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美国著名清史学者和中国近现代史专家孔飞力(一名孔复孔,Philip A.Kuhn)教授,继其20年前所撰的一部名著《晚清的起义及其敌人》(Rebellion and Its Enemies in Late Imperial China,Cambridge,Harvard University Press,1970;reprint,1980)一版再版之后,顷近又推出了另一部新著《叫魂者—中国1768年的一场巫术恐怖案》(Soulstealers—The Chinese Scorcery Scare of 1768)。孔教授不遗在远,以航寄贻我一部。展诵再四,敢不拜嘉。私念《叫魂者》(Harvard University Press,Mass.1990,美国麻省哈佛大学出版社,1990)一出版问  相似文献   

正一《中国的战争生态学:河南、黄河及其他(1938—1950)》是剑桥大学出版社《环境与历史研究》(Studies in Environment and History)系列丛书(1)的一种。作者穆盛博(Micah S.Muscolino)为哈佛大学历史系博士,曾在美国加州圣玛丽学院历史系、乔治城大学历史系任教,现为牛津大学墨顿学院中国史教授。穆氏的学术兴趣专注于中国环境史,综其研究特色,大略有二:第一,研究指向上,致力于从历史角度——"历史上人们如何引起、感知及因应环境变迁"——理解中国当代的环境挑  相似文献   

Alexander von Stael-Holstein (I877-I937) was a world famous Russian orientalist who, in the early part of the 2oth century, lived permanently in Beijing for various reasons.' On the recommendation of Hu Shi胡适, he received a teaching position at Peking University. In i929 he was formally appointed professor of Central Asian Philology at Harvard University, staying there for one academic year. Although a Harvard professor, he did not stay in the United States, but continued to live in Peking, directing his Sino-Indian Institute (SII) which he had founded in i927. After receiving the Harvard professorship, the Sino-Indian Institute became part of the Harvard-Yenching Institute (the HYI). As he wrote, only in Beijing could he do his beloved research on Buddhist texts in Sanskrit, Tibetan and Chi- nese. At the SII, he received American students sent by the HYI, as well as young scholars from various countries who came to study Buddhist texts. This paper will present this well- known academic story, based on Stael-Holstein's correspondence that is preserved at the Harvard-Yenching Library, of which most is in English, but some are in German, French and Russian.  相似文献   

伦敦大学亚非学院(School of Oriental and African Studies,University of London,英文简称SOAS)创办于1917年。  相似文献   

中国人民大学清史研究所秦宝琦与美国圣母大学(Natre Dame University)历史系穆黛安(Dain Murry)合著的《天地会的源流》(The Origins of the Tiandihui)一书(英文版),已由美国斯坦福大学出版社(Stanford University Press)出版。该书系依据中国第一历史档案馆和台北故宫博物院所藏档案资料,并参之以大量文献资料及实地考察的成果写成。书中不同于以往史学界认为天地会以“反清复明”为宗旨而创立于康熙甲寅或雍正甲寅诸说,主张天地会是清中叶经济发展与社会矛盾的产物,是下层群众为了互济互助与自卫抗暴而自发结成的社会  相似文献   

An academic “Seminar on Tibetan History”,hostedby China Tibetology Research Center,was held inBeijing from September 1 to September 3,2002.Pro-fessors and Experts.in Tibetan history from severalTaiwan universities,such as Taiwan Politics University,Culture University,Zhongzheng University,SouthChina University and Mingchuan University took partin the seminar,and more than 30 mainland scholars  相似文献   

New Members of Tibet UniversityA ceremny was held on the morning of September 28 in Tibet University to mark the establishment of the university's College of Engineering, College of Economics and Management, College of Continued Education, Teachers' College, and Public Education Department. The university gained assistance from Nanjing University, Southwest Finance University, Southwest Communicatons University, and Sichuan University. The PRC State Council has approved construe-  相似文献   

2011年2月19日到20日,在美国中南部的阿肯色州州会小石城举行了"中国历史的地理视角国际学术研讨会",藉以推广地理学在传统汉学界的影响。本次会议由阿肯色州大学小石城分校(University of Arkansas,Little Rock)组织,得到了中国大陆、中国台湾、英国、德国、白俄罗斯与美国等各地学者的高度重视。19日全天开会,总共提交12篇论文,论点创新,时地跨越很广,从古代到当代,从华西北到华东南,收获相当丰富。主要演讲者是伊利诺斯州大学芝加哥分校(University of Illinois,Chicago)的何特勒(Laura Hostetler)和哈佛大学(Harvard University)的包弼德(Peter Bol)。20日上午包弼德举行颇有启示的讲座,即关于"中国历史地理信息系统"的研究与教学实用。  相似文献   

<正>The Second Han-Tibetan Buddhism Symposium was held at Renmin University of China on September 21st,2012.Scholars in the Han-Tibetan Buddhism field from home and abroad gathered together and made academic exchange with Master Xue Cheng and Jamyang Lodro Rinpoche.The symposium released scholars' researches on the murals and Thangkas of Jonang Sect,opened a special Jonang Buddhist Cultural Forum.Master Xue Cheng and Jamyang Lodro Rinpoche were engaged as academic advisers of the Han-Tibetan Buddhism Research Center of Renmin University.Dzamtang Tsangpa Monastery of Jonang Sect in Aba Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture of Sichuan Province was appointed as the teaching practice base of the National Culture Institute of Renmin University.The famous scholars Chen Qingying,Banban Dorje,Shen Weirong,Xie Haoyue and Yuan Jingfang have made keynote speeches.  相似文献   

正为庆祝文化遗产保护研究项目成立30周年,德国希尔德斯海姆应用科学与艺术大学(University of Applied Sciences and Arts in Hildesheim,Germany)将于2018年1月举办"加固与交流——文化遗产的加固材料与方法:跨学科对话"国际研讨会,旨在促进文物保护的跨学科交流。会议将展现最新研究成果,就新方法  相似文献   

Shen Zhengping, professor at the College of Urban and Environmental Science, Xuzhou Normal University, obtained his PHD in Human Geography in Nanjing University. Currently, Professor Shen is the dean of college of urban and environmenfal science  相似文献   

正2016年付梓的《左传》英译本(Zuo Tradition/Zuozhuan:Commentary on the "Spring and Autumn Annals",translated and introduced by Stephen Durrant,Wai-yee Li,David Schaberg,University of Washington Press; Bilingual edition,2016,以下简称新译本),堪称近年来中国传统经典在海外传播的一大成果。这部至今为止内容最为全面  相似文献   

倫敦大學亞非學院(School of Oriental and AfricanStudies, University of London,英文簡稱SOAS)创辦于1917年。 但在第二次世界大戰以前,該學院的指導思想仍未完全擺脱殖民與大英帝國這樣的觀念。但隨着二戰的發生、  相似文献   

“穆塞勒斯”是葡萄汁酿制的传统民间酒类饮料,新疆阿瓦提县酿造的“穆塞勒斯”质佳、味美。“穆塞勒斯”被认为是古代西域葡萄酒的“活化石”。“穆塞勒斯”主产于“刀郎”地区,与“刀郎木卡姆’’相辅相成,成为刀郎人文化生活的介质。  相似文献   

正对中国抗日战争进行专业研究的英语著述不多,却在不断增加,柯博文(Parks M.Coble)所著《中国的战地记者:抗日战争的遗产》〔China's War Reporters:The Legacy of Resistance against Japan(Cambridge MA:Harvard University Press,2015)〕一书就是这样一本专著。在过去的几年里,这些专业研究涉及中国的题目非常广泛,比如中国的战时外交(1)、哈尔滨沦陷后的社会惨状(2)、抗战末期美国对华政策(3)、战时北京下层女性的生活(4)和金壁辉传记。(5)柯博文的研究对象是在中国和外  相似文献   

<正>This series of papers is the phasic result of a research program entitled A Study on the Relationship of Tibetan Buddhism and Ethnic Tibetans, conducted by the"985"Research Center for Contemporary Key Ethnic and Religious Issues of the Central University for Nationalities.Professor Palpal Dorje and his graduate students have worked strenuously for up to 5 years in sociological studies to achieve remarkable results.All papers were published in The Journal of Northwest University Nationalities(Philosophy and Social Science,issue 3,2009).We herewith express our appreciation to Professor Palpal Dorje for his permission to include excerpts from a couple of the papers in this journal.  相似文献   

The new book launching ceremony was held in Peking University on June 13th, 2014. Morc than twenty Chinese and forcign scholars attended the ccremoriy. The book was chiefly edited by Prof. Shen Weirong from Renmin Universily of China and published by Peking University Press.  相似文献   

《社会与历史比较研究》(Comparative Studies in Society and History)创刊于1958年10月,倡导用比较研究方法对人文社会科学进行研究。该刊最初由莫顿(Mouton Publishers)出版社出版,自1969年起,改由剑桥大学出版社(Cambridge University Press)出版发行。《社会与历史比较研究》涵盖的学科非常广泛,涉及  相似文献   

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