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Joanna Bourke, Husbandry to Housewifery: Women, Economic Change, and Housework in Ireland 1890-1914 Margaret Ward (ed.) In Their Own Voice: Women and Irish Nationalism Mary O'Dowd and Sabine Wichert (eds) Chattel, Servant or Citizen: Women's Status in Church, State and Society Joan Hoff and Moureen Coulter (eds) Irish Women's Voices Past and Present  相似文献   

历史是史学家写成的。时代演进,史料愈积,完全由一人写史的时代,逐渐进至集体写史的时代。这是中外史学发展史上的一种趋势。集体写史的理论、方法论随之出现。个人写史与集体撰史中各有优劣。集体写史,兼采一人写史之长,是集体写史的理想方法,但必须有一位卓越的史学家领导全局,否则,极难想像能写成什么样的作品。中国大陆拨巨款修清史,这是中华民族所独有的传统,应注意吸取历代集体修史的经验教训,完成这一举世瞩目的盛举。  相似文献   

Marc Baer 《Gender & history》2008,20(1):128-148
When one compares Ottoman chronicles written in the wake of the failed Vienna campaign of 1683 to those composed prior to 1682 and finally to those completed in 1658 one finds, first, that gendered conceptions were central to the authors' depictions of the era and, second, that the model of manliness and male virtue that the authors conceived changed greatly. To authors writing during the first decade of Mehmed IV's reign (1648–58), male virtue was expressed in self‐mastery, the mastery of subordinates, particularly women, and the control of financial resources. Authors in the period between 1658 and 1682 imagined manliness in terms of bravery – manifested in hunting and waging war, labelled interchangeably ghaza or jihad – and Islamic zeal. After 1682, writers again returned to an understanding of male virtue and manliness centred on self‐control. This article explains the reasons for this change in conceptions of manliness and male virtue by relating it to the dynamic competition between courtly factions patronising literary production. The need to curry favour with these factions was reflected in the writers' choice of literary genre, which intervened discursively to offer different images of the sultan and valide sultan (queen mother).  相似文献   

20世纪的世界史学史   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文对 2 0世纪出现的具有全球视野的各种世界史研究范式进行了综合评述。真正的具有全球意义的世界史研究在 2 0世纪出现 ,它们可以分为历史哲学、社会科学和专业历史研究三种。 2 0世纪早期的历史哲学超越了民族国家的分析框架 ,提出了不同文化传统之间交流的有意义的问题。五六十年代流行于美国学术界的现代化分析理论关注于经济发展、城市化、工业化等理解现代社会的重要问题。坚持依附论和世界体系分析的学者认为 ,帝国主义和殖民主义的世界体系是理解现代世界的关键。工业历史学者注重具体历史过程的分析。 80年代后 ,全球史观的世界历史研究根据不同的生态史。这些研究各有突破和不足 ,但都对全球视野的世界历史研究做出贡献。  相似文献   

  The discovery of female figurines at Brassempouy in the 1890's would launch more than a century of debate and interpretation concerning Paleolithic representations of women. The figurines emerged from the ground into a colonial intellectual and socio-political context nearly obsessed with matters of race. This early racial interpretive frame would only be replaced in the mid 20th century, when prehistorians turned to questions such as fertility and womanhood. The first figurines were discovered in 1892 under rather tortured circumstances in which their very ownership was the subject of a heated dispute between Edouard Piette and Emile Cartailhac. Their toxic relationship would lead Piette, in his subsequent excavations, to be extremely precise about issues of stratigraphic and spatial provenience. Piette's publications and archives enabled Henri Delporte to confirm the Gravettian attribution of the figurines and have allowed the present author to create a map of their spatial distribution within the site. Technological and microscopic analysis of the Brassempouy figurines resolves some lingering questions about the sex of certain of the figurines and suggests an original context of figurine fabrication and the abandonment of unsuccessful sculpting attempts.
Randall WhiteEmail:

我虽是历史专业出身,但在读大学时对北洋军阀史却了解很少,仅仅只在课余读过一本丁江所写的《民国军事近纪》,约略知道一点袁世凯北洋军和直皖奉三系军阀的情况而已。1949年9月,我结束了在华北大学的政治学习后。被分配到由该校副校长范澜教授主持的历史研究室,当一名研究生。研究室分通史和近代史两个方向,我被指定到近代史方向。  相似文献   

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