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Excavations of a kitchen at Escalera al Cielo in the Puuc Maya region of Yucatán, Mexico uncovered a concentration of fired clay balls (ca. 3–5 cm in diameter), in addition to other de facto domestic refuse. The kitchen pertains to an intensively excavated elite residential group that was rapidly abandoned sometime near the end of the Terminal Classic period (A.D. 800–950), resulting in floor assemblages that provide an opportunity to explore the types and distribution of daily household activities. The results of experimental replications and a suite of analyses comprising modal analysis, ceramic petrography, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), and microbotanical residue analysis reveal aspects of clay preparation, firing temperatures, repeated use of the balls, firing conditions, and specific plant food or fuel residues adhering to them. We show that the fired clay balls were manufactured with local, clay-rich soil and employed by the inhabitants of Escalera al Cielo as heating elements; relatively high concentrations of microbotanical residues from edible plants adhering to them support the hypothesis that they were involved in kitchen activities related to food processing.  相似文献   

For over a decade, multi-element chemical analysis of floor sediments in archaeological contexts has been a tool to identify and interpret anthropogenic chemical residues and activities. For the current study, a multi-element chemical analysis was applied to floor samples from a Classical-Hellenistic courtyard building at Düzen Tepe (SW Turkey). Among a series of 19 elements analyzed, K, Mg, Fe, P and Sr are thought to directly reflect anthropogenic chemical residues. The elements Cr, Mg, Ni, Pb and Ti are considered to reflect the geological background of the site, yet their contents seem to vary over different chemical residue zones, making them a suitable tool for delineating activity areas. Overall, the sampling and analysis techniques applied at Düzen Tepe – mild acid sample extraction and ICP-OES analysis – have proven to be fit for this kind of study. The analyses allow human activity zones within the study area to be identified and interpreted and deliver insights into the archaeological contexts that could not be obtained by archaeological research alone.  相似文献   

The identification of chemical activity residues on archaeological surfaces requires the analysis of large numbers of samples, which can be costly and time consuming. Researchers wishing to apply sediment chemistry often are confronted with a dilemma of which technique to use and how to accommodate sediment chemistry into their budget. We propose an approach to the identification of chemical activity residues in which semiquantitative spot tests, which are cheap, quick, and easy to apply, are employed as an initial phase of analysis in order to leverage the results of more time-consuming and costly instrumental techniques. Three examples that pair spot tests with gas chromatography-mass spectroscopy and inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectrometry analysis show that spot tests successfully identify areas of interest. This approach can save both time and research funds.  相似文献   


For many years the identification of activity areas has been carried out through the spatial distribution of lithics, zooarchaeological remains and specific features such as fireplaces. However, these data are rarely combined and integrated with results from specific analytical techniques such as phytoliths, organic matter, carbonates and multielemental analysis. This research presents the first results of an intrasite spatial analysis on a layer from the site Lanashuaia II, a shell-midden located on the Beagle Channel coast (Tierra del Fuego, Argentina). Ethnoarchaeology is used as a methodological tool to give content to the concept of anthropic markers by means of formulating archaeological hypothesis on the basis of ethnological information. This paper presents the application of specific anthropic markers, which have been designed and applied to identify ashy remains and waste areas through different combinations of proxies. The results show how an approach that integrates different techniques enhances data interpretation and allows to give visibility to activities that may not leave visible evidences.  相似文献   

The following article presents a new approach to the spatial and chemical analysis of residues left by the cycle of activities that interweave specialized clay griddle production with other domestic tasks at two house lots located in the Mexican town of Cuentepec, Morelos. Based upon multivariate spatial statistics and image analysis techniques, this analytical approach allows for a more robust definition of activity areas across multiple data domains. These patterns, and the general approach by which they were created, provide a framework for evaluating the potential of applying social theories in archaeology for the interpretation of chemical residue analysis.  相似文献   

Major changes in personal mobility and in country town service provision have taken place in rural South Australia in the period 1968–69 to 1992–93. The later part of this period was one of major rural recession across Australia as a whole. The impact of this recession is considered by investigating changes in three different geographies of rural South Australians. These are their affective identification with place, their local social interaction and their commercial service consumption. There has been a shift of both commercial and social activity up through the hierarchy of settlement, but this is much more pronounced in the case of commercial activity. These differential rates of change are weakening the once mutually reinforcing links between community self‐identification, social interaction and trading patterns. The full impact of the rural crisis commencing in 1982–83 on social and commercial spatial patterns is unlikely to have been achieved by 1992–93, and adjustment is likely to continue.  相似文献   


The interpretative power of quantitative intra-site spatial analysis has long been recognised by archaeologists. On the contrary, very few ethnoarchaeological works have engaged with the statistical analysis of intra-site pattern of artefacts and ecofacts. Nonetheless, ethnoarchaeology is uniquely placed to guide and assist in the identification of sound techniques and in the development of the methodology of analysis. The possibility to directly connect the distribution of the proxies under study with the activity that generated such distribution, provide the means of fine-tuning the tools we use for identifying these patterns in the archaeological record. As a consequence, archaeological methodology and interpretation both benefit from the application of improved methodologies. In this paper we review some of the most common techniques used to analyse activity areas and we provide examples of the application of such techniques to ethnoarchaeological contexts. The aim is to assess how archaeology can benefit from the intra-site spatial analysis of ethnoarchaeological contexts.  相似文献   

Studying human activities requires an examination of the inherent epistemological problems in building arguments about the past based on chemical residues and modern observations. A reflexive approach to the analysis of chemical residues at the San Lucas archaeological site, a Classic Hohokam settlement located in Marana, Arizona, represents a unique opportunity to evaluate current techniques and paradigms for the interpretation of daily life activities. By incorporating an innovative program rooted in satellite remote sensing image analysis and spatial statistics, including new techniques, such as bulk density, loss on ignition, electrical conductivity, and salinity, results suggest that soil chemical analysis will benefit more from learning about structure and agency than from one single activity.  相似文献   

将彩绘作为文物保护修复中的一项重要研究,已经在颜料分析、绘画技艺、源流传承等方面做了大量的工作。然而彩绘文物形式多样,通常以彩绘砖石质、彩绘泥塑、彩绘陶器、壁画、木质彩绘、彩绘漆器甚至彩绘金属器形式存在,每种不同基质表层的彩绘文物调查及修复时所要采取的技术手段和秉持的理念都会有所差别,但是又能够触类旁通、互相借鉴。笔者尝试从近年来亲历的彩绘石质、彩绘泥塑、壁画、建筑彩画文物保护、调查项目中所感受的困惑和获得的经验中,探讨不同材质彩绘文物的调查与修复,希望可以得到更多学科基于文物保护意义上的专业支持和积极融合。  相似文献   

For over a decade, geoarchaeological methods such as multi-element analysis and soil micromorphology have been used to identify and interpret activity areas on archaeological sites. However, these techniques, along with others such as magnetic susceptibility, loss on ignition, and microrefuse, artefact and bone distribution analyses are rarely integrated in the study of a single site, even though they provide very different and potentially complementary data. This paper presents a comparative study of a wide range of geoarchaeological methods that were applied to the floors sediments of a Viking Age house at the site of Aðalstræti 16, in central Reykjavík, Iceland, along with more traditional artefact and bone distribution analyses, and a spatial study of floor layer boundaries and features in the building. In this study, the spatial distributions of artefacts and bones could only be understood in the light of the pH distributions, and on their own they provided limited insight into the use of space in the building. Each of the sediment analyses provided unique and valuable information about possible activity areas, with soil micromorphology proving to have the greatest interpretive power on its own. However, the interpretation potential of the geochemical methods was dramatically enhanced if they were integrated into a multi-method dataset.  相似文献   

This paper presents research into the identification of tobacco residues in ancient smoking pipes. Two techniques have been used so far: gas chromatography/mass spectroscopy (GC/MS), and Raman microscopy. GC/MS has been used successful in the past by the author to identify ancient tobacco residues, and the results of this round of analysis support prior research. Raman microscopy, which has the advantage of working on dry samples without solvents, was not successful. It appears that combustion products overwhelm any useful signal that would identify the substance smoked. We are pursuing the use of Raman in non-combusted samples.  相似文献   


Water resource management is a major challenge throughout the world. People still use traditional water harvesting and conservation techniques in many long-established societies. However, traditional methods are in decline or have been abandoned in many countries even though they are more efficient and cost effective than modern water harvesting techniques. Nevertheless, traditional approaches continue to be valuable in some countries, including Nepal. This research documents the state of such traditional methods, in this case stone spouts, in relation to their use and management within urban and peri-urban areas of Kathmandu Valley, Nepal. This study shows a somewhat surprising outcome that spout condition is better in unprotected areas than in protected areas.  相似文献   

In Hausa villages of northern Nigeria the kitchen rarely exists as a separate room. Except in very wet or cold weather cooking takes place in the open courtyard of the multi-generational extended family compound, or gida. Cooking for family members is a female activity shared, or rotated, among co-wives in what are more often than not polygamous households. Thus, the kitchen is a site of female co-operation, jealousy and various other charged emotions. Using empirical data from a village case study this article analyses how kitchens can be viewed from a feminist perspective as sites of women's power.  相似文献   

国内城体育场地点遗址是吉林省集安地区一处重要的高句丽建筑遗迹,通过对出土遗物和相关文献等的分析可以发现,体育场地点遗址可能是高句丽时期一处与"御膳房"相关的仓储遗迹,它为寻找国内城时期高句丽的王宫遗址提供了重要线索。体育场地点遗址的年代上限应不早于371年,在高句丽迁都平壤(427年)以后逐渐废弃。  相似文献   

The chemical characterisation of solid organic residues found in ceramic vessels, can provide archaeologists with valuable information about ancient diets. Although several selective analytical techniques have been applied to the analysis of specific classes of compounds, such as extractable lipids, waxes, terpenoids and protein fragments, a non-selective analytical technique is required to characterise and categorise complete solid organic residues. In this study, Direct Temperature-resolved Mass Spectrometry (DTMS) is used for the characterisation of 34 solid residues situated on vessels recovered from an indigenous settlement from the Roman period at Uitgeest – Groot Dorregeest (The Netherlands). Sample preparation is limited to grinding very small samples (5–10 μg) and suspending them in water. DTMS analysis of aliquots (1–2 μL) of this suspension gave information about a broad range of organic compounds, such as lipids, polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons, markers for residual proteins and polysaccharides, and for newly formed complex condensed polymers. Multivariate analysis of the DTMS spectra identified five different chemotypes: groups of residues with comparable chemical characteristics. The biomolecular origin of each of these chemotypes is identified by comparison with experimentally charred reference materials. The chemotypes A1 and A2 consist of charred residues identified as starch-rich foods (mixed with animal or plant products), chemotype C consists of protein-rich charred animal products without starch, chemotype B contains smoke condensates from wood fires, and chemotype D consists of special protein-rich and lipid-free foods or non-food products.  相似文献   

This paper investigates spatial associations between environmental change and violence in Darfur. Long-term variations in the geographical distribution of water and vegetative resources can foster migration from areas with decreasing levels of resource availability to areas with increasing levels. Rising ethnic diversity and resource competition can, in turn, escalate the risk of violence in areas of high in-migration. This paper employs a multimethod approach to investigate this hypothesis. Qualitative evidence is used to demonstrate the plausibility of the argument for the case of Darfur. The quantitative analysis is based on information retrieved from satellite imagery on long-term vegetation change and the spatial distribution of attacks on villages in the early phase of the civil war (2003–2005). The findings indicate that violence has been more likely and intense in areas that experienced increasing availability of water and vegetative resources during the 20 years prior to the civil war.  相似文献   

In mountain areas without permanent settlements, human activity is entirely dependent on spatial interaction. For centuries, local and regional traffic has followed livestock trails and footpaths. Mainly during the 20th century, new public and private roads changed this situation significantly in large parts of Norway. While mountain summer farming decreased, hydropower development and leisure use became dominant. Protected areas have been established to preserve possibilities for outdoor recreation and ‘wilderness’. However, seasonal farming activity is still an important upholder of cultural heritage. In the investigated area in western Norway, parallels between accessibility and human activity on mountain summer farmsteads have been identified with the abandonment of dairy production between ca 1905 and 1973, recent use by landowners and hikers’ use of publicly accessible tourist cabins. Increased differences in accessibility and protection status have resulted in diversification of human activity in different locations. Custom and tradition represent different principles according to which cultural landscape can be maintained—with emphasis on dynamics or invariance, respectively. Recent landscape protection focuses primarily on tradition. The necessity of easy access to maintain the living cultural heritage in addition to ‘wilderness’ areas, however, requires taking both concepts into account, most probably treated as geographically separate.  相似文献   

As a result of excavations at Ur by Woolley (1923–1934) food debris was recovered and is now reported on. Plant remains include chickpea, six-row barley, wheat, pea, dates, perforated crab apple rings and possible flat bread. Of special interest are the chickpeas which are among the earliest found in lowland Mesopotamia and the crab apple rings which have not been found before in ancient deposits in the Near East. Of the mammals, caprovids seem to have been most important as food offerings. The occurrence of tunny fish vertebrae was unexpected.The preliminary analysis of some inorganic residues is so far inconclusive although it is possible that one of the residues may originally have contained salt.  相似文献   

A non-invasive procedure for assessing and interpreting the pigments of rock art paintings through computer vision and photogrammetric techniques is presented. The method is designed to document and interpret poorly preserved pigments by making use of advanced techniques of photogrammetry and computational imaging. Two different software solutions that were developed by the authors have been used for this purpose. Finally, two case studies of rock art paintings from Spain have been analysed, which show the reliability of the method.  相似文献   

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