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据说,在石乃亥,孩子们“唱歌学说话,跳舞学走路”。呀呀学语的孩子咿咿吟哦着的第一句谁也听不懂的话,像“勒”,又有点像段夏,像花儿,又有点像勾毛:至于歪歪扭扭迈出的第一步,可以约略看得出,那似乎是锅庄、堆谐、则柔、卓则或热巴……  相似文献   

·2008·冬季号中国土族枸杞为报三春暖,精诚结渥丹。莫嫌身带刺,不许野禽餐。瀑布源出千重岭,流飞百丈崖。崎岖浑不顾,逐浪到天涯。丁亥七夕,日前闻凤凰桥垮塌云堆银汉畔,牛女共心焦。但恐烟岚重,摧坍喜鹊桥。登湟源南古城扼襟雄镇地,故垒势峥嵘。风咽闻羌笛,云舒展汉旌。峡衔  相似文献   

KEITH SAINSBURY. The Turning Point: Roosevelt, Stalin, and Chiang Kai-Shek, 1943: The Moscow, Cairo, and Teheran Conferences. Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press, 1985. Pp. 373. £17.50, $29.95 (US); KEITH EUBANK. Summit at Teheran. New York: William Morrow and Company, Inc., 1985. Pp. 528. $21.95 (US).  相似文献   

<民俗研究>创刊于1985年,至2008年底共出齐88期,屈指算来,岁月荏苒已是二十三载.二十三年,<民俗研究>从落草到青壮,从蕴蓄走向升华;二十三年,我们与作者如琢如磨,相携成长,勇担中国民俗学学术发展之任.本刊自诞生直至今日,前任主编叶涛教授一直参与其中,含辛茹苦,胼手胝足,值其功成身藏之际,编辑部全体同仁向他表示由衷敬意.  相似文献   

This essay traces the main lines of debate among economists during the course of China's reform. It first reviews how the market has become legitimated in the country. Then it examines three schools of thought that have emerged from an ongoing debate over the economic role of the state in China's “socialist market economy.” Debates have transformed radically the conceptual frameworks of economists, as well as policymakers, and thereby have exerted enormous influence on the policy process.  相似文献   

Two poems by     
《Iranian studies》1973,6(1):52-57

The Norwegian Government Pension Fund, or more commonly the Norwegian Petroleum Fund, established in 1990, is the world’s largest sovereign wealth fund. The fund is commonly regarded as a successful product of economic foresight in a country with strong traditions of long-term planning. As the fund was established in a period during which leading social scientists strongly doubted the ability of Norwegian political and administrative institutions to handle the large oil riches, the article examines the background of the fund in detail. Government archives reveal that senior advisors in the central administration opposed and delayed the establishment of a petroleum fund. The argument in the article is that the advisors’ previous experience with fund structures, combined with the institutional logic in which the most important advisors were situated, explains both the long-lasting opposition against the fund and how and why the fund acquired its main characteristics.  相似文献   

Wosma, Hui, was born in 1936 in Lhasa. He is Vice-President of the Lhasa Association of Literary andArt Circles, member of the Chinese Association of Fine Artists, and council member of the Lhasa Association of  相似文献   

本文对《左传》所载春秋时人的占梦、占星活动进行了剖析。占梦、占星是春秋时期流行于社会上层的重要的预测方式,与国家的政治生活息息相关。这些神秘的预测,尽管不具有科学性,却反映了时人对梦的认识、对天人关系的理解,反映了时人认识世界、把握人生的一种水平。一些有识之士对占梦、占星预测表示怀疑、否定,并且进行有效地抵制,表明当时人们思想认识上的一种进步。  相似文献   

It is assumed that atmospheric gravity waves, resulting in travelling ionospheric disturbances (TIDs), and electric fields, generated by convective thunderstorms, have a reasonable influence on the large-scale structure of premidnight equatorial spread-F irregularities. The responsible mechanisms, viz the superposition of thunderstorm generated electric fields on the ionospheric electric fields being the determining factor for irregularity generation and the steepening of TID structures due to spatial resonance, are briefly outlined. It is recalled that convective activity is most pronounced in the intertropical convergence zone over the African and South American continents. A model based on the typical features of seasonal and geographical variation of tropical convection generating the TIDs is presented which can explain seasonal and geographical variations of premidnight equatorial spread-F occurrence.  相似文献   

Animal skeletons from eight Danish Mesolithic settlements and 14 isolated bog finds have been investigated for injuries caused by hunters. The injuries comprise arrow-pierced limb bones, ribs and vertebrae together with healed and unhealed injuries found on shoulder blades. Special attention has been drawn to the skull lesions on Sus scrofa L. Some pathological features in the shoulder blades of the same animal are also discussed for comparison. The sizes and shapes of the injuries in some cases give an indication of the types of weapons that have been used. The proportion of unhealed to healed fractures seems to change during time. This feature may be related to the change to an increasingly stationary mode of life of the hunters.  相似文献   

赵洪容 《风景名胜》2010,(11):42-43
即便是贵为女皇的武则天,也没想到,有一天从西安到洛阳看一场牡丹花事,只需要一个多小时的路程。从这个角度来讲,科技的发达,让我们今天的每一个普通人,都享受到了昔日帝王们都没能享受到的待遇。  相似文献   

沿沙漠石油公路疾驰四小时,便从轮台抵达塔中。时近黄昏,塔中宛如一只孤独的舰艇,碇泊在塔克拉玛干大沙漠的腹地,让人惊异于它的浪漫的存在。 所谓“塔中”,乃是塔里木石油局中部指挥所的简称,石油人喜欢叫它塔中市,说它是全中国最最小的一个市,方圆1平方公里都不到。老远就望见两支并排高举的天然气火炬在燃烧,据说,它们以每秒烧掉一张百元钞票的速度烧了好多年了。下了车向火炬走去,在这万古岑寂的沙海窝里,头顶是高旷无极的蓝天,双炬像从外星球飘来的两团火球,悬空浮摇,忽左忽右,使人恍然进入了充满魔幻气的天国。只有正中一杆国旗,才把人拉回现实。快沉下去的太阳,硕大而圆,鲜红欲滴血,周遭沙海茫茫,夕照勾出轮廓,或如无边的波涛涌来,或如侧卧的女人曲线起伏,沙纹变幻出五颜六色的光晕,委实迷离幻魅。  相似文献   


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