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Books reviewed in this issue. Down in New Orleans: Reflections from a Drowned City. Sothern, Billy New Geographies of Race and Racism. Dwyer, Claire and Bressey, Caroline. The New Global Frontier: Urbanization, Poverty and the Environment in the 21st Century. Martine, George, McGranahan, Gordon, Montgomery, Mark and Fernádez‐Castilla, Rogelio (eds). The Geographies of Garbage Governance: Interventions, Interactions, and Outcomes. Davies, Anna R. Driving Spaces: A Cultural‐Historical Geography of England's M1 Motorway. Merriman, Peter.  相似文献   

Book Review in this article:
Metropolis: From the Division of Labor to Urban Form, by Allen J. Scott.
Services and Uneven Development. J. Neill Marshall in collaboration with P. Wood, P. W. Daniels et al.
New Industrial Spaces. Allen J. Scott.
Space-Structure Economy: A Tribute to August Lösch, edited by Rolf H. Funck and Antoni Kuklinski.
The Changing Downtown: A Comparative Study of Baltimore and Hamburg, by Jurgen Friedrichs, Allen C. Goodman, et al.
Store Choice, Store Location and Market Analysis, edited by Neil Wrigley.
An Analysis of Cross-Border Shopping, by J. D. Fitzgerald, T. P. Quinn, B. J. Whelan, and J. A. Williams.
Essay on the Economy of the Old Northwest. edited by David C. Klingaman and Richard K. Vedder.
China: Growth and Development in Gansu Province, by the World Bank.
Urban Development and Regional Policy in India: An Econometric Analysis. by Vibhooti Shukla.
The Economics of Urbanisation and Urban Policies in Developing Countries, edited by George S. Tolley and Vinod Thomas.
The New Economic Role of American States: Strategies in a Competitive World Economy, edited by R. Scott Fosler.
Plant Closings and Worker Displacement, by Marie Howland.
Industrial Location, by Keith Chapman and David Walker.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: AI-Qur'n: A Contemporary Translation . By Ahmed Ali. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1988. 572 pp. Indexes. $9.95. Dictionary of Qur'nic Terms and Concepts. By Mustansir Mir. New York: Garland Publishing, 1978. xiv plus 244 pp. Index. $40.00. The Second Message of Islam . By Mahmoud Mohamed Taha. Translation and introduction by Abdallahi Ahmed An-Na'im. Syracuse: Syracuse University Press, 1987. 178 pp. $29.95. The Politics of Islamic Revivialism: Diversity and Unity . Edited by Shireen T. Hunter. [Indiana Series in Arab and Islamic Studies in association with the Center for Strategic and International Studies, Washington, D.C.] Bloomington and Indianapolis: Indiana University Press, 1988. xv plus 303 pages. Glossary. Bibliography. Index. $35.00, cloth; $12.95, paperback. Words of Ecstasy in Sufism . By Carl W. Ernst. [SUNY Series in Islam. Seyyed Hossein Nasr, Editor.] Albany: State University of New York Press, 1985. viii plus 184 pp. Appendix. Indices. $34.95. Mahsin al-Majlis: The attractions of mystical sessions. Ibn al-'Arif . Translated by William Elliot and Adnan K. Abdulla. Avebury, England: n.p., 1980. 121 pp. n.p. The Arab Gulf States: Steps Toward Political Participation. By J.E. Peterson. Foreword by Majid Khadduri. [The Washington Papers/131.] New York: Praeger, published with The Center for Strategic and International Studies, Washington, D.C., 1988. xii plus 155 pp. Three tables; Notes; Index. $33.95, hardcover; $10.95, paper. Warriors at Suez; Eisenhower Takes America into the Middle East . By Donald Neff. New York: The Linden Press/Simon and Schuster, 1981. 477 pp. $8.25. Muslim Endowments and Society in British India . By Gregory C. Kozlowksi. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1985. plus 211 pp. $42.50. Agrarian Relations in the Ottoman Empire in the 15th and 16th Centuries . Translated from the Bulgarian. Vera P. Moutafchieva. [East European Monographs, 251.] Boulder: East European Monographs (distributed by Columbia University Press), 1988 (Bulgarian ed., 1962). xiii plus 245 pp. Tables $25.00. Understanding Arabs: A Guide for Westerners . By Margaret K. Nydell. Yarmouth, Maine: Intercultural Press, 1987. x plus 164 pp. $16.00, paper. Moroccan Dialogues: Anthropology in Question . By Kevin Dwyer. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1982. xxvii plus 297 pp. Notes; Bibliography; Indexes. Voilà ce qui est arrivé: Plaidoyer pour une guerre Sainte en Afrique de I'Ouest au XIXe siècle . By AI-Hjj ‘Umar al-Ft. Edited and translated by Sidi Mohamed Mahibou and Jean-Louis Triaud (Original title: Bayn m Waqa'a). [Fontes Historiae Africanae, series Arabica, VIII.] Paris: Editions du Centre National de al Recherche Scientifique, 1983. 261 plus (Arabic) 58 pp. Map. Indices. 205 Frs. Islam and Urban Labor in Northern Nigeria. The Making of a Muslim Working Class . By Paul M. Lubeck. [African Studies Series 52.] New York: Cambridge University Press, 1986. x plus 362 pp. Maps; Tables. $49.50. Horn and Crescent. Cultural change and Traditional Islam on the East African Coast, 800–1900 . By Randall L. Pouwels. [African Studies Series 53.] New York: Cambridge University Press, 1987. xiv plus 273 pp. Illustrations; Maps; Glossary. n.p. Roman, provincial and Islamic law: the origins of the Islamic patronate . By Patricia Crone. [Cambridge Studies in Islamic Civilization.] Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1987. 178 pp. $39.50. Economic Concepts of Ibn Taimiyah . By Abdul Azim Salehi. Leicester: The Islamic Foundation, 1988. 286 pp. 12, hardcover; 5.50, paper. A Fabian in Egypt: Salamah Musa and the Rise of the Professional Classes in Egypt, 1909–1939 . By Vernon Egger. Lanham, MD: University Press of America, 1986. xvi plus 234 pp. Biblipgraphy. Index. n.p. God's Caliph. Religious Authority in the First Centuries of Islam . By Patricia Crone and Martin Hinds. Cambridge University Press, 1986. 155 plus 2 pp. n.p. The Art of Bad'az-Zamn al-Hamadhn as Picaresque Narrative . By James T. Monroe. Beirut: American University of Beirut, 1983. 175 pp. n.p., paper.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: The Quranic Art of Calligraphy and Illumination .* By Martin Lings. New York: Interlink Books, 1987 (orig. ed. London, 1976). 242 pp. Illustrations. Indices. $49.95, hardcover. The Rising of al-Husayn: Its Impact on the Consciousness of Muslim Society . By Shaykh Muhammad Mahd Shams al-Dn. Translated from the Arabic by I.K.A. Howard. New York: Methuen, 1986. xxi plus 218 pp. $15.95, paper. Remembrance and Prayer: The Way of the Prophet Muhammad . By Muhammad al-Ghazl. Translated by Yusuf Talal De Lorenzo. Leicester, England: The Islamic Foundation, 1986/1406 A.H. 232 pp. Arabic text of prayers. Index. 10.-, hardcover; 4.95, paperback. The Bounteous Koran . A translation of meaning and commentary by M.M. Khatib. Authorized by Al-Azhar, 1984. London: Macmillan Press, 1986. xlvii plus 827 pp. plus 14 pp. of addenda. Preface. Introduction. Arabic index of srahs. $36.00, hardcover. Les Mille et une nuits d'Antoine Galland ou le chef-d'oeuvre invisible . By Georges May. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 1986. 247 pp. in French. 135 francs. Rethinking Islam Today . By Mohammed Arkoun. [Occasional Papers Series.] Washington, D.C.: Center for Contemporary Arab Studies, Georgetown University, 1987. 25 pp. n.p. Al-Fnrabi's Commentary and Short Treatise on Aristotle's “De Interpretntione.” Translated with an Introduction and Notes by F. W. Zimmermann. [The British Academy, Classical and Medieval Logic Texts]. London: Oxford University Press, 1981. clii plus 287 pages. $145.00. The Path of God's Bondsmen from Origin Return. (Mersd al-ebd men al-mabd el-ma-d): A Sufi Compendium by Najm al-Dn Rzi known as Dya . By ‘Abd Allh ibn Muhammad Najm al-Dn Rz Translated from the Persian with introduction and annotation by Hamid Algar. [Persian Heritage Series, No. 35.] Delmar, NY: Caravan Books, 1982. 537 pages. n.p. Islamic Coins. By Michael Bates . [ANS Handbook 2]. New York: The American Numismatic Society, 1982. Deluxe edition includes 36 color slides. 52 pp. $8.00. Dadda ‘Atta and His Forty Grandsons; The Socio-political Organization of the Ait ‘Atta of Southern Morocco . By David Hart. [MENAS Socio-Economic Studies.] Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press, 1983. xix plus 260 pp. $30.00. The Lebanese Crisis (1975-1985): A Bibliography . Compiled by Georges T. Labaki. College Park: Center for International Development and Conflict Management, University of Maryland, 1986. 134 pp. n.p. Arab Resources: The Transformation of a Society . Edited by Ibrahim Ibrahim. Washington, D.C.: Georgetown University, Center for Contemporary Arab Studies; London: Croom Helm, 1983, 304 pp. Tables. n.p. From Trucial States to United Arab Emirates: A Society in Transition . By Frauke Heard-Bey. London and New York: Longman, 1982. xxvi plus 522 pages. Maps. Abbreviations. Bibliography. Appendix. Glossary. Index. $45.00, cloth. Saudi Arabia: Rush to Development. Profile of an Energy Economy and Investment . By Ragaei El Mallakh. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1982. 472 pages. Illustrations. Appendix. Bibliography. $32.50. The Changing Bedouin . Edited by Emanuel Marx and Avshalom Shmueli. New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction Books, 1984. xi plus 197 pp. $29.95. Religious Strife in Egypt: Crisis and Ideological Conflict in the Seventies . By Nadia Ramses Farah. New York: Gordon and Breach Science Publishers, 1986. xiii plus 135 pp. Bibliography. Chapter notes. $42.00, hardcover. Egypt: Politics and Society, 1945-1981 . By Derek Hopwood. London: George Allen and Unwin, 1982. x plus 194 pp. $10.95; $28.50, cloth. Middle East Mission: The Story of a Major Bid for Peace in the Time of Nasser and Ben-Gurion By Elmore Jackson. New York: W.W. Norton & Co., 1983. 124 pp. Chronology; Appendix; Index. $12.95. Protest Movements and Religious Movements in Egypt: Past and Present . By Afaf Lutfi al-Sayyid Marsot. [Occasional Paper Series]. Washington, D.C.: Center for Contemporary Arab Studies, Georgetown University, 1984. 10 pp. $3.75. Religion and Political Development: Some Comparative Ideas on Ibn Khaldun and Machiavelli . By Barbarara Freyer Stowasser. [Occasional Paper Series]. Washington, D.C.: Center for Contemporary Arab Studies, Georgetown University, 1983. 28 pp. n.p. American Christianity, the Jewish State, and the Arab-Israeli Conflict . By Thomas Wiley. [Occasional Paper Series]. Washington, D.C.: Center for Contemporary Arab Studies, Georgetown University, 1983. 32 pp. n.p. Readings on Islam in Southeast Asia . Compiled by Ahmad Ibrahim, Sharon Siddique, and Yasmin Hussain. Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, 1985. xv plus 407 pp. Bibliography. n.p. The Two Yemens . By Robin Bidwell. London: Longman; Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press, 1983. xvii plus 350 pp. Maps; List of Abbreviations; Glossary; Bibliography; Index. $26.00. Jewish Life under Islam: Jerusalem in the Sixteenth Century . By Ammon Cohen. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1984. xiii plus 267 pp. Map; Tables; Index. $30.00. Modernization in the Sudan: Essays in Honor of Richard Hill . Edited by M.W. Daly. New York: Lilian Barber Press, 1985. 177 pp. Index. $29.50, hardcover. Islam in India: Studies and Commentaries . Vol III: The Islamic Experience in Contemporary Thought. By Syed Vahiduddin. Edited by Christian W. Troll. Delhi: Chanakya Publications, 1986. xi plus 292 pp. Photograph. Glossary. Indices. n.p. Atatürk and the Modernization of Turkey . Edited by Jacob M. Landau. Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press, 1984. xiii plus 268 pp. Index. $20.00.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
R einhard P ummer : The Samaritans .
A lan M acquarrie : Scotland and the Crusades, 1095–1560 .
J ames W illiam B rodman : Ransoming Captives in Crusader Spain: The Order of Merced on the Christian-Islamic Frontier .
R obert S. G ottfried : Bury St Edmunds and the Urban Crisis: 1290–1539 .
B arry C ollett : Italian Benedictine Scholars and the Reformation: The Congregation of Santa Giustina of Padua .
H einz K remers (ed.) with L eonore S iegele -W enschkewitz and B ertold K lappert : Die Juden und Martin Luther
J. J. S carisbrick : The Reformation and the English People
R obert J. S crimgeour : Some Scots Were Here: A History of The Presbyterian Church in South Australia 1839–1977 .
G eoffrey A hern : Sunlight at Midnight: The Rudolf Steiner Movement and the Western Esoteric Tradition .
N icholas de L ange : Judaism .  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Paul F. Whitely and Stephen J. Winyard. 1987. Pressure for the Poor: The Poverty Lobby and Policy Making
Daniel A. Mazmanian, Michael Stanley-Jones, and Miriam J. Green. Breaking Political Gridlock: California's Experiment in Public-Private Cooperation for Hazardous Waste Policy
Kenneth Flamm. 1988. Creating the Computer, Government, Industry, and High Technology
James L Regens and Robert W. Rycroft. 1988. The Acid Rain Controversy  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Urban Dynamics: Designing an Integrated Model , edited by Cristoforo S. Bertuglia, Giorgio Leonardi, and Alan G. Wilson.
Spatial Choices and Processes , edited by Manfred M. Fischer, Peter Nijkamp, and Yorgos Y. Papageorgiou.
Housing Markets and Housing Institutions: An International Comparison , edited by Björn Hârsman and John M. Quigley.
Services and Metropolitan Development: International Perspectives , edited by Peter W. Daniels.
Regional Innovation and Decentralization: High Tech Industry and Government Policy , edited by Ulrich Hilpert.
Making a Middle Landscape , by Peter G. Rowe.
Landscapes of Power: From Detroit to Disney World , by Sharon Zukin.
Geographic Dimensions of United States Social Policy , edited by Janet E. Kodras and John Paul Jones III.
Thirst for Growth Water Agencies as Hidden Government in California , by Robert Gottlieb and Margaret Fitz Simmons.
Regional and Sectoral Development in Mexico as Alternatives to Migration , edited by Sergio Dim-Briquets and Sidney Weintraub.
The High-Tech Potential: Economic Development in Rural America , by Amy K. Glasmeier.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Palestinian Rights: Affirmation and Denial. Edited by Ibrahim Abu-Lughod A Mediterranean Society: The Jewish Community of the Arab World as Portrayed in the Documents of the Cairo Geniza , Volume 4: Daily Life. By S. D. Goitein The Arabic Book. By Johannes Pedersen The Early Islamic Conquests. By Fred McGraw Donner The Islamic Impact. Edited by Yvonne Yazbeck Haddad, Byron Haines and Ellison Findly Persian Miniature Painting: and its Influence on the art of Turkey and India [The British Library Collections]. By Norah M. Titley Essays in Islamic Art and Architecture [Islamic Art and Architecture, Vol. I]. Edited by Abbas Daneshvari Architecture and Community: Building in the Islamic World Today. [The Aga Khan Award for Architecture.] Edited by Renata Holod with Darl Rastorfer Islam and Ownership. By Seyyed Mahmood Taleqani Society and Economics in Islam: Writings and Declarations of Ayatullah Sayyid Mahmud Taleghani. Translated from the Persian by R. Campbell Equality, Efficiency, and Property Ownership in the Islamic Economic System. By Akhtar A. Awan. Lanham Crime and Corrections: An Al-Islamic Perspective. By Sidney R. Sharif The Qur'ān and Its Interpreters. Vol. I. By Mahmoud M. Ayoub 'Ulum al-Qur'ān: An Introduction to the Sciences of the Qur'ān. By Ahmad von Denffer Ibn Taymiyyah's Ethics—The Social Factor. By Victor E. Makari Shāh Wal?-Allāh And His Times. By Saiyid Athar Abbas Rizvi Islamic Theology and Philosophy: Studies in Honor of George F. Hourani. Edited by Michael E. Marmura Religion, My Own. The Literary Works of Naj?b Ma fūz. By Mattityahu Peled L'Orient dèchirè entre I'Est et L'Ouest (1955–1982). By Simon Jargy The Reflowering of Malaysian Islam: Modern Religious Radicals and Their Roots. By Judith Nagata Muslim Sects and Divisions. The section on Muslim sects in Kitāb al-Milal wa'I-Ni al by Mu ammad b. 'Abd al-Kar?m Shahrastān? (d. 1153) . By A. K. Kazi and J. G. Flynn Muslim Intellectual Responses to “New Order” Modernization in Indonesia. By Muhammad Kamal Hassan Social history of Timbuktu: the role of Muslim scholars and notables 1400–1900. By Elias N. Saad Religion and Politics in Muslim Society : Order and Conflict in Pakistan. By Akbar S. Ahmed Baba of Karo: A Woman of the Muslim Hausa. By Mary F. Smith  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Islam: A Christian Perspective. By Michael Nazir-Ali. Philadelphia: Westminster Press, 1983. 185 pp. $11.95. A Guide to the Contents of the Qur'an. By Faruq Sherif. London: Ithaca Press, 1985. 165 pp. £15.00. The shorter Chapters of The Qur'an. Translated by Thomas B. Irving. Kuala Lumpur: M.A.J. Beg, 1986. 95 pp. n.p. Creation and the Teaching of the Qur'an. By Thomas J. O'Shaughnessy. [Biblica et Orientalia, 40.] Rome: Biblical Institute Press, 1985. vii plus 100 pp. $6.00, paper. Islamic Concept of God. By Mohammad Zia Ullah. London: Kegan Paul International, 1984. xi plus 115 pp. Index. $26.95. Eight Lives: A Study of the Hindu-Muslim Encounter. By Rajmohan Gandhi. Albany: State University of New York Press, 1986. x plus 359 pp. Bibliography. References and Notes. Index. $12.95, paper; $39.50, cloth. Journey to the Lord of Power: A Sufi Manual on Retreat. By Ibn ‘Arabi. Translated from the Arabic by Rabia Harris. New York: Inner Traditions International, 1981. Illustrations. 144 pp. $8.95, paper. The Unveiling of Love: Sufism and the Remembrance of God. By Sheikh Muzaffer Ozak al-Jerrahi al-Halveti. Translated from the Turkish by Muhtar Holland. New York: Inner Traditions International, 1981. 201 pp. $10.95. Sh'ism and Social Protest. Edited by R.I. Cole and Nikki R. Keddie. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1986. x plus 325 pp. $40.00, cloth; $12.95, paper. Muslim Women. Edited by Freda Hussain. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1984. 228 pp. $22.50. Woman in Islam. By Wiebke Walther. Montclair: Abner Schram, 1981. 204 pp. Photographs. Charts. $35.00. Marriage and Sexuality in Islam: A Translation of al-Ghazl's Book on the Etiquette of Marriage from the Iy. By Madelain Farah. Salt Lake City: University of Utah Press, 1984. xii plus 126 pp. Indices. $20.00. Däs Ärztebankett. Aus arabischen Handschriften übersetzt und mit einer Einleitung sowie Anmerkungen versehen von Felix Klein-Franke. By Abu l-asan al-Muhtr al-asan ibn ‘Abdn. Stuttgart: Hippokrates Verlag, 1984. 323 pp. DM 49.80. Egypt in the Reign of Muhammad Ali. By Afaf Lutfi Al-Sayyid Marsot. [Cambridge Middle East Library]. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1984. x plus 300 pp. Bibliography; Index. $49.50. Les Ordres mystiques dans l'Islam Cheminements et situation actuelle. Edited by A. Popovic & G. Veinstein. [Recherches d'histoire et de sciences sociales, 13.] Paris: École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, 1986. 324 pp. Index. 190F, paper. Shh Abd al-Azz: Puritanism, Sectarian Polemics and Jihd. By Saiyid Athar Abbas Rizvi. Canberra: Ma'rifat Publishing House, 1982. xii plus 609 pp. A $38. The Arab Predicament, Arab Political Thought and Practice Since 1967. By Fouad Ajami. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1981. xvi plus 220 pp. n.p. The Emergence of Pan-Arabism in Egypt. By Israel Gershoni. Tel Aviv: The Shiloah Center for Middle Eastern and African Studies, Tel Aviv University, 1981. 142 pp. n.p. Towns and townsmen of Ottoman Anatolia: Trade, crafts and food production in an urban setting, 1520-1650. By Suraiya Faroqhi. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1984. xiv plus 425 pp. Photographs. Maps. Graphs. Tables. Glossary. Bibliography. Indices. $59.50. The West Bank: History, Politics, Society, and Economy. By Don Peretz. [Westview Special Studies on the Middle East.] Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press, 1986. xi plus 173 pp. Index. $22.00, softbound. A Legend of Alexander and The Merchant and the Parrot. By Herbert Mason. Notre Dame, Indiana: University of Notre Dame Press, 1986. 119 pages, n.p. Modern Arabic Literature and the West. By M.M. Badawi. London: Ithaca Press, 1985, ii plus 236 pp. 18.00. Hikayat Sultan Ibrahim ibn Adham: An Edition of an Anonymous Malay Text with translation and notes. Edited and translated by Russell Jones. Berkeley: University of California, Center for South and Southeast Asia Studies, and Lanham, MD: University Press of America, 1985. ix plus 332 pp. Bibliography. Index. $14.50, paper; $27.25, hardcover. The author's response to “Leaman's Introduction to Medieval Islamic Philosophy: A Review Article,” by Michael E. Marmura, MW, LXXVI (1986), 43-45.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
The Entropy Law and the Economic Process , by Nicholas Georgescu-Roegen.
Entropy in Urban and Regional Modeling , by A. G. Wilson.
An Introduction to Spectral Analysis , by J. N. Rayner.
Combinatorial Programming, Spatial Analysis and Planning , by Allen J. Scott.
Causal Models in the Social Sciences , by H. M. Blalock (ed.).
Mathematical Foundations of Systems Analysis , by R. H. Kupperman and H. A. Smith.
Optimal Patterns of Location , by Jan Serck-Hanssen.
Industrial Location: An Economic Geographical Analysis , by David M. Smith.
Industrial Location in the United States , by James C. Burrows, Charles E. Metcalf, and John B. Kaler.
The Urban Mosaic: Towards a Theory of Residential Differentiation , by Duncan Timms.  相似文献   

Book Review in this articles The Cambridge History of Islam The Fihrist of al. Nadim, A Tenth-Century Survey of Muslim Culture Kitǎb al-Tawhid. The Islamic Law of Nations, Shaybian' Siyar The Unholy War: Israel and Palestine Bibliographie Der Afghanistan-Literatur  相似文献   

Sufis Ordera in Islam. By J. Gpenoer Trimingham Sufis of Andrlusia. Kahiil Glbran: Essay and Introduction. An Introduction to Kahlll Gibran. Islam in Egypt Today: Social and Political A8pects of Popular Religion. Malakanlar in Toplumsal Yapisl.  相似文献   

Book Review in this Articles Religion in the Middle East. General editor: A. J. Arberry. Political and Social Thought in the Contemporary Middle East. Edited by Kemal H. The Almohad Movement in North Africa in the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries. By Roger Le Tourneu. Etudu Arrbu: Feuillem dc Tmrnil.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
The Federal Bulldozer: A Critical Analysis of Urban Renewal 1949–1962 . By Martin Anderson.
Housing in Latin America . By Albert G. H. Dietz, Marcia N. Koth and Julio A. Silva.  相似文献   

Book Reviewed in this articles:
A lbert R abel J r . (ed): Renaissance Humanism: Foundations, Forms and Legacy.
A lister E. M c G rath : Reformation Thought: An Introduction.
P eter M atheson (ed.): The Collected Works of Thomas Muntzer.
K eith A mos : The Fenians in Australia, 1865-1880.
D iane L angmore : Missionary Lives: Papua, 1874-1914, Pacific Islands Monograph Series No. 6. Honolulu.  相似文献   

Book reviews in this article:
The Iranian Revolution and the Islamic Republic.
Jordan in the 1967 War.
Generals In Politics: Pakistan, 1958–1982.
The Middle East Remembered.
Middle East and Islam; A Bibliographical Introduction Supplement 1977–1983.
Kitāb Tathqīf al-Ta'f bi'l-Mu     tala     al-Sarīf par Taqī al-Dīn 'Abd al-Ra     mān b. Mu     ibb al-Dīn Mu     ammad al-mad al-     alabī appelé Ibn Nāir al-ayš.
Mannerism in Arabic Poetry: A Structural Analysis of Selected Texts (3rd Century A. H./9th Century A. D.5th Century A. H./llth Century A. D.)
Iraq After the Muslim Conquest.
Mysticism and Dissent. Socioreligious Thought in Qajar Inn.
Religious Ecstasy.
Eschatological Themes in the Qu'n.
How to Understand Islam.
Dynamics of Urban Life in Pre-Mughal India.
Agricultural, Industrial and Urban Dynamism under the Sultsas of Delhi 1206–1555.
Islam: Politics and Religion in the Muslim World.  相似文献   

Book review in this Article:
Urban Change and Renewal: The Paradox of Place , edited by Philip Garrahan and Paul Stewart.
Frontiers of the Roman Empire: A Social and Economic Study , by C. R. Whittaker.
New Visions for Metropolitan America , by Anthony Downs.
Technopolis: High-technology Industry and Regional Development in Southern California , by Allen J. Scott.
Spatial Development in Indonesia , edited by Tschango John Kim, Gerrit Knaap, and Iwan J. his.
Going Private: The International Experience with Transport Privatization , by Jose A. Gomez-Ibanez and John R. Meyer.
A Billion Trips a Day: Tradition and Transition in European Travel Patterns , edited by Ilan Salomon, Piet Bovy, and Jean-Pierre Orfeuil.
Crisis on the Rio Grande: Poverty, Unemployment, and Economic Development on the Texas-Mexico Border , by Dianne Betts and Daniel J. Slottje, with Jesus Vargas Garcia.  相似文献   

Book review in this article:
Fractal Cities: A Geometry of Form and Function, by Michael Batty and Paul Longley.
Nonlinear Evolution of Spatial Economic Systems, edited by Peter Nijkamp and Aura Reggiani.
Environmental Modeling with GIS. edited by Michael F. Goodchild, Bradley O. Parks, and Louis T. Steyaert.
From Combines to Computers: Rural Services and Development in the Age of Information Technology, by Amy K. Glasmeier and Marie Howland.
The Geography of Innovation, by Maryann Feldman.
Restructuring for Innovation: The Remaking of the U.S. Semiconductor Industry, by David P. Angel.
The Shape of the City: Toronto Struggles with Modern Planning, by John Sewell.
The Formation of American Local Governments: Private Values in Public Institutions, by Nancy Burns.
The New Geography of European Migrations, edited by Russell King.
Methodology for Land and Housing Market Analysis, edited by Gareth Jones and Peter M. Ward.
Drought Follows the Plow, edited by Michael H. Glantz.  相似文献   

The Masterless: Self and Society in Modern America.
The Making of a Hinterland: State, Society, and Economy in Inland North China, 1853–1937.
A World at Arms: A Global History of World War II.
Peter Lombard.
Merchant Capital and Economic Decolonization: The United Africa Company 1929–1987.
A History of Christianity in Africa: From Antiquity to the Present.
Carthage, A History.
From Civilization to Segregation: Social ldeals and Social Control in Southern Rhodesia, 1890–1934
The Movement and the Sixties: Protest in America from Greensboro to Wounded Knee.
Better in Darkness: A Biography of Henry Adams, His Second Lqe, 1862–1891.  相似文献   

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