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本文以地方主体性理论为切入点梳理语言景观相关文献,以构建主体为分析框架,从“国家”、“私人机构”和“多元主体互动”三方面综述语言景观的研究。不同主体通过空间实践达到规训、表达、压迫和抵抗等目的,而语言景观则是这些实践的中介和结果。自上而下的语言政策表现为国家作为主体对地方的规训;反之,由个体作为构建主体的语言景观是主体表达自我和抵抗他者的实践。流动性较强的地方,多元主体通过语言景观互动构建地方性,其语言景观是资本、文化和权力多重力量作用下的实践过程和结果。过去语言学视角的研究只关注单主体的空间实践,未来采取跨学科研究可进一步探寻多主体互动过程与结果,更全面地发掘语言景观在地方构建中的作用以及构建的地方意义。  相似文献   


地方感指人与地方的情感关联,是地理学特别是人文主义地理学的关键概念。快速城镇化使得“地方”剧变,地方感也变得复杂多样,多元主体的地方感形成机制值得探讨。本文基于人文主义地理学视角,选取江苏省如皋市东大街为典型案例,通过实地调研,运用半结构化访谈等方法,将不同主体的地方感归纳为三类:根植型、创造型和关怀型。老年原住民形成了根植型地方感,其重点在血缘联结、归属感、身份认同;沿街商户生成了创造型地方感,主要涉及美学、经验与私人空间等;虽从地方抽离但仍与地方保持着积极情感纽带的“乡邻”们则形成了关怀型地方感,主要涉及关注、社会互动、熟悉等。借助案例剖析和质性研究方法,本文对地方感多元类型和形成机制的深入探讨将有助于理解地方感的多态性和分异性。  相似文献   

刘宏芳  明庆忠  鲁芬 《人文地理》2014,29(5):134-141
对landscape旅游景观的判读传统由来已久。文章对landscape同源异形的景观与地景两种译法进行了比较,区分了旅游景观与旅游地景的异同,并将旅游地景分为"成为的"旅游地景、"再造的"旅游地景和"创造的"旅游地景。选用地景主要是考虑对其原意的尊重、强调土地在中华文明中的重要地位及重视其传导的地方性信息。研究从有形的空间与无形的文化相交汇的视角来探讨旅游地景与地方的关联机理,认为空间视角下的旅游地景与地方是"依附中的割裂"关系,文化视角下的地方与旅游地景则呈现出"渗透下的不可控"的关系。研究提出了处理旅游地景与地方关系的理想模式,即由多方均衡参与的基础支持和内外融合的策略来实现神形兼备的目标的全方位一体化融入模式。  相似文献   

Huw Beynon  Ray Hudson 《对极》1993,25(3):177-190
The “localities debate,” stimulated by the Economic and Social Research Council's “Changing Urban and Regional Systems” initiative, was conducted in the pages of Antipode and Society and Space at a length that showed scant regard for emerging environmental sensitivities. Much of it involved politically contentious claims and increasingly exhausted theory; it resolved very little and in that sense was little more than a storm in a pretty familiar pudding basin. A later flirtation with postmodernism simply pushed aside questions of explanation while raising the political stakes as celebration of the differences between places became the order of the day. Nonetheless, important issues emerge from or relate to that debate, and we draw on our experiences to comment on three of them: (i) agents, structures, the production of space and the material bases of place: some issues of theory; (ii) the production of places, people's attachment to place, and place-based political strategies: some issues of practice; (iii) localities, postmodernism and the difference that place makes: is the regressive turn to postmodernism as approach avoidable?  相似文献   

Landscapes are the result of the interaction of natural and human factors, with many dimensions; they are part of natural and cultural heritage and an important component of the quality of life. Greece has heterogeneous and mixed landscapes issuing from both geomorphology and the impact of complex human systems. Despite the existence of many and early legislative efforts, Greece has a relatively poor history of spatial planning and landscape has been particularly neglected. The adoption of the European Landscape Convention (ELC) in 2010 provides an updated strategic context for integrating landscape in spatial planning. In this article, we seek to contribute to the discussion of landscape policies and the inclusion of the landscape level in the spatial planning national framework. We identify the dominant landscape types by categorizing landscapes at the national scale with reference to the (combined) presence of three different components: geomorphology, land cover and coasts/islands. Then, we investigate the most important processes of change for each type and link these processes with spatial planning policy. The identification of these dynamics sheds light on current and future trajectories of the changes of Greek landscapes, thus providing challenges for its management in the context of the ELC. The case study concerns the regional level; we focus on Attica, Thessaly, Epirus and the Cyclades and identify the principal characteristics according to the proposed landscape typology.  相似文献   

This study examines the ways in which children aged 11 to 15 in six adjacent neighbourhoods in a medium-sized Swedish town place themselves and others in local space. Special attention is given to how they discuss a neighbourhood stigmatized in the public discourse and how children who live in this neighbourhood react to the negative representations of the place in which they live. The study is based on group interviews and maps. The study shows that children construct representations of their own neighbourhoods as "quiet" neighbourhoods and place objects of "trouble" and "danger" somewhere else. It is argued that this is done both in relation to their personal knowledge of the neighbourhood and in relation to local and/or media representations of their own and other neighbourhoods. It is shown that the children are influenced by media representations of a stigmatized neighbourhood, but also that they are not passive reproducers of these discourses and that some of them are able to offer counter-discourses. The children living in this neighbourhood experience difficulties in defending it as the quiet place which they perceive it to be to outsiders because of the negative discourses.  相似文献   

Much has been written about the history of the work of men and women in the premodern past. It is now generally acknowledged that early modern ideological assumptions about a strict division of work and space between men and productive work outside the house on the one hand, and women and reproduction and consumption inside the house, on the other, bore little relation to reality. Household work strategies, out of necessity, were diverse. Yet what this spatial complexity meant in particular households on a day‐to‐day basis and its consequences for gender relationships is less clear and has received relatively little historical attention. The aim of this paper is to add to our knowledge through a case study of the way that men and women used and organized space for work in the county of Essex during the “long seventeenth century”. Drawing on critiques of the concept of “separate spheres” and the models of economic change to which it relates, together with local/micro historical methods, it places evidence within an appropriate regional context to argue that spatial patterns were enormously varied in early modern England and a number of factors—time, place, occupation, and status, as well as gender—determined them. Understanding of the dynamic, complex, uneven purchase of patriarchy upon the organization, imagination, and experience of space has important implications for approaches to gender relations in early modern England. It raises additional doubts about the utility of the separate spheres analogy, and particularly the use of binary oppositions of male/female and public/private, to describe gender relations and their changes in this period and shows that a deeper understanding demands more research into the local contexts in which the gendered division and meaning of work was negotiated.  相似文献   

广东地名语言文化空间结构及景观特征分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作为语言符号,地名是人类群体活动、经济开发和区域文化进程中的集中体现。广东地名层从语种上明显可以分为三个层次:古越语地名层、地方方言地名层和全国通用语地名层。从时间上看,唐代以前,广东地名基本上属古越语时期,宋至明和清前期为南方方言地名时期,清末以来为北方书面语地名时期;从空间上看,广东地方方言地名层大抵在宋代已基本形成,清代最终形成粤方言、客家方言和福佬语地名文化景观三分广东的空间分布格局,粤方言地名层主要集中于珠三角及邻近地名,客家方言地名层位于北江和东江间的广大山区、丘陵地带,粤东韩江地区则多是福佬地名文化层;从形成原因分析,广东地名层主要归究于历史时期移民、区域人内口繁衍和土地大规模开发,加之人地矛盾日渐突出又为族群地名文化扩散提供了条件,而社会制度的发展和健全,最终成为广东地名层语言文化景观形成的重要机制  相似文献   

段义孚的地方空间思想研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
地方与空间思想是段义孚人文主义地理学的核心,以人的生存为旨归,从人的感官、感情、美学的多重维度,揭示人与地方、空间两种地理环境的本质联系,呈现了人类认识地方、认识空间、重构地方的崭新视角。本文从思想内涵、历史渊源、学界评价及影响、当代价值方面对段义孚的地方空间思想进行了体系性与初步理论建构式研究,认为段义孚地方空间理论以人为本,地方是具有既定价值的安全中心,代表着真实与安定;空间跟时间一样,构成人类生活的基本坐标,代表着向往与自由。二者对立统一,在人的生存中相辅相成、缺一不可,人类生活就是穿梭于地方与空间的辩证运动,揭示了人与生存环境的本质关系,蕴含深厚的人文关怀。有助于人们进一步探讨人与地方和空间的内在联系,改善人的生存环境,为缓解身份危机和环境危机、维护精神生态和环境生态提供新的理念。  相似文献   

基于居民感知的跨界意义研究——以深港跨界居民为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对于在边界两侧居住的居民,跨界流动、居民对边界另一侧的地方感、跨界的个人意义以及跨界的区域意义这四者之间的互动关系是值得关注的话题。本文基于深港跨界居民的调查数据,构建了路径模型来分析上述四者之间的关系。发现:跨界频率对深港居民的地方感具有显著的正向作用;跨界频率对个人和区域意义的感知均具有显著影响,对个人意义的感知影响是正向的,但对区域意义的感知影响却是负向的;地方感对边界的个人和区域意义感知均具有显著的正向影响。本文通过对深港边界居民的实证研究,深化了对跨界流动意义的理解,以期为深港一体化相关政策制定和实施提供依据和借鉴。  相似文献   

In summer 1990, the Commission of the European Communities published a "Green Paper" on the urban environment as a first step toward establishing an integrated policy for European cities, focusing on the revaluing of public space whose degradation is considered a symptom of a deep-seated developmental and environmental crisis. This article addresses the questions raised by the Green Paper: the needs to which it responds, and the results to be expected; the extent to which the proposed themes cover a "full range of difficulties facing Europe's conurbations," given the diversity of urban space in the old continent. Finally, it considers the paper's relevance for Greek cities: this highlights the existence of non-discussed city typologies within the single European space, which means that the concept of the European city should be carefully re-examined and based on the social and cultural plurality and complexity of the European cities, rather than stressing the existence of a single city-type. The Green Paper, when seen not as a text of generalizing assumptions or an instrument for action, may very well act positively to open a debate that will reveal and answer the specificities and the problems of each city.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. The purpose of this paper is to examine the visual images occurring in Grenada's place promotion materials. Tourism has become Grenada's principal source of foreign exchange and employment generation. With the increasing popularity of eco- and nature-tourism, the island has looked to this form of specialty tourism as a way to diversify its tourism product. Tourism is a uniquely visual industry; thus semiotics, the study of signs, was chosen for this study because of its ability to analyze the representations a tourist would encounter prior to reaching a destination or prior to participating in activities at the destination that would influence his or her expectations. Emphasis was placed on the images found in promotional materials and advertisements of Grenada to determine the mythology and ideology behind them. These images fell broadly into one of three categories: people, place or nature. Each category was represented as an 'other' that may be discussed in terms of dualities such as natural–artificial, exotic-familiar, and active-passive. The study concludes that images take on the myth of something different breaking the routine of the tourist's ordinary, daily life.  相似文献   

流动摊贩的空间治理成效关系着目的地的可持续发展。本文建立了关于弱势群体空间政治中“不得其所”与“安适其位”的理论分析框架,并应用于阳朔西街的流动摊贩空间生存状态的案例分析中。发现:①受新自由主义思想主导下的城市管理模式影响,阳朔西街的流动摊贩被政策法规在正式制度层面认定为“不得其所”,但其在旅游经营活动中却受到其他空间使用者的欢迎,在非正式制度层面是“安适其位”;②西街流动摊贩的空间生存状态具有“不得其所”与“安适其位”的双重性,由此也塑造出流动摊贩在阳朔西街时空嵌入的空间结构;③内部群体特征(灵活流动性、规范化提升)与外部社会文化情景(和谐稳定的社会话语、旅游场域的特殊性)两个方面因素不仅有效消解了正式制度层面所形塑出的“不得其所”空间规范,同时也强化了非正式制度层面与空间结构上西街流动摊贩的“安适其位”。  相似文献   

Migration and place attachment are often coupled within the migration decision‐making literature with the underlying assumption that individuals with strong place attachments are less likely to migrate than individuals with weaker ties to place. As communication technologies have improved, however, new forms of place attachment and connections between individuals and places are evolving. We introduce the concept of place elasticity as a new conceptualization of place attachment made possible by innovations in communication and transportation technologies. Place elasticity allows individuals to live in distant locales while maintaining close interaction with a particular place. We explore this concept with questionnaires and interviews from a sample of individuals from rural Appalachian counties in eastern Kentucky. Rural residents of this region have been noted for their strong place attachments and connections to their home county. Based on our questionnaires and interviews from family reunions we propose that place elasticity has three distinct characteristics: portability, strong place bonds, and permanence and that these traits allow individuals to remain connected to home counties and family, thereby allowing migration and settlement in distant locations with minimal loss of connectedness.  相似文献   

中国古代地缘政治空间结构过程及模式研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
姚晓瑞 《人文地理》2008,23(1):69-74
中国古代地缘政治的发展过程具有一种长周期内的重复态势。地理环境是空间结构存在的大尺度控制和自然基础。空间结构的动态过程包括秦以前结构的发生、发展和演变,秦以后结构的融合、扩散和模式化,反映中国古代地理政治化和政治地理化的两个阶段。结构模式的静态分析,初步揭示了结构的一些重要功能特性,主要有强大的整体功能,独特的边缘效应和通过圈层同构,结构复制所展现出来的稳定性的复杂表现。对中国古代地缘政治空间结构的分析,是大尺度的整体轮廓研究,随着空间结构研究尺度的细化,可进一步对中国古代政治过程的诸多特性做出结构主义的揭示,从而推动中国古代政治历史研究的深化。  相似文献   

黄向  吴亚云 《人文地理》2013,28(6):43-48
本文研究了空间感知基点的改变影响地方依恋持续性的关键因素。研究表明:①一个地方进行空间要素的形式改建、位置移动或色彩变换会导致空间感知基点的变化,进而引发地方依恋的减弱或中断,因变化后的空间物质要素和人们的地方记忆不符,从而引起地方的不认同。②当环境感知基点的改变迎合了人们的心理或某些功能需求后,地方记忆对地方依恋的支配地位便受到影响,因而依恋不会显著降低且可能增强。③地方记忆包括童年记忆,校园记忆和成年记忆,且内容一般与休闲活动相关,其中前两类最不容受侵犯。  相似文献   

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