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1. Lettres lisibles: Efforts dans l'antiquité classique pour que les textes incisés sur pierre et affichés à usage public puissent être facilement lus. 2. Πoλιτικη et les Contes des Mille et Une Nuits: Πoλιτικη aus sens de prostituée apparaît encore dans les Contes des Mille et Une Nuits. 3. Kερκυσερα ou l'ambiguïté d'Achille: Par sa formation, le nom ou sobriquet Kερκυσερα d'Achille dissimule et en même temps révèle l'état ambigu d'Achille dans le gynécée du palais de Lykomède à Skyros. 4. Une expression poétique dans une novelle de Théodose H: L'expression poétique lux sola brevitatis et son corollaire nox longa. 5. Zenon rougissant: L'interpellation Foινικiδιoν de Zenon par son maître Kratès fait allusion à la rougeur d'embarras de Zenon plutôt qu'à son origine.  相似文献   

《The Canadian geographer》1997,41(1):105-111
Book reviewed in this article: Ground Truth: The Social Implications of Geographic Information Systems, edited by John, Pickles / STEPHEN DIDUNYK L'eau de neige: le tiède et le frais, by Xavier de Planhol /j.h. galloway Hydrogeology and Engineering Geology, par A.M. Galperin, V.S. Zaytsev et Y.A. Norvatov; Biogéographie des milieux aquatiques, par Gabriel Rougerie / jean-marie M. dubois Visualization in Modern Cartography, edited by Alan MacEachren and D.R. Fraser Taylor/BARRY BRADLEY Development, Geography, and Economic Theory, by Paul Krugman / trevor barnes Ground Truth: The Social Implications of Geographic Information Systems edited by john pickles L'eau de neige:le tiéde et le frais by xavier de planhol, Editions Fayard Par A.M. Galperin, V.S. Zaytsev et Y.A. Norvatov Balkema Biogéographie des milieux aquatiques par Gabriel rougerie, Armand Colin Visualization in Modern Cartography edited by alan maceachren and d.r. fraser taylor Cartographer to the New Zealand Historical Atlas Project Development, Geography, and Economic Theory by paul krugman The Canadian Geographer On Line /Le Géographe canadien « en ligne » The Canadian Geographer home page is shown below:/La page d'accueil du Géographe Canadien apparaît ci-dessous: THE CANADIAN GEOGRAPHER LE GÉOGRAPHE CANADIEN Journal of the Canadian Association of Geographers Revue de l'Association canadienne des géographes Editors / Rédacteurs: Barry Boots and/et Houston Saunderson Department of Geography, Wilfrid Laurier University, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 3C5 Choose one of the following hyperlinks (highlighted) / Choisissez l'un des hyperliens qui suivent: 1. Abstracts of articles recently published / Résumé's de publications récentes 2. Abstracts of current issue [41 (1), 19971 / Résumés de publications courantes [41 (1), 1997] 3. Abstracts of next issue / Résumés de publications prochaines 4. Abstracts of articles forthcoming/ Résumés d'articles à paraître 5. Editorial Advisory Board / Le comité de rédaction 6. List of officers 1996–1997 / Liste des administrateurs 1996–1997  相似文献   

Book reviews     
The Indonesian Tragedy by Brian May, London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1978, pp. xvii, 438. £8.95.

Comment fut tranchée la liane céleste, et autres textes de littévature orale bunaq (Timor, Indonésie), edited by Claudine Friedberg from the collection and translations of Louis Berthe, Paris: Société d'Études Linguistiques et Anthropologiques de France (Langues et Civilisations à Tradition Orale 25), 1978; pp. 294, 8 plates, 2 maps and several figures in the text.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《Nations & Nationalism》1998,4(2):273-297
Books reviewed in this article: Paul James, Nation Formation: Towards a Theory of Abstract Community. Joep Leerssen, Remembrance and Imagination. Patterns in the Historical and Literary Representation of Ireland in the Nineteenth Century. Susan Paul Pattie, Faith in History: Armenians Rebuilding Community. C. C. Barfoot (ed.), Beyond Pug's Tour: National and Ethnic Stereotyping in Theory and Literary Practice. Thomas J. Biersteker and Cynthia Weber (eds.), State Sovereignty as Social Construct Michel Wieviorka (ed.), Une société fragmentée? Le multiculturalisme en débat. Gérard Noiriel, The French Melting Pot: Immigration, Citizenship, and National Identity. David Westerlund (ed.), Questioning the Secular State: The Worldwide Resurgence of Religion in Politics. Philip Pettit, Republicanism: A Theory of Freedom and Government. John R. Lampe, Yugoslavia as History: Twice There Was a Country. Paul R. Brass, Theft of an Idol: Text and Context in the Representation of Collective Violence. K. E. Schulze, M. Stokes and C. Campbell (eds.), Nationalism, Nationalities and Diasporas: Identities and Rights in the Middle East. Dusan Kecmanovic, The Mass Psychology of Ethnonationalism.  相似文献   

Nel, A. & Weis, R. March 2017. A new Early Jurassic damselfly from the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg (Odonata: Campterophlebiidae). Alcheringa 00, 000–000. ISSN 0311-5518.

André Nel [], Institut de Systématique, Évolution, Biodiversité, ISYEB-UMR 7205CNRS, MNHN, UPMC, EPHE, Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle, Sorbonne Universités, 57 rue Cuvier, CP 50, Entomologie, F-75,005, Paris, France; Robert Weis [], Musée national d’histoire naturelle, Luxembourg, Section Paléontologie, 25, rue Münster L-2160 Luxembourg, Grand-Duché de Luxembourg.

Gallodorsettia kronzi gen. et sp. nov., the first representative of the damselfly family Campterophlebiidae from the Toarcian of Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, is described herein. Its closest relative is the genus Dorsettia, known from the early Lower Jurassic of UK and China. The Campterophlebiidae seem to be rare in the Early Jurassic of Western Europe, despite being one of the most diverse odonatan families at that time, especially in Asia.  相似文献   

Pioneering in New Guinea. By James Chalmers. London : The Eeligious Tract Society, 1887. Price 16s.

Australian Defences and New Guinea. Compiled from the Papers of the late Sir Peter Scratchley, R.E., K.O.M.G. By C. Kinloch Gooke, B.A., L.L.M., Barrister‐at‐Law. London : Macmillan, 1887. Price 14s.

Shores and Alps of Alaska. By H. W. Seton Kaee, F.R.G.S. Pp. xiv. + 248. London : Sampson Low and Co., 1887. Price 16s.

The Ancient Cities of the Neiv World, being Travels and Explorations in Mexico and Central America, from 1857–1882. By Désiré Charnay. With numerous Illustrations. Translated from the French by J. Gonino and Helen S. Conant. London : Chapman and Hall, 1887. Pp. xxxii. and 514.

Report on the Administration of the Punjab and its Dependencies for 1885–86. Lahore, 1887.

Précis de Géographic Élémentaire. Par Paul Chaix. Onzième. Édition, revue et modifiée. Geneva : Cherbuliez. 1887.

Lonqmani New Geographical Readers: The Seventh Reader.The Ocean, Currents, Tides, the Planetary System, and Phases of the Moon. London : Longmans, Green, and Co., 1887. Price 18. 9d.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: City Politics in Canada, edited by Warren Magnusson and Andrew Sancton City People: The Rise of Modern City Culture in Nineteenth-Century America, by Gunther Barth Newfoundland Discovered: English Attempts at Colonisation 1610–1630, edited by Gillian T. Cell Integration and Division: Geographical Perspectives on the Northern Ireland Problem, edited by Frederick W. Boal and J. Neville H. Douglas National Separatism, edited by Colin H. Williams Computer-Assisted Cartography: Principles and Prospects, by Mark S. Monmonier The Computer in Contemporary Cartography (Progress in Contemporary Cartography, Volume 1), edited by D.R. Fraser Taylor Cartographic Drawing with Computers (special issue, Computer Applications, volume 8), by P. Yoeli , Department of Geography, University of Nottingham Innovation Diffusion: A New Perspective, by Lawrence A. Brown Du Continent perdu à i archipel retrouvé: le Québec et I'Amérique française, publié sous la direction de Dean R. Louder et Eric Waddell  相似文献   

E. Sidney Hartland 《Folklore》2013,124(4):321-332
Suomalaisia Kansansatuja. Finnish Folk-tales, pt. 2. Kingly Tales, vol. i. Helsingfors : 1893, pp. 272. By E. Sidney Hartland.

Georgian Folk-Tales, translated by Margery Wardrop. London: D. Nutt, 1894. Grimm Library, Vol.1. By E. Sidney Hartland.

Contes de la Haute Bretagne. Par Paul Sébillot. Extrait de la Revue de Bretagne de Vendée et d'Anjou.

Contributions a l'Étude des Contes Populàires. Par Paul Sébillot. Extrait de la Revue des Traditions Populaires, T. ix, Nos. I à 6. 1894.

Légendes du Pays de Páimpol. Par Paul Sébillot. Extrait de la Revue de Bretagne de Vendtfe et d'Anjou. 1894. All issued by Le Chevallier, Paris. By E. Sidney Hartland

Le Folk-Lore de Lesbos. Par G. Georgeakis et Léon Pineau. Paris: J. Maisonneuve, 1894. By E. Sidney Hartland

More Celtic Fairy Tales, selected and edited by Joseph Jacobs. London: David Nutt, 1894. By E. Sidney Hartland  相似文献   

Cate, C., André Malraux: A Biography (Hutchison, 1995), xvi + 451pp., £25, ISBN 0 09 174856 9

Raymond, G., André Malraux: Politics and the Temptation of Myth (Avebury, 1995), 212pp., £35, ISBN 1 85972 132X  相似文献   

Pierre Durand. Nanacatlan. Société Paysanne et lutte des classes au Mexique. Montreal: Les Presses de 1'Université de Montréal. 1975. 257 pp. Tables, figures, maps, references, and bibliography. $14.50 Canadian, paper.

Judith Friedlander. Being Indian in Hueyapan. A Study of Forced Identity in Contemporary Mexico. New York: St. Martin's Press. 1975. 205 pp. Illustrations, references, bibliography, and index. $5.00 paper.  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Stuart Robson (ed.). The Wédhatama: an English translation. [v], 60 pp. Leiden: KITLV Press, 1990. (Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal‐, Land‐ en Volkenkunde. Working Papers, 4.) Guilders 25.

Bernard Sellato. Nomades et sédentarisation à Bornéo: histoire économique et sociale. 293 pp. Paris: Éditions de I'École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, [1989]. (Études Insulindiennes/Archipel, 9.) Fr. 180.  相似文献   

The Dialect and Place‐Names of Shetland. Two Popular Lectures. By Jakob Jakobsen, Doctor of Philosophy, University of Copenhagen. Lerwick: T. and J. Manson, 1897.

Three Years in Savage Africa. By Lionel Dècle. With an Introduction by H. M. Stanley, M.P. With 100 Illustrations and five Maps, from original Photographs, Sketches, and Surveys by the Author. London: Methuen and Co., 1898. Pp. 503. Two Appendices and Index. 21s.

Hindu Manners, Customs, and Ceremonies. By the Abbe J. A. Dubois. Translated from the Author's later French ms. and edited by Henry K. Beau‐champ. Oxford: The Clarendon Press, 1897.

L'Algérie. Par Maurice Wahl, Docteur ès lettres, Inspecteur‐Général honoraire de l'Instruction publique aux Colonies. 3ème édition, revue et augmentée. Paris: Félix Alcan, 1897. Pp. 442. Price 5 Frs.

L'Italie: Géographique, Ethnologique, Historique, Administrative, Economique, Beligieuse, Littéraire, Artistique, Scientifique, etc. Paris: Larousse, 1897. Pp. 608. Price 5 fr.

The Pioneers of the Klondyke: being an Account of two years’ Police Service on the Yukon. Narrated by M. H. E. Hayne, N.C.O. of the N‐W. Mounted Police, and recorded by H. West Taylor. London: Sampson Low, Marston, and Co., 1897. Pp. xii + 184. Price 3s. 6d.

The Gold Fields of the Klondike. Fortune‐Seekers’ Guide to the Yukon Begion of Alaska and British America. By John W. Leonard. London: T. Fisher Unwin, N.D. Pp. 216. Price 2s. 6d.

Imperial Defence. By Lieut.‐Col. Sir George S. Clarke, K.C.M.G., F.E.S. London: The Imperial Press, Limited, N.D. Pp. xv + 251. Price 5s. net.

With Nature and a Camera: being the Adventures and Observations of a Field Naturalist and an Animal Photographer. By Richard Kearton, F.Z.S., Author of British Birds’ Nests; Birds’ Nests, Eggs, and Egg‐collecting, etc. Illustrated by 180 Pictures from Photographs, by Cherry Kearton. 8vo. London, Paris, and Melbourne: Cassell and Co., Lim., 1897. Pp. xvi + 368.

La Face de la Tern (Das Antlitz der Erde). Par Ed. Suess. Traduit avec l'autorisation de l'auteur et annoté sous la direction de Emmanuel de Margerie avec une préface par Marcel Bertrand, de l'Académie des Sciences, Professeur à l'École nationale supérieure des Mines. Tome Ir, avec 2 cartes en couleur et 122 figures dont 76 exécutées spécialement pour l'édition française. Paris: Armand Colin et Cie., 1897. Pp. 835 + xv.

Anthropologische Studien über die Urbewohner Brasiliens, vornehmlich der Staaten Matto Grosso, Goyaz, und Amazonas (Purus‐Gebiet). Nach eigenen Aufnahmen und Beobachtungen in den Jahren 1887 bis 1889, von Dr. Paul Ehrenreich, Berlin. Mit zahlreichen Abbildungen und Tafeln. Braunschweig: Druck und Verlag von Friedrich Vieweg und Sohn, 1897. Pp. 165. Bibliography and 30 plates, 96 in text and 9 plates of vertex curves. Price 25 M.

Kleinasiens’ Naturschätze, Seine wichtigsten Tiere, Kulturpftanzen und Mineral‐schätze. Von Karl Kannenberg. Berlin: Bornträger, 1897. Pp. xii + 278. Price M. 14.

Thessalien und Epirus: Reisen und Forschungen im nördlichen Oriechenland. Von Dr. Alfred Philippson. Berlin: W. H. Kühle, 1897.

North America. Vol. I.—Canada and Newfoundland. By Samuel Edward Dawson, Litt.D. (Laval), F.R.S.C. Stanford's Compendium of Geography and Travel (new issue). London: Edward Stanford, 1897. Pp. xxiv + 719. Price 15s.

Geografia Commercial de la America del Sur. Por Carlos B. Cisneros y Romulo E. Garcia. Entregas 1 y 2. Lima: Imprenta de la Escuela de Ingerieros, 1897. Pp. 100.

Egypt. Handbook for Travellers. Edited by Karl Baedeker. 4th Eemodelled Edition. Leipsic: Karl Baedeker, 1898. Pp. cciv + 395. Price 15 M.

Spain and Portugal. Handbook for Travellers. By Karl Baedeker. Leipsic: Karl Baedeker, 1898. Pp. lxxxvi + 618. Price 16 M.

Ceylon. Von Emil Schmidt (Leipzig). Mit 39 Bildern und 1 Karte. Berlin: Schall und Grund, 1897. Pp. 323 + viii.

A. Hartleben's Kleines Statistisches Taschenbuch über alle Lander der Erde. Nach den neuesten Angaben bearbeitet von Professor Dr. Friedeich Umlauft. Wien, Pest, Leipzig: A. Hartleben's Verlag, 1898. Pp. 98.

Verhandlungen des Zwölften Deutschen Geographentages zu Jena, 1897. Heraus‐gegeben von dem ständigen Geschäftsführer des Centralausschusses des Deutschen Geographentages, Georg Kollm, Hauptmann, a.d. Berlin: Verlag von Dietrich Reimer (Ernst Vohsen), 1897. Pp. lviii + 252.  相似文献   

Elie Dimitras. Enquêtes sociologiques sur les émigrants grecs. Premiere enquête: “Avant le départ de Grèce.” Athens: Centre national de recherches sociales, 1971. viii + 117pp. Tables, notes, and appendix. $3.00.

Elie Dimitras. Enquêtes sociologiques sur les émigrants grecs. Deuxième enquête: “Lors du séjour en Europe occidentale.” Athens: Centre national de recherches sociales, 1971. viii + 219 pp. Tables, notes, and appendix. $3.00.

Elie Dimitras in collaboration with Evan Vlachos. Sociological Surveys on Greek Emigrants. Third survey: “Upon the return to Greece.” Athens: National Centre of Social Research, 1971. xii + 131 pp. Tables, figures, notes, and appendix. $3.00.

Bernard Kayser, Pierre‐Yves Pechoux, and Michel Sivignon. Exode rural et attraction urbaine en Grèce. Athens: Centre national de recherches sociales, 1971. 233 pp. Tables, figures, photographs, map, and appendixes. $7.00.

John I. Baxevanis. Economy and Population Movements in the Peloponnesus of Greece. Athens: National Centre of Social Research, 1972. 86 pp. Tables, figures, maps, illustrations, notes, appendix, and bibliography. $7.00.  相似文献   

Modernization among Peasants: The Impact of Communication, by Everett M. Rogers in association with L. Svenning Modernising Peasant Societies: A Comparative Study in Asia and Africa, by Guy Hunter Agrarian Problems and Peasant Movements in Latin America, edited by Rodolfo Stavenhagen Les classes sociales dans les sociétés agraires, by Rodolfo Stavenhagen  相似文献   

Umberto Eco, La recherche de la langue parfaite dans la culture européenne, Paris, Le Seuil, collection “Faire l'Europe”, 1994, 436 p. (traduction de La ricerca della lingue perfetta nella cultura europa, Roma‐Bari, Laterza) ; ouvrage paru simultanément en italien, français, anglais (Basil Blackwell, Oxford), allemand (C.H. Beck, München) et espagnol (Critica, Barcelona).

Maurice Olender, Les langues du Paradis. Aryens et Sémites : un couple providentiel, Paris, Gallimard/Le Seuil, 1989 ; rééd. Paris, Le Seuil, Points‐Essais, 1994.  相似文献   

Tráfico de Indias y política oceánica. By Fernando Bordejé Y Morencos. Madrid: MAPFRE, 1992. Pp. 341.

Relaciones económicas entre España y América hasta la independencia. By John R. Fisher. Madrid: MAPFRE, 1992. Pp. 280.

Las comunicaciones en América. By Secundino‐José Gutiérrez Alvarez. Madrid: MAPFRE, 1993. Pp. 424.

Piratas, bucaneros, filibusteros y corsarios en América. Perros, mendigos y otros malditos del mar. By Manuel Lucena Salmoral. Madrid: MAPFRE, 1992. Pp. 306.

El dinero americano y la política del imperio. By María Emelina Martín Acosta. Madrid: MAPFRE, 1992. Pp. 333.

Cargadores a Indias. By Julian B. Ruiz Rivera and Manuela Cristina García Bernal. Madrid: Mapfre, 1992. Pp. 395.  相似文献   

History of the New World called America. By Edward John Payne, Fellow of University College. Volume I. Oxford: At the Clarendon Press, 1892. Pp. xxviii + 546.

Travels in Africa during the Years 1882–1886. By Dr. Wilhelm Junker, Translated from the German by A. H. Keane, F.R.G.S. Illustrated. London: Chapman and Hall, 1892. Pp. viii + 586. Price 21s.

Up the Niger. Narrative of Major Claude Macdonald's Mission, to the Niger and Benué Rivers, West Africa. By Captain Mockler‐Ferryman, F.R.G.S. F.Z.S. With Maps and Illustrations. London : George Philip and Son, 1892. Pp. 326. Price 16s.

Cinq Années de Séjour aux Iles Canaries. Par le Dr. R. Verneau, Chargé de Missions Scientifiques. Ouvrage illustré de 42 gravures, 4 planches, et 1 carte. Couronné par l'Académie des Sciences. Pp. xvi + 412. Paris : A. Hennuyer, 1891.

Studies in Mohammedanism, Historical and Doctrinal, with a chapter on Islam in England. By John B. Pool. London: A. Constable and Co., 1892. Pp. xvi + 420. Price 6s.

Sicily (Story of the Nations): Phænician, Cheek, and Roman. By Edward A. Freeman, M.A., Hon. D.C.L., LL.D. London : T. Fisher Unwin, 1892. Pp. xvi + 378. Price 5s.

Afrihanische Petrefahten. Ein Versuch die grammatischen Bildungen und Formwurzeln der afrikanischen Sprachen durch Sprachvergleichung festzustellen. By A. W. Schleicher. Berlin : Theodor Fröhlich, 1891. Pp. 93.

Die Triangulation von Java, ausgeführt vow, Personal des geographischen Dienstes in Niederländisch Ost‐Indien. Dritte Abtheilung. Von Dr. J. A. C. Oudemaks. Haag: Martinus Nijhoff, 1891. Pp. 180.

Das Verebnen der Kugeloberflache fur Qradnetzentiviirfe. Von Dr. A. Bretjsing. Leipzig : Verlag von H. Wagner und E. Debes, 1892. Pp. 69. Price 3 m.

Appleton's General Guide to the United States and Canada. Illustrated. With Railway Maps, Plans of Cities, and Table of Railway and Steamboat Fares. Edinburgh: A. and C. Black, 1892.  相似文献   

Mercedes Agulló y Cobo. La Poesía española en 1961. (Cuadernos Bibliográficos, VII). Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas. Madrid, 1963, Pp. 62.

Frederick B. Arlz. From the Renaissance to Romanticism. Trends in Style in Art, Literature, and Music, 1300–1830. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1962, Pp. x, 311.

Theodore Besterman. Studies on Voltaire and the 18th Century. Geneva: Institut et Musée Voltaire, 1962. Pp. 263.

Germaine Brée. Gide. Brunswick, N. J.: Rutgers University Press, 1963. Pp. 302.

Lucile Kathryn Delano. Spain, Reality and Legend. Rock Hill, South Carolina: Winthrop College, 1964, Pp. 145. $1.50.

Wallace Fowlie. A Reading of Proust. New York: Doubleday &; Co., 1964. Pp. 307.

Edward Inman Fox. Azorín as a Literatury Critic. New York: Hispanic Institute in the United States, 1962. Pp. 176.

Rinaldo Froldi. Il Teatro valenzano e l'origine della commedia baroca. (Istituto di letteratura Spagnola e ispano-Americana della Università di Pisa). Pisa: Editrice Tecnico-Scientifica, 1962. Pp. 112.

Peter Gay. The Party of Humanity. Essays in the French Enlightenment. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1964. Pp. 290.

Herbert S. Gershman, Kernan B. Whitworth, Jr. Anthology of Critical Prefaces to the Nineteenth-Century French Novel. Columbia, Missouri: University of Missouri Press, 1962. Pp. vii, 233.

J. D. Hubert. Molière and the Comedy of Intellect. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1962. Pp. xvi, 275.

Willis Knapp Jones, ed. Spanish-American Literature in Translation. New York: Ungar, 1963. Pp. xxi, 469.

Maxim Newmark. Dictionary of Spanish Literature. Paterson, New Jersey: Littlefield, Adams and Company, 1963. Pp. 352.

Muriel Rukeyser, ed. and translator. Selected Poems of Octavio Paz. Bloomington, Indiana: University of Indiana Press, 1964. Pp. 171.

Nilida Salvador. Revistas argentinas de vanguardia (1920–1930). Buenos Aires: Universidad de Buenos Aires, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, 1962. Pp. 109.

Baltasar Samper. Investigación folklórica en México. I. México: Departamento de Bellas Artes, 1962. Pp. 653.

Friedrich Soleürr. Miguel de Unamuno. Dichterphilosoph des tragischen Lebensgefuhls. Bern and München: Francke Verlag, 1962. Pp. 169.

Francis Steegmuller. Apollinaire. New York: Farrar, Straus and Co., 1963. Pp. 365.

Phillip A. Wadsworth. Tristan l'Hermite: Poésies, choisies et annotées. Paris: Seghers, 1962. Pp. 150.  相似文献   


Nigel Dennis, ed. El Epistolario (1924–1935). José Bergamín-Manuel de Falla. Valencia: Pre-Textos, 1995. 178 pp. Nigel Dennis, ed. En torno a la poesía de José Bergamín. Universitat de Lleida: 1995. 266 pp.

David K. Danow. The Spirit of Carnival: Magical Realism and the Grotesque. The University Press of Kentucky, 1995. 153 pp.

Karl D. Uitti with Michelle Freeman. Chrétien de Troyes Revisited. (Twayne's World Author Series Revisited, 855) New York: Twayne Publishers, 1995. xv + 169 pp.

Downing A. Thomas. Music and the Origins of Language: Theories from the French Enlightenment. Cambridge University Press, 1995. xi + 195 pp. $49.95.

George May. La perruque de Dom Juan, ou du bon usage des énigmes dans la littérature classique. (Coll. Bibliothèque de l'Âge classique.) Paris: Klincksieck, 1995. 144 pp.

Norman Roth. Converses, Inquisition, and the Expulsion. University of Wisconsin Press, 1995. xv + 429 pp.

Simon Gaunt. Gender and Genre in Medieval French Literature. (Cambridge Studies in French, 53) Cambridge University Press, 1995. x + 372 pp.

F. R. P. Akehurst and Judith M. Davis, eds. A Handbook of the Troubadours. University of California Press, 1995. vii + 501 pp. $55.00 (HB) $22.50 (PB).  相似文献   

Fritz Graf, La magie dans l'Antiquité gréco‐romaine, Paris, Les Belles Lettres, 1994, 322 p.

André Bernand, Sorciers grecs, Paris, Fayard, 1991, 513 p.

P. Charvet et A.‐M. Ozanam, La magie. Voix secrètes de l'Antiquité, Paris, NiL Editions, septembre 1994.  相似文献   

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