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This essay corrects a critical blindspot in the study of Anglo-Irish literature through contextualising meanings of the hand as they appeared in the fiction of Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu (1814–73). From stylised fetish object in ‘An Authentic Narrative of the Ghost of a Hand’ (1863), to symbol of the author's presence in the text in Wylder's Hand (1864), to centrepiece of a dizzying referential system in ‘The Haunted Baronet’ (1870), Le Fanu's fiction demonstrates significant indebtedness to the legend of the ‘hand of glory’. Le Fanu used this rich reference point to express the terminal insecurity of the social masters who are not free, who are in fact themselves enslaved and stupefied for reasons beyond their control. With the spectre of Catholic resurgence in mid-nineteenth-century Ireland, the impossibility of manumission from the hands that haunt functioned as a reminder of the weight of the past in Le Fanu's literary imagination.  相似文献   

In this article, I introduce Benedicto Kiwanuka (1922–72), Uganda’s first prime minister and most prominent modern Catholic politician, and explore how his religious and political sensibilities — especially his vision of democracy — intersected with Catholic thought and historical experience in Buganda and Uganda. Far from turning him into a “Catholic tribalist” looking to empower Catholics vis à vis other religious groups, Kiwanuka’s Catholic identity was a core component of his political commitment to non-sectarian democracy, the common good, and pan-ethnic nation-building. He saw in Catholicism the possibility of envisioning political solidarity during a moment of social rupture, and he and his Democratic Party used Catholic and biblical discourse and theology to help undergird a broader political commitment to liberal democratic nationalism during Uganda’s transition to independence (1958–62). At the same time, Kiwanuka’s prophetic commitment to principle — an uncompromising dogmatism often expressed in religious and theological language — also helped cost him the opportunity to lead Uganda into and beyond independence.  相似文献   

Located in Ecuador's southern Amazonia, the Condor Mountain Range is the home of the Shuar people, who have been living for the last three decades amid increasing colonization and expanding mineral extraction. In these mined lands, gold is constantly brought into being through chemical manipulations. After state authorities declared the valleys a zone of environmental destruction, these chemical compounds in soils, waters and bodies have been widely documented. The Shuar villagers are concerned with the evident destructive effects of cyanide on aquatic life. However, the invisible hazardous effects of mercury and manganese, the evidence of which can be sensed neither in fish's flesh nor on their bodies, remain unsettled. This article explores how toxic chemicals are made perceptible or imperceptible. Toxicological and biomedical knowledge practices produce (im)perceptibility through chains of associations and disassociations. Such practice intertwines with colonization projects that ignore the importance of fish and fishing to the Shuar.  相似文献   


This paper challenges the notion that Galenic humouralism stripped the early modern body of agency and argues that some accounts of early modern materialism were connected to epistemology. It evidences how Milton’s passions are inscribed with the shocking language of agency and moral responsibility to overturn the assumption of “passive”, unconscious passions. It explores two pictures of passions in connection with knowledge: passions as obstacles to knowledge, and passions as sources as knowledge. Both images recast the material body as a knowing agent, but do so with complications. Agency-ridden passions complicate a straightforward notion of agency, and seem to leave early moderns with the option of blaming their passions instead of themselves for deception. Frequent references to internal passions in political discourses also suggests an unsettling degree of comfort with subjectivity in making knowledge-statements, but it is a version of subjectivity that seems far more public than private.  相似文献   

This paper addresses how the growth of tourism global production networks (GPNs) based in Kenya and Uganda created uneven social upgrading outcomes for workers and communities. A tourism GPN and social upgrading framework follows a global political economy approach to analyzing tourism development and labor in diverse tourism geographies. Two tourism GPNs are investigated: Mombasa, Kenya, and Murchison Falls National Park, Uganda. Four main findings emerge: (1) governance relationships between tour operator and accommodation firms directly impacted social upgrading outcomes for hotel workers and indirectly for excursion workers; (2) excursion workers and community members had precarious connections to tourism GPNs; (3) public governance and collective power were key components to social upgrading while supporting its unevenness; and (4) societal embeddedness constructions around gender and regional space influenced worker and community social upgrading potential. Social upgrading is shaped by a confluence of firm, institution, geography, and labor conditions that differentially materializes in specific tourism GPN arrangements.  相似文献   

旅游信息与电子商务实验室架构研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
芮建勋 《旅游科学》2007,21(1):63-68
本文所论述的旅游信息与电子商务实验室架构,是在开源软件系统上基于C/S与B/S的混合计算模式搭建的.它涵盖了旅游地理信息系统、管理信息系统以及电子商务等旅游信息类课程的多种实验,包括了服务端面向对象开发、网络数据库开发、电子商务支付、认证以及网络管理等内容,为教学、研究与项目开发构建了理想的实验环境.  相似文献   

Invisible and volatile, persistent and accumulating in the environment, toxic organic substances like Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) are used in furniture and electrical appliances. They spread around the world through commodity production and consumption, second-hand and waste trade, and air and sea currents, as well as in the bodies of migratory animals. Absorbed by and accumulated in living beings, they may interfere with metabolism and behaviour, and damage genetic material. Their flows connect British sofas to African recycling workshops to Chinese metal traders, and tropical waste dumps to arctic seabirds. They are the kind of material that the anthropology of the Anthropocene may attach itself to in seeking critical engagement with scientists, activists, regulators, and producers and consumers.  相似文献   

In late 1999, apparently contradictory pictures of what was happening to poverty in Uganda emerged from the Participatory Poverty Assessment (PPA) and the household survey. This article analyses certain conceptual and methodological characteristics of the PPA and the pictures of poverty trends arising from it, with a view to dispelling confusion and to better understanding the relationship between these and the pictures emerging from survey data. It argues that the apparently contradictory visions, when explored carefully, are found to be compatible, and concludes that deeper and less oppositional understandings of the purpose of PPAs vis‐à‐vis surveys for poverty assessment are an important and timely contribution to current research and knowledge about poverty.  相似文献   

During fieldwork in 1994, 53 surface collections were made in the archaeologically unknown area of Uganda between Kibiro on Lake Albert and the north bank of the Victoria Nile below the Murchison Falls. Analysis of the collected material revealed a general similarity in the pottery roulettes in use in this area during the past millennium, in spite of some local differences in pot forms and decoration. This suggests the existence of a widespread cultural homogeneity that would have formed part of the background to the growth of the state of Bunyoro. Also found, however, were sherds of Urewe and Chobi ware, as well as of an associated pottery that it is proposed to call “Fajao ware.” These are presumed to belong to the first millennium AD and to suggest the settlement by foodproducers of the lower Victoria Nile, and to a lesser extent the NE margins of Lake Albert, before the appearance there of rouletted pottery. In addition, sites along both the river and the lake produced numerous stone artifacts that indicate the presence of hunter gatherers in the area during the later Pleistocene and early Holocene.
Résumé  Au cours de recherches sur le terrain en 1994, on a recueilli en surface 53 pièces dans la région de l’Ouganda archéologiquement inconnue située entre Kibiro sur le lac Albert et al rive nord du Nil Victoria en aval des Murchison Falls. L’analyse des matériaux recueillis a révélé une similarité générale parmi les roulettes à poterie utilisées dans cette région au cours du dernier millénaire, malgré quelques différences locales dans la forme des pots et la décoration. Cela laisse supposer l’existence d’une homogénéité culturelle étendue qui aurait été en partie à l’origine de la croissance de l’état de Bunyoro. En outre, des tessons d’objets Urewe et Chobi ont également été trouvés, ainsi qu’une poterie associée qu ’il a été proposé d’appeler “objet Fajao.” On présume que ces objets appartiennent au premier millénaire après J.- C. et qu ’ils laissent supposer le peuplement de la vallée inférieure du Nil Victoria par des producteurs de nourriture et, dans de moindres proportions, des rives NE du lac Albert, avant l’apparition dans cette région de la poterie décorée à la roulette. De plus, de nombreux objets en pierre ont été découverts sur des sites le long du fleuve et au bord du lac, indiquant la présence dans la région de chasseurscueilleurs à la fin du pléistocène et au début de l’holocène.

Using a mixed-methods approach, including qualitative, quantitative and Geographic Information Science methods, we assessed the primary school landscape around a protected area in Western Uganda. Data from a household survey, interviews and standardized school examinations were mapped to visualize spatial patterns in enrolment and academic achievement. We found children on average were starting school at age nine, but started to dropout as early as age 14; especially orphaned boys. Twenty of 36 schools demonstrated improving examination results from 2004 to 2013, although in one district improvements were lacking. Girls traditionally perform poorer than boys on exams in Uganda, but we found girls’ exam scores were catching-up. Support from one non-governmental organization with a long-term local presence was improving academic achievement. The use of Geographic Information Science provided spatially explicit recommendations to guide local policy actions for primary school education.  相似文献   

This critique of the Structural Adjustment Programme in Uganda is argued at three levels. A discussion of the immediate consequences of SAP is based on empirical data on economic performance compiled by the Government of Uganda, IMF and World Bank. Second, information for a longer-term historical analysis is culled from the author's own research. Its purpose is to raise more fundamental issues of social transformation. Finally, these perspectives are reinforced through a comparative discussion using South East Asian development experience. The author argues that there are diverse paths to capitalist development, with diverse and contradictory social and political consequences. The real issue in contemporary Uganda is not one of the state or the market, but of the transformation of relations internal to both from the point of view of democratization.  相似文献   

Early archaeological research on the Iron Age of Uganda focused upon earthworks, such as Bigo, with the purpose of validating historians interpretations of oral traditions. Recent research has continued the emphasis upon large sites but with archaeological interpretation given precedence over historical reconstructions. This paper discusses archaeological surveys undertaken in western Uganda in 1991 with the aim of examining Iron Age settlement patterns from a regional perspective, in which the large sites form only one element. Pottery analyses permit the establishment of a tentative chronology, which in combination with data on site sizes facilitates a new perspective on state formation in the region. The proposed model of the development of social complexity is compatible with revisionist interpretations of the historical evidence. Together, they suggest that the Nyoro state emerged after several centuries characterised by competing and often unstable small polities or chiefdoms.
Résumé Les premières études archéologiques sur l'Age de fer en Ouganda se sont concentrées sur les fortifications en terre, comme Bigo, l'objectif étant de valider les interprétations de traditions orales par les historiens. Les recherches récentes ont continué à mettre l'accent sur les sites les plus étendus, mais les interprétations archéologiques passent avant les reconstructions historiques. Cet article discute les études archéologiques entreprises en Ouganda occidental en 1991, l'objectif étant d'étudier les schémas de peuplement de l'Age de fer selon une perspective régionale, selon laquelle les sites étendus ne constituaient qu'un des éléments. L'analyse de la poterie permet d'établir une tentative de chronologie qui, avec les données sur les dimensions des sites, facilite l'élaboration d'une nouvelle perspective sur la formation de l'Etat dans cette région. Le modèle proposé de développement de la complexité sociale est compatible avec des interprétations révisionnistes des faits historiques. Ensemble, ils suggèrent que l'Etat de Nyoro est apparu au bout de plusieurs siècles, caractérisés par des petits régimes politiques ou chefferies, souvent instables et se faisant concurrence.

The concept of the segmentary state was proposed by Southall, based on ethnographic fieldwork among the Alur people of Uganda, and subsequently applied elsewhere, notably to the putative ancient kingdom of Bunyoro-Kitara. Archaeological research, summarized here, has demonstrated that ancient Bunyoro-Kitara was not a segmentary state; indeed, neither was the political system of the Alur. The Nyoro state of the nineteenth century shows a complex interplay of political sovereignty and ritual suzerainty and of accommodation and resistance to central authority. This is understood through examination of the concepts of instrumental and creative power, the latter particularly relevant to negotiations concerning the status of women. The archaeological record of this region is then explored for evidence of earlier expressions of instrumental and creative power. Finally, the paper shows how the archaeological record of Munsa is itself an arena for modern political struggles in which protagonists harness different forms of power.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. The relationship between population growth, ethnic diversity and conflict in the developing world is little understood but highly relevant to a large number of countries. In order to understand this relationship, I focus on a case study of local conflict in the district of Kibaale in western Uganda. Uganda's unusually high population growth rate and high level of ethnic diversity are often seen to have led to communal violence in Kibaale. Yet I claim that while this conflict was indeed sparked by population growth and resultant internal migration, it has nothing to do with ethnic diversity per se. Rather, the conflict in Kibaale has much more to do with nativism and the salience of claims to indigeneity at the local level. Kibaale may thus prove something of a warning sign for other parts of Uganda and other developing countries with similar high population growth and little success in nation‐building.  相似文献   

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