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胡稹 《日本学论坛》2010,(2):37-42,92
当代文论在评说日本文学时广泛使用的"物哀"概念,源于对源词组もののあはれ的"拿来"式处理,却因语义不明产生了广泛性误读。本文在先行研究的基础上,分析源语在平安朝和江户时代不同语境下的语义内涵及其共通的基本含义;提出对もの的看法;对あはれ与"哀"字的关系做出推测;得出源语的意义不完全是"哀愁"(其仅为人类情感之一种),用"情趣情感"等词汇理解并翻译的结论。这种主张同时照顾到长期使用"物哀"带来的社会心理现实。  相似文献   

林艳辉 《沧桑》2011,(2):62-64
《皇极经世书》为邵雍的代表作,《观物内篇》是《皇极经世书》中最能反映邵雍思想内涵及特点的篇目。"四维思想"是《观物内篇》里表达得最深刻的方面,从万事万物的产生,天地间的规律以至于人的行动思维,四维思想全面地撑起了邵雍的整个思想体系。邵雍对人和人道统治的阐述也在继承前人的基础上形成了自己的特点。  相似文献   

最近,电影《鸿门宴》上演,再次把楚汉相争、项羽和刘邦争夺天下的故事翻了出来。楚汉相争可谓曲折离奇、峰回路转。大家是否知道,不少成语故事以及相关的智能和谋略,都出自楚汉相争这一历史典故?包括"破釜沉舟"、"项庄舞剑"、"锦衣夜行"、"约法三章"、"一饭之恩"、"胯下之辱"、"沐猴而冠"、"成也萧何,败也萧何"、"萧规曹随"、"暗渡陈仓"、"四面楚歌"、"卷土重来"等等。其中最惊世骇俗的故事和谋略,不外乎项羽威胁刘邦,要烹  相似文献   

阳信生 《湖南文史》2010,(10):43-43
中国的"赌文化"可谓"博大精深"。赌博形式经常推陈出新,五花八门。传统的主要有纸牌赌法、麻将、"牌九"、"打花会"、"投宝"、"番摊"等。  相似文献   

李景明 《沧桑》2011,(1):90-91
现代学者对汉武帝利用公羊学"大一统"这一重要问题高度重视,论述颇多。学界普遍认为,汉武帝把"大一统"理解为"大统一","‘一统’则被理解为政治上的整齐划一,即‘统一’"。有的学者解释为"思想"、"文化"、"学术"的"统一"。这种"误解",违背公羊学"大一统"本义和史实。汉武帝实际上是利用公羊学"大一统"的"奉天法古"、"承统改制"诸说,希望通过落实汉朝"承统"、"改制",以解决该朝的"合法性"问题。  相似文献   

魏山 《丝绸之路》2010,(20):45-46
汉字多具表意功能,本身蕴涵着丰富的社会文化信息.本文取"姓"、"父"、"婚"、"娶"、"妻"、"嫁"、"媵"、"侄"诸字,通过对其字形、字义的解读,探析了群婚、抢婚、买卖婚、媵制等古代婚俗.  相似文献   

说起古吕国,人们首先想到的是河南省的南阳或者新蔡,但在江苏省徐州东南,西周时代,曾有一个叫"吕国"的地方,后来又衍称为吕邑、吕县、吕城……并由此产生了当地的"吕梁山"、"吕梁洪"、"吕梁渡"、"吕梁闸"、"吕梁集"等地名。  相似文献   

冯治库 《丝绸之路》2014,(14):28-35
作为老子学说的继承者,庄子提出了理解存在的四个维度:"无"、"有"(存在)、"有封的有"(存在者)、"是非"。庄子还指出了言说绝对的"无"的荒谬性。关于"否定性的无",庄子主要通过对"无用之用"的阐发来完成。关于"不性的无",庄子通过"是非"来说明。他提出成心是产生"是非"的根据,不能以"无有为有"的矛盾律是保证"是非"的重要原理。同时,他还强调"是非"的不确定性。最后,关于辩论,庄子提出"辩"、"不辨"、"无辩"的问题。  相似文献   

1个集体,连续12年蝉联全国海关统计系统考评第一、先后获"全国海关系统先进集体"、全国海关"集体大功"、"集体三等功"、"先进集体",省级机关"巾帼文明省"十佳巾帼文明岗"、"全国三八红旗集体"等荣誉。  相似文献   

杨晓宇  逄洁冰 《神州》2012,(17):142-143
词缀是汉语中的一种重要的语法现象,在古代就已经存在。汉语中流传至今的典型词缀主要有"老"、"阿"、"子"、"儿"、"头"、"第"等,我们虽然对这些词缀非常熟悉,但是对于它们何时形成的,如何发展的,及其发展演变的来龙去脉并不熟悉。本文从语言史的角度探讨了"老"字的演变和发展,使我们对词缀"老"有一个更清晰的认识和解读。  相似文献   


Williams, Bernard Shame and Necessity Berkeley, CA: University of California Press 254 pp., $25.00, ISBN 0520-080467 Publication Date: 1993

Goldfarb, Jeffrey C. The Cynical Society: The Culture of Politics and the Politics of Culture in American Life Chicago: University of Chicago Press 200 pp., $22.50, ISBN 0-226-30106-0 Publication Date: 1991

Blanchard, Margaret A. Revolutionary Sparks: Freedom of Expression in Modern America New York: Oxford University Press 572 pp., $49.95, ISBN 0-19-505436-9 Publication Date: February 1992

Kaplan, Marshall and Sue O'Brien The Governors and the New Federalism Boulder, CO: Westview 136 pp., $18.95 paper, ISBN 0-8123-8371-4 Publication Date: June 1991

Keith, Bruce E., David B. Magleby, Candice J. Nelson, Elizabeth Orr, Mark C. Westlye, Raymond E. Wolfinger The Myth of the Independent Voter Berkeley, CA: University of California Press 224 pp., ISBN 0-520-03688-3 Publication Date: 1992

Kreml, William P. Losing Balance: The De-Democratization of America Armonk, NY: M. E. Sharpe 188 pp., $29.95 cloth, ISBN 0-87332-846-9 Publication Date: October 1991

Silbey, Joel H. The American Political Nation, 1838-1893 Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press 348 pp., $35.00, ISBN 0-8047-1878-4 Publication Date: November 1991

Bickers, Kenneth N. and Robert M. Stein Federal Domestic Outlays, 1983-1990: A Data Book Armonk, NY: M. E. Sharpe 308 pp., $45.00, ISBN: 0-87332-840-X Publication Date: November 1991

Duncan, Phil, ed. Congressional Quarterly's Politics in America 1992: The 102nd Congress Washington, DC: Congressional Quarterly Press 1704 pp., $69.95, ISBN 0-87187-599-3 Publication Date: 1991

Kaufman-Osborn, Timothy V. Politics/Sense/Experience: A Pragmatic Inquiry into the Promise of Democracy Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press 327 pp., $21.95, ISBN: 0-8014-2504-2 Publication Date: September 1991

Fishkin, James S. Democracy and Deliberation: New Directions for Democratic Reform New Haven, CT: Yale University Press 133 pp., $17.95, ISBN 0-300-05161-1 Publication Date: February 1992

Crotty, William, ed. Political Participation and American Democracy Westport, CT: Greenwood 248 pp., $47.50, ISBN 0-313-27652-8 Publication Date: October 1991

Hess, Stephen Live from Capitol Hill: Studies of Congress and the Media Washington, DC: Brookings Institution 178 pp., $8.95, ISBN 0-8157-3627-4 Publication Date: 1991

Light, Paul C. The President's Agenda: Domestic Policy Choice from Kennedy to Reagan. Revised Ed. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press 290 pp., $12.95, ISBN 0-8018-4279-4 Publication Date: October 1991

Maveety, Nancy Representation Rights and the Burger Years Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan Press 257 pp., $34.50, ISBN 0-472-10227-3 Publication Date: 1991

Alexander, Herbert E. and Monica Bauer Financing the 1988 Election Boulder, CO: Westview 160 pp., $49.95, ISBN 0-8133-8268-8 Publication Date: July 1991

Rimmerman, Craig A. Presidency by Plebiscite: The Reagan-Bush Era in Institutional Perspective Boulder, CO: Westview 164 pp., $45.00, ISBN 0-8133-8333-1 Publication Date: March 1993

Best, Gary Dean Pride, Prejudice, and Politics: Roosevelt versus Recovery, 1833-1938 New York: Praeger 288 pp., $45.00, ISBN 0-275-93524-8 Publication Date: November 1990

Pacelle, Richard L., Jr. The Transformation of the Supreme Court's Agenda: From the New Deal to the Reagan Administration Boulder, CO: Westview 264 pp., $39.95, ISBN 0-8133-8376-5 Publication Date: December 1991

Wildavsky, Aaron The Beleaguered Presidency New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction 358 pp., $27.50, ISBN 0-88738-401-3 Publication Date: 1991

Robinson, Armstead L. and Patricia Sullivan, eds. New Directions in Civil Rights Studies Charlottesville, VA: University Press of Virginia 238 pp., ISBN 0-8139-1319-5 Publication Date: 1991

Taylor, Bron Raymond Affirmative Action at Work: Law, Politics, and Ethics Pittsburgh, PA: University of Pittsburgh Press 254 pp., $14.95, ISBN 0-8229-5453-2 Publication Date: October 1991

Holstein, William J. The Japanese Power Game: What It Means for America New York: Charles Scribner's Sons 339 pp., $22.95, ISBN 0-684-19176-8 Publication Date: 1990

Wolf, Charles, Jr. Linking Economic Policy and Foreign Policy New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction 219 pp., $29.95, ISBN 0-88738-399-8 Publication Date: August 1991

Brady, Linda P. The Politics of Negotiation: America's Dealings with Allies, Adversaries, and Friends Chapel Hill, NC: University of North Carolina Press 269 pp., $32.50, ISBN 0-8078-1971-9 Publication Date: October 1991

Steiner, Barry H. Bernard Brodie and the Foundations of American Nuclear Strategy Lawrence, KS: University Press of Kansas 367 pp., $40.00, ISBN 0-7006-0441-3 Publication Date: July 1991

Pach, Chester J., Jr. Arming the Free World: The Origins of the United States Military Assistance Program, 1945-1950 Chapel Hill, NC: University of North Carolina Press 322 pp., $34.95, ISBN 0-8078-1943-3 Publication Date: March 1991

Saul, Norman E. Distant Friends: The United States &; Russia, 1763-1867 Lawrence, KS: University Press of Kansas 400 pp., $40.00, ISBN 0-7006-0438-3 Publication Date: April 1991

Pike, Fredrick B. The United States and Latin America: Myths and Stereotypes of Civilization and Nature Austin, TX: University of Texas Press 442 pp., $40.00 cloth, $19.95 paper, ISBN 0-292-78523-2 cloth, ISBN 0-292-78524-0 paper Publication Date: September 1992

Escalona, Roberto Luque The Tiger and the Children: Fidel Castro and the Judgment of History Washington, DC: Freedom House 212 pp., $14.95 paper. ISBN 1-56000-593-9 Publication Date: May 1992

Levine, Daniel H. Popular Voices in Latin American Catholicism Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press 403 pp., $18.95, ISBN 0-691-02459-6 Publication Date: July 1992

Johns, Sheridan and Richard Hunt Davis, Jr., eds. Mandela, Tambo, and the African National Congress New York: Oxford University Press 353 pp., $35.00 cloth, $13.95 paper, ISBN 0-19-505783-X cloth, ISBN 0-19-505784-8 paper Publication Date: March 1991

Kortepeter, C. Max, ed. Oil and the Economic Geography of the Middle East and North Africa: Studies by Alexander Melamid Princeton, NJ: Darwin Press 320 pp., $24.95, ISBN 0-87850-075-8 Publication Date: May 1991

Ismael, Tareq Y. and Jacqueline S. Ismael, eds. Politics and Government in the Middle East and North Africa Miami, FL: Florida International University Press 570 pp., $39.95 cloth, $19.95 paper, ISBN 0-8130-1043-4 cloth, ISBN 0-8130-106204 paper Publication Date: July 1991

Gupte, Pranay Mother India: A Political Biography of Indira Gandhi New York: Charles Scribner's Sons 593 pp., $30.00, ISBN 0-684-19296-9 Publication Date: April 1992

Harbeson, John W. and Donald Rothchild, eds. Africa in World Politics Boulder, CO: Westview 341 pp., $57.50 cloth, $19.95 paper, ISBN 0-8133-0972-7 cloth, ISBN 0-8133-0973-5 paper Publication Date: October 1991

Frost, Gerald, ed. Europe in Turmoil: The Struggle for Pluralism. European Defence and Strategic Studies Annual, 1990-91 Westport, CT: Praeger 384 pp., $59.95, ISBN 0-275-94129-9 Publication Date: September 1991

Stares, Paul B. Command Performance: The Neglected Dimension of European Security Washington, DC: Brookings Institution 240 pp., ISBN 0-8157-8111-3 Publication Date: 1991

Móller, Bj$oSrn Common Security and Nonoffensive Defense: A Neorealist Perspective Boulder, CO: Lynne Rienner 285 pp., ISBN 1-85728-008-3 Publication Date: 1992

Inkeles, Alex, ed. On Measuring Democracy: Its Consequences and Concomitants New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction 234 pp., $19.95, ISBN 0-88738-881-7 Publication Date: August 1991

Drache, Daniel, ed. Getting on Track: Social Democratic Strategies for Ontario Montreal: McGill-Queen's University Press 237 pp., $44.95, ISBN 0-7735-0895-3 Publication Date: February 1992

Lord, Carnes and David O'Connor, eds. Essays on the Foundations of Aristotelian Political Science Berkeley, CA: University of California 255 pp., $45.00, ISBN 0-520-06711-8 Publication Date: August 1991

Wolfson, Robert J. A Formal Lexicon for the Social Sciences Gainesville, FL: Florida Atlantic University Press 159 pp., $29.95, ISBN 0-8130-0978-2 Publication Date: December 1990

Hunt, Robert P. and Kenneth L. Grasso, eds. John Courtney Murray and the American Civil Conversation Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans 298 pp., $21.99, ISBN 0-8028-05388 Publication Date: 1992

Grey, Thomas C. The Wallace Stevens Case: Law and the Practice of Poetry Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press 155 pp., $24.95, ISBN 0-674-94577-8 Publication Date: August 1991

Baker, C. Edwin Human Liberty and Freedom of Speech New York: Oxford University Press 385 pp., $39.95, ISBN 0-19-505777-5 Publication Date: 1989

Sheldon, Garrett Ward The Political Philosophy of Thomas Jefferson Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press 174 pp., $28.00, ISBN 0-8018-4142-9 Publication Date: July 1991

Post, Robert, ed. Law and the Order of Culture Berkeley, CA: University of California Press 202 pp., $9.95, ISBN 0-520-07337-1 Publication Date: 1991

Walsh, David After Ideology: Recovering the Spiritual Foundations of Freedom Scranton, PA: HarperCollins 296 pp., $29.95. ISBN 0-06-069263-4 Publication Date: 1990

The following correspondence was written in response to Marshall L. DeRosa's article, “The Second Amendment and American Federalism: A View from the States,” published in the Spring 1993 (vol. 22, no. 2) issue of Perspectives on Political Science.  相似文献   

The role of the arts in the revitalisation and strengthening of Australia's rural, remote, and Indigenous communities has been of particular interest to Australian State and Federal Governments, as reflected through various policy and positioning documents. In order to understand the relationship between the arts and communities, it is important to explore why people engage in the arts and what might be some of the barriers to that engagement. For the rural, remote and Indigenous communities of the Murchison Region, the arts has been a useful way of reaching and engaging with residents to build a stronger sense of community, provide light relief and entertainment, and facilitate communication among community members, government, and industry. However, there are several barriers that impact on the viability of arts projects. These barriers are amplified in rural and remote areas, and particularly for the three case study communities of the Murchison Region for a number of reasons. These include the transient nature of the population, a lack of resources, isolation and remoteness, and local politics, culture and history. The arts can provide a context in which other non‐arts related outcomes, such as health, capacity building, income generation, and so on, are facilitated and achieved. It is important for policy makers to recognise and address the barriers which hinder activity and serve to lessen the impact of the arts on communities.  相似文献   

H. B ARAT 《Archaeometry》1996,38(1):81-95
Around 90 samples of Roman wall painting dating from the first to the third century AD were analysed using different analytical techniques: X-ray diffraction, X-ray fluorescence, infrared spectrometry, scanning electron microscopy, energy dispersive spectrometry, optical microscopy and physico-chemical tests. The identified pigments are: ash, calcite, carbon black, celadonite, cinnabar, Egyptian Blue, glauconite, goethite, hematite and red lead. Pigment mixtures were used to get other colours such as brown, pink or purple. Three types of plaster were used: a first, and most dominant, with river sand, a second with crushed tile for damp places and a third, to which cinnabar was exclusively applied, was prepared with crushed calcite crystals.  相似文献   

Museums curate, document, conserve, and protect the earth's diverse natural and cultural heritage for purposes of educating humankind. Through research, exhibitions, and other activities that stress our common demominators and achievements, museums help us to forge and affirm local, ethnic, national, and international identities, unity, and pride. To accomplish such diverse goals, museums require dynamic, dedicated, ethical, and fairly well-educated staff. Museums must also be well-funded and should have local, national, and international support systems. This paper discusses the challenges faced by museum professionals in Africa, especially archaeologists, as they attempt to unearth, and in some cases reinterpret, Africa's cultural history.  相似文献   

The earliest identified settlement is in the Marianas, dated to about 3500 B.P., while the other islands in the region appear to be settled from about 2000 B.P. onward. The archaeological remains reveal diverse approaches to island living. While Nan Madol and Leluh in the eastern Carolines are major architectural achievements, a discussion of these sites does not detract, for example, from the terrace systems of Palau or the lattestone groups of the southern Marianas. Of equal interest is the settlement of atolls and their recently recognized potential for preservation of stratified deposits. As information allows, each island or group is considered on an individual basis in order to allow for each specific island context to be assessed. This is described within the broader themes of architecture, chronology, environment, material culture, settlement pattern, social organization, and subsistence. In conclusion, the current standing of prehistory in the region is outlined in relation to early settlement, environment, social organization, chronology, settlement pattern studies, portable material culture, subsistence, and atolls. Finally, suggestions for the future are made.  相似文献   

Lead isotope analyses have been undertaken on a group of Islamic lead‐glazed pottery artefacts from Fustat, Egypt, spanning the period from the eighth to the 14th century ad , that had previously been the subject of a comprehensive typological, chronological, petrographic and technological study. Comparison of the lead isotope ratios for the glazes with those for lead ores from Egypt, Iran, Tunisia, Anatolia, Greece, Sardinia and Spain provided information on the possible sources of the lead used in the production of the glazes. The results show that the lead used in glaze production by the Islamic potters at Fustat was most probably obtained from distant ore sources in Iran or Tunisia, Sardinia, Spain and the Taurus Mountains. Different ore sources were favoured in different periods and, to a limited extent, for different types of pottery, but at no time did the Fustat potters use the potentially more accessible Egyptian ore sources.  相似文献   

This paper looks at a type of tourism visit which inhabits an ambiguous and relatively unmapped territory of meaning, crossing boundaries between the conceptual domains of pilgrimage, commemoration and pleasure-seeking. These visits and activities have developed in response to traumatic histories, and also reflect the growth of secular forms of spiritual experience, in which the pursuit of revelation is personal rather than hierophantic. Sites of Holocaust memorialization raise questions of memory and forgetting, guilt and redemption, meaning and ownership, with particularly acute force. However, even these most consecrated and highly cathected sites are experienced through the mediation of mimetic forms and processes of representation which significantly re-order testimony and evidence. Furthermore, the grounding of collective memory in sacralized locations and structures tends towards the distancing, externalizing and disarming of traumatic memory. Under these conditions, visitor motivations and experiences are polysemic: fractured, ambivalent, unstable, and resistant to paradigms of either the sacred or the profane.  相似文献   

集体记忆植根于人、空间(地方、景观)、时间,是地理学研究人地关系的重要视角与手段。本文从理论渊源、研究内容、方法等对国内外相关文献进行梳理,提出地理学视角下的集体记忆研究框架。研究立足于集体记忆主体、载体和机制三方面,以空间、地方、景观、仪式、旅游等为主要研究对象,关注现象背后的政治性、竞争-协商性以及利益主体,个案研究为主,案例类型较为丰富,方法上定性为主,鲜有定量研究及相关模型构建。相比国外研究热潮与成果,国内研究仍处于萌芽起步与概念引入阶段,未来可拓展集体记忆载体形式的研究,深化集体记忆机制即人地关系层面,加强实证与量化方法应用。  相似文献   

Previously overlooked in archaeological research, natural sounds emitted from the underground affect humans and culture. In this paper, it is suggested that noises generated by subterranean ground movement, water, wind, and wildlife are a reason why residents in Mesoamerica perceive caves, waterholes, limestone sinks, and mountains as sacred. Too, a mental grasp of the sounds, conceptualized as anthropomorphized voices and music, may have been employed as an ideological basis for authority in Maya society. Support is shown using examples of ethnohistory, ethnography, and archaeology. Called for is the systematic collection and study of underground sounds, as artifacts, to define the noises as possible use determinants in ritual venues and settlement sites. Their potential importance as early warning devices for destructive agents in the natural environment suggests that an understanding of the noises and their regard by residents in the region could contribute to theory-building in anthropology, particularly in issues of human-environment relations, and sociocultural development.  相似文献   

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