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战后中西人文地理学比较研究   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
千庆兰  樊杰  李平 《人文地理》2004,19(1):22-26
回顾二战以来以美、英为代表的西方和中国人文地理学的发展历程,从学科地位与学科体系、哲学思想及思维方式、研究方法与应用领域等方面将两者作以比较,以期更好地了解、借鉴国外经验,为结合我国实际,构建二十一世纪新型的具有中国特色的人文地理学提供借鉴与参考。  相似文献   

It is well-established in various strands of historiography that the First World War was a formative phase in the evolution of the modern state. This article deals with the Danish case, in which the politics of neutrality made a previously unseen kind of economic regulation necessary. This led to a heated debate about the functions and role of the state, especially its role in economic life. On the one hand, the Social Liberals in government saw the great potential of economic regulations, and their experiences during the war confirmed their beliefs in the importance of a strong state in dealing with the problems of capitalism; on the other, liberals and conservatives began to voice strong criticism of this slide towards stronger state control. Hence different visions of the role of the state came to be the dividing line between Left and Right, and the ideologies of the liberal and conservative Right were redefined in direct opposition to socialism and economic regulation.  相似文献   

In recent years, several groups of archaeological metal finds from the areas around the southeastern Alps, dated between Bronze Age and Roman times, have been scientifically analysed (by ICP, AAS and/or XRF) within the framework of different projects. The data now available give a fairly good general picture of the evolution and development of metallurgy in this area and seem to indicate that the region played an important role in the exchange of objects and raw materials over many centuries. The significance of some of the metal finds, which are particularly relevant for this research, is discussed.  相似文献   

旅游目的地竞争力定量评价综述   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
近年来目的地旅游竞争力正逐渐成为国内外研究的热点领域。本文目的是通过梳理与回顾相关研究文献,对旅游目的地竞争力主要评价模型、变量选择、模型应用、优势与限制以及对未来研究趋向进行深入探讨。  相似文献   

Innovation in judicial administration has proceeded slowly for many reasons. The attitudes of judges not-inclined by training toward management, the tradition of Judicial independence, and the separation of powers are examined as contributing factors inhibiting judicial modernization. Federal Judicial reform has defended historically upon the leadership of a Chief Justine of the United State? willing to use the office to dramatize and promote the issues. The most recent period of dramatic change in judicial administration, from 1969-1981, is reviewed with a focus upon the strategies for change employed by Chief Justice Warren E, Burger.  相似文献   

Identifying the source area of white marbles has long been a problem in archaeology. To address this problem, about 1000 samples from known Classical quarrying areas in Greece, Italy and Turkey were analysed using cathodoluminescence. Twenty-one cathodomicrofacies were recognized, each of which generally characterizes a given area. In cases where the cathodomicrofacies is common to more than one area, δ13C and δ18O signatures provide an effective complementary dataset which allows additional distinctions. Determination keys for the 21 cathodomicrofacies observed are proposed based upon their principal cathodoluminescence colour, and their stable isotopic signature.  相似文献   

Recent research clearly shows the importance of including the vertical component of earthquake ground motion in seismic analysis and design. In addition, pioneering studies [e.g., Elnashai and Papazoglou (1997)] have explored and documented the characteristics of available near-field vertical ground motion records. As a follow-up, this paper complements earlier studies, and investigates additional far-field records and available downhole array vertical motion records. A total of 111 free-field strong motion records (from California) and available downhole array records are employed. Compared to near-field records, far-field records generally contain more energy at longer periods. Based on the available data, response spectra are presented for near-field and far-field records respectively. The currently scarce downhole-array vertical motion records show that significant amplification may occur within the top 10-20 m soil layers. A simple one-dimensional (ID) vertical wave propagation model did not appear adequate for modelling the observed downhole array response. In using such a simplified model, very high viscous damping in the range of 15-25% was needed to match the recorded downhole vertical response, even for small tremors. Additional data and research are required [Beresnev et al., 2002] towards the development of a rational vertical motion site response analysis procedure.  相似文献   

Foreign direct investment (fdi) research on Canada has historically been centred on incoming rather than outgoing controlling capital. Yet the activities of Canada-based multinational enterprises (mne) have fostered an impressive outflow of direct investment abroad. To appreciate the importance of Canada's mne, one must understand the spatial and functional characteristics of Canadian parent companies and their foreign direct investments. To realize this goal, a sample of more than 17 000 examples of Canadian fdi (at various points in time) has been retrieved and analyzed. Spatially, the favourite target of Canadian outward fdi has been the United States and then the United Kingdom, but significant agglomerations of Canadian controlling capital can be found in many parts of the world (particularly in Western Europe, the Caribbean region, Australia, and Brazil, and in various Asian destinations). The locations of Canadian parent companies have been heavily biased toward the largest metropolitan cities. Additionally, multinational enterprises headquartered in Toronto and Montreal control (by far) the most foreign subsidiaries. In general, manufacturing, financial, and mining activities have constituted the most important endeavours of Canadian multinationals abroad. This pattern of functional emphasis, however, does vary with each specific location. Through a stepwise regression procedure, it was determined that market, trade (with Canada), labour, and crime conditions were critical place-specific criteria that affected the spatial decisions of Canadian direct investors. Par le passé, la recherche sur les investissements directs à I‘étranger (ide) du Canada a été axée sur les entrées de capital de contrôle plutôt que sur les sorties. Pourtant, les activés d'entreprises multinationales basées au Canada ont engendré“un flot impressionnant d'investissements directs à l’étranger. Pour appécier l'importance des entreprises multinationales du Canada, on doit comprendre les caractéristiques géographiques et fonctionnelles des compagnies mères canadiennes, et leurs investissements directs à l'étranger. Pour atteindre cet objectif, un échantillon de plus de 17 000 exemples de ide canadiens (à différents moments) a été choisi et analysé. Géographiquement, la cible favorite des ide canadiens vers l'extérieur a été les États-Unis, puis le Royaume-Uni, mais on retrouve d'importantes concentrations de capital de contrôle canadien en plusieurs autres parties du monde (surtout en Europe occidentale, dans la région des Caraïbes, en Australie, au Brésil etdans diverses destinations asiatiques). Pour le choix de la localisation de leurs sièges sociaux, les compagnies mères canadiennes ont nettement favorisé les plus grandes métropoles. De plus, ce sont les entreprises multinationales dont les sièges sociaux sont à Toronto et à Montréal qui gèrent la plupart (et de loin) des filiates étrangères. En général, les activités manufacturieres, financieres et minieres ont const'itue“la plus importante part des projets des multinationales canadiennes à l‘étranger. Cette tendance varie cependant selon les endroits. Par un modèle de régression, il a étéétabli que les conditions de marché, de commerce (avec le Canada), de travail et de criminalitéétaient des critères décisifs qui affectaient les choix géographiques des investisseurs canadiens. Mots-clés: investissements directs à I'étranger, entreprises multinationales du Canada  相似文献   

Although frequently treated as apolitical by social scientists and practitioners, public personnel administration has always been infused with political considerations. Today, it is more widely recognized that personnel policy choices can have political ramifications of major consequence. However, this policy realm is characterized by a number of competing values espoused by different governmental institutions and private groups. The civil service reforms of 1978 created more coherent personnel policy and greater clarity among the various competing interests and participants. Nevertheless, the political environment of public personnel administration remains so complex that the issue of whether it is possible for public managers to manage lively is legitimately raised.  相似文献   

Instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA) has been applied to archaeological samples at the Portuguese Research Reactor (RPI) since 1973, and the number of samples analysed has increased steadily since the mid‐1990s. Archaeometric applications of INAA at RPI include the analysis of archaeological ceramics and the stones used in monumental architecture (menhirs) and other historical monuments. A programme of analysis also exists for measuring the precision of and contributing to the certified values of geochemical reference samples. In addition, the study of interference factors is performed to obtain better accuracy in the determination of concentrations of some elements (e.g., corrections for spectral interferences from uranium fission products in the determination of barium, rare earth elements and zirconium).  相似文献   

This article attempts to encourage discussion and analysis of the policy implications of biomedical technology and proposes a framework for studying life and death issues arising out of this technology. It summarizes the status of research on a wide variety of specific policy areas, including those in human genetic inter-vention as well as the non-genetic biomedical issues at various life stages. It suggests that no set of issues has more serious implications for humanity and urges policy scientists to examine these technologies more fully. While the technical and ethical aspects of these issues are important, at the center of these con-cerns is the extent to which decision should be public–the degree to which the government should direct, limit, or facilitate applica-tion of the various technologies that affect life and death. This overview article concludes with a call for a PSJ symposium on this area of critical policy importance.  相似文献   

信息技术影响下的空间观及其研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
沈丽珍  张敏  甄峰 《人文地理》2010,25(2):20-23
本文主要评述信息技术影响下时空观、空间构成、空间形成和信息技术对空间的影响等方面的研究进展。文章认为传统的空间概念在信息技术影响下发生了改变,空间观由实在论走向关系论,空间尺度无限缩小,空间向着多维度发展。在信息技术影响下,传统空间观从内涵到外延都发生了深切的变化,空间观的研究正由理论研究向运用与实证研究转化,未来应重点构筑我国信息技术影响下的空间理论体系。  相似文献   

Norbert Elias's The Civilizing Process, which was published in German in 1939 and first translated into English in two volumes in 1978 and 1982, is now widely regarded as one of the great works of twentieth‐century sociology. This work attempted to explain how Europeans came to think of themselves as more “civilized” than their forebears and neighboring societies. By analyzing books about manners that had been published between the thirteenth and eighteenth centuries, Elias observed changing conceptions of shame and embarrassment with respect to, among other things, bodily propriety and violence. To explain those developments, Elias examined the interplay among the rise of state monopolies of power, increasing levels of economic interconnectedness among people, and pressures to become attuned to others over greater distances that led to advances in identifying with others in the same society irrespective of social origins. Elias's analysis of the civilizing process was not confined, however, to explaining changing social bonds within separate societies. The investigation also focused on the division of Europe into sovereign states that were embroiled in struggles for power and security. This article provides an overview and analysis of Elias's principal claims in the light of growing interest in this seminal work in sociology. The analysis shows how Elias defended higher levels of synthesis in the social sciences to explain relations between “domestic” and “international” developments, and changes in social structure and in the emotional lives of modern people. Elias's investigation, which explained long‐term processes of development over several centuries, pointed to the limitations of inquiries that concentrate on short‐term intervals. Only by placing short‐term trends in long‐term perspective could sociologists understand contemporary developments. This article maintains that Elias's analysis of the civilizing process remains an exemplary study of long‐term developments in Western societies over the last five centuries.  相似文献   

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