设想,以及乡镇、县和市的综合开发研究(例如小区综合开发试验和县、市国民经济发展综合规划的研究)等项研究工作,取得了一批成果,也积累了一些经验,特别是发现了一些问题.由于这一时期是以  相似文献   

Andrew Herod 《对极》1997,29(1):1-31
Mainstream neoclassical economic geography and its Marxist critique have largely failed to incorporate active conceptions of working class people in their explanations of the location of economic activities. Neoclassical approaches tend to conceive of workers simply as factors of location, whereas Marxist approaches primarily focus on how capital structures the economic landscape in its search for profit and frequently relegate labor to the status of "variable capital." Both approaches present Geographies of Labor. They have not really examined how workers try to make industrial landscapes. In contrast, I argue that workers have an interest in how the economic geography of capitalism is made; consequently, they seek to impose what we might call "labor's spatial fix" and so play an active role in the unevenly developed geography of capitalism. Examining how workers try to develop their own spatial fixes allows us to incorporate a more active sense of workers as geographical agents into understandings of the production of space under capitalism. Recognizing that workers' efforts to create "labor's spatial fix" are significant allows us to theorize how workers attempt to make space as an integral part of their social existence (a Labor Geography ) and so to write less capital-oriented economic geographies.  相似文献   

中国历史地理学的回顾与前瞻   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国历史地理学是一门既古老而又年轻的科学,是研究历史时期我国地理现象和人地关系的科学。这是近几十年来治此学的学人经过历时长久的论证,与历来的沿革地理学不同,沿革地理学只是中国历史地理学中历史人文地理的一个部分,不能以一个部分代替全面。中国历史地理学是一门有用于世的学科,当前国家的建设事业,多与此学有关,深望治此学人共同努力,多所建树,无负于时代的使命。  相似文献   

As part of the Institute of Australian Geographers' Millennium Project, this article examines the shift of behavioural geography from a cutting edge sub-discipline to a branch of enquiry that is now much less prominent in mainstream human geography, especially in Australia. Through an exploration of the rationale for behavioural geography, a brief outline of the nature of the work that was done, and a consideration of the critiques of behavioural geography, the paper argues that behavioural geography enriched the discipline in several ways: it was instrumental in encouraging geographers to consider the epistemological foundations of the discipline; it fostered consideration of a variety of philosophical and methodological positions; and it highlighted the need to consider interrelationships between individuals, groups, society and environment thereby bringing into prominence the ways in which shared environmental meanings are contested and negotiated. Behavioural geography might be a term that is used much less than it once was and behaviourally-orientated research might increasingly find expression in interdisciplinary outlets rather than in mainstream geography journals but contemporary geography is heir to the endeavours of behavioural geography.  相似文献   

The Australian economy has experienced profound change over the last five decades, moving from an industrial to a post‐industrial structure. This transformation has had far‐reaching implications for the nature of economic activity in Australia and has provided the backdrop for the evolving analysis of the nation's space economy. The paper argues that three interrelated themes underpin much of the work of economic geographers in Australia: the impacts of globalisation on Australia's space economy; neoliberalism and the governance of regions; and policy‐focused analysis of regions, their history and prospects. The paper concludes that economic geography will continue to make important intellectual and practical contributions to Australia in the near future as the reshaping of the Australian economy continues and as new challenges reshape the nation's regions.  相似文献   

我们基本上是通过对文本或文献的阅读,才可能重构关于历史时期的地理景观和地理知识,才可能理解历史时期地理景观与地理知识对于古人和今人的意义。因此本文考察了历史文本或文献中地理陈述与地理景观和地理知识之间的各种关系,以及当前对这些地理陈述的不同阅读方法。  相似文献   

基于生活空间与活动空间视角的郊区空间研究框架   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
郊区空间已成为城市空间的重要组成部分,其研究意义逐渐凸显,需要学者立足郊区,关注郊区空间及其与城市空间的关系。本文从行为主义地理学和时间地理学的理论和方法论出发,对行为空间、生活空间、活动空间的概念进行辨析,提出了基于空间范式下的生活空间研究和基于人范式下的活动空间研究两方面研究内容。立足于郊区空间,面向居民日常生活,构建基于时空间行为研究方法论的郊区空间研究框架,基于此框架对郊区生活空间、郊区活动空间以及郊区空间的动态性进行解读和分析,试图为空间-行为互动理论的构建提供研究基础,为基于行为视角的郊区研究提供研究框架,为更好的理解郊区空间、解决郊区中存在的问题提供有效途径。  相似文献   

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