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本文节译自英国杜伦大学(DurhamUniversity)考古学教授马太·约翰逊(MatthewJohnson)1999年出版的《考古学理论:导言》(ArchaeologicalTheory:AnIntroduction)一书的第八章“考古学与性别”(“ArchaeologyandGender”)。本章节通过对其中几个最流行主题的归纳综述了近二十年来性别考古学的概况,并且介绍了一例典型个案,最后还以答问形式阐述了作者本人对此领域较混淆的若干问题的看法。  相似文献   

While there are several different approaches to the study of gender and science, this paper focuses on the consequences of the introduction of the concept of gender on studies of scientific and medical practices. It is limited, in the main, to historical studies of twentieth-century biomedicine, which allows an examination of the validity of scientific assumptions underlying our understanding of the natural world, the genesis and the present status of scientific definitions of masculinity and femininity, and the ideological basis of science-based technological interventions in the domain of sexuality and reproduction.  相似文献   

《Textile history》2012,43(2):212-217

The aim of this article is to highlight the gendered nature of colonial space. I aim to destabilise the assumption that imperial masculine idealised/desired space is the only spatial relation within colonial contexts, by focusing on the spatial relations of British and indigenous women at an idealised level and at the level of the 'contact zone'. Through an analysis of the complexity of different spatial relations within the colonial context, I hope both to bring to the fore different kinds of actors and actions from those generally considered within post-colonial theory, and also to make it possible to inflect the theoretical terminology developed within post-colonial theorising in a more materialist way.  相似文献   

王萍 《世界历史》2008,(3):71-82
哥伦比亚是世界上第二大咖啡生产国。在咖啡经济形成之前,矿业扩张创造的资本积累,以及引发的商业及银行体系的初步建立为哥伦比亚咖啡经济的形成与发展提供了良好的条件。虽然哥伦比亚18世纪就已经引入咖啡树种,但是直到19世纪末期咖啡才成为哥伦比亚的主要出口商品之一。本文认为,1920年代后,在国内外有利的条件下,哥伦比亚咖啡经济实现了史无前例的繁荣。咖啡经济的扩张与繁荣不仅有助于哥伦比亚摆脱殖民时期延续下来的前资本主义的经济模式,更重要的是所创造的原始资本积累,刺激了城市化和现代交通运输体系的建立,加之,保护主义的经济政策,对工业化的启动和发展产生了深远影响,纺织业、石油业和食品加工业等迅速建立和发展,使哥伦比亚逐渐走上现代经济的发展道路。  相似文献   

中国工业化是中国共产党始终不渝的奋斗目标,中国工业化的道路、战略、资源配置方式、资金与人才来源等工业化过程中的一系列重大问题也都是由中国共产党解决的。不仅如此,在中国共产党的领导下,中国工业化还取得了比资本主义国家更高的发展速度,为现代化的实现和中华民族的全面振兴奠定了坚实的基础。实践证明,中国共产党是中国工业化发展要求的必然产物和忠实代表;中国的工业化建设,过去、现在和将来都离不开中国共产党的领导。  相似文献   

In focusing on regional development and industrialization, this article highlights three main themes: the relevance to developing countries of the new industrial district concept; the apparent continued need to theorize agglomerated industrial growth; and the relevance of agricultural development to local and regional industrial development. It concludes that the new industrial district concept is not relevant to understanding industrialization in the peripheral regions of developing countries and that despite the introduction of decentralization policies, local industrial development will, as before, very largely depend on central government resource allocation, the stability of government and the role played by large and medium scale enterprises, including Multi-National Corporations (MNCs). It is also argued that without special efforts to develop agriculture, local and regional industrial development are less likely to occur.  相似文献   

抗日战争是中华民族一百多年来反对外国侵略者所取得的第一次完全胜利的民族解放战争.抗战期间,中国政府和一批爱国企业家将部分沿海地区工矿企业迁到内地,并在抗战后方建起了一批工矿企业.建立了水力发电、冶金、机械、化工、电器仪表、石油及石油炼制等上百种工业门类,生产涉及当时中国有能力生产的所有产品,形成了基本能够自给、比较完整、独立性较强的工业体系,工业技术水平明显提高,培养了一批具有现代意识的工矿企业管理人才,增强了中国的科技力量,为中国人民的抗日战争做出了重大贡献,有力地推动了中国工业近代化的进程.  相似文献   

Mining Gender     
Books reviewed in this article: Sally Zanjani, A Mine of Her Own: Women Prospectors in the American West1850‐1950 Mary Murphy, Mining Cultures: Men, Women, and Leisure in Butte, 1914‐41 Thomas Miller Klubock, Contested Communities: Class, Gender, andPolitics in Chile’s El Teniente Copper Mine, 1904‐1951  相似文献   

Teaching Gender     

Based on field research from three regions with distinct variations in environment, population density, livelihood bases and levels of resource dependency, this study investigates the gender aspects of environmental change. It seeks to illustrate the relevance of gender factors for the patterns of adaptation to change, for the welfare impact of changes on the population, and for the ramifications for resource management and livelihood generation at the community level. It employs a gender analysis to examine the impact of such changes on population variables, particularly on health and nutrition, and to explore the more general question of whether women's socio-economic status is being threatened by the pressures of environmental change.  相似文献   


This article attempts to provide a picture of Italian gender geography in order to better understand the discipline’s key achievements and development. Rooted in a lively tradition of feminism stretching back to the 1970s, Italian gender geography has faced cultural and academic resistance while achieving a number of milestones. There is still much to be done if the multifaceted theme of gender is to be fully engaged by Italian geography. However, seminars, national and international congresses on gender geography themes, and the dialectic encounter with international gender geography have stimulated the domestic debate since the new millenium. Italian gender geographic voices may be self-perceived as limited and isolated but are continuously engaged in the struggle to overcome the many structural and cultural constraints imposed by Italian society and academia. This article tries to review Italian gender geography’s history to look forward and encourage new agendas and projects within a larger academic audience.  相似文献   

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