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F.H. HINSLEY et al. British Intelligence in the Second World War; its Influence on Strategy and Operations. Volume II. Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press, 1981. Pp. xvi, 850. $39.50 (US).  相似文献   

The paper considers the significance of dress to identity and power among women living on the island of Zanzibar. Drawing on her own preliminary fieldwork in Zanzibar (June 2004) and on the work of Laura Fair (2001 Fair, L. 2001. Pastimes & Politics: Culture, Community, and Identity in Post‐abolition Urban Zanzibar, 1890–1945, Oxford: James Currey.  [Google Scholar]), the author discusses the ways in which dress (in general), and the wearing of kanga fabrics in particular, offers women a means of communication in an image conscious and historically stratified society. It is argued that kangas are still an integral part of ritual and social activities in Zanzibar and that they shed light on the complex history of the Swahili coast. Placing the ethnography in a broader and contemporary context, the author states that kangas contribute to the intangible heritage of Zanzibar in their encapsulation of the island's oral history, art, social commentary and concepts of beauty. The author concludes by outlining some of the challenges that heritage regimes face in the Indian Ocean region and potential strategies for preserving or managing its mixed cultural resources.  相似文献   

Farhang Rouhani 《对极》2012,44(5):1726-1741
Abstract: In recent years, human geographers have criticized the increasing corporatization, commodification, and objectification of knowledge production, and have looked to critical pedagogical frameworks that seek to counteract these forces. Anarchism, as a body of theories and practices, has a long history of engagement with radical pedagogical experimentation. Anarchism and geography have much to contribute to one another: anarchism, through its support for creative, non‐coercive, practical learning spaces, and geography, for its critical examination of the spaces of education. In this paper, I evaluate the prospects for anarchist‐geographic pedagogies theoretically, as well as through my own experiences teaching and learning about anarchism over the past decade in a liberal arts, higher education US environment. I argue for a combined critical anarchist‐geographic pedagogical approach that appreciates the challenges of building alternative learning models within existing neoliberalizing institutions, provides the necessary tools for finding uniquely situated opportunities for educational change, and emplaces a grounded, liberating, student‐led critical pedagogy.  相似文献   

郝润华 《文献》2000,(4):182-188
日本市河世宁(1749-1820),江户时代后期著名汉学家,曾于日本文化元年(1804),搜集《全唐诗》未收作品编成《全唐诗逸》三卷,据《千载佳句》、《文镜秘府论》、《游仙窟》等中日古代文献所录唐诗,补进72首作品及279个句子,作者128人(其中82人不见于《全唐诗》).  相似文献   


Contemporary International Relations scholars and practitioners generally recognize that substate governments affect the state’s international affairs; however, there is less acceptance of Indigenous governments as global actors that meaningfully impact the state. After all, the expectation would be that central governments, with considerably more resources and power, would be unlikely to face a challenge from an Indigenous government. However, Indigenous governments are negotiating new relationships with foreign and domestic governments, forming economic development corporations, hiring private firms to raise capital, funding trade missions, and even opening offices in key international locales such as Beijing to engage in trade promotion and push investment opportunities in projects such as resource extraction. Applying paradiplomacy theory, which argues that International Relations cannot be properly explained absent the global affairs of substate governments, this article analyzes the effect of Indigenous peoples and governance in the Canada–US trade relationship. It specifically considers how Indigenous engagement in the global economy affects the bilateral trade regime, foreign direct investment, and cross-border trade. The driver for these analysis centers on demands for the inclusion of a so-called “Indigenous chapter” in the North American Free Trade Agreement renegotiations in 2017 and 2018.  相似文献   

Charles Bennet, 2nd Baron Ossulston is largely known through his diary of his daily social encounters, which was first analysed for its political import by Clyve Jones. A further set of documents in the Bennet family papers deepens our understanding of Ossulston's life and his social milieu among the aristocracy under Queen Anne. The love letters sent to him from a Mrs Sarah Sidney throughout 1710 reveal much about life in the aristocratic hothouse of St James's Square. They also show how the ‘ministerial revolution’ of that year was seen by two politically conversant figures at the margins of the royal court. This relationship was long-lasting and has been a hitherto unknown aspect of Ossulston's life, which may help explain some of his attitudes.  相似文献   

旅游是一个快乐的体验过程。从离开出发地,您满怀好奇的眼光盯住外面的世界时,您所渴望的就是我们关注的《。旅游纵览》就是这样伴随您的脚步走过迷人四季,走过千山万水。看不够旅途中的风景,品味不尽旅途中的乐事,匆匆行走中,我们又迎来了2007年。新的一年,让我们继续同行。本  相似文献   

清季官制改革启动前,程序和步骤均有不同方案,选择结果对改革进程不无影响。当朝执政未能统筹全局,却照搬外国经验,从而内外官改制难以协调,督抚的双重身份又成为官制改革的症结及矛盾焦点。因改制权力频受削弱的督抚,设法图存扩张,先是多方表达自己的不满和诉求,继而利用立宪派和民众的请愿,公开向清廷施加压力。直至辛亥前夕,外官改制的最终方案仍未确定,由此引发的权与利的争斗,加速了清王朝垮台。所遗留的省级行政权力及其长官身份地位问题,成为民初割据纷争要因,且依然困扰着后来行政体制的规划者与建设者。  相似文献   

Moeller  Robert G. 《German history》2004,22(4):563-594
In the mid–1950s, West Germans were ready to fight theSecond World War again, this time at the cinema. This paperanalyses Kinder, Mütter und ein General, a war film inwhich a band of courageous women pushed to the eastern frontin March 1945 to bring home their sons who had only just puton Wehrmacht uniforms. The paper concludes that the film indicateshow West Germans had come to understand the past of the wara decade after the shooting stopped, and how memories of thewar also shaped contemporary discussions of rearmement, therehabilitation of the Wehrmacht, and the redefinition of ‘awomen's place’ after the defeat of Fascism.  相似文献   

许宗元 《旅游科学》2004,18(4):73-77
陆游是开创型、集大成的旅游家;是中国文学史上最杰出的大旅游诗人、重要的游记作家、优秀的旅游词人;毕生作出旅游文化重要建树。一部《剑南诗稿》俨为诗化的旅游学原理。陆游以诗的形式阐明“旅游生活是文艺创作源泉之一”的文艺学原理。  相似文献   

Non‐Governmental Organizations (NGOs) are increasingly challenged to demonstrate accountability and relevance, with reporting, monitoring and evaluation arguably having become development activities in their own right. Drawing on interviews and observation research, this article examines the impact of intensified monitoring and evaluation (M&E) requirements on a number of South African NGOs. M&E — and the types of expertise, vocabularies and practices it gives rise to — is an important area that is usually neglected in the study of NGOs but that significantly impacts on NGOs’ logic of operation. By focusing on three areas — data that are considered appropriate to conduct M&E, staffing and organizational cultures, and NGOs’ reformist relationships with other civil society organizations (CSOs) — M&E is revealed as a central discursive element in the constitution of NGOs appropriate to neoliberal development. By engaging a neo‐Foucauldian framework of governmentality, M&E practices are thus understood as technologies through which governing is accomplished in the trans‐scalar post‐apartheid development domain.  相似文献   

"有虞氏"谱系探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
罗琨 《中原文物》2006,(1):28-32
对夏代以前有虞氏谱系的记忆和流传,反映了这个古族在尧舜禹时代所达到的较高文明程度,史籍中往往“虞夏商周”并提并非偶然。加强对有虞氏历史的研究,探索他在中国古代史上的地位是在文明探源研究中的一个重要课题。  相似文献   

《匍有土田考》是一篇对南方吴城出土商代中期陶文的考释论文。江西吴城遗址出土的商代早期陶文一直为海内外学术界所关注,其中一件属吴城文化第一期的灰陶钵底部所刻"■■■■"四字,目前古文字学家们至少有三种不同的释义,今何琳仪先生独辟蹊径提出第四种新解,确使我们学界殊堪注目。首先,在读序上,他一反以往诸家也是一般最通行的自上而下再自右向左的方法,而是试采取自右向左再自上而下的读序。根据这种他认为远有所本的读序方法,何先生继而逐一考释隶定"■■■■"四字应为"勹厷土田",读"匍又土田"或"敷有土田",即说明此陶钵主人是被商王赏赐有大量土地的江南方国诸侯,甚至进而说明西周诸王的"易(赐)田"制度实滥觞于商代。故此,作者对吴城商代这一陶文的新解,提出的问题较多,涉及的范围也较广,这不仅对研究中国古文字学史,而且更重要的是对中国古代文明史特别是南方早期文明史的研究都有着重要的意义。这是何琳仪先生的一篇遗作,今予刊载,亦权作对何先生的深切怀念!  相似文献   

陈醒 《世界遗产》2010,(2):48-55
"建筑不仅是与社会最密切相关的艺术,而且它的实现本身就是一个社会结晶。在这一意义上,它是一门完完全全的集体艺术。"——布鲁诺·陶特生活空间是都市化永恒常存的主题。大城市的房价、租金在拥迫的空间压力之下飙升到了令人瞠目咋舌的水平,"蜗居"现象似乎变成了城市发展的常态。然而欧洲  相似文献   

林昕 《神州》2013,(32):240-240
While the world is shocked by China's rapid economic growth, the hidden price China had to pay for rushing forward has gradually shown the tip of the iceberg. Since Beijing's air pollution became a heated topic on internet, people have realized the problem involved with air pollution and have started to take precaution by downloading applications that monitor the city's air quality, staying inside when the degree of contamination is high and wearing masks if necessary. What about water? Can a country have clean water when its air is severely polluted? If the water is polluted, how serious is the pollution? What are some possible ways to mitigate water pollution that is so crucial to the surviving of human being?  相似文献   

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