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One of the most remarkable phenomena in current international politics is the increasing attention paid to “historical injustice.” Opinions on this phenomenon strongly differ. For some it stands for a new and noble type of politics based on raised moral standards and helping the cause of peace and democracy. Others are more critical and claim that retrospective politics comes at the cost of present‐ or future‐oriented politics and tends to be anti‐utopian. The warnings about the perils of a retrospective politics outweighing politics directed at contemporary injustices, or strivings for a more just future, should be taken seriously. Yet the alternative of a politics disregarding all historical injustice is not desirable either. We should refuse to choose between restitution for historical injustices and struggle for justice in the present or the future. Rather, we should look for types of retrospective politics that do not oppose but complement or reinforce the emancipatory and utopian elements in present‐ and future‐directed politics. I argue that retrospective politics can indeed have negative effects. Most notably it can lead to a “temporal Manichaeism” that not only posits that the past is evil, but also tends to treat evil as anachronistic or as belonging to the past. Yet I claim that ethical Manichaeism and anti‐utopianism and are not inherent features of all retrospective politics but rather result from an underlying philosophy of history that treats the relation between past, present, and future in antinomic terms and prevents us from understanding “transtemporal” injustices and responsibilities. In order to pinpoint the problem of certain types of retrospective politics and point toward some alternatives, I start out from a criticism formulated by the German philosopher Odo Marquard and originally directed primarily at progressivist philosophies of history.  相似文献   

叶家山墓地位于湖北随州经济技术开发区淅河镇蒋寨村北(图一),2010年底因农田改造而发现.湖北省文物考古研究所联合随州市博物馆于2011年和2013年对墓地进行了全面发掘,所在岗地上的墓葬已全部发掘完毕,共发掘墓葬一百四十二座、马坑七座. 叶家山墓地是目前全国西周早期墓地中唯一完整揭露者,除两座遭现代盗掘、一座遭古代毁墓外,其余墓葬均保存完好,墓地出土的随葬品极为丰富,铜礼器即达三百余件.大量带有"曾侯"、"曾"等铭文的青铜器,证实这里是姬姓曾国墓地.现将2013年度发掘的M126报道如下.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The biproportional RAS technique has become one of the most important tools to update, regionalize, or balance input–output tables. In this note, we rigorously prove that the estimation of the intermediate transactions matrix yields the same results as the estimation of the input coefficients matrix or the output coefficients matrix. We also show that this does not hold for any of the other updating procedures that have been commonly proposed as an alternative to RAS.  相似文献   

In the late 1990 s,I participated in several trips conducted by the Northern Tibet No Man's Land Scientific Expedition Team as the team reporter.The northern part of the Tibet Autonomous Region is known as Changtang in Tibetan,which means "open spaces in the north".State-sponsored scientific expeditions have been conducted there since the founding of the People's Republic of China in 1949.  相似文献   

The Early Bronze Age necropolis of Singen (Hohentwiel), located near Lake Constance, represents a population from a period of technological transition in southwestern Germany. The site contains several graves with metal artefacts that originated in other parts of Central and Western Europe, and therefore these could be interpreted as being the graves of non‐local individuals. The purpose of this study was to investigate this possibility through the application of isotopic analysis. The ratios of strontium and oxygen isotopes in human enamel reflect the geological origin of food and drinking water consumed during enamel formation in early life stages. Additionally, the ratio of sulphur isotopes from bone collagen reflects the origin of foods consumed during the last 10–20 years of life of an adult individual. We used these three isotope systems to attempt to identify local and non‐local individuals at the site. We found that the isotope ratios of Sr, O and S of the humans were relatively homogeneous and generally correspond to the isotope signature of the local geology, climate and environment. We conclude that the sampled population is of local origin and does not show patterns of individual mobility, even though there is evidence for long‐distance trade and exchange of the metal artefacts at this site.  相似文献   

花花  林凡靖编 《世界》2011,(5):176-179
这些可怜人让Flora看到了海岛的另外一面,原来在麦兜式的蓝天白云、水清沙幼下,也并非处处都是阳光和欢笑。 天堂的背面 汽车把FIora接到了义工宿舍,跟她同行的还有来自丹麦、澳太利亚等国家的义工。一群盒技碧H畏的白人面孔中,娇小的FIora特别引入注目。  相似文献   

<正>世界杯战火正浓,在如火骄阳下,是一张张兴奋的面孔。一群群人跟着世界杯的战况充满期待和惊喜。昂扬的生命,因倾注的激情更加绚烂。然而,7月不仅仅是绿茵场上的硝烟,还有一群同样拥有激情的人,这就是自驾行者。他们背离燥热不安涌动的人群,把自驾游当成送给自己的夏季清凉大礼,把家当做圆心,驾着爱车向世界蔓延,一路风景。  相似文献   

This article identifies how scholars have displaced antagonism within histories of Sikhism and South Asian Studies more broadly. In contrast to this displacement, this article foregrounds antagonism by taking into account a third element within the presumed colonizer and colonized relationship: a curved space of nonrelation that signals there can be no colonial relationship. By considering the constitutive nature of antagonism within social reality that remains unable to be demarcated, this article examines the generative principles of Sikh practices and concepts that both structure Sikhism's institutions and productively conceptualize this antagonism. Examining these concepts and practices, I consider the possibility of different modes of both historical being and becoming not bound within our current conceptual rubrics. These different possibilities culled through Sikh concepts and theories demand we reflect upon the rabble: those unable to be contained within colonial civil society or within attempts by the colonized for self‐determination in political societies. This void then fractured Sikh reform organizations historically, providing multiple avenues for politics unaccountable within our bifurcated and asymmetrical understandings of civil society and political societies and colonizer and colonized.  相似文献   

THE GOOD, THE BAD AND THE SCENIC   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  

Tim Crane's books Aspects of Psychologism and The Objects of Thought present a perspective on human intentionality based on internalism about mental contents. Crane understands intentionality as the defining aspect of the mental. The theory of intentionality that he formulates is similar to that of John Searle when it comes to ontological commitments, but it is also marked by a more traditional approach that retains the concept of intentional objects as its central aspect. In this review I examine the implications of Crane's internalism for the philosophy of history, by comparing his views with some well‐known arguments in favor of externalism about mental contents, such as Hilary Putnam's “Twin Earth” and Tyler Burge's “arthritis” mental experiments. Although internalism about mental contents such as Crane's is a minority view among contemporary analytic philosophers, I argue that it has significant advantages when it comes to the philosophy of history, because it is much better aligned with standard interpretive procedures in historical research. At the same time, externalism about mental contents typically results in inappropriate contextualizations and approaches that most practicing historians will find awkward. More generally, it is possible to argue that over decades, analytic philosophers’ externalist tendencies have significantly contributed to the reduced interest in their views among philosophers of history. The final section of the article reviews the implication of Crane's views on nonconceptual contents of human perception for art historiography.  相似文献   

安娜 《旅游纵览》2010,(1):42-45
丹麦王国首都哥本哈根位于丹麦西兰岛东部,它是丹麦政治、经济、文化的中心,全国最大和最重要的城市,同时也是北欧最大的城市和著名的古城。根据丹麦的历史记载,哥本哈根在11世纪初还是一个小小的渔村和进行贸易的场所。随着贸易的日益繁盛,到12世纪初发展成为一个商业城镇。15世纪初,成为丹麦王国的首都。  相似文献   

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