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The recently increased interest in transnational, serial nominations for UNESCO World Heritage status and comparable forms of official recognition demonstrates the critical role of heritage as diplomacy. There are both opportunities and challenges, nevertheless, when treating difficult heritage as diplomacy, such as in the case of colonial prisons embedded in memories of punishment and imprisonment across borders. In a study of two defunct prisons in Seoul and Lushun, both of which were part of the Japanese-occupied territories, we illustrate the dynamics of an ongoing cross-border collaboration towards a joint nomination. We trace how heritagisation involving China and Korea has unfolded amid the ever-shifting geopolitics in northeast Asia, exposing the multilateral nature of heritage as diplomacy. In a region where geopolitics remains difficult, difficult heritage may even become heritage off diplomacy when other diplomatic challenges arise.  相似文献   

The present article assesses the complex reconfiguration that studying the past signifies when one becomes visibly aware of the enormous political and cultural implications that such an endeavor entails. To this end, I will use the Ecuadorian landscape as an entry point or particular case to understand these larger theoretical problematics within a more empirically grounded ethnographic framework. I will rely heavily on my own previous assessments of particular reconfigurations of the past in the Ecuadorian imaginary through the production of the archaeological site of Cochasquí (Benavides, Making Ecuadorian Histories: Four Centuries of Defining Power, 2004a); the Indian movement’s historical recovery of their pre-Hispanic past; the representation of a troubling pre-Hispanic homosexual harem of young coastal boys known as the enchaquirados; and the more recent representation of Guayaquil’s national identity over the last century. All of these studies have viewed the manner in which the differing communities of the Ecuadorian nation-state utilize the past in conscious and unconscious forms to legitimize their own political ambitions. More concretely even, these studies exemplify the manner in which archaeological discourse is used to identify itself as the most rightful heir to assessing and understanding the national past, and ultimately, defining what being Ecuadorian means or should be all about.  相似文献   

The National Museum of Korean Contemporary History, which opened in 2012, has been the focus of a heated controversy between the progressive and conservative camps over the “proper” ways to represent South Korea’s turbulent history. I build on the relationship between heritage, collective memory and national identity, and argue that the division that typifies South Korean society has implications that extend beyond socio-political issues. Anchored within a broader discursive context, the museum became an important memory carrier involved in the process of debating the issue of national identity. Although no agreement has been reached regarding the “proper” historical narrative the site should exhibit, the museum has nevertheless offered an opportunity to shape a form of national identity that can embrace a more complex perspective on the country’s contemporary history. At present, though, this contentious site has demonstrated the extent to which the legacy of the conservative–progressive divide remains deep. I offer a discursive context that is useful for the study of current debates over heritage sites in South Korea, while the overall analysis illuminates the idea that the “present-centred” management of heritage in national museums can, potentially, play a part in the process of forming more intricate notions of national identity.  相似文献   

The paper argues that rescue archaeological activities in Japan create a discursive space where the future protection and management of the site is debated, notably between academic archaeologists, developers (the financial/administrative force) and the media. This discursive space is more and more dominated by the media agenda, to which the academic force largely conforms.This is connected with the nature of the stability of the lives of the rescue excavation officers themselves, in contradistinction to that of the general public.  相似文献   

当代西方考古学研究范式述评   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
托马斯.库恩认为范式是指科学共同体的信念,这种共同的信念建立在某种公认并成为传统的重大科学成就(如牛顿的万有引力说、达尔文的进化论等等)基础上,为共同体成员提供把握研究对象的概念框架、一套理论和方法论信条,一个可供仿效的解题范例,它规定了一定时期中这门科学的发展  相似文献   

当代中国城市化的历程与特征   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
杨升祥 《史学月刊》2000,(6):129-134
当代中国城市化的历程,以1978年为界,分为两个时期:1949年至1978年是计划经济体制下的城市化发展时期,1979年迄今是市场经济取向下的城市化发展时期。中国50年来城市化历程的突出特征是城乡分割的二元体制和工农业两极对峙的二元发展模式。分析中国城市化进程中的利弊得失和基本特征,对于实现城市经济系统、社会系统、行政系统、化系统和生态系统的现代化,具有重要的参考价值。  相似文献   

Much scholarly work on the literary culture of the early Qing dynasty has focused on notions of memory, trauma, and nostalgia. In contrast, this essay investigates the "contemporary operas" (shishi xiqu) of the seventeenth-century Suzhou playwright Li Yu to argue for the importance of the notion of"the present day." How is this notion of the present day given dramatic form in Li Yu's operas and what implications does this interest in the contemporary have for the broader cultural scene of the early Qing dynasty? This paper will answer these questions by investigating one dramatic technique favored by Li Yu: the inclusion of snippets of rumor and "news" reports into the play. By including such contemporary media reports, Li Yu not only generates a constantly evolving sense of the present, he also projects this sense of immediacy beyond the fiction of the stage into the "reality" of the audience, creating a form of opera eminently suited for both reflecting and producing local Suzhou activism, as evidenced in Li Yu's most famous work, Qing zhong pu (Registers of the pure and loyal), a work chronicling the popular Suzhou protests of the mid-1620s and Wanli yuan (Reunion over ten thousand miles), which stages the dissolution and reintegration of family and empire right after the fall of the Ming.  相似文献   

SUMMARY: Contemporary archaeology is an emerging field of enquiry within the wider discipline associated with the questioning of temporal boundaries in what we study and why we engage with material remains of the recent past more generally. This article argues that contemporary archaeology should be broadly defined at this stage in its development and therefore can be located in Post-Medieval Archaeology through research that explicitly engages with what it is to conduct contemporary archaeology, but also through those implicitly considering how the past intrudes into the present. We believe that Post-Medieval Archaeology will continue to highlight archaeological studies of the contemporary into the future.  相似文献   

迄今为止,还没有对韩国的中国政治研究状况做出评估。韩国的当代中国政治研究值得关注至少有以下三个理由:第一,韩中关系在过去十多年取得了非同寻常的扩展;第二,在中国学习的外国学生中,韩国留学生的数量最多;第三,尽管刚刚起步,越来越多的韩国学者在当代中国研究的主流英文期刊如《中国季刊》(The China Quarterly)和《中国杂志》(The China Journal)上发表文章。本文主要对三类学术成果进行  相似文献   

This paper examines the ways in which international historical archaeologists have explored the recent past, in an effort to inform and contribute to contemporary debates about social identity and social inclusion. It is argued that the archaeology of the mundane and everyday can contribute to contemporary culture by creating a sense of community and developing social cohesion. Emphasis is placed upon the archaeology of the recent urban past and case studies are presented from New York, Sydney and Cape Town. The paper concludes that the study of the materiality of urban social life offers a powerful research tool for social scientists, and that archaeologists and heritage interpreters should make greater use of this form of evidence within the context of early 21st‐century urban regeneration schemes in the UK.  相似文献   

Shipwrecks are resource rich. The recent Gulf of Mexico Deep Gulf Wrecks Project was meant to be shared and explored, not only by professional scientists but also by the public. The project website was the public link to the deepest reaches of the Gulf of Mexico during the scientific expedition. The website welcomed hundreds of visitors each day during the project. The audience composed of professionals and interested public followed the daily logs and videos. The overall scientific and educational data sets amassed from the project were, at times, overwhelmingly vast, but when segmented by topic, became manageable. After the fanfare generated by following along with the expedition ended, the primary project goals shifted to analysis and the creation of a lasting educational legacy. This legacy is presented digitally via the web. Project curriculum gives classrooms around the globe long-term access to the exciting scientific data. Along with the documentary film project the Deep Gulf Wrecks Project ensures that the legacy at the bottom of the Gulf of Mexico is indeed a lasting legacy.  相似文献   

Recent cultural and political debate in contemporary Italy, which has often been focused on Fascism and the Resistance, has seen an attempt to reconsider the importance of the constitutive moment of the Republic, namely the Liberazione from Nazism–Fascism, and to equate the memories of Fascism and anti-Fascism. The direct consequence of these confused revisionist approaches is either to rehabilitate many aspects of the Duce's regime, or on the contrary to assign this shady page of history to oblivion. The effect of this would be to marginalize anti-Fascism, and even to depict Fascism as relatively ‘harmless’ or ‘apolitical’. The danger is that this trend may construct an artificial and distorted history and thus a ‘manipulated’ public memory for Italian society. The purpose of this article is not to defend anti-Fascism but to restore the reality of ‘Fascism in action’, and to challenge distorted revisionist perceptions of the past.  相似文献   

Postcolonial archaeologies in Africa are engaged in a variety of agendas including the decolonization of everyday practices in the field and in the classroom. Postcolonial theory, concerned with issues of power and the Other, is increasingly being invoked to examine how archaeologists conduct their field research and how archaeology is used to dismantle essentialized histories—the metanarratives that arose in the colonial as well as the postcolonial era. Easily misunderstood, however, is the passion expressed by some African archaeologists who are voicing their own views while simultaneously trying to free themselves from dominating “expert” voices. These occurrences create tensions in archaeological discourse that are a natural part of decolonizing archaeology, joining other forms of disenchantment, particularly the disenchantments arising in contemporary African communities about social services, civil society, and human rights. Archaeologists are also implicated in disenchantments as they conduct investigations in the midst of people who may be without water or are suffering from HIV/AIDS—conditions that starkly contrast with their own comfortable lives. We may also need to reconsider how to deal with states that see archaeological research as contrary to nation building. This essay responds to some current misunderstandings that have arisen over these and related issues.  相似文献   

Pacific anthropology has predominantly concentrated on documenting the pre‐contact past or an acculturated present. This article explores an alternative focus on contemporary relationships, seen as both exhibiting historicity and agentive power. The control over scarce but vitally important resources, such as land and water, is the responsibility of the village leadership in the Tokelau atolls. The regulation of social behaviour establishes fecundity and agency in a manner that lends order to the universe. However, the achievement of a position of command, in particular over rights to land, is dependent upon knowledge of the past and of genealogical connections in the present. Claims to positions are commonly challenged, and this dynamic of contested ascendancy means that the past is always significantly present, although in different shapes.  相似文献   

在现代社会的民主法制建设中宪法的制定是核心环节.共和国历史上有过4部宪法,1954年宪法在其中占据着重要地位.它不仅在人民群众参与的深度和广度上以及采纳意见的实际效果上创造了世界制宪史上的壮举,而且在继承和发展<共同纲领>的基础上确立了中国式宪法的基本结构和规范.  相似文献   

Historical archaeology in western North America includes a vast collection of research that underscores the region’s dynamic cultural heritage. Here, I review a sample of the literature related to this research and organize them into four conceptual themes: colonialism and postcolonialism, landscape transformation, migration and diaspora, and industrial capitalism. I conclude that the future of historical archaeology in the West will be grounded in research that integrates these themes. As the region continues to experience human dilemmas related to issues such as balancing resource extraction with sustainable conservation and lingering issues of colonialism, these archaeologies have value for transcending the nature–culture divide and for understanding the ways in which humanity can navigate pressing issues relevant to our modern world, including vulnerability, risks, adaptation, resilience, and sustainability.  相似文献   

To what extent is the present of Muslim societies influenced by their past? How do politics and historiography relate to each other in medieval and contemporary Islam? More specifically, can events from early Islamic history help us understand current events in Muslim countries? By discussing how some of these remote events have contributed to the emergence of certain political views, this article argues that they are still relevant to the present in Muslim countries (in our case here, Egypt) and can indeed help us understand an important part of the picture of a recent event that may have a long lasting influence on the present and future of both the country and the region where it occurred. This event was the removal of Egypt's first ever democratically elected president by a military coup on July 3, 2013, one year after he assumed office. By examining the various religious and political hermeneutic strategies used by some medieval and modern Sunni scholars to support or condemn certain acts of rebellion while opposing others, the article seeks to demonstrate — through the comparison of some of these strategies — the contradictory positions of medieval Sunni scholars regarding events from early Islam, and thus the dilemmas that their modern counterparts face when dealing with contemporary events.  相似文献   

《Public Archaeology》2013,12(4):203-226

The archaeology of recent traumatic events, such as genocides, mass political killings and armed conflict, is inevitably controversial. This is also the case for the Spanish Civil War (1936–1939), where the incipient archaeology of the confrontation is marked by bitter debates: Should this conflicting past be remembered or forgotten? Which version of the past is going to be remembered? What are the best politics of memory for a healthy democracy? The archaeologies of the war face manifold problems: the lack of interest in academia, which fosters amateurism; the great divide between public and scientific practice; the narrow perspectives of some undertakings; the lack of coordination among practitioners, and the threats to the material remains of the war. An integrated archaeology of the conflict, which helps to make things public, is defended here.  相似文献   

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