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This study is based on the SEM-EDS and LA-ICP-AES analyses of a sample of twenty-nine Tang sancai sherds unearthed from the Liquanfang site, Xi'an city. The results indicate that ceramics with yellowish bodies are calcareous and those with red bodies were made of ferruginous clays. The use of calcareous clay in Tang sancai bodies is otherwise unknown in Chinese history, which suggests that the technique of Tang sancai making at this site might have been influenced by ceramic technology from the Near East or Central Asia. The paper therefore argues that the traditional approach of treating calcareous clay as the main characteristic of pottery made in the ancient Near East or Central Asia is not necessarily accurate. It is likely that some calcareous Tang sancai ceramics were made in the capital city of the Tang dynasty.  相似文献   

本文采用仪器中子活化分析技术测定四个主要的唐三彩窑遗址(河南黄冶窑、陕西铜川黄堡窑、长安礼泉坊窑、河北邢窑)以及墓葬、建筑遗址出土唐三彩胎的元素组成,分辨了不同产地唐三彩胎的元素组成差别。而且,本文综合考古资料、实验数据的统计学处理结果,将唐三彩在盛唐时期的发展历程划分为两个阶段,大约以公元705年(武则天退位)为界。前一阶段的唐三彩属于白胎类型,制作中心集中在洛阳地区,唐三彩器主要由黄冶窑制造,大型唐三彩俑由洛阳地区(包括黄冶附近)未被发现的窑场制作。后一阶段唐三彩的制作中心向长安地区转移,该中心的重要产品是红胎唐三彩,同时可能采用外来的原料制作白胎唐三彩,洛阳地区作为唐三彩的另一个制作中心同时存在。进而论证唐三彩器和唐三彩俑存在两个相对独立的发展轨迹。  相似文献   

白瓷的出现是我国陶瓷历史上较为重要的技术突破,白瓷的烧制成功为后世青花瓷、彩绘瓷的繁荣奠定了重要基础,被誉为中国古陶瓷工艺发展史中的“第四里程碑”。因此,关于白瓷起源的问题就成为考古界和科技考古界关注的重要学术问题,而邢窑2012年考古发掘出土的北朝晚期窑炉和器物遗存自然成为研究白瓷起源的重要实物资料。本研究利用电感耦合等离子体质谱(ICP-MS)和热电离质谱(TIMS)分析技术,对河北内丘城关服务楼窑址出土的北朝晚期至隋朝初期的早期瓷器样品胎釉原料进行分析,为邢窑早期瓷业的发展演变提供科学依据。结果表明邢窑早期瓷胎的微量元素统计模式明显可以分为两类,说明邢窑早期制瓷存在两种不同的胎料来源。邢窑陶工在开发早期白瓷这一新品种的过程中有意识地选择了一种有别于青瓷的更为优质的原料制胎,这种胎料中与锆石、锐钛矿等杂质赋存密切相关的V、Cr、Ni、Nb、Ta、Zr和Hf等微量元素含量普遍小于青瓷胎。锶(Sr)同位素混合模式分析表明,邢窑早期的大部分样品不符合草木灰配以胎料的制釉方式,应该是采用了草木灰混合其他制釉黏土。同时,早期白瓷釉与青瓷釉的锶同位素特征存在一定差异,说明在制作过程中邢窑陶工为...  相似文献   

与汉代以前用于放置殉葬和随葬品的腰坑不同,唐代墓葬中出现的腰坑,属于道教丧葬仪式的遗存。唐、五代墓葬腰坑中放置的安魂石盒、神怪俑具有安魂镇墓的作用。五代时期,使用腰坑的习俗主要在南方地区,多发现于高等级的墓葬中。腰坑和用于通地气的金井是两种不同的墓葬设施。  相似文献   

Ten Early Bronze Age (BzA1, 2200–2000 BC) copper artefacts from the central Valais region from Switzerland were studied for their elemental composition and lead isotope ratios. In order to answer the archaeological question of a local copper supply, a database for copper minerals across the Valais (Switzerland) has been established. This database contains 69 data on lead isotope ratios as well as additional information on the minerals and geochemical associations for copper minerals from 38 locations in the Valais. Comparisons of the artefacts were also made with data pertaining to minerals from various deposits from Europe and Anatolia taken from the literature. The provenance of the materials is very diverse. Some of the data are compatible with the data from the copper mineral deposits of the Valais region. Moreover, three copper lunulae were identified as possibly Tuscan, which suggests contacts between Italy and the Valais region. This pattern also establishes a multiplicity of provenances for the metal and cultural influences in the Alpine environment of the Rhone Valley of Switzerland at the beginning of the Early Bronze Age.  相似文献   

Isotopic analyses of incrementally developed dental tissues can be used to reveal patterns of movement and diet in animals. However, the suitability of these methods for the reconstruction of herd movements has not yet been demonstrated. Inter-individual behavioural and isotopic variability at the herd scale, and the implications for archaeological and palaeocological applications, can only be demonstrated through the testing of modern animals. In this pilot study, dual-element isotopic profiles were created from incrementally developed dental tissues of five individuals selected from a modern herd of migratory Alaskan caribou (Rangifer tarandus granti). Enamel from second and third molars from the individuals was sequentially sampled in order to reconstruct time-series isotopic profiles. Variation in the strontium (87Sr/86Sr) and oxygen (δ18OCARB) isotope ratios of sequentially sampled enamel were compared to documented herd movement patterns and local geological and environmental conditions. Four individuals displayed the same general trends, although absolute isotopic values varied. One individual displays a very different trend and may represent a behavioural outlier or an immigrant from a semi-domesticated reindeer herd. The implications of this study to herd movement reconstruction in the past are discussed.  相似文献   

We describe here the first combined isotopic and impurities study on 27 copper artefacts found in the north‐west of Spain. This study follows previous studies on the lead isotopic composition of copper ores in three local mines that were exploited during the Bronze Age. The levels of impurities found were clearly different from ingots and axes, with ingots having much higher levels of impurities. It was not possible to differentiate the origin of the artefacts only by the impurities present. On the other hand, the lead isotopic composition indicated that all artefacts were prepared from local ores, the ‘La Profunda’ mine being the most probable source for most artefacts that carried out a clear radiogenic lead signature. The copper isotopic composition seemed to be able to differentiate artefacts from the ‘El Aramo’ mine from those from the ‘El Milagro’ and ‘La Profunda’ mines. On the other hand, the antimony isotopic signature was not useful for source allocation.  相似文献   

In the context of the present study, we have conducted chemical and lead isotope analyses on twelve ancient glass samples unearthed from Chu tombs in Changde City, Hunan Province. The results of the chemical analysis of these samples show that all samples are PbO–BaO–SiO2 glasses, thus indicating that they are all traditional ancient Chinese glasses. The chemical results also suggest that all Bi wares may either share a common source or were produced according to similar recipes. In turn, the eye beads are different from the Bi wares for their distinct chemical composition. The chemical results indicate that silica, lead-bearing material, barium-bearing material, and sodium/lime-bearing material are the main independent components of the raw materials employed in the production of these glass wares.  相似文献   

In combination, the analysis of carbonized food residue for stable C and N isotopes, elemental composition, and plant microfossils (phytoliths and starch granules) offers a powerful tool for understanding patterns of prehistoric maize (Zea mays) consumption in small-scale societies. Using this approach, we conclude that maize was more widely consumed in North America than previously suspected. Between ∼AD 700 and 1600, despite little or no archaeological evidence of gardening, corn was a widespread component of diet on the eastern Canadian prairies. This pattern, furthermore, extended into the adjacent boreal forest at about the same time. However, carbon (δ13C) and nitrogen (δ15N) values on food residue samples vary widely, suggesting significant overall dietary differences from one region to the next. Analysis of a subset of residue samples for elemental composition (using ICP-OES [inductively coupled plasma–optical emission spectrometry]) may help identify broad trends in the provenience of foods consumed at these sites.  相似文献   

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