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Written in weekly instalments, Michelle Munyikwa's Covid-19 diary reflects upon the experience of an unfolding pandemic from her dual role as a medical trainee and anthropologist living in the United States. In this second instalment of her diary Covid-19 dairy, the author reflects upon ethics, risk, pandemic futures and the murder of George Floyd as the crisis continues in the United States.  相似文献   

<正>层林尽染应是秋是上苍的恩赐,第4次赴美探亲,让我首次享受浪漫的田园秋色。喜欢美东的秋天,喜欢最美的季节,它的魅力是用色彩来体现的。从国庆开始,路上的枫叶逐渐浸红,银杏树叶初露微黄。到了10月中下旬和11月上旬,公路两侧和小区四周到处可以看到成片成片的红黄紫绿,五彩缤纷色彩斑斓,令人惊讶,让人赞叹。说到赏秋,如果能到枫叶之国的加拿大或  相似文献   

Everyone has a sacred place deep in his or her heart. I have two such places:one is my hometown Lhasa who gave me my life;the other is my alma mater Peking University who gave me not only knowledge,but the ability to think for myself instead of following the herd and swimming with the tide. I was born in Lhasa,and finished my primary and secondary education there.Most of the teachers in my primary school,Lhasa Experimental Primary school,were  相似文献   

<正>JAN.1ST,1964;TIBET MAKES A LEAP FORWARD Today is New Year's Day.It is an interesting day.President Wang lectured us on accelerating the development of Tibet. The Tibetan Government has constructed many magnificent buildings in sparsely populated areas,on high mountains,in deep valleys and  相似文献   

In the context of the Covid-19 pandemic, how can the early release of prisoners, requested by the World Health Organization, members of civil society and non-governmental organizations, be considered a ‘humane’ decision? In this article, the author examines the Portuguese context, discussing the ways that the urgency and fear of contagion highlighted, once more, the inability of prisons to cope with the needs of both those they confine and those they intend to protect.  相似文献   

《Southeastern Archaeology》2013,32(1):101-105

Most of the things I know about Bennie Keel, he would not want to hear repeated. However, as Bennie generously remembered me at my retirement symposium, I will attempt to honor him with equal dignity, without releasing too many skeletons from the closet! I first met Bennie in 1964 at the Society for American Archaeology meetings he hosted with Joffre Coe in Chapel Hill. Our paths next crossed in 1972, when I began graduate school at the University of North Carolina. Bennie taught me everything I learned about archaeology during that first year. Although he left the following year, we have remained close friends and colleagues, sharing both triumphs and defeats with a candor that only redneck buddies can appreciate.  相似文献   

新冠疫情留下了深刻的集体记忆.抗击疫情的事件、人物、器具、场所、文献等,形成了特定的灾难记忆与文化空间,值得保存、纪念、展示和反思.灾难记忆可通过空间形式来存储和再现,并对记忆进行提炼和延伸,形成特定的灾难型纪念空间,诸如用博物馆再现抗疫篇章、用文化空间再造抗疫地标、用文化符号致敬抗疫英雄、用名录表达对逝者的敬重等.建...  相似文献   

画堂春   《世界》2008,(9):124-124
之所以说这趟希腊之旅是“走调”的,是因为除了希腊的浪漫景色外,用北京话讲,我也见识了这个国家“不靠谱”的一面。  相似文献   


The COVID-19 pandemic of 2019–2020 has the potential to transform the tourism industry as well as the context in which it operates. This global crisis in which travel, tourism, hospitality and events have been shut down in many parts of the world, provides an opportunity to uncover the possibilities in this historic transformative moment. A critical tourism analysis of these events briefly uncovers the ways in which tourism has supported neoliberal injustices and exploitation. The COVID-19 pandemic crisis may offer a rare and invaluable opportunity to rethink and reset tourism toward a better pathway for the future. ‘Responsible’ approaches to tourism alone, however, will not offer sufficient capacity to enable such a reset. Instead, such a vision requires a community-centred tourism framework that redefines and reorients tourism based on the rights and interests of local communities and local peoples. Theoretically, such an approach includes a way tourism could be ‘socialised’ by being recentred on the public good. This is essential for tourism to be made accountable to social and ecological limits of the planet.  相似文献   

目前依然在全球肆虐的新冠疫情深刻影响着博物馆的当下与未来.纵观欧美各大博物馆,短期来看,疫情导致的闭馆直接引发了系列财务、减员等问题,而包括系统性歧视的平权运动在内的各类全新的社会议题同样亟待博物馆关注;长期来看,在疫情这场"持久战"面前,博物馆面临着应急、恢复、提升等三方面困境,以及将困境转变为机遇的挑战.为此,加拿...  相似文献   

In his youth, he worked for sixteen years in northern Tibet where he put his heart and soul into this snow-covered plateau. According to his friends, it is impossible to give a complete portrayal of his life with limited words. He is Wu Yuchu, head of the Yok Museum of Tibet. Mr. Wu is known as"Mr. Yak", a mon in his 60s working tirelessly for the preservation and promotion of yak culture.In 2017, Mr. Wu agreed to start writing a column called"Colorful Choracters of Tibet"about real Tibetan people he knew over the years on China'sTibet magozine. We will select some of the bestpieces to share with our readers.  相似文献   


The urgent demands of the present necessitate an interrogation – a re-exploration and a re-envisioning of the future of tourism – of what has to change (and remain constant). Despite the crippling effects of COVID-19, new forms of solidarity are emerging that challenge the prevailing competitiveness ethic. While a transactional economic revival has to remain a top priority, progress will advance, so long as tourism becomes more transformational and transcendent. Discoveries of new methodologies for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals and versions of a Green New Deal, for example, are generating interest, notably ‘mass flourishing’ introduced in ‘anti-fragile’ ways. Utilizing a ‘future-back’ paradigm that demands deep-dive assessments and articulation of purpose, the gaps between ‘what is’ and ‘what could or should be’ are bound to close. Such undertakings represent a ‘coming together’ of all stakeholders, a role that academicians are urged to embrace, especially through action research, curriculum change and creation of ‘daring classrooms’.  相似文献   

李维思  鱼儿 《世界》2008,(5):118-118
惊心动魄的泰国面条;瞠目结舌的韩国烧烤;奇特的巴黎奶酷火锅;哭笑不得的斐济西餐;无从下咽的炒菜;恐怖的辣椒陷阱  相似文献   

Back in 2014,during the opening ceremony for the Tibet Yak Museum,a hoard of guests came in from Beijing as well as from areas throughout China.An adequate venue for accommodation for such a large event was an absolute must.Tibet Hotel was one suggestion.The location of its grounds was rather close to the museum's campus.The idea indeed made it convenient to hold various sorts of activities,regardless of the fact the hotel was somewhat old with little to no luxurious facilities,though the staff is known for excellent service.  相似文献   

大宝 《世界》2008,(3):66-75
在Morgan Lefevre的相册里,有一张他在凡尔赛(Versailles)家里的照片。远处红瓦黄墙的乡间小屋,阳光透过繁茂的绿荫投下斑驳的影子,院子里红花绿草长得狂放不羁。突然明白了为什么当年路易十四(Louis XIV)会选中这里建造他的“太阳宫”,400年间历史更迭,铅华洗尽,可土地依然保持着旺盛的美。这是个见过大世面的小城市,传奇就在身边。当世人朝圣般地涌向凡尔赛宫,而对像Morgan这样的当地人来说,那就如同自家后院的—块大草坪,是他们真实生活的一部分。  相似文献   

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