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A number of geographers have recently championed the struggle against Eurocentric theoretical categorizations in geographical research on African cities. At the same time, many whose work has concentrated on African urban geography have felt left out in the more abstract theoretical debates of their colleagues based in the West. I argue for the possibility of confronting Western bias and contributing to broader theoretical debates by creating theoretical constructs derived from the African experience. I develop my argument through an analysis of urban development in Ng'ambo, the African “Other Side” of Zanzibar city, and work toward the creation of meso-level conceptual guides for understanding Ng'ambo's development derived from the ideas of Ng'ambo residents themselves.  相似文献   

This paper explores the potential for interaction between the development of geographic information systems (GIS) and the development of geographical methodology in the next decade. Several interrelated themes occur throughout the paper: first, trends in the nature and extent of GIS development; second, opportunities for geographic investigation inherent in those developments; and third, contributions that geographers can make to the design of GIS It is suggested that GIS offer a wealth of geo-referenced data for potential use in modeling, as well as the capabilities to handle such data in geographical models. Geographers, in turn, can contribute to GIS design in ways that will enhance their capabilities and also facilitate geographical investigations. The incorporation of the quantitative geographical methods of the 1950s and 1960s with the GIS capabilities of the 1990s is foreseen This article's fourth theme is the concern over the critical shortage of trained persons competent in GIS technology and possessing a knowledge of spatial analytic methods. This may in itself be the limiting factor to the rational development of the field in the next decade. Suggestions are made for the types of training needed to remedy the problem. The fifth theme is the view of GIS from a global perspective, including the role of Canadian geographers in analysing global problems similar to those they face in Canada It is suggested that a convergence of the technologies for the gathering, storage, analysis, and display of georeferenced data occurring at local, regional, national multinational, and global scales has a potential in the next decade for an enriched geographical methodology Dans cet article, on explore les possibilités dinteractions entrp l'élaboration des systèmes d'information géographique et celle des méthodes géographiques au cours de la prochaine décennie. Plusieurs thèmes étroitement liés reviennent dans l'article. D'abord, on peut distinguer certaines orientations dans la nature et la portée de l'évolution des systèmes d'information géographique. Ensuite, il en ressort que quelques unes d'entre-elles pourraient faire l'objet d'enquêtes géographiques. Troisièmement, plusieurs contributions pourraient être apportées par les géographes à la conception des systèmes d'information géographique. Les systèmes d'information géographique sont une importante source de données à référence géographique pouvant être adaptés à la modélisation, et ils comportent de fortes capacités de manipulation de ces donnés dans des rnodèles géographiques. Les géographes, à leur tour, peuvent contribuer à la conception de ces systèmes de façon à augmenter leurs habilités, et en même temps, faciliter les enquêtes géographiques. On prévoit l'incorporation des méthodes géographiques quantitatives des années cinquante et soixante aux capacités des systèmes d'information géographique des années quatre-vingt-dix. Le quatrième motif tient à l'inquiétude que suscite la pénurie critique de personnel compétent dans la technologie des systèmes d'information géographique ainsi que dans les méthodes d'analyse spatiale. Cette pénurie pourrait imposer des limites au développement rationnel de ce domaine au cours de la prochaine décenpie. On propose des types de formation pour remédier à ce problème. Le cinquième motif porte sur la perspective des systèmes d'information géographique du point de vue mondial, et du rôle des géographes canadiens dans ce dornaine en évolution, qui connaît des problèmes semblables à ceux qu'on rencontre au Canada. On suggère une convergence technologique dans la collecte, l'entreposage, l'analysk et l'étalage des données a référence géographique aux niveaux local, régional, national, pluri-national et mondial offrant des possibilités d'enrichissement des méthodes géographiques au cours de la prochaine décennie.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Since spatial issues have become more important in economic theory, it is of interest to examine how space is represented. In empirical terms, this concerns at least the representation of distance and proximity. Both of these may be represented and operationalized in a number of ways, with possible consequences for inferences when modeling. This question is related to the representation of spatial entities, and itself plays into the treatment of spatial dependence as substantive and/or just a nuisance. Because other disciplines face similar questions—for example ecology or epidemiology, their conceptualizations and operationalizations of space will also be used for comparative purposes.  相似文献   

Sustainable development presents a major challenge to geography to demonstrate its capability and relevance to what may be the most important public issue of our time. The human/biosphere relationship is at the core of growing global problems, and geography has comparative advantage in spearheading attempts to make this relationship more sustainable. This paper identifies the components of the challenge, presents a structure which could guide research and implementation efforts, and identifies key opportunities and challenges for geographers through their theoretical and applied work. From definition to integration to implementation, geographers can make a real difference.
Le développement durable est une grande preoccupation de notre temps. C'est au géographe que revient le défi de démontrer que la géographie est une discipline pertinente pour répondre à cette préoccupation. En intégrant les deux éléments de la relation entre l'humanité et la biosphère, qui est souvent au ceur des problèmes de croissance globale, la geographie possède un avantage sur d'autres disciplines pour assurer que cette relation ait un meilleur support. Cet essai présente les composantes de ce défi, le cheminement pour guider la recherche et la mise en œuvre, et identifie les principales opportunités que la géographie appliquée et theorique offre aux géographes. De la définition à l'intCgration et à la mise en oeuvre, la géographe peut apporter beaucoup.  相似文献   

I may be the first past president of the cag to come to the podium with two addresses ready for delivery. One is rather lengthy and formal, representative of some of my work during the last decade or so. The second is shorter and lighter in tone, rather personal, but hopefully it will be taken in the spirit in which it is offered.
I have, of course, been thinking about this address for months. A number of people have suggested that I should discuss topics of common interest, including resources management, historical geography, national parks and public land, conservation, cultural ecology, and the Canadian Arctic. In urging me to address these topics colleagues provided various reasons, ranging from neglect of the subject in Canadian geography to its relevance to public policy. I am grateful for this advice, which has not, however, prevented me from procrastinating in finally deciding upon a topic.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Although a rich and extensive body of theoretical research on new economic geography has emerged, empirical research remains comparatively less well developed. This paper reviews the existing empirical literature on the predictions of new economic geography models for the distribution of income and production across space. The discussion highlights connections with other research in regional and urban economics, identification issues, potential alternative explanations, and possible areas for further research.  相似文献   

Music geography first emerged as a subfield of cultural geography c. 1970, During the past 25 years, a significant body of research has been published in scholarly journals, books, and reference works. Seven major themes are outlined in the formation of music geography: I - origins (non-‘geographical’); II - world distribution and types; III - location analysis; IV-source areas of musical activities; V - trends based on electricity; VI - impact of music on landscapes; and VII - global music. A view is offered of how an eighth theme (technological innovations) might develop on the basis of recent observations. La géographiede la musique est apparueau début comme un sous-domaine de la géographie de la culture aux alentours de 1970. Au cours des vingt-cinq dernières années, un grand nombre de travaux sur ce sujet a été publié dans des revues scientifiques, des livres et des ouvrages de référence. On peut cerner sept thèmes principauxdans la formation de la géographie de la musique: 1. les origines (non ‘géographiques’); 2. la répartition mondiale et les genres; 3. /‘analyse de /‘emplacement; 4. les sources régionales des activités musicales; 5. les tendances fondées sur l'électricité; 6. l'impact de la musique sur les paysages; 7. la musique globale. À partir de récentes observations, on propose une perspective sur l'élaboration éventuelle d'un huitième thème, à savoir les innovations technologiques. Mots-clés:géographie de la musique, géographie de la culture, sources régionales, paysage sonore, musique globale.  相似文献   

本文基于分形理论,借助聚集维数、空间关联维数及形态维数,对茂名县域、市域及镇域乡村聚落分形特征进行研究,并从自然地理、人口、设施建设和经济发展方面构建指标体系,运用Pearson相关性分析法,探讨分形影响因素.研究表明:①乡村聚落呈多尺度、多分形特征.聚集性从市域到镇域呈从地理导向到行政导向的趋势,高城镇化水平地区聚集...  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The estimation of gravity models of internal (aggregate) place‐to‐place migration is plagued with endogeneity (omitted‐variable) biases if the unobserved effects of spatial structure are not accounted for. To address this econometric problem, this paper presents a more general specification of the gravity model, which allows for (bilateral) parameter heterogeneity across individual migration paths—along with (unilateral) origin‐ and destination‐specific effects. The resultant “three‐way fixed‐effects” (3FE) model is applied for an analysis of interstate migration in Mexico based on cross‐sectional data. To overcome parameter‐dimensionality problems (due to limited or incomplete information), the 3FE model is estimated using the Generalized Maximum Entropy (GME) estimator. The empirical implications of this new modeling strategy are illustrated by contrasting the 3FE‐GME estimates with those for the traditional and two‐way fixed‐effects (2FE) models. The former are far more plausible and intuitively interpretable than their traditional and 2FE counterparts, with parameter estimates changing in expected directions. The (average) effect of the migrant stock is markedly smaller than usually estimated, providing a more realistic measure of network‐induced migration. Migration outflows from centrally located origins have significantly steeper distance decay. Path‐specific distance effects exhibit directional asymmetries and spatial similarities.  相似文献   

城镇化水平测定的核心是界定城镇地域和城镇人口,建国以来,我国城镇地域和城镇人口界定标准经历了多次变化,本文系统梳理了我国不同时期城镇地域和城镇人口的界定标准,并进行了评述。基于城镇化的内涵,借鉴国外比较成熟的做法,从我国实际情况出发,提出了不打破行政区划、分政区层次、按照人口密度界定城镇地域的研究理念,其中,"区级"政区人口密度应超过2000人/km2,"镇街级"政区人口密度应超过3000人/km2,"村居级"政区人口密度应超过1000人/km2。在曲阜市、嘉祥县的应用研究表明,该方法具有较强的可操作性,测定的结果比较符合实际。  相似文献   

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